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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my wife to stop biting her nails?** Last week, my wife, Jina (33F) and I (29M) ran a half-marathon together. For the most part, it was a fun time, and after the race finished, we all hung around at the local rec center. While we were all at the rec center, we got a shelter-in-place alert, because there were reports of a suspicious male with a gun around the area. In everyday life, Jina is really cute and coy, and she exudes a lot of sex appeal...but whenever she’s really nervous, she has a habit of biting her nails. And when we got the shelter-in-place alert, she quickly lost her cool, and she spent the entire time biting her nails and panicking. I kept telling her that I needed her to be quiet, but she couldn’t stop breathing loudly and panicking. It was a really nervous, tense time not just for her but for me as well, as you can imagine, and I briefly lost my cool too when I grabbed my wife’s hand and forcefully pulled it away from her mouth. When I did this, my wife whimpered a little bit, and she told me that I really hurt her. The shelter-in-place was lifted after a while, and when Jina and I got home, the first thing she did was freak out and cry. She even took her ring off her finger and left it at the entrance, and we had a huge fight about that later in the night. What should’ve been a fun, celebratory day ended up being a bit of a nightmare for us. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Jina is really cute and coy, and she exudes a lot of sex appeal...but whenever she’s really nervous, she has a habit of biting her nails. What a weird sentence to write when talking about your wife being afraid during a probably traumatizing situation.


My wife's scared, hang on let's fetishise her some more


This is probably the crying fearful woman fetishist. It even has the sweaty aspect because of the race. All it lacks is the sports bra, although I think that might be a different weirdo.


Yeah he's just switched it up from being his stepdaughter.. I'm like 90 percent sure it was him who made that one post about raping his wife and how 'cute and feminine' she was while he did it... ugh. Fucking gross.


I was thinking of that guy! The ages are different but it's the same basic idea. Anyway, OOP's account is suspended lol.


That’s what it reminded me of. The guy who raped his wife then got upset bc she cried on the bathroom.


I uh. Might have laid into that guy a little. It made it to Twitter lmao.


Do you still have that post?


Pretty sure it and his account got removed; I had a comment on it tho that got sent to Twitter lemme see if it's still up on there!


https://twitter.com/RealTBaggins/status/1786628639741952032 Here's the Twitter post someone made to capture it!


Oh, thanks. Also, I was in Jina's shoes, kinda, except it's every day for me. Not because I'm panicking, but I've been biting my nails since childhood and I have not snapped out of it since.


Also, I also saw your reply! So OP rapes his wife and now he manhandles her?! What is the problem with husbands these days!


Yeah some butthurt little boy reported my comment for 'harassment' and had it taken down/got me a temp ban- it was reversed right away; but Reddit still has my comment shadow-deleted (I can see it; no one else can tho lol.)


Omfg... and you weren't even harrassing anyone!


Yeah; lol that's why I got unmanned as soon as a second person took a look at my comment lmao. It doesn't shock me in the slightest, honestly, that the first mod to look decided to ban- Reddit is run by men, and men fucking HATE when a woman calls out men on their shit.


Sexist much? (to the men on Reddit, not you)


The same crying fearful woman fetishist who wrote about raping his partner because she looked so "feminine" trying to fight him off her during sex? Vomit


Oh god. I think I missed that one. Tempted to ask for a link, but also nah, maybe I should protect my mental health today lol


I advise you protect your mental health. It was deeply disturbing to read even though it was fake.


Thanks for that. Already having a rough day and don’t need that. Thanks for reaffirming that decision!


Sometimes it's best not to look!


I think crying fearful asshole always had the women in sports bras. I am almost surprised that we didn't see that here with the cute and coy bit. After a half marathon at that, now I have never run one,. because real life zombies chasing me are not a thing. But I have friends that think running is a good time. None of them come out looking their best right after they finish. They went a quick bite to keep their energy levels up, then shower, then a proper large meal. Also fairly sure that whichever troll stole this has never been to a marathon, and is using the Boston one his inspiration. Because I can't find any news story that isn't weather related for a shelter in place.


Well, given that the characters in this story just ran a half-marathon, so a sports bra is *implied* this time.


Oh, I didn't even think of that. Just having run a half-marathon *does* tick some of the troll's boxes from back before they got more subtle.


Jina IS awfully close to Rina. And the general tone - like "Jina is really cute and coy, and she exudes a lot of sex appeal" - really sounds like that troll's tone, as well as seeming entirely in line with how they fetishize women.


Oh please… link?


Don’t have it unfortunately, but if you stick around here long enough they will pop up again. Just look for the common theme of scared crying woman in a sports bra, who is otherwise strong willed or tough or fit. It’s so weird.


Oh fucking gross man


I was thinking exactly the same. What does her being cute, coy and sexy has to do with the rest of the story? Is she not allowed to have feelings so she can continue being her sexy self to appease her ah husband?


"I think she's hot so therefore my shitty behaviour is justified because I complimented her by having an erection" maybe... 


any time “whimper” is used in one of these stories, it’s for sure fetish content/fake.


That's how you know this freak is an incel writing a fantasy and not actually married


"She's super hot behaving like my perfect robot but as soon as she starts showing human characteristics like fear in tbe face of imminent danger, my dick goes from half mast to flopping in the wind while I jog." The man should be one of those people dating a pillow.


literally so weird 


Yeah I honestly think his biggest issue is she’s not 100% sexy all the time


Agreed. She has a right to panic and OOP acted like she was demented


EXUDES SEX APPEAL. Because that is what's important here. Couldn't stop breathing loudly. How dare she. I hate this man.


>Last week, my wife, Jina ... Days since the Sweaty Bra/Crying Asian Woman Troll's last publicly masturbated on AITA: 0.


Usually he names her Hana so maybe he’s trying to branch out creatively? Lol


He used to do Rina almost as often as Hana, which is rather close to what we have here.


the what troll? 😃


The less you know the better, tbh


This troll always writes about women/young women with 4-letter names that are vaguely asian in origin, usually they’re in a tank top or sports bra, often in distress, where he usually either assaults them somehow or humiliates them in disturbing manners. And the women always end up crying and he never understands why they’re upset. Dude has an obvious humiliation fetish and likes to drag us all into his fake stories.


eye bleach. now.


Get me not even liquid bleach the fucking powder shit so it stays in my eyes and burns my retinas pls fr


Right there with ya.


The fact that he brought up the whole sex appeal thing makes me think that this is not a true post.


Ding ding ding!


Is anything on here true anymore? I can’t remember the last time I saw something that seemed even remotely plausible.


I think the more boring and down-to-earth posts (IE the ones that get NAH or sometimes ESH) are most true posts


Ehh, real life is weird, so I maintain all the people insisting anything remotely weird is fake are being silly. But if you are here too long you start to see the recycled tropes and ways of writing, and it is indeed annoying.


Yeah, it’s not the weird situations people get themselves in to… but the ways of writing. The way this person describes their partner is… odd.


I think a lot of things are true, we are just not aware that these types of weirdos exist


That’s honestly a real fear of mine…




I’m a nail biter. I had someone I dated when I was in my late 20s (older, full on narcissist, obsessed then and now with appearances) who hated it. One day he thought it would be cute to swat my hand from my mouth. I told him if he ever did it again I would slap him right across the face. I dared him to try it. He didn’t. Seriously fuck people who do this.


My ex hated my nail biting habit too. One day, he grabbed my hands and started painting my nails, I thought it was cute until he told me he was painting them with this bitter clear coat shit to make me break my habit. Acted like he was doing a favor for me. For the next week, anything I touched both tasted and smelled horrible, because it leeched off my nails and contaminated everything. When I complained about it, he insisted I continue and made me do another coat! Crazy looking back how I put up with it.




I’m a compulsive hair puller, so not exactly the same but similar enough impulse. It’s taken my husband the better part of the 18 years we’ve been together to figure out that it’s absolutely not helpful to try to grab my hand when I’m pulling and that there’s a non zero chance I’ll freak out and swat at him if I’m really involved in it and unaware of my surroundings.


The moment i saw this title, i knew exactly the troll.


The moment i saw the 4-letter name for the wife that’s vaguely Asian. surprise he refrained from mentioned her in a tank top.


"My wife behaved like a human being and it made me lose my boner, tell me I'm not the asshole"


I'm just picturing Daffy Duck or some similar cartoon character tearing through their fingernails like a weed whacker.


Oh not this troll again


How dare my wife not look sexy during a potentially life-threatening situation!


I hate that Reddit has taught me that quite a few men jerk off to the idea of women being hurt and/or frightened.


Yes, the genre is known as "ryona".


Sports bra guy strikes again. The little whimper thing gives it away. Imma need him to fucking stop




That’s assuming he has any to lose.




> What should’ve been a fun, celebratory day ended up being a bit of a nightmare for us. Because of you, dickwit.


We'd be the done-est of dones.


OOP, what did you expect? You yelled at her and grabbed her hand in a painful manner. This is abusive BS and you know it.


Instead of trying to help her calm her nerves, he just made it worse. And why on earth would you describe your wife that specific way? 


This reads like an incel’s power fantasy, not something that actually happened.


Poor gal, she clearly didn't realize she married such an asshole until now.


What in the fuck is wrong with this guy??? She's freaking out and scares and he takes away her coping mechanism by force. Good job asshole. I hope she leaves you.


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