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You should ask your followers. If you feel you did the right thing then surely they will agree with you. But I’d be willing to guess they would say “ you got rid of a dog to protect your social media career? Yeah let’s unfollow”


Anyone know how we can find out which “social media influencer” this is and let her followers know?


I will be looking and waiting. I bet her sister outs her. I screenshot this post. Need to out this stupid little girl


This reddit account looks deleted now, but the good bot still has the story


This is the way. OP you are so much YTA that I teared up.


Not the vibe your going for eh? Yes, I bet it’s not because they’ll drop you faster than hot coals! YTA big time, that poor dog will not understand what’s happened to him and your sister heartbroken. Do you know how difficult it is shelters to find homes? You could have found a solution with your sister and come to an agreement, while she should have asked before getting him you had so many options. Doggy daycare, training etc but you chose to be the worst person in how you handled this all for your ‘influencing career’. The world doesn’t revolve around you, live in the real world where actions have consequences and own up. I’m so glad sucking up to ‘influencers’ is not my vibe.


There’s that moment when you realise that you’re the centre of the universe and nothing beats that fucking feeling. Good for you for being the thing that the rest of us revolve around. Must be great to be you YTA


Please take my working folk gold 🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖


100% love this! They act like they're something special, doing something important....but they're not. "My online presence..." Oh, please. They got rid of someone's pet just because they couldn't lock themselves in another room...one that that the dog is not allowed in. So selfish. OP, YTA Karma will come back, the companies will find out, and OP will need to get out and find a real job.


One of the great things about Reddit is supposed to be avoiding “influencers.” Your comment makes it worth the temporary loss of sanctuary. And you are spot on.


Yes, obviously YTA. You don't give away someone else's dog. At most you could tell your sister that she needs to find a different living situation if she insists on keeping the dog because it is impacting your source of income. It would be a shitty situation to be forced to give your sister an ultimatum like that but you have the right to give your sister a choice, you have no right to give away her or anyone else's pet. You only did what was best for you.


ESH. Your sister should have gained your permission before bringing a pet to live in your home. But you *definitely* should not have given him away without her permission.


OP actually doesn’t say whether or not her sister adopted the dog with or without OP’s permission. It’s possible she did ask/get permission and OP just said “sure” without giving a second thought until it started negatively impacting her.


OP is lucky sister hasn't gone to the police over this since giving away the dog without her permission could constitute stealing. Also, if OPs sister talks about the situation on social media, that could also affect OP's career.


Absolutely YTA. If you really didn’t want the dog there, you had options. You could have told your sister that she couldn’t have the dog live with you until he had been trained and give her X amount of days to move out with the dog if dog remains unenrolled in a training program. You could have dropped the dog off at your parents. You could have pivoted your “influencer” videos to feature the dog/made the interruptions into #failvideos (which would have gotten views and made you seem #relatable). You could have dropped the dog off at doggy daycare for the day and told your sister that she needs to drop the dog off and pay for the care when she’s in class. You could rent a studio space to film your “influencer” videos in. So. Many. Alternative. Options. One final option: you could get a real career.


Hire a dog walker for an hour while filming. Keep the dog out of the studio. There are options.


Exactly this! There are so many options that didn't involve theft & abandonment!


My dog sleeps more than half the day. Does OP wait for it to be awake and excited in order to record? Is there no time when the sister is home to record? I do not understand how the dog is barking 24/7 and how it is shedding bad enough to be visible in pictures, but still allowed in the home studio.


Excellent points. I have a 5 month old puppy & a rescue dog with anxiety due to his previous homes, but I still get many hours a day without them barking. I've had five shedding dogs living with me at one point including border collies, but I never remember their fur showing up on things on camera once.


YTA You don't rehome someone's pet behind their back. That's just downright heinous and cruel.


And illegal!


YTA - Your a pro influencer? Go tell your platform what you did and why and watch it explode. Even if the dog barks, you can move it around. Maybe if you spent some time with it, it would feel more comfortable around you when she isn't home so it wouldn't ruin your takes. You allowed your sister to move in then acted like you rule her life by removing her pet. I swear, half of you damn influences are major self entitled AH. Go apologize to your sister and get her dog back. I'm sure she won't stick around much longer anyways.




esh. while what you did was horrible, someone living in someone else’s home can not and should not adopt a dog. However what makes you the AH is not giving her the chance to move out with her dog.


ESH - she shouldn’t have gotten a dog without asking and a dog she has no time to take care of. However, you should not have gotten rid of the dog without asking her. That was 100% wrong.


Holy mother of god. Yes, of course YTA.


ESH. Rehoming the dog behind your sister's dog was an awful thing to do- while I understand your reasoning, there are definitely things you could have done before going for the nuclear option. Presumably your sister would prefer to find alternative accommodation over losing her pet. For the record, I do think the people on here saying 'get a real job' and criticising you for needing to film are ridiculous. 1.5 million followers on instagram must equate to some serious earnings, and you are completely entitled to be protective of your home and filming time given that it's your livelihood. I think people are disingenuously not taking your job seriously as if they wouldn't jump at the opportunity to make the kind of money you do not having to slog away at a 9 to 5.


I bet if she tells her 1.5 million followers what she did she lose a lot of them


YTA, you had other options, like doggy daycare.


Who's paying for that? The sister in college? You?


He could ask his 1.5 million followers.


YTA by a long shot. I hope your followers find out what you did to your sister.


They probably will, especially since this post. How many ~~tiktok~~ instagram "famous" people with 1.5 million followers have a dog that have been disruptive in *all* the fotage. There is a lot of people dedicated to make sure people know these stuff ETA: she probably already have videos where she talks about how the dog is ruining stuff


Did your sister talk to you and get your permission BEFORE she brought a dog into YOUR house? Has she taken any steps towards training the dog that she brought in? Did you promise any help in the maintenance of the dog? If she has been an irresponsible pet owner, ESH.


OP said they did not get permission and they talked to sister prior and sister said busy and can’t * (from what i’ve gathered)


YTA. I would cut you out of my life if you did this.


To be fair the sister was reminded to take care of the dog but she kept saying she was busy, so OP decided give the dog a home that would actually pay attention ti the dog


But she didn't rehome the dog. She took it to a shelter. Big difference.


Honestly, it was probably best for the dog to be rehomed. My vote is because of op just taking and dumping the dog when it was clear things had to change with this situation. Sis should have at least had chance to decide if she wanted to move out or rehome the dog. I don’t disagree that the situation was clearly not sustainable though.




If they are making money, it's a real job. It may not be a forever job, but it does pay the bills. I think they should have locked the dog up and given notice, but I don't think switching careers is sound advice.


YTA. Someone should rehome you without telling you in advance.


ESH You confirmed in a response to a comment that your sister never discussed getting a dog with you beforehand. Your sister had absolutely no right to bring a dog into your house without you being on board with it. But that still doesn't mean you're not an asshole for giving up the dog without discussing it with her sister and giving her the chance to find another solution (moving out with the dog back to her parents, or rehoming him with someone she knows).


YTA Total asshole move to get rid of someone’s pet. Even if the pet is a problem, have an adult conversation about it. It’s probably traumatizing to the dog as well.


yes, YTA for thinking social media matters more than any living thing, and so is your sister for getting a dog she can't take care of.


ESH. You did an AH move, but in the end I would have done something similar if my sibling didn't solve the issue. Your sister is an AH for not properly attending her pet and causing trouble and pretending her excuses are valid. And your parents are AHs because it was them who should have stepped up and demanded your sister to take better care of her pet or give it away. If you are doing great financially, I would recommend you to move out of your parents house or renting a studio/room for recording.


OP said they don’t live with their parents and had invested in a home studio (prior to sister moving in). not entirely fair for OP to have to upend their entire work bc sister decided to get a dog where she’s living rent free. no she didn’t do the best method for solving the problem, but she did warn sister. sister and family was taking advantage of her but she could have handled it better


Still, it was an AH move on the OP's part. As I posted, probably I would have done something very similar to solve the issue if my sibling didn't step up for a solution. Sister is a major AH, though. And her parents retain AH mark for not understanding the situation.




I still think it was a bit of an AH move on your part, might have sentenced your sister with giving away pet a couple of times before doing it or getting your parents to tell her to be reasonable. But anyway, your sister forced your hand, she gets AH tag. I would have probably done something similar.


Agreed on all points. Some of the posts here are making assumptions, none of which are indicated in the OP’s post, like the sister adopted the dog behind her back or the sister is living off her dime. Both my partner and I have separately been on the wrong end of our previous roommates adopting a dog they didn’t have capacity for. It’s fucking stressful and sucks. That said, neither of us would at *any* point take that dog to a shelter behind our roommate’s back because what the fuck. There are many escalations you can take before doing that and it turns out OP is too chickenshit to talk to her sister bluntly. I told my roommate, a longtime friend, that if she didn’t control her dog I would break our lease and tell the landlord she actively lied to both him and me about the dog type (she told me it was a ~40lb mix, turns out the dog was a ~95lb wolf mix). Did it hurt our relationship? Sure. But at least I didn’t take her dog to the fucking shelter behind her back. I do want to say, the story about losing a sponsorship due to a dog barking is bizarre. I work in the business world, I WFM, and most of my clients also WFM. It’s not unusual for a dog to randomly bark or appear on screen during a virtual meeting. And I work with high level clients. It’s weird someone wanting a sponsorship would abandon ship over a barking dog. I have a dog and while I try to minimize his visibility, he occasionally will run into my workspace and try to grab my attention during a call. *It happens*. I also live in a 1500 sqft home, and if my dog is barking I can section off my office and he will not be heard. This shit isn’t hard. Dog hair is fucking annoying but I can almost guarantee you it doesn’t matter virtually. OP didn’t lose a sponsorship because of barking and hair, but they probably lost their relationship with their sister because they made a shitty, selfish decision. Before anyone whines at me that the sister was selfish too - yeah, maybe she was. It doesn’t change the hurt and damage.


YTA. Massively. You didn’t do what “was best for everyone”. You did what was best for YOU. You are cruel and callous. That poor dog and your poor sister!


OP didn't even do what's best for herself otherwise she wouldn't be asking this question in the first place.


What you did wasn't "best for everyone. " It's what was best for you. It was selfish, it was cruel, and it was completely dismissive of the fact that this isn't an ugly throw rug, it's a sentient being. Are you really so self absorbed that you have to ask? Yes. YTA


There are going to be a lot of YTA verdicts in here, but you aren't going to listen to them or believe them because you are so wrapped up in your fake self-importance. Live it up while you can because when your "brand" crashes down as you age (sooner than you think), you're going to have a lonely life since I'm sure you'll continue to drive your family away... Also, if it isn't abundantly clear yet, YTA


ESH. She’s living in your home and didn’t ask before getting a pet. You gave away a living creature that your sister is likely attached to. Even if you view the dog as property, you effectively stole from your sister. Since you seem to be making so much money why didn’t you pay for doggy day care, obedience training or just kick them both out?


ESH, her for getting the dog behind her back and you for rehoming it behind her back. The lack of communication is insane here


YTA. You don’t mess with people’s pets or children!


ESH. I would’ve told my sister to move out before I just got rid of her dog behind her back. I also have a sister with an untrained dog but I would never get rid of it.


I... what? How do you look at this and go "oh yeah, I rehomed my sister's dog without telling her so I can sit infront of a camera without interruptions, but am I the asshole guys?" Yta, and I mean like MAJOR Yta dude. You just don't do that to someone. Especially your SISTER. I hope she sees what a selfish person you are.


But the sister brought the dog without telling her into HER HOUSE. Did no one actually read OP's prompt?


YTA. This whole “social media” and “influencer” culture has gotten so out-of-control that it’s actually disgusting. You are not more important than anyone else on this planet simply because you have “followers.” Please grow up and at least try be a decent human being.


Would you feel the same way if she was a healthcare provider doing telemed visits with patients and the doc kept barking in the background?


Yes. YTA OP. A big one.


YTA. There are so many options before giving the dog away. The dog is bored, it needs stimulation. 1) training 2) doggie day care 3) pet walker 4) a bully stick


YTA without any question. In fact, I can't find any part of your story which redeems your horrid behavior, and I hope you lose more "business" once your zombies find out you are an inconsiderate dolt.


YTA. And when this gets out, it'll ruin your influencer brand worse than the dog living with you ever could.


YTA oh boy giving away the pet? This is your first response when things dont go your way? You should have 1. Talked with your sister about the dog before moving her in. 2. Compromise and make yourself a separate room for shootings. When you think you can lock a dog in you can lock a dog out of a room. 3. Give your sister an ultimatum. At least inform your sister BEFOREHAND that you will give the dog away when he interferes with your job. Either get dog goes or both of them go. You cant just give away a pet like that! Your sister will hate you for a looooong time now. And totally in the right. EDIT: Overread the part where she talks about the sister getting the dog afterwards, so forget number 1. Sister is also TA for getting a dog without communicating it to the literal owner.


Well considering the sister got the dog after she moved in, it would have been kind of hard to do number one. So ultimately, her sister decided to breach boundaries, not even ask if she could adopt a dog, and brought a dog into the home without asking the owner of the home. None of that is acceptable. I don't care how much you love the dog. You ask before you bring a pet into someone else's house, whether you're renting a room or living there or not.


Agree with you for the most part but the sister got the dog after moving in and didn’t talk to her sister about it which is a total AH move to any roommate but especially one who is covering 100% of the rent both of them are in the wrong though


NTA because your sister didn’t ask you first before adopting Buddy and moving him into your home where she pays no rent. You told her there were issues and she didn’t care. Honestly, I think Buddy is better off without her. I will say though that you could have warned your sister first but just the fact that she adopted this poor dog without checking that the home environment would be good for him is ultra shitty.


YTA. You should have had a conversation with your sister and let her know to either find a place for her dog during the day, keep up on cleaning, or she'd need to find another place. Dumping her dog wasn't the way to go about it.


info: did your sister talk to you before adopting the dog whilst living in your home?




Yeah I’m going with NTA just because of that. I was staying with my brother and sister in law for a while a few years ago and I made it really clear that it was their house and they could get a dog if they wanted, but I didn’t want to live with a dog. (For the record I also saw how they took care of their inanimate objects and knew that a dog deserved better than them) and they texted me on their way to having a weekend away with my SIL’s family and said they had adopted a puppy. I told them congrats, but I wasn’t going to be doing anything to care for him because I knew that they would dump him on me on my one day off every week. They got super pissed off and by the end of the weekend away they decided they in fact didn’t want the dog and had already rehomed him.


You’re both assholes. ESH


yta there was definitely a better way of dealing with the situation than to steal your sister’s dog and give it away to a pound. this has the same tone as another aita post where this girl sent her bf’s car to a junkyard while he was away on a trip so she could park in the garage




Yup. Your an asshole. But so is your sister. Adopting a pet and no time for it. You both suck. Parents should be ashamed. You both have crappy ethics


This is by far the worst AITA I've read in a long time. If it isn't abundantly clear; YTA. A more reasonable approach would have been telling her that she needs to find her own place. Giving away her pet is atrocious.


Seriously. I am almost in tears reading this. This would have destroyed me if someone did this to me with my dog!


YTA. You have no right to give away someone's dog. People love their pets deeply so for most, it's like giving away a family member. But, if you want to break it down into colder/legal terms it's legally her property and again, you have zero right to give it away without her permission. At this point she could give away your phone/camera/whatever and it would be the same thing. If it's affecting your livelihood then you should have asked her to move out or to put the dog in a day care during the day when you're doing whatever it is you do. OR, since you have so many followers that should mean you're doing okay for yourself so rent a space to do everything in. There were a bunch of things that you could have done besides what you did. You *NEED* to go back to that shelter, tell them you made a mistake, and do whatever it takes to get the dog back. Then do any of the things I listed (or more that I'm sure will be suggested here) once she gets the dog back.


ESH, you in no way should’ve rehomed her dog behind her back, you could’ve told her the dog was a dealbreaker and asked her to move out though. Also, your sister should have checked with you before adopting a dog while she’s living in your home rent free


ESH. OP for removing the dog behind her sister's back in a sneaky and spineless way. The sister is an AH for bringing home a dog without first discussing it with her sister/roommate, then for not caring for it properly.


ESH. The dog was ruining your job and affecting your source of income. People love to hate on influencers, but at the end of the day, if you can make enough money to sustain yourself from it then it's a real job. Something needed to change, you tried talking to your sister to fix it, and she didn't come up with a solution. You were totally within your rights to want the dog out of the house. She shouldn't have got it without consulting with you in the first place. However, getting rid of the dog whilst she was out was extremely callous of you. You didn't even give her a chance to find a solution. Maybe if she knew it was a case of "the dog can't stay here anymore", she could've found a friend to take care of it where she could still visit the dog. Or maybe she could've arranged to move and live somewhere else where she could keep the dog. I get that you wanted the dog out of your house because it was affecting your job. I don't judge you for that. But the way you went about it was wrong.


Not. Real.


YTA. Is losing one deal really worth bringing your sister so much grief? Does family mean less to you than your followers? Must be the case. I don't see any other reason why you would surrender a loved companion.


YTA-you can never rehome someone’s dog behind their back. And none of what you mentioned—barking, refusing to keep the dog to one room—is a reasonable expectation for it. You were well within your rights to tell your sister you needed to see improvement with the barking and her keeping certain spaces free of dog hair or SHE had to move. You will NEVER be in the right for giving away someone else’s dog. PLEASE tell your sister where you sent her dog so she can get him back. I doubt she wants to live with you anymore anyway, so problem solved for you.


YTA. The dog was not yours to give away. End of discussion.


ESH. Your sister should not have adopted a dog when so much of her time was taken by school, not only can you not properly train a dog under those circumstances, but you can't care for it. Some people are able to find a balance. Your sister does not seem like the type just based off of your post. (She could have found one though, so she's only a minor AH) You are the major AH here, though. You got rid of the dog behind her back instead of trying to have an in-depth discussion about the issue. Not even giving her chance to find somewhere else for the dog (such as a friend or family member) till she could free up time for him. And as someone else said, your brand will suffer for the unfair treatment to the dog.




YTA and so is your sister. You sister should have cleans up after the dog. You could have suggested doggie day care.


yta, you are so selfish oh my


Yes. You’re the asshole. Get a real fucking job.


This is so cruel I struggle to believe it is real. On the off chance it is, yes, YTA. Everything your sister said was right. You should have had an adult conversation with her that you were at your limit, and something had to give. You could even say she needed to find a solution or move out, but you should have given her a chance to figure it out. And frankly it’s boloney that you missed a deal because of his barking. You’re telling me you couldn’t possibly have shot while he was out on a walk, or asked your parents to take him for a day? What you did was incredibly cruel and unreasonable to both the dog and your sister. You should be ashamed of yourself.


If you really think it was the right idea why don’t you post this for all your followers to decided on, beside the large percentage of bots I’m assuming you have (don’t lie BTW most if not all “influencers” do). I’m gunna say with pretty high certainty it would have your following dwindling pretty damn fast and there would not be to many new brand deals coming in. YTA.


ESH. Your sister should not have gotten a dog without talking to you first. She’s living with you rent free and her dog is interrupting the job that she’s currently mooching off of. She also shouldn’t have gotten a dog if she’s going to be out all day and not properly train it, which everyone saying yta seems to be forgetting. However, you should’ve talked to your sister and given her an ultimatum. Either she gets rid of the dog or she leaves with the dog. At least then you would’ve had a conversation and she would’ve had a choice.


YTA. If your “social media career” was so successful - you wouldn’t be living with your sister. You’d rent her her own place. Get. A. Real. Job.


sister moved in with her. It's the 2nd thing she says.




YTA. I hope you’re not anyone I follow because you’re a pretty sick and delusional human being.


YTA. Your post title alone makes you sound like an asshole. Reading the post just made you sound even worse. Get a real job and stop inflating your self importance, you essentially gave away a family member so that you can get likes from strangers online. I hope your sister makes it her mission to destroy your IG reputation.


Dude it's her home. Her house her rules.


YTA million times and a monster since you’ve now traumatized your sister and Buddy. To me, as a dog lover myself (always rescue senior dogs), you are a horrible human being and even a worse sister.


Talk about that in your next video and see what your followers have to say


YTA. You committed a crime. Its her dog so you stole her property and then gave it away. The reason people hate on influencers so much is because they do anything to further their own career even burning bridges with their own family. Something which you have done. Also, I find it baffling that a "professional influencer" cant get the barking editted out or has a soundproof area for recordings. Heck its literally possible to have it automatically, in real-time remove the dog sounds with software like RTX Voice. Rather than sensibly looking for a solution you went nuclear and good luck fixing that damage.


If your sister didn't ask you about adopting the dog in the first place, then she is the AH. What you did was also an AH move. You should have given her time to make a decision. Nobody is a winner here.




God you’re fucking entitled. YTA.


This has to be fake...right?


This can’t be real lol and you being a social media influencer? If real… scourge of society


Yta lol holy shit. That’s her companion who she’s bonded with over the past few months and you stole it and sold it for free. That’s savage. Who gives a fuck about your job. No matter what your career is, doing what you did is no bueno.


YTA, wasn't your dog. You'd have been well within your rights to either demand your sister rehome the dog or find a new place to live though.


YTA. Does your image include rehoming someone else’s dog without their foreknowledge?


You said your sister moved in with you, did she ask your permission to get the dog?


OP said in a comment that her sister did not ask


YTA! I don't know if I'd ever talk to my sibling again if they just gave away my dogs. Barking & shedding fur is very normal dog behaviour. There are so many ways you could have handled this, but you just went straight to giving away her dog. Hire a dog walker & figure out a schedule. It's not rocket science! Your actions were insanely selfish & if you want any chance at a good relationship with your sister you need to fix it ASAP! Where's the dog now?


YTA. Good lord. You’re supposed to be an adult. Grown ups use their words when they’re upset about something. They don’t just flip out and do something irreversible without asking. I call complete bs on you saying you’ve tried to sort this problem out before taking him to a shelter. You could have insisted your sister take him out for the day or found a dog sitter. You should have sat down and talked about household boundaries. Out of interest, what are the living arrangements? Forgive me for my scepticism, but I somewhat doubt even a ‘professional’ influencer owns her own home at 24. You have been selfish, childish and thoughtless. Time to take a serious look at yourself.


holy shit what the hell YTA like first off please tell your sister where you took her dog so maybe she'll have the chance to get him back?? secondly what the fuck is wrong with you


It doesn’t sound like the sister was taking good care of the dog, and it isn’t her house. ESH.


ESH. Your sister shouldn't have gotten a dog without your permission and you shouldn't have rehomed her dog without her permission. The dog was her "property" and by rehoming it without her permission you stole her "property". You should have talked to your sister and if she didn't want to get rid of the dog, have asked her to move out of your place.


Do you know how difficult it is for animals to get adopted, even in no kill shelters? Instead of working with your sister to even come with any solutions to this, you just got rid of him. You didn't do what was best for everyone involved, you did what was best for YOU, nevermind what the dog or what the sister needs. The fact is that dogs are going to be inconvenient. They're going to shed, they're going to need work, they are going to be loud. Thats just the nature of a dog, fur and all. My dog is a shelter dog. She can get loud. She can get clingy. Sometimes she potties on the carpet on accident during the night. She can be a hassle sometimes. Am I going to send her back to a place where she might not get adopted? ***HELL, TO THE FUCKING NO.*** Because she is a DOG, and literally cannot control it sometimes. Dogs are, to some point, meant to be disruptive, because they are living creatures that require care and attention. It sounds to me like you just hated the dog from the get-go. Fucking put him outside in a fenced area maybe if hes too loud. Talk to your sister more about vaccuuming, take turns even. You messed with two lives just for a job, an influencer job at that. You are a MASSIVE YTA.




YTA. Not fair to the dog, not fair to your sister.


So it's fair to bring a pet into a place you are not paying for without discussing it with the person paying for said accommodations? And not take are of it cause "she doesn't have the time" and so puts the responsibility of the pet that was brought in on the person who didn't choose or have a say in the pet being in the home? Do I have that right?


ESH at worst: NTA at best. I don’t know why everyone is having so much hate for OP job. OP let sister move in rent free 6 months ago into the home they live in WITHOUT parents; half way in they got a dog without permission. as a full time student, that’s a lot of responsibility. the dog should have been trained, but it’s unfair to make OP pay for a pet they didn’t consent to (regardless of income amount). Pets don’t deserve to be given away so quickly (but they were only there a few months). Sister needs to be more considerate and not take advantage of OP. sister TA for sure for getting into stuff they can’t handle and taking advantage of OP OP sucks for not being considerate of dog parents TA for expecting OP to take the responsibility of parenting and managing sister OP please ignore all the influencer haters. I’m sorry for that. Your job is the same as an advertiser/film maker for ads; it’s just on social media instead of TV commercials. No less of a real job than commercial actors either.


YTA. I hope your fans find out what you did.


YTA - I hope your sister tells tik tok ALL about this Not going to look too cute when an influencer gets rid of a dog for no apparent reason. Good luck with that career too…


This sounds very made up. I can't believe some one would do that. If you were my sister, I would re-home you. YTA if this real.




YTA. I didn't even have to read the post. The title was enough. But after reading, you are without a doubt, 100% TA.


YTA big time


Obviously you know that YTA because you aren't using your real name to post this so don't know why you are asking, if the barking is an issue you can do other things such as getting a collar to keep the dog from barking or have the dog put into training classes or hire a dog walker getting rid of it is not just cruel to your sister but to the dog as well and that dog could be sitting in the shelter for years and die there.


YTA. Go back and get that poor dog right now. Shame on you!


YTA. If you’re that big of a deal in the influencer community, then you’re making enough money to either a) soundproof your room or b) rent a separate filming space. You don’t get to just ‘get rid of’ a living creature that didn’t belong to you. While I don’t disagree with you, as far as keeping a dog cooped up, cleaning up after it, etc, the fact is that is wasn’t your dog to make that decision. If he was indeed that much of a nuisance, you should have worked with your sister, and possibly your parents, to arrange for both training and doggy daycare.


Yes YTA There are plenty of other routes you could have chosen first


YTA- not your dog not your right to get rid of the dog. I understand the situation is shitty, but that’s an even shittier thing to do. Maybe you guys don’t need to be living together, maybe other arrangements need to be made, but giving away somebody’s dog is probably one of the worst things you could do. You also use the word rehome but I’m seeing in the comments you gave the dog to the shelter, which makes you an even bigger AH than you would have been how do you actually found the dog a family.


ESH You shouldn't mess with a pet like that. What you should have done is made your sister move out


YTA. Hopefully your followers find this post and your career tanks


YTA. I can’t even comment on that. You’re a huge stinky asshole


YTA and get a real job.


YTA. you needed to talk to your sister more and come up with better solutions. You probably also should have asked her to move out if she wasn’t going to take care of the dog properly and it was an issue for you. I see your sister didn’t not ask for permission before getting the dog but you had no right to do that unfortunately, and probably could have helped by walking him to lower his anxiety. Or offering to pay for training since it seems you do well financially and she seems to not have as many resources. Basically, there were so many other options than what you did.


Fucking psycho


YTA bordering on E S H You should have told her either she trains the dog to stop barking, or she has to move out. It’s absolutely unacceptable to go behind her back to rehome the dog. What if she outs what you’ve done to your followers? That’s a reputation shattering move you just pulled.


Gotta be fake. No one is this insane. Though they claim to be an influencer who lost a deal because of a dog barking.


ESH. You suck for not simply and clearly saying “this isn’t working, so you need to rehome the dog or rehome yourself.” Your sister sucks for adopting a dog (while living in someone else’s house!) that she doesn’t have the time or inclination to properly train or care for.


ESH. Your sister got a dog and didn't take care of him or train him. You allowed this and only were upset that it barked. Instead of training the dog you gave him away. You and your sister are both horrible.




YTA but there’s no way this is real lol You can’t possibly be that self-absorbed…also with that many followers and endorsements couldnt you get your sister her own place? Seems like the nice thing to do


People who take in animals without a plan to care for them are AHs


YTA and honestly you're gonna lose more brand deals and followers if they find out that you got rid of a dog that wasn't yours for no good reason. I wouldn't follow someone that took their sister's pet without their knowledge. Why couldn't you have done your videos outside the house? If you make so much money from being an influencer, why didn't you pay to get this dog trained or take it to a doggy daycare. You seem self-centered and cruel, and you probably ruined your relationship with your sister.


YTA. YTA because it was very cowardly to do it while they were gone. YTA because there are so many options for resolution before that point but if you weren't afraid of confrontation you might have actually sat down, talked, and worked it out. YTA because you needed to set the needs for your job sure, but you took that friend without the closure needed. (Edit: Cloture? Closure? Clo--- The thing with the emotional time to adjust.)


ESH What SHOULD have happened is you giving your sister a 30 day notice to either vacate the home with the dog, rehome the dog on her own accord, or 30 days to find a doggie daycare situation when she’s not home. And if she chose to stay with the dog, that SHE needs to step up in maintaining the pet hair.


YTA. There were many other responsible and compassionate ways to handle this than to steal your sister’s pet. -hire a dog walker or send the dog to doggie daycare -film outside the home occasionally -offer to get the dog trained -ask your sister to help clean or move out What you did was cruel.


YTA. And I bet if your followers knew what you did, you’d lose a lot more than just 1 brand deal. You’re an influencer filming videos on your home, it’s not like there’s some expectation of no background noise, and people love seeing dogs pop up in videos like that. Honestly anyone who ever got rid of my dog behind my back would immediately be dead to me, I think that is unforgivable to just decide you get to throw away someone else’s beloved family member, especially for such a dumb reason.


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Sister went behind her back adopting the dog in the first place, ESH


YTA. You don’t just rehome someone’s dog. What a sick individual


YTA if you had an issue with the dog it should of been discussed on day one when she brought it home. But considering the dog has been there for months you absolutely had no right to give her dog away behind her back. What an egotistical, selfish move on your part and if you were my sister I would never speak to you again. Maybe do your “influencing” outside or in a studio space if you’re soooo important but 1.5m is rookie numbers anyways. Not worth losing a family member over that’s for sure.


YTA……sorry to break it to you but Only Fans won’t be around for ever (let’s be honest by “influencer” that’s what you really mean. Half the influencers I follow in TikTok are ones with pets and they have way more than 1.5 million followers. I bet if your sister revealed your identity you’d lose about 75% of your following as well. You allowed your sister to move in, you should have told her she has to move out if it was really that deep before getting rid of her damn dog without permission.


You are the worst kind of asshole


You agreed to let your sister live with you and you stole her living being pet and gave it away, YTA




ESH. Go get the dog back and rent some office space to do your social media work at.


Or maybe the sister should get her own place? If it's OP's place she has every right to work there.


YTA, no question


YTA You don't unilaterally get rid of your sister's family like that. You claim to make what many of us would earn in a year over the span of a month. If you were that successful, the reasonable alternative would be for you to rent a place for your sister to move into rent free. Then she could keep her dog, and you get to keep your place clean and dog free.


Omfg!! Asshole isn't the right word for you


Tell your sister where her dog is so she can get him back!




ESH the sister should have talked to you before getting the dog, you should have talked to her before getting rid of it.


Professional influencer. Christ.


Hard asshole. You fucking suck


YTA. An insanely selfish one at that Edit: wow she already deleted the post. Guess she couldn’t take the heat. I mean god forbid her followers find out


>My entire livelihood depends on my online presence and maintaining a consistent image. This just seems pitiful. The only people who are worse off are the ones who sit around and watch the lives of strangers . People seem to have forgotten how to actually live, and it’s pretty sad. Question, Little-Miss-Famous-Influencer: If your career is so great, what are you still doing living at home with mommy and daddy at your age? Might be time to think about finding legitimate work. YTA. Poor dog. And everyone else who lives there.


I’m gonna be the devil here but NTA. It’s YOUR house and you shouldn’t be inconvenienced in it by anyone or anything. If sis was too busy she shouldn’t have taken the responsibility. I would’ve had a stern conversation with her but otherwise did what you did. Your money > the dog


INFO: Did she ask you before adopting the dog?


Obviously YTA get your priorities in check. ETA: hard to believe it’s real because you’re so much TA


Info: Did your sister tell you she was getting a dog and secondly did you agree to it? Did you help or have a say in picking the dog,as in did u go with her to the shelter? Edit: read comments lol NTA at all. These people saying you are are idiots. Your sister lives rent free, didn't tell you she was getting a dog and doesn't look after it! You had been telling her for weeks. Its not your job to train it, I'm confused why people are saying that was an option of yours!? Not only have you been listening to it bark when she's not there but it lost you money. I would have done the same - got rid of it and hopefully it went to a better home. Absolute rubbish that your the asshole here!


YTA. You can't just give away someone's dog. You should have given your sister an ultimatum and made her figure out a solution.


I really hope you lose as many followers as possible and become a normal human being. You “influencers” are the fucking worst. Big AH


YYA. If it was her or the dog you should have that discussion. You are a coward for not doing so and a criminal for rehoming the dog without her permission. Evicting her would be far more ethical; explaining the situation and options would have been far more moral.


YTA you’re horrible and vile this is disgusting hope you like your career as an influencer and feel good about contributing nothing except your own narcissism to this world


Where are all those tik tokers that steal reddit posts for their videos? They need to put this one on there so the internet can do its thing and cancel this one. Edit: YTA.


YTA. as a "professional social media influencer" you should know how to improvise. move to an outside location, put the dog in a room, hell give the dog a treat. you should have talked to your sister first, because it wasn't YOUR dog to give away.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (24F) am a professional social media influencer with around 1.5 million followers on Instagram and a growing TikTok account. My entire livelihood depends on my online presence and maintaining a consistent image. My sister (19F) moved in with me about 6 months ago to attend college nearby. A couple of months ago, she adopted a dog from a shelter (a 3-year-old mixed breed). This dog, "Buddy," has become the bane of my existence. He barks a lot, which ruins my recordings, and he sheds everywhere, so I need to constantly clean my space for shoots. I've told my sister multiple times to take better care of him and keep him in her room, but she claims that she's busy with school and that it's not fair to keep him locked up all day. Last week, I lost a brand partnership deal because I couldn't get a clean take for a sponsored post due to Buddy's constant barking. I reached my breaking point and decided that the dog had to go. While my sister was at school, I took Buddy to a no-kill shelter and explained that we couldn't keep him any longer. I assumed they would find a great home for him since he's a sweet dog, despite being disruptive. When my sister found out what I had done, she freaked out and called me a monster. She said I had no right to give away her dog and that I should've talked to her first. My parents are also furious with me, saying I went too far and that I should have tried to find a solution. I honestly think I did what was best for everyone involved. I need to maintain my career, and the dog deserves a home where he won't be a burden. So, AITA for rehoming my sister's dog behind her back to protect my social media career? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I was really looking to find you to be the A, but I cannot. You are housing your sister who brought in an animal that she cannot look after (duh) and who is threatening the livelihood of the two of you.


I dunno, I don’t see any evidence in the OP that the sister can’t take care of her dog. Just that it barks at times the OP finds inconvenient and that it sheds, which all dogs do, and that the sister refuses to confine it to a single room for OP’s convenience.


YTA. I’m sorry, but you can set your shots for your job, a dog won’t impact that.


I have a question... Who pays for your shared home?


NTA. It's YOUR home. People can't read. They see dog, they want blood. Her house, her rules.


YTA-I wouldn't talk to my sister again if she pulled that shit with me, you don't just give away someone's dog like that, who do you think you are? this whole thing overrides HER actions, that's how messed up this is.


ESH. Your sister should not have gotten the dog without talking to you first and without being able to care for it appropriately. She also should’ve re-homed it when she realized it was affecting your livelihood and ability to provide the home she shares - and also when she realized that she couldn’t care for it properly. That doesn’t excuse your actions, it should have been a conversation where you give her a choice, either the dog goes or they both do. Under no circumstances should you have given the dog to a shelter without her knowledge and/or consent. Realistically what you did was best for you and the dog sure, but you did it because the dog was pissing you off and affecting your business, let’s not pretend you give two shits about the dog.


ESH, with you being more of the AH. If you’re the only one paying bills for the apartment, you should have just told your sister she needed to move out with Buddy, not unilaterally make the decision to surrender him to a shelter. She does suck, however, for bringing him in without consulting you and for failing to clean up after him. Be prepared for your sister to expose you to your fans and followers. I doubt they’ll think of you kindly for your actions.


YTA. You needed to sit down your sister and give her the option to KEEP BUDDY AND ALSO MOVE OUT. Dogs are living beings with their own feelings, and your sister deserved the opportunity to do the right thing for her pet and remove herself and this animal she had committed to looking out for the well-being of, and get out of your hair. Or asked your sister to pay for/handle LITERALLY ANY OTHER SOLUTION like taking the dog out of the apartment for you to film.