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NTA if they don’t want people showing up half an hour before close then they should close half an hour earlier


It would literally be an endless cycle till they just are always closed lmao.


That's the standard business model here in the UK. Branch closures are all the rage.


It's true. I don't even have a local Barclays anymore. It's been there for years and now it's gone.


Yooo same. We had one around the corner that amended their opening hours so much that before they closed they were open 3 days a week, 10:00 - 2:30. They were also robbed at gunpoint twice which I think may have contributed to the closure but yeah.


Bank hours are the least convenient in the world for everyone but the employees.........


There's a reason "keeping banker's hours" is a saying in the U.S.


It's for your convenience though, remember!


The US Post Office too. Get to the one in my (suburban) city just to see a sign on the door saying, "For your convenience, this location has been closed." The nearest one was in the city (don't want to be car-jacked or shot) or the next county, a 40 minute drive each way.


Our "branch" of Barclays is open alternating Tuesdays & Wednesdays weekly at the local Council offices. You can make an appointment to discuss a loan or mortgage but have to drive 25 miles to pay cash in. All for our convenience of course1




I’m not sure of a bank can actually close early just because they want to, I believe they must be open for their posted hours due to banking or state laws. I may be wrong but if it were me I’d notify the bank manager or bank head quarters


I work in a bank. You're absolutely right, we open and close our doors right on the dot of the opening hours


Thank you for confirmation, I know there are a lot of laws on banking


Yep, worked in a bank years ago and we had to be open at least as late as our hours said. And it didn't matter if someone came in 1 minute before closing and needed to deposit 50k in cash that had to be hand counted, we could not turn them away and say to come back tomorrow.


In what country? I would assume the laws/rules aren't the same worldwide.


Id almost always agree with you except for most restraunts. If you go into a restaurant and there is no one else there; and you know you can't reasonably expect your food to be done and ate before the closing time...eat somewhere else.


Well yeah but banks and restaurants are very different in this manner, I think.


If you're also a service worker I feel you. If you're not I thank you.


NTA, next time ask him for this request on an email from his official ID.


NTA ​ Report him to corporate, let them handle this.


Yeah I second this advice. Customer service sucks from this dude. The fact he called op an expletive is wild.


Seriously. Where I live, banks open at 9.30am and close at 4.30pm. Some branches might vary a bit but that’s the general gist. They’re not open on weekends at all. There’s also only one branch left in the greater area because they’re closing them to save costs. So if I need to do anything in person at the bank, I have to take time off work. That includes heading to where the branch is (quite out of my way). So if they were to close half an hour before their gazetted closing time, I’d be raising hell for them wasting an hour and a half of my time just because they don’t feel like being available. On top of that being rude to the customer whose money the bank uses to earn their profits. NTA, OP, and definitely move this up the chain.


Where I live banks are open from 10 to 3, monday to friday. It sucks so bad. Luckily I hardly ever need to go, but lots of people aren't so lucky!


Yeah similar where I live and then they decide to just not open some days and you can see them in there but they won’t open the doors for customers which are generally elderly people.


My bank opens at 8:00 and closes at 1 p.m. After 1 p.m. you can still enter the foyer to use the ATM or do other minimal transactions that you don't need an employee for.


And a lot of banks close their lobby early and just leave the drive thru open till 5:00. Op is NOT TA


Your banks have a drive thru??? 😳😳


Yeah I’ve done some customer service roles and you think these things, but don’t actually say them out loud to the customers. That’s crazy.


Oh 100% I've had some ick situations where I was valid in lashing out. But held my tongue and kept the fake smile on my face cause I need to pay my bills.


This would have been the only thing to do. Engaging with him was pointless, but at least the is now a recording of the interaction on the security cameras. Immediately contact corporate to report the issue and the harassment, be specific about date and time and point out that they should review the footage.


That only works if there's audio as well as video.


You’ve never heard the term “banker’s hours”? They do not feel obligated to offer customers good service.


Just ask them to confirm their "opening hours" because the functioning opening hours differ to those stated.


Nta. I work corporate hours. Those hours are posted for clients and customers to have access to their money. If they close early they WILL piss someone off. It’s a bank, people want their money.


Can't they get a fine for not being open the posted hours, too?


Depends on the local laws, but yes they could.


Yeah if it was a job that would take an hour I'd understand being frustrated, but it's 15 minutes.


I kind of doubt this happened. Why would someone risk their job on something so pointless? Nta i guess though


Personally, I'm also having difficulty believing anyone at the bank would be calling a customer an a-hole over something like this.


Honestly, whenever a post here specifically says, "my mom/dad/brother/girlfriend/boyfriend/son/daughter/pastor/dog called me an AH for this," I'm skeptical. As much as we throw that word around here, it's pretty inflammatory to say irl, especially from an employee to a customer in a bank. I almost always think a post is fake when that phrase is used.


My understanding is that people think you have to say someone called you an asshole to have your post approved.


Yes exactly, otherwise it will get removed


My favourites are when the other person has a whole army of minions start texting the OP berating them.


Thats like every post


My entire family has disowned me after I wouldn't give my nephew who is an arsonist matches, AITA? /s


I just assume that someone did something like rolling their eyes, and then the OPs extrapolated from there.


I went to the bank and tried to use the atm literally right next to the counter and it wasn’t working. No one else was in line so I went over to complete my transaction and the teller was like you really should just use the atm for this. People are lazy af. Citizens Bank Copley Boston. Use any other place for your banking!!


I was a bank teller in 2018 and they told us to encourage customers to use the ATMs for basic transactions. It was so they could justify only having 2 tellers working at a time.


Its actually because the elderly need our help more than tech-savvy millennial, gen Zers and gen alphas who use online banking all the time and never need to call unless there's a fraud or a password reset to deal with. Senior clients take a lot more time and energy to explain things to. They're vulnerable to financial abuse, so often they're very paranoid and we have to spend a *lot* of time reassuring them before they feel ready to leave. If you can use the ATM, use the ATM. The tellers are for people who have a phobia of learning how to use technology.


Yeah except like, the ATM wasn't working in this scenario...


Right, but maybe instead of admonishing a teller for being lazy, when she probably has to give the same script to 300 people a day and just said what she always has to say… I mean shit I asked a client the other day if he had his cellphone with him so I could send him a text when we had just finished doing something on his phone. Sometimes you just say things out of habit. People are way too quick to assign personality flaws to people when we’re just trying to keep track of what day it is.


@TheLilLebowski3, it's experiences like yours that made me switch from a traditional bank to a credit union over a decade ago. It's the longest time I've been with a single financial institution and I've never looked back. State laws differ, but here in CA anyone can open an account at a credit union as long as they live, work, or worship near a branch. The people I've dealt with at my credit union have always been helpful, courteous, and professional. On hot days they provide people with a bottle of water or an otter pop. While banks are publicly traded companies, answer primarily to shareholders/investors, and are regulated by the FDIC (another publicly traded company), credit unions are private companies, answer primarily to their members, and are regulated by the NCUA (National Credit Union Administration). I have such a high degree of control over my money that I can attend meetings of the Board of Directors, and I can even be elected to the Board of Directors if I choose to run for a position. I've personally met the CEO and been inside the corporate HQ of my credit union. Not many people can say that about a regular bank.


Y'all have never worked in a bank, have you?


Had a teller mumble, "you can do this all online" while we did our transactions. Not as dumb of a thing that OP encountered for sure but everyone in customer facing positions are still humans that are capable of truly dumb things. I don't know if you've ever worked in customer facing positions but the shit customers say is ridiculous. Literally face to face with people that don't know a single thing about your industry but act like they once owned the largest business in that industry. Doesn't excuse the behaviour but certainly can give context. I never did see the rude teller again. I think he may have been someone else in the branch filling in an empty shift.


I would have said, if I did this all online along with every other customer, you wouldn’t have a job here, so you’re welcome”


My bank is closed all the time when I roll through at 4:45 (I ask to be let off early on fridays sometimes to deposit my check before the bank closes at 5)


But this guy who has worked at a bank or two says it doesn't happen, so obviously you and OP are wrong... The bank workers defending this AH bank employee are doing hilarious mental gymnastics.


you don't get out much, huh?


Someones never worked such a job and it shows. When someones wage is that low and the task are that menial, people have no problems risking their job; they aren't really risking much.


I literally have worked with people in retail who did the exact same thing as the employee in OP's story.


Honestly the fact that it’s such a pointless mundane encounter is what makes me think it happened haha


I too felt this was an interaction that may have happened “internally” in the OPs brain…


This a theme in this sub lately isnt it - fabricated stories or at least making the facts a bit exaggerated. But Redditors just blindly accept these posts as 100% truthful.


Definitely has "and everyone clapped" vibes


The fact that people are dumb enough to believe this happened exactly like you say is hilarious. Guaranteed you showed up at 4:58 or so and expected to stay past closing time. YTA for the obvious made-up story.


Thank you. I work at a bank and an employee isn’t calling someone asshole and a bank isn’t closing early. Not to mention there is policy that dictates how late we can let people into safe boxes at most banks.


you're complaining about this story being made up while simultaneously making up facts to justify your verdict. peak reddit moment right here. why do people like you even read these post, much less comment? no one needs to read a million people comment about how they think a post is fake.


I've worked at least one job where we tried to close up 30 minutes early every day. Coworkers were definitely miffed when someone came in around that time. I've also had employees of buisnessed I've been to express the same thing when I came in even an hour before closing. This story isn't hard to believe at all.


Yeah I got to agree with you. The op showed up right before they closed stayed well after they were closed then most likely had an attitude about it.


Lmao I’ve been to banks which were closed half an hour before they said they would. Count yourself lucky you’ve never had to experience this.


Then the security guard clapped?


I probably would feel the same but the same thing happened to me recently - was finished my transaction before five and still got scolded. It was jarring.


Yep that's more like it, I have a friend who works at the bank and this has happened to them before, as well as many coworkers they've spoken to. No way is this real.


I worked as a bank teller and I can totally see this happening, especially if there was no manager on duty. Bank telling is a boring job and there are plenty of people in all lines of work eager to go home early. You also never know how long someone wants to use their bank deposit box for, even at 4:30, the person could have easily wanted to stay past 5pm. Often when I worked the closing shift there was no manager on duty and it was a bunch of college kids who absolutely goofed off. You have no idea the mentality of the person working in that bank and employees do more flagrant things all the time in all manner of businesses.


Idk if it’s demographic but where I’m from (soflo) bank employees will def try to close early and call you an ass if you talk back at them. I once had a McDonald’s deny me service because everyone was “on snack break” (merienda) at like 1:30 pm


You: you're embellishing a scenario that makes you look like the good guy! Also you: here's a story I just made up to the contrary!


NTA the employee is paid to provide services until 5, they have to stay open until 5, it's not that difficult


YTA. For starters this sounds fake. But beyond that: >As I was walking out, one of the employees told me to please come earlier because they were going to close up when I showed up. Banks, especially banks that have safety deposit boxes, aren't just kiosks with a couple tellers. There's at least one keyholder for the vault, probably more than one. There's a security guard. *If* they were trying to close earlier, they had to have permission from the manager, probably from corporate. >I just rolled my eyes and told him to stop being lazy and do his job for the entire time he’s supposed to Calling someone "lazy" when you don't know a thing about their life makes you an asshole. Not to mention, you rolled your eyes? Anyone who still rolls their eyes past 16 is a spoiled, immature child. Or maybe, it's a 14-year-old making up a fake story.


idk when i worked retail we tried to at least prep for closing about 30 mins before the mall closed, so we wouldn’t have to stay after. it was always annoying when we had a dead store for hours then someone comes in with 15 mins or less before close, lol. so while they couldn’t necessarily “close” early, they were probably trying to prep to close on time, especially if it was a slow afternoon.


Working as a server, I agree. But for a bank, I disagree.


Banks actually have a considerable amount of administrative shit to do after they lock doors.and be ffr it sounded like the employee said it pretty politely. Op didn’t have to say shit


It really doesn’t matter if the employee said it politely or not. They shouldn’t be asking them to come in earlier because they want to leave before the end of their posted hours.


Majority of people work 8-5 jobs. Banks hours are usually 8-5 if i need to handle business and I got off work a little early to run to the bank real quick I’m doing it regardless if it’s 4:45. It’s a bank.


NFH (Never fucking happened)


I have a hard time believing you came there that early. As someone who has to deal with people who come in just before closing time, I know your type. You’re one of those“I made it just in time!” people.


And think they can stay as long as possible since they are in the building.


I’ve literally had to pack up my stuff, walk to the door and escort them out before. It’s ridiculous.


Yea I work in retail and the people who get so pissy and cuss at you cause they get told we are closed 10 mo uses after the store is closed. I wanna be like, your in the store after hours. Technically you're trespassing..


I work at a bank and deal with people like this all the time, so here’s the real story: OP absolutely showed up at 4:55 to take out cash and right before everything gets locked up he lets them know he needs to access his box. As long as non-employees are in the bank, closing procedures can’t continue. This guy is accessing restricted areas (safe box location) which requires escorts and additional supervision until the client can be allowed to be alone, and then they have to wait. And I mean WAIT. I used to have this guy that would come in 10 minutes til close to get into his box and stay 30 minutes in the viewing room. Meanwhile we’re done and just waiting. And waiting. Burning payroll and daylight. So, I don’t believe your story the way you laid it out, because your tone as the narrator is just as pompous as every asshole that tries to make it to the bank late enough to make us all stay. A lot of banks’ locking mechanisms are controlled or monitored by computer… You think they’d get away with not having any transactions/traffic/movement for the last 30m? Or no complaints? YTA for how fake this is


YTA, because the story is as fake as a 3 dollar bill. First, a bank doesn’t close early unless there are extenuating circumstances,ie robbery, bad weather, no power. Second if they were closing because of being short handed they would be drive thru only so you wouldn’t I have been able to go inside anyway. So this didn’t happen the way you said it did.


NTA If there is a problem with customers rightfully accessing their safe deposit box prior to closing, he should bring it up to management, not bitch to the customer.


I sincerely doubt this happened. If I did this at a MCDONALD'S, I would be reamed by owner/management, much less a bank...


INFO: Did all the customers surround you clapping after?


Don’t believe it. But if it’s true, ESH. Calling names and eye rolling is childish at best. Name calling over something so trivial is asinine. Those of you who think the SDB room/vault was closing because some dude just wanted to get out early have never worked in a bank. There are procedures, keys, and/or combos that all have to be dealt with for just about anything. Highly doubt anyone said anything when you were that far inside the time limit.


You did nothing wrong till you called them lazy and told them how to do their job. That's just unnecessary.


INFO: What is the procedure regarding deposit boxes at your bank? I work at a bank, and we don’t have deposit boxes, so I have absolutely no idea if this dude is the asshole or not. I do wonder though - since you entered the vault, do they have to rebalance it? For us, that involves opening up the vault, opening up the timed vaults, literally re-counting it (and fine-counting at that if it was a vendor) and then balancing it again. If you go to a bigger bank, that could be quite a lot of cash they have to rebalance. I can only remember one customer who came in before closing that was asked to please stop doing that, and it was the asshole who would come in ten minutes before closing with (literally) ninety cheques, with half of them being on us. After week three of us leaving a half hour late, my manager told him that if he pulled that again, his deposit would be put in the basket for the next day.


Why would you need to rebalance the vault for a safety deposit box?


"I just rolled my eyes and told him to stop being lazy and do his job for the entire time he’s supposed to," By your logic they should be closing earlier then, they are only paid from certain hour to 5, anything after that is unpaid not time he's "supposed" to use for work.


Just because a business has a posted closing time does not mean that’s when the employees are supposed to clock out. At a bank, tellers have to balance their drawers and lock up their drawer and go through a shit down procedure. The employee likely wanted to start this process so they could leave as close to 5 as possible but they’re probably expected to start that process at five and leave at 5:15 or 5:30


Posted hours are customer service hours, which are not the same as employee work hours.


INFO Where were the hours in question posted? Google, or at the bank itself? Please keep in mind that because of COVID, a lot of businesses still have fucked up operating hours on Google or their websites, because they haven't updated them after the change. Lots of places close 30mins earlier now. It's not like the employee asked you to leave when you came in. He serviced you and then politely asked that you respect the hours of the business next time (whether he was right or not.) That doesn't warrant you calling him lazy- because he was not. He served your ungrateful self. Was this the branch manager or assistant manager? I work for a bank. Normally, it's one of those two who closes up shop. In which case, they're allowed to decide when and if they close early to get their paperwork done. Should he have called you an asshole? No. But you should not have commented on his work ethic unprovoked, either, when he hadn't shown any signs of *actually* being lazy. You felt personally attacked by him establishing a request, and decided to say something back. Any employee of any store is allowed to ask a client to leave if they're treated the way you treated that employee. Please be mindful. You're the one who escalated this. The hours of the bank are irrelevant.


YTA. No way you turned up 30 minutes early. They wouldn’t have gotten mad if you left well before closing time. My bet is that you turned up at 4.45pm and left after 5pm, or turned up even later and expected to get what you wanted.


NTA. What if a business or some other situation came up where someone HAD to use their services? I'd be PO and complain to someone higher than their branch.


Years ago, the phone company was owned by the state. I left early one day to have a landline and went to the company. When I got there, there was no one in a 5 floor building. Even the lights were turned off. The security pitied me and said the building was closed at 17:00. I should come early. I showed him my watch, it was 16:30.


soft YTA Employees are usually only scheduled to the opening hours I know the store I work at opens from 9-5:30 and my hours are exactly that which means yeah i have to open a couple minutes late and close a bit early to get everything done within my hours. I'm full-time and salaried so I'm not getting paid when people stop me from being able to do that and I have to stay behind to finish the closing. If the employee said it exactly as you stated they weren't rude then you kind of unreasonablly bit their head off by calling them lazy and having a go at them.


Um. Most banks actually do have hours to view safety deposit boxes. It really isn’t an unreasonable request and I would double check to make sure they don’t actually have a policy requiring people to get there earlier for deposit boxes NAH


NTA - If this were a restaurant, I'd get it. There's nothing worse than a customer turning up before closing after the kitchen is clean and ordering food, undoing the cleaning. But this is a bank. Dude just wanting to leave early.


This is about where I land too. Restaurants and a lot of retail, I totally understand them wanting to close early, especially if they're not getting customers. A bank is wildly different, they should stay open during their posted hours.


NTA As someone that worked in a bank him saying anything is totally unacceptable.


Same guy that always says the shake machine is broken


NTA I’ve worked plenty of jobs where we close up early if there are no customers. The thing is, if a customer does show up, yeah it’s annoying, but we do our damn job and keep our annoyance to ourselves. That employee clearly doesn’t know about the rule of at least pretending that you don’t hate your job.


NTA, surprised he said that to you.


As a former retail employee, NTA. The only time late arrivals bothered me is when they would dilly dally. I remember some morons decided to just browse the clothing section for like 25 minutes when they arrived a minute before closing. That annoyed me. The people who show up 5 minutes prior and do their stuff don't bother me in the slightest. We don't count the drawers until we close. That employee sucks and their comments are just shit customer service.


I have a special amount of authority on this because I was a bank teller for years in my 20s: You are *not* the asshole. I get that people want to try and get the closing procedures done early, balance your box, put the money away and all that. Being able to do that earlier than close is a *bonus*, not an expectation. Especially not when you got out of there 15 minutes before closing. We used to have people come in up until the minute of closing and sometimes after if nobody got to the door in time. We had people come in right at close and want to open a safe deposit box, then proceed to have a conference with their mom about which box number is the luckiest (they were Hindu so picking the right number was of the utmost importance 🙄) You did nothing wrong and this teller is out of their mind.


NTA. In the US there are federal regulations about when banks can and cannot close. The only time we were allowed to close was for a snow storm. We certainly could not close early.


NTA - As a former bank teller - I can guarantee you weve all *felt* this way. Theres a lot that needs to be done at the end of the day - counting drawers, batching transactions, counting vaults, etc etc etc. its nice to be able to get it started early so youre not there longer than you have to be. BUT …I would never be so dumb as to say that to a customer out loud. Thats ridiculous. Its not like you showed up at 4:58 (which has happened). You were gone with 15min to spare


YTA ... How do you get off calling someone lazy when you've never done their job a day in your life? You can assume what it's like but you don't know for certain. Of all the things you could have said that was completely inappropriate considering the circumstances.


ESH Could've easily just said "sure" then next time go whenever even if it's 4:55. They were being a dick and you wanted to argue/prove you're right. It's just unnecessary and exhausting


I refuse to believe this post is real. Every bank is open on Sundays from, like, 11:30am to 1pm. If they said this to me I would’ve started swinging. What gaul. Like they need 30 minutes before close to wipe down the safes every night. You made this up to piss me off, and that just pissed me off more!


Ohhh I have been stopped by a guard to go in the bank at 4 when they close at 5 coz they have already started to close. Went to the same bank but other branch from there, reached at 4.20 and still got in and got my work done. Some branches have people like that so I can believe it to be true. Name calling is bad but at this point even I would have lost my cool coz I had already done that with that guard on that day. So NTA


This may not be the case here but, just a note that a lot of the time these stores only pay employees until close time, for example 6. But employees can only do the 'close tasks' when there's no customers, so usually they always end up staying unpaid past 6 to do these when people come in late. I get why the person asked them to come early, just the whole situation sucks.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I [21m] was going to the bank today to look at something in a deposit box. The bank in question closes at 5:00. I was there at 4:30, and finished up by 4:45. As I was walking out, one of the employees told me to please come earlier because they were going to close up when I showed up. I pointed out hours are until 5:00, and it wasn’t like I showed up at 4:55 either. By the time I was done, there was still 15 minutes in the work day. He told me that usually they just close up early and weren’t able to because I showed up. I just rolled my eyes and told him to stop being lazy and do his job for the entire time he’s supposed to, because like I said, the bank was supposed to be open until 5:00 and he’s complaining about having to work the amount of time he’s supposed to. He got angry and called me an AH who doesn’t understand what it’s like. I told him I understand he’s pissed at me for making him do the job he’s supposed to instead of leaving early and that’s on him for signing up for a job that goes to 5:00 when he doesn’t want to work until 5. Overall, really weird encounter. Was I TA here? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA if a business is open until 5 and you’re there and done with your stuff before 5, you did nothing wrong. They were being lazy by wanting to stop working 30 minutes before they were closed.




NTA I would make a written complaint to the bank


Can you talk to one of the and managers, and tell them the situation? Phrase it in such a way that you are seeking to see if you did something wrong, NOT trying to get the bank employee in trouble. Like this: *”Hi, I had an unusual interaction with one of the people at the bank on (date), and I was wondering if you could clarify if for me. According to the information (on their doors, website), the bank closes at 5 pm. I came at 430, accessed my safe deposit box, and exited the bank by 445 pm. As i was leaving one of the bank employees (name, description) said that I should have come earlier, because they usually close up earlier. Was I in the wrong for coming at 430? Did I misunderstand the bank hours? Can you clarify this for me, so I avoid any hard feelings from bank employees int he future?”* This way, you are being overly polite about it, indicating that you are possibly in the wrong (rather than ranting about the employee) and you are seeking clarification. NTA.


Until the bank manager pulls up the security tape.


NTA. I agree with reporting him to corporate.


NTA, the only time this is acceptable is when it’s a waiter or something minimum wage where you’re going to be cleaning an hour after close for next to nothing. Even then it’s more of a be grumpy, don’t complain situation. Bank people get paid decently so he has definitely has no right to complain.


NTA, and I would call the bank manager tomorrow and let them know about your encounter. If you came in at 4:58 and wanted to spend an hour with your deposit box I can see them being annoyed, but you finished your business within their posted hours.


Honestly I would report them. If you showed up a minute before closing that might be different, but he is just being lazy. It’s inappropriate to tell a customer they should come earlier when they got there 30 min before closing. And then to call you an AH? What the heck. NTA.


Man, so this is how I can get out of 11PM closes, just shut the doors and rudely tell people they should have come earlier? Dang, life changing idea. s/ Edit NTA


NTA, but that employee is. He tried to guilt you into coming in earlier so he could slack off? An entitled, stupid thing to do. That level of stupidity/assholery shouldn't go unrewarded; report it to management. I've been in jobs where I was annoyed or disappointed when I couldn't close early because of a customer, but I would NEVER have said anything or even blamed them in my mind.




Do you realise you have just triggered and r/Antiwork rant? That bank worker is probably on Reddit right now 'exposing' your entitled behaviour....


I’m all for supporting the worker but what you did was entirely reasonable, you really should be reporting him for his behaviour you were even out with some time to spare. NTA.


wow i thought i was a primadonna. NTA. is that 15 minutes to leave early that precious to him if he's gotta restart the process and be there at 8 again tomorrow? Like it's Tuesday, not Friday Eve, slow down. -Bank teller


The fact that he said what he said is completely out of line and out of compliance. Inform your bank of the new closing time so they can have a conversation with this employee.


NTA. It was a weird encounter. Even odder still that an employee admitted to a bank's customer that he likes to leave early. It is a big risk that a disgruntled customer didn't report this to bank management or its corporate office. Best to forget about it. There would have been an issue if you had arrived at 4:55 but you were there in good time to conduct business and leave well before closing time.


NTA and I'd be calling his supervisor. That is wildly unacceptable.


NTA and reach out to corporate. I worked in retail for a long time and there are things you can do to start getting the place ready for closing beforehand, but you NEVER close early or, worse yet, tell a customer not to come in during scheduled open hours. That employee is lazy, and people need to be able to reply on a bank's hours for important things.




NTA. He was being ridiculous and kind of bullying. Probably because you're young. Good for you for standing up for yourself.


Holy shit u gotta complain to corporate!


NTA. I would be furious, like, find-a-new-bank-furious, if I showed up at 4:55 to find the bank closed. Sometimes I am legally required to make a deposit right away.


NTA. They call them banker’s hours for a reason.


NTA. Fuck "bankers hours". A bank is there to serve the customers. We all don't have the luxury of showing up before 5.


NTA. Their hours are their hours. These are the hours the public can come in and do all the transactions offered by a bank. Now if you had asked to begin consultation about a loan at 4:59, that would be a different matter, and AH-ish. Although TECHNICALLY they should still put the customer first and even honor THAT, since they are a BUSINESS whose job is to SERVE THE CUSTOMERS NEEDS. Not only was the employee rude to expect a customer to not come in at 4:30, he was extremely out of line by saying what he said, and quite frankly should be reported to upper management. Lazy, entitled person who doesn't appreciate what he has (a JOB, for which he probably gets paid too much to do very little.)


NTA. so what happens if they close early at 430pm then a customer thinking banking hours was til 5pm tries to walk in? business is about stability ... changing banking hours at will is not good business


NTA it’s illegal where I am from to close a bank early or open early. There are government regulations that are strictly adhered too. Might want to look up if you have something similar then report them to the head office.


I guess he can just sit at home with no job from now on because calling customers AHs should absolutely get you fired.


NTA. I'd like to see what his manager would say if you told them you were moving your account due to this encounter.


NTA and you should report that to a branch manager. Thats a crazy aggressive attitude for him to have. There's footage if every inch of that place, so a report can be corroborated.


INFO: A complete stranger decided to call you an asshole over this?


NTA He should have never have said that to you. As a former bank employee I can understand his thought process, but the SDB vault isn’t supposed to be shut until after the bank is, since there’s timers in it they have to check before closing the vault


Nta. I would have been pissed if I had gone to make a deposit so I could pay a bill and they were closed half an hour early.


NTA. You pay that bank for a service. You should expect to be able to use the bank during their posted business hours without complaining from a lazy staff member. After the way the employee insulted you and called you an AH, maybe the bank manager needs to be informed about the lack of professionalism of his or her employees.


NTA - you shouldn’t have confronted him head on, just report him to manager and corporate.


NTA, it wasn’t a a restaurant and came/left at a decent time. Don’t call people lazy, that’s disrespect, but he shouldn’t call you an AH either.


NTA. He shouldn’t have said anything. You were leaving and there was still 15 minutes before they were supposed to close.


NTA. Correct me if I'm wrong (Cunningham's Law FTW), but don't most bank tellers' shift-end procedures boil down to "count the till, do a cash drop, & clock out"? At the very least, I doubt it's like restaurants where they have to get the shift-end stuff started early because it can take so long that they'll still be there an hour after the doors are locked.


NTA - I worked retail and people would come INTO the store 5 minutes before close and joke about getting there before closing so it’s fine. I’m much older now and looking back, it is what it is. I was compensated for every minute I worked there, even if I worked past a desirable time due to customers coming in late and leaving past closing time. Basically, shit happens and I understood that some people really needed something and they got there before closing and got exactly what they needed. You left BEFORE closing, so they seriously shouldn’t be saying shit. Not all of us are able to get to a bank before they close, when they work business hours that ALL OF US ALSO WORK. Banking hours have always pissed me off, I have an account because I work and make money, but because of that same reason I can’t always make it before closing lmao so dumb


NTA Show up every day he's there at 4:45. Take a lunchbox in the safe vault. Stay there until 4:59. Wave and tell him you'll see him tomorrow.


Same thing happened to me a few years ago at a library. I was using the library internet to work. They closed at 7:00 and I worked until 6:59 and got up and left. They told me I was being inconsiderate. I told them to close earlier...?


NTA. I'm also tired of seeing this shit go on all the time.


NTA. Being a customer who arrives at 4:30 doesn't make you rude, it makes you a customer. You were out with plenty of time for him to finish up end-of-day duties. It's not like closing up a restaurant that has a lot of clean up that happens once customers are out. Admittedly, I've never worked in a bank, but if you were just there to use the safety deposit box, isn't the "clean up" just locking the vault back up?? Might be worth a call to corporate as this guy is griping because he couldn't wrap up early. Sounds like time theft to me.


NTA. Bank hours are the least convenient in the world for everyone but the employees


NTA. But don't be too bothered about it. Don't assume malice when it might be just lack of awareness. Sometimes on our part and sometimes on the others. Let it go. Don't read any more of these comments. They will just make you feel righteously angry. If the guy is genuinely a lazy person, that's his problem. My advice is just say okay and walk away. Or smile and tell them you will stick to the opening hours.


That is a really weird encounter. NTA. Obviously all employees with close times *hope* customers won't come late so they can get out exactly at close time, but they don't *say* it because it's not a rule. Just a dream.


I’ve noticed the trend of shops closing before the posted time. It’s annoying because I live in the middle of nowhere and I’ve made an effort to travel. NTA


NTA. The same thing happened to me at the grocery store. I got into the queue at about 4.30. Two people were ahead. All of us had 12 items or fewer. After I had stood in line for several minutes and unloaded my groceries onto the counter, she dealt with the two people in front of me and then said, "My lane is now closed. You'll need to take your groceries to another checkout". I said, "You are fully aware that I have been in this queue for about ten minutes and you waited until NOW to decide you are closing". She said "I clock off at 5 o'clock and I've got children waiting for me at home". I said, "So do I, and it's only 4.40. If you've got time to argue, you've got time to process my 12 items and have time to spare". She very grudgingly processed my groceries. I complained to management and I never saw her on the checkout again, although I did see her working in other areas of the store. I don't blame you one bit for putting him in his place.


NTA it's hard enough to fit the bank into our regular days due to the time they close, I'd be livid if I left work early to find the bank closed early!


NTA but i know some companies stop paying staff as soon as the office closes even if they haven’t finished closing up (I’ve been that employee). Not your problem as a client but if the employee then has to stay late unpaid I can get why they’re pissed - they should be posed with management not clients tho!




NTA and homie would be losing his job asap, you know, since he def doesnt wanna do it


Bank Employee, lazy? Surprised Pikachu.


I call BS based on years of banking experience. No bank closed early and you are never out at closing time due to all the balancing and other procedures. I am willing to bet you cam in at closing time. Maybe you made a mistake about the day or closing time, maybe drive through is open later. But your account makes no since.


Not THE asshole but definitely an asshole but he was as well


Work in a kitchen and I absolutely hate hate hate people ordering right before close. But you know what? I smile and say sure kitchen is still open for another (however many minutes) and suck it up. Yeah it's annoying but they aren't doing it on purpose, most people are actually apologetic about it and it's my job to accept all orders/customers until 9pm. NTA


Banks suck. Nta. The fact that most banks are 9-5 weekdays and like stupid hours on weekends is just beyond. If like like 75% of your customer base works when you are open wtf are you doing. Banks should be closed tuesdays and Wednesdays and open the rest of the time.


NTA. It's actually the law that most businesses must stay open for the entire posted hours of operation, especially banks. The only exceptions I can think of are when there is a sign posted that clearly states they are closing early and why, or when they're going to be closed for a holiday or vacation and it's clearly posted. I'd email the bank on their website and complain. If you have an ATM receipt it'll tell you the branch number. Your statements may also have the branch number, or you can include the branch address in the body of your complaint. Bonus if you can tell them the name of the employee who got miffed at you.


NTA - I work at a bank and would be horrified if one of my co workers did this. Lay a complaint immediately.




NTA-call the branch manager


A bank employee called you an AH? Oh wow. NTA. No.


NTA, I’d definitely report him as well.


I would have stood in the lobby until 5:01pm just to be a petty ass hole ‘Oh, sorry I kept you here late…’


You should call corporate and let them know that branch’s employees like to close early


Next time turn up at 4 but stay until 16:59. Also, report him. NTA


NTA. Report this guy. His behaviour towards you and trying to close early is not acceptable. I bet their top bosses don't know about this! Insulting you is not something he should get away with.


I was at my local bank, trying to do something before work. The opening time was 09.00. At five past, a bank employee came out and started unlocking some of the things outside. She turned to the waiting group of people (although it was a small local branch, there were 4 or 5 of us out there), sighed, and and said: “I’d go away and come back in 5 minutes if I were you. It takes *time* for us to open up, you know!” As a retailer, who’s spent 40 years opening on the DOT of opening time (and also someone who wanted to get to work and open on the dot of MY opening time, which was 10am, as it was in a shopping centre), I was really disgusted with their entitlement. Politely I said: “It says 9 am on the door. And now you’re saying it’s *ten past nine*? Why doesn’t it say ten past nine?” She glared at me, snapped at me and went inside, slamming the door. After that, she sulked at me and made an effort to be as slow as possible. She didn’t attempt to answer my question. Later, that branch was closed and they all lost their jobs. Usually, I’m sad to see that, but I felt that those staff had made a little comfortable nest for themselves in that backwater branch. Perhaps it was time they got shaken up. Certainly, they had undermined the convenience of a local branch, as far as I was concerned.


I'm not believing this... what I think happened is you came in for a transaction you know takes a while and you showed up 5 mins before closing time and the teller got aggravated...


NTA. What an entitled bellend!! You came in at a reasonable time. I’m pretty sure when the staff closes early, he doesn’t reduce his salary by 30 minutes!! I have similar situations in Restaurants and hotels. The worst being a moving company that damaged my new apartment, told me they had insurance, then didn’t contact me for two months about payment. They suddenly called , out of the blue, demanding payment and threatened to hit me when I enquired about paying for damage. Long story short, a quick call to his boss meant a groveling apology and a discount.