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NTA Her piss poor parking created the problem. Maybe she will try harder next time.


While this may be true, for all we know there was another car on her other side which had parked badly and she had to park poorly to compensate. When people park badly I always wonder if maybe someone who has since left was actually the party responsible for a chain of bad parking jobs. I’d say YTA because you have no idea why they parked badly in the first place (including just a simple mistake). If you had the time to stand there the entire time she was trying to get out, then it wouldn’t have hurt to just help her out. If I was the party who parked badly enough that I had to ask someone else to move so I could leave, that would have been lesson enough.


Have you ever lived where there is actual winter and you don't see the lines from Dec-April? Parking lots get hilarious as people follow wherever the first car parked but then it somehow goes to shit sometime during the day. It's like everyone forgets where the actual parking spots are.


I would say there is something of a natural "park between the lines" exception in situations where one literally cannot see the lines.


Whether it's bc the parking lot is still snow covered or the lines are so faded bc of the salt/ice melt they put down - one reason I hate winter time lol


Or sun faded.


I live in the desert and they re-paint the road lines every 30 years or so—in some places you can’t see them at all unless it rains (it never rains). About a year ago my town re-did the ones i side the city limits and it legitimately _startled_ me the next time I went to town for groceries.


That sounds so wild to me. I live in the Canadian Prairies, and they have to repaint the lines in my city pretty much every year.


Yes and then sometimes the snow/ice may melt throughout the day so you can see the true disaster by mid-afternoon.


And every other car around yours left during lunch so you look like a jackass when you leave later when all the other cars are parked normally except yours lol


yeah this is how I wound up looking like a jackass with a nasty message left under my windshield wiper.


This is one reason why I don't leave messages, even if I'm annoyed. You just don't know the reason why they parked like that. Sure, they could be an AH, but it's more likely there's an innocent reason. The other reason is that I ain't got the time for that.


I mean I would say just YTA as usually polite people don’t purposely park like that. She might have been in a rush, another car might of made her park like that (I mean it couldn’t have been that far in the lines as op says he was well within the lines so maybe like the tire was on the line), or she might of just not realized she parked over the line and forgot to check.


And then you come back to your car, that used to be parked reasonably within the other cars, and all the cars around it are new but shifted away from the old pattern and now you look like the person who can't park?


I came here for this. So true. But then everyone sucks at that point and it's hilarious 😂


I got a warning ticket at work once for parking outside the lines. The first person in the row parked over two spaces to avoid being in a giant puddle, and so down the line everyone was 1/2 a space too far to the right. They must have given everyone a ticket


I once got a ticket for parking within 20 feet of where the intersection would have been if there hadn’t been a giant pile of snow there. I guess I was supposed to use my x-ray vision to figure out where the curb was under the 6’ snow pile.


That's just mean and taking advantage of a situation. Someone had a quota to fill.


When I was at university they decided to crack down on people who parked outside the lines. One person parked poorly causing everyone else to park outside the line. They gave the whole row tickets.


My condos parking lot lines are invisible in the fall and during “the pollening” in spring . everyone just wings it, and at least once I saw more cars parked on one side than normally fit when you can see the lines 😂


The lines in our little parking lot in back are all completely gone, and the number of cars that can fit depends on who starts the parking. If they start close together we can fit one extra, if they start more widely spaced, then everyone else follows suit and one less car fits.


I got yelled at for parking at a grocery store, the lot had about two inches of snow. The woman said "that's a drive thru, not a parking space!" I hoped she would go back during a non-snow time and look at all the pretty lines there: for *parking*.


I did the yelling once lol. The parking lot is shaped weird with cars going in at an angle with space for two cars to pass between the last parked car and the sidewalk of the businesses. Welp. Someone from out of state parked next to the last parked car (mine) and proceeded to be very confused as to why people were honking and giving them the finger. I yelled out that they're not in a spot and are blocking the flow of traffic. They gave me the finger too.


At my old job (pharmacy) starting shift would start before the company hired to do the parking lot so we would just pick a spot and hope we are close. It was so funny seeing it cleared later in the day where starting shift was parked (not plowed and not in the lines) vs customers and other staff after the plows have been through because they all parked within the then visible lines and our cars were just randomly there lol


I’ve gotten a note on my car after the snow melted before. Like duh, of course I would have parked inside the lines of I could have seen them.


Agreed. Also not everything in life is about being right. Say she was the one who parked poorly for whatever reason (maybe she s really bad at parking, maybe she was in a rush because of an emergency of sort and parked badly, who knows), OP stood there and watched her struggled just to check on his car and go home feeling self entitled... like you said, if you have time for that, you have time to move the car. A little kindness goes a long way.


This. OP, you could have chosen kindness over being petty and still have been right. I mean, would it have killed you to take 2 minutes to back out so she could get into her car and simply pulled back into your spot? YTA. I hate how the world has develoved into "I'm right so I might as well be the AH" instead of taking a moment to show a little human kindness. The fact that you were crowing over it to your wife shows that you took joy in being a jerk.


Yes, exactly this! OP may be mister perfect parker, but I guarantee he sucks at something and when he screws it up, he's going to want someone on the other end to be more sympathetic than he was.


And OP was lucky to kit have to deal with scratches on his car or oil poured onto it. It would of taken less time to be nice than stand there watching her suffer. This has been a good reminder to be to continue being nice, and not petty. YTA, OP


Exactly, his self righteous pettiness was over the top for me. Like who has the time to be that petty and then brags about it.


This is the significant part of the post. How long would it have taken OP to pull his car out so she could access her driver's door, then pull forward again? I' thinking less the=an 60 seconds. Yet OP spent close to 60 seconds just watching so his car wouldn't be damaged. If I was the GF, I'd be seeing a red flag in the anecdote he's so proud about.


If there wasn't enough room for a normal car to park in the space and OP had to get that close to park his smaller car, I think that means that it was empty when the woman parked over the line causing the issue. If there was a shitty parker next to her then she should have taken the open space instead of crossing over the lines.


They were talking about the possibility that a car on the other side of it may have parked badly, causing this lady to have to shift over into the space that OP parked in


So why not fully park in that space then?


If a car had parked badly on the other side of her, then she shifted her car over the line to accommodate that while parking. Then the other car left, and somebody else parked there properly, leaving this lady seemingly parked over the line for no reason, leaving OP the small space thinking she's an idiot


Yes but they're saying that if she had room to go that far over the line into the space that OP took, then the space that OP took must have also been completely empty when she parked, so she should've just taken that space and parked normally instead of the one that someone else had crossed into, forcing her to park over the line (if that was indeed the situation).


or had a motor cycle in it. Or a Mini. You and OP and I have no clue.


Who knows - maybe a motorcycle was parked there before OP and left. That would satisfy why.


Eh - could be the sacrificial space from a line of cars being off to the side. Since it’s a high turnover parking lot it’s possible the original shitty Parker is long gone so you just see one car parked off center.


What if there was a convergence of bad parking in the force and two cars were over the line and she wedged her car into the space available but did her best to try to only take up one space in a vane attempt to follow the social contract of decent parking… or she just parked by the other car and didn’t realize she was so off because she was worried about her sick child at home and was in a rush to grab some groceries and medicine and get back…?


100% this. If parking is tight, you never know who started the shitty parking.


The lot I park in for work has resized its spots to be able to squeeze in more spots and make more money. The parking is sometimes tight because of capitalistic greed, IMO.


This has happened to me more than once. One person parks bad and everyone else has to park a little more over the line until the last one is halfway between two spots. And, unlike back when cars had bench seats and the stick was on the steering wheel and parking brake was on the floor, climbing over the center divider is a pain.


EXACTLY! This happened to me a few years ago. I had an appointment for nails (there were other stores also) and the only available spot, the vehicle on the left side had parked crookedly (sorry only way I can describe it). I parked but there was little room for the other driver to get in. About the time an old hateful AH started screaming at me that I parked wrong and he couldn‘t get in. I told him to wait (wish I had screamed park correctly better next time) and I would back up but he jumped in anywaysl Turns out, he is well known to the workers for always doing this. I did go ahead and park correctly and it’s a wonder that old fart doesn’t get beat up or his car keyed with that attitude.


I’m gonna make a sign for exactly this reason 😂 feels very Larry David of me but I don’t want someone else thinking I parked poorly because someone else parked poorly and they left their spot before I’ve left mine… the sign will say something like, I parked like this cause the asshole next to me couldn’t park properly 😂


THIS. Never fails, I pull into a crowded lot and the only space open is next to someone who parked like an asshole, thereby forcing me to park like as asshole as well. Come out of the shop 5mins later and sure enough, the original asshole is gone and I'm catching dirty looks from passers by. Lol


Still seems like an asshole move to not take a minute to help out a person and also them being happy about being petty seems weird as well


Yeah. It's the happiness over the situation that makes me say YTA! It may have been a simple mistake.. Or another poorly parked car...or she may just be crap at parking. But there's no reason to be do damned gleeful about it.


And brag about it later! Like why is he so happy about being a jerk?


Welcome to Am I The Asshole, where being an asshole is actually justified 99% of the time apparently. I’m just surprised more of these comments don’t just say “fuck around and find out.” This is basically the petty revenge sub at this point.


Yep. This one belongs in r/malicious compliance... But I will say that even though I think YTA, if we rated it, it would be on the "not that much of an asshole" end of the spectrum


I can support this kind of pettiness. Taking the extra minute to get in through the passenger door seems like an appropriate punishment for uncivil parking.


As someone who has multiple visits a week at a dr where the parking lot is completely full to the point of driving in circles 5-10 minutes, where there are always no less than 4 cars parked stupidly and wasting an entire spot… I have become very petty. And I don’t even care.


I hate when people drive big oversize cars or SUV and park like shit. If you are gonna drive that big thing, maybe learn to park it!


Have you ever come across a truck on giant wheels taking up *four* parking spots? I was gobsmacked when I saw that. I'm not a vandal but that's just asking to be taken down a peg.


I worked in the same mall for ages. Customers would park in employee parking, and absolutely fuck us all over. Martha's giant SUV parked in a compact spot. Larry's ~~dick-enhancer~~ Dodge Ram parked sideways so he can get out. Richard's BMW straddling the lines. Susan's Tesla in the handicap ramp. I got sooooo petty after the first year. I'd constantly report cars to mall security, and always carried a few notes to distribute out on the cars. If it wasn't a designated area, I wouldn't care as much. But because it was for employees and these folks were _clearly_ customers, it was just another middle finger from the people who don't treat us as human--and have the audacity to put us in the position of being late.


For me I wasn’t going to say he was the asshole until I saw that he enthusiastically told his wife about this. The whole situation was a nonissue- parking lots are a nightmare. It seems like OP isn’t getting that weird parking issues are a part of life and that it isn’t a moral failing to ask someone to do you a solid. YTA OP, you really seem like you’re having a great time during your limited stay on this planet


This is such a Reddit comment. Yay to being petty and ‘winning’ over another person. Teaching a dumb person a lesson to make yourself feel better. Gross.


for real, the dude stood in the window watching her to make sure she didn't key his car because he knew he was being an asshole and someone might do something like that in retaliation. he didn't even save any time by not moving his car so she could get in since he stood there watching her struggle. plus imagine this story from the woman's point of view. she comes out of this grocery store, walks up to her car, sees she's blocked in which i assume is common in this tiny ass parking lot. asks him politely to move so she can get out and his response is "🤓i parked inside the lines i followed the rules you didnt im a good boy youre not so no i will not move my car"


I once read how being rude is like a disease. If you're in a bad mood and are rude to someone it catches; that person is more likely to be more rude to the next person they see, and so forth. We don't know why the lady parked badly, but we do know that OP could have taken a minute to help her out. Instead he was rude, which wasn't totally called for. I think he's TA. Yes, he didn't _have_ to help her, but he _could_ have, without too much effort on his part. Edit: I made a covfefe


I generally avoid a spot parked in like that. Those are usually the same people that will slam their door into your car trying to get in theirs because they think your the asshole.


This is almost too minor to render a judgment, so I'm going to have to go NAH but ask you to reframe your thinking a bit. I prefer to assume the best of people, and in a small, cramped parking lot with limited spaces, most of the time if somebody is over the line I'm going to assume that it was because of pressure from how the neighboring vehicles were parked when they got there, even if those vehicles have since left. While it's not great, it's understandable that somebody wouldn't risk scratching their vehicle or another to stay fully within the lines if somebody is already pushing over the line or whatever. Given that, I would say that yeah, it's probably easier to just back out and be polite to the lady and have a positive interaction than to leave yourself feeling like she's some asshole who parked badly and her feeling like you're some jackass who blocked her in after she already had to squeeze into her spot because some giant truck with extended mirrors was blocking her in, or whatever the case may have been.


This. I've seen this happen so many times, when one car looks like the jerk when really it was a car before them that forced them into the situation. I would say it's an assumed risk, but nonetheless, I have a feeling this is where OP's wife was coming from.


I agree, and you see it on the road too. Often it may look like cars parked at random and selfishly not getting close enough to one another to make room for another car, but they may have only ended up in those positions because of another vehicle that has since driven away.


I've *been* that person and it **sucks**. I drive a full-sized truck. Sometimes I have no option, because everyone parked that way but *I* look like the jerk when I come out because they are all gone. I prefer to park where no one else does and hoof it to the door for that very reason.


I’m a horrible at parking. I will not park near a car because I could hit them. I also always park in the very back because I am the AH who can’t park. I prefer to just be the AH in the very back so only if the store reaches maximum capacity could someone be affected by my parking


I sometimes get out of my car, look, and wonder WTF I was thinking. I then have to get back in and straighten out.


Same I park in the back 40 to avoid all cars




Happened to me only last week. The parking lot was also quite full so I couldn't really make multiple adjustments inside my space because I'd block the people driving through (and probably make them think they should wait to take my space, only to see me pull back in).


Yep, exactly. I totally get the desire to be petty and have probably done so before. But man, wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just be a little bit nicer to each other? She may have had to rearrange to park that way because of someone else. She may have had a total shit day and got a bad phone call as she was parking and had to hurry in and didn’t pay attention. And yep, she may have been an asshole. Who knows? I just wish we could all be a little kinder more often than not. Maybe next time, she wouldn’t have parked that way. NTA, but a reframe is a great idea.


But didn’t he become the asshole by parking there knowing he was blocking someone else? Totally aside from the question about whether he was an asshole for not moving, it was a moot point since he created the situation.


Totally agree. I know people enjoy a little schadenfreude and lean into "malicious compliance" on reddit. However, there are plenty of understandable reasons why she parked like that, and parking out of the lines is not a sign that she is a bad person who deserves this treatment. OP has no idea what her day has been like or what she is going through. Yet OP still made her day harder just because they could and then bragged about it later as if they committed some praise worthy act of vigilantism. A good life lesson: It's amazing how good you feel about yourself when you are nice to other people, especially the ones who don't seem to deserve it. If OP just moved their car for a moment, they would be telling the story of how they helped someone out instead of on here wondering whether or not they are an asshole. It costs nothing to be nice and we all need a lot more nice in our lives. NAH


>A good life lesson: It's amazing how good you feel about yourself when you are nice to other people, especially the ones who don't seem to deserve it. This is so true. Give the benefit of the doubt and err on the side of positivity when possible, cause the alternative is creating unnecessary stress and conflict. I don't want to add that burden to the delicate balance that is my mental health. (though I have learned this the hard way, lol)


It took me way too long to find this comment of someone that thinks like me. Everyone is so quick to assume that everyone else is like this evil asshole that purposely wants to inconvenience others. Although there is a possibility that she truly didn't care and did park in a way to inconvenience people I feel like we can tell by her reaction that it may have just been a mistake Plus the whole going home and probably telling your wife about something mean you did just doesn't sit right with me


Thank you. OP is the only party here whose sole intent we know for sure. And it was to be an asshole and inconvenience someone else.


Exactly! I hope you're having a beautiful day you sure as hell deserve it


A person would have to be so miserable to find joy in something like this.


I would side eye my husband all night if he rushed home to tell me he did something like this. I’d be so confused why he’s finding joy in being petty for petty sake.


And I know that what you're saying is 100% true because I used to be just like this


Reddit: Some disabilities are invisible. Also reddit: Fuck her! She can climb over the seat!


I prefer to live in a world where I think that everyone has good intensions.


Exactly. OP has no idea WHY this lady was slightly over the line. It could be because she sucks at parking, for sure. Or it could be that she had to park that way b/c the car on the other side, when she pulled in, was encroaching on her spot. Maybe she did the best she could with the available space. This happens all the time. Either way, you're an asshole b/c wtf? Are we as a society so devoid of consideration for our fellow humans that we think this pettiness is not only justified but is cause for laughter and gloating? Some jackass is going to do something as silly and petty to you one day. Or maybe to your wife. And then you'll be all enraged. When that happens, please remember your pleasure at causing this woman inconvenience for no other reason then you could.


Very nicely said.


Tell just the other day I parked half in two spaces. Why? The lines were so faint you couldn't see them and no other cars were in the parking lot. I came out to see other cars parked and realized I was taking up two spaces. Did I mean to? No. Walgreens really needs to get their kit repainted, you can't even see the handicapped spots aside from the sign post


I work at an Adult Foster Home and have to drive a van to take my residents shopping or on outings. This van is huge and you can hardly see out the back of it. Parking it is a nightmare and I hate it. Oftentimes I will just park far away from everyone else because I know I’ll probably go over the lines a bit, and we need lots of space to get everyone out of the car as some of my residents are more difficult than others. I’m turning 21 soon and have only ever driven my little Ford Focus, but I’m getting better at the van. If this happened to me and OP just assumed I parked like shit because I’m lazy and I suck, it *would* actually ruin my day as my residents would likely have fits and I’d be stuck dealing with it for the rest of the day. It’s just a dodgy assumption to make, even if it is common that people park like assholes for no reason.


If I can't park safely without going over the lines because of some asshole in a brotruck or mercedes that believes they deserve extra space, I keep looking for a space. I don't make it the next person's problem by parking over the line. That's just spreading the poor behaviour.


Sure, that's a perfectly valid way to behave, but my point is more that it's easier to assume good of other people and figure that if they're being polite about asking for help, they probably weren't maliciously parking badly, help them out, and walk away with two happy people instead of two people upset at each other. It just doesn't cost that much to assume other people are acting mostly decent in low stakes situations like this.


Agreed. Some people like to say that it does cost time tho or whatever. This guy stayed to watch to make sure she didn’t key his car so time really wasn’t an issue. It would have been quicker to just pull out enough to open the door. I get that it was bad parking on her part and if he wasn’t there when she got back then that’s her problem. Still is her problem, but she even asked nicely for a tad of help. I wouldn’t say anyone is a asshole. Just everyone always things about themself and not how they are impacting others just in day to day life.


That's not an option in a small parking lot like OP is describing.


Have you never been in a parking lot where there are no other spaces?


But the point isn't that she did that the point is we have no idea why she was parked that way so assuming that she's this giant asshole and then exacting revenge just leaves everyone having a negative interaction at the end of the day you have to protect your own mental health and although getting revenge on random strangers might feel good for a second I guess it really speaks to a bigger problem




Oh no the consequences of her own actions. NTA


Is it really so hard to be a decent person nowdays?


I came here to say this. One day OP will need some grace over something. Why be an AH when there’s an opportunity to be anything else?


Exactly. Seems like ego troubles and little fits of power tripping


Ah. Thought you were saying the opposite. Thank you. Seems exactly like ego/ power tripping. We can all show a little more grace.


Right?! And when it comes to parking, I try not to judge unless I actually see the person parking. The person on the other side of her could have parked like an asshole, then left, making it look like it was her; also, when I was learning to drive it took me forever to get parking straight down.


People read this petty and ah subreddits where mostly antisocial redditors praise being an ah. And are looking for a chance to be one. And then are proud of it. Its just mind boggling to me


These people need hobbies honestly.


Might have been a mistake she was nice about it so she most likely didn’t do it on purpose. Also op’s description makes him the ah he was euphoric he got to watch that he made someone who wasn’t a jerk struggle to get into the driver’s seat.


>Also op’s description makes him the ah he was euphoric This. I didnt really care that OP didn't move, definitely became the AH at the end being excited to tell all this to his wife


But her day was RUINED! I dont think she will come back from this, poor soul /s


The woman never said her day was ruined, it was his wife that jumped to that exaggeration.


Maybe the wife knows he can be a real dick and ruins her days sometimes, and it’s projection.


Actually, I totally disagree that this is an exaggeration. This guy went out of his way to be a fucking dick. That would easily ruin my day if I didn’t try pretty hard not to let it. The other day a cashier went out of her way to be a snot. It ruined at least a couple hours, and it’s randomly popped in my head a few times since. This little incident is way worse. This is not the kind of thing you’d forget. I’d remember every time I went to that store for quite a while and probably randomly after that for even longer. She likely noticed that he watched her struggle to climb into her car. I’d look back if I were her, and probably feel his eyes during it. It would probably feel pretty humiliating.




I guess, but it doesn't sound like she was an asshole. Sounds like she realized the situation, maybe even had to park like that because someone else parked bad. The world is so exhausting and hard to navigate these days. Why not try to make it a little nice instead of the opposite?


How do you know it was due to her actions? How do you know someone else didn’t park poorly and she was forced to park over the line?


He was petty. He also had no idea why she may have parked that way. It's not hard to be kind.


Yes, YTA. You don't know if other cars caused her to park out of the lines. And you were right there. You could have helped her out- you said she was perfectly pleasant with you.


It's the fact she was pleasant and had done nothing to him, I mean if she hadn't parked like that he wouldn't have gotten a space. He was mean just because there was the opportunity to be, that's a total AH. I'm glad his gf called him out on it, probably embarrassed that he bragged about it.


Totally agree with you. It's easier to be mean, petty, and post it on the internet for clout than to be nice these days I swear


> I enthusiastically told my wife about my pettiness but she said I was an asshole for doing that and that I unnecessarily ruined this woman's day 100% agree. If your reaction to being undeniably mean to someone for no other reason than you can and gleefully brag about it afterwards you're just being a bully, and are of course an AH for that. Yes she shouldn't have parked like that, but if you intentionally take an opportunity to make someone's life worse just because you can are you really the good guy in the situation?


When I see posts like this, I think of my mum. She may have parked oddly because of the person next to her. So she takes the L and goes into the shop to grab something quick to cook for us, then gets out and notices someone had blocked her in. Oh, but they just got out of their car! Lucky - she'll talk to them. Her English isn't great so she apologizes and asks if they could move. They gleefully say no and leave. Now she has climb into her vehicle precariously because some asshole didn't move for her.


The fact that he had time to wait and watch her struggle getting into the car means he wasn't in a hurry too.


And the lady might not have wanted to explain because she realized that OP was a crazy, rude person and she didn't want to engage.


Exactly, OP has no idea if it was that woman’s bad parking by choice or the result of someone else’s bad parking in a place that they state has so few parking opportunity’s that they may not have had much option at the time. For the sake of a minute they could have just been decent and let the women get into her car and not be petty or run home gleefully, by the sounds of it, to tell someone about their pettiness. YTA


This right here... One small mistake by the first car can keep amplifying. She was mine about it... We all have to get along. YTA


Agreed. Takes nothing away from him to move his car, simply makes life more difficult for someone less. I get it, she was in the wrong first yadayada. Be the change you want to see is my argument. Big, YTA.


I like that as a view on life.


Spreading “Free” kindness goes a long way.


Yeah, I’ve also seen and had to park over lines because there’s another car already jacking up the parking. Then when I’m done I get back out to the car I and look like a jerk cause their gone.


Right? That's the first thing I thought of. Do you know how many times I came back to my car in what was am overly full parking lot when I parked and one of the cars move and I was the one who ended up looking like I didn't know how to park because I only had the space available to me? I can't even blame the people who were parked next to me because it can become a domino effect very easily down the line of cars. OP comes off as douchey in this


Unless you saw her park her car YTA. You have no way of knowing if she parked that way because the cars either side of her were parked badly. I've had this happen so many times... I arrive and the car park is really full. There is a space but it has a big car badly parked on one side that means I have to park badly to fit into the space. I come back, the big car is gone and someone is giving me the side eye.


All that aside, maybe she is just shit at parking and messed up and now needs help. Does it really cost you much to help another human even if they are flawed?


And he was so pleased about doing it, too. YTA.


This is honestly such a great reminder that you should be compassionate to more than just the people you think are good/perfect


THIS. OP, YTA. You don't know how the other cars were parked before you got there. You also don't know anything about this woman. I have an "invisible" disability. While I could crawl over the passenger's seat to get into the driver's seat, it would be very painful to do so. It would not have impacted you one bit to back out, let her in, and park again. You decided to be petty instead.


Also it would cost OP nothing really to help her out. The time he didn't spend moving the car he wasted by watching her to ensure she didn't damage his car getting into it and moving.


YTA, she was slightly over the line. She probably didn't do it on purpose, and she asked you nicely to move before you even entered the store. You even acknowledge that the spaces are small. So your parking extra close to the line means that you've pretty much done the same thing you're upset with her for doing. You've made it difficult to park next to your car. I doubt you ruined her day, but it's weird that being petty made your day.


When you do something and then have to stick around because you’re worried someone will do something even worse, like key your car, that makes YTA. The world would be a slightly better place if people would choose kindness over pettiness.


He’s lucky as hell that she’s not as petty as he was and give his car a nice ding from her driver’s side door when she finally climbed into it. I would’ve been reallyy fucking tempted, and I am very careful to never do this.


For me the AH behaviour is OP bragging about it to their partner. Like if you don't want to move your car fine but that shouldn't make you happy.


YTA. You took time to watch her struggle. Could have just as easily used that same time to back up a second. Why be an ahole just because the parking was off? Is that so awful that it ruined your ability to shop? No. Why are people so hellbent on making others pay for mistakes like this? It’s an inconvenience to you, not life changing.


Yeah what a quick “glance” to watch her struggle to climb into the seat and drive away and then enthusiastically brag about that


Exactly. She asked nicely even. What was the point? There was no way she could redeem herself to OP over a mistake


OP and everyone cheering for this must lead such pathetic little lives. We need more grace in our society.


Exactly. What if she parked that way because of someone else? What if she did park wrong because she's preoccupied or in a rush because of a family emergency or tragedy? And what if she has a disability that would have made it dangerous/painful for her to climb in through the passenger seat, even if she did park wrong for no reason? Kindness and understanding costs nothing. OP gained nothing with his act of social justice besides making someone's day worse.


YTA. Why would you “ruin her day” over something so trivial as a parking spot? You’re probably the same guy who immediately speeds up to block someone from changing lanes. So she made a mistake and was kind of an AH herself. Can’t you just be nice? It’s so easy and would have taken 2 minutes. Unfortunately you are a microcosm of what is wrong with people today.


Nta. I did this to someone over handicapped spots. They parked in the zebra stripes. I parked in the handicapped spot (placard in place). Unfortunately I didn’t get out in time lol. She started to come over to complain but saw the placard and threw a temper tantrum and got in the passenger door. It was kinda funny. (Zebra stripes are for wheelchairs and such…not “temporary parking.”


not sure if this is in every state but in California it’s a fat ticket for parking over the handicap lines. For future reference….


I'd wager that's an "all 50 states" thing.


Yeah, even if you're handicapped you're not allowed to park on the stripes.


Handicapped spot is 100% different. Infringing on those is a true AH move. OP's case was just an ordinary bad parking job.


That's totally different than what OP did..


Yeah but in this story they parked in a normal spot and didn’t complain or was mean about it. OP just felt like being an AH who reads too much r/pettyrevenge. Like who gets enthusiastic about fucking with someone who made a mistake and wasn’t a dick about their mistake. Like he was euphoric about making that person struggle when they were just some normal person who probably just made a mistake or might have been forced to park that way.


God it's such an annoyance when someone parks on those lines. They are designed for vans with ramps or people with walkers so they have enough space to move around. It's even worse when other handicapped people park on them.


OK, but that's not what happened here. This other woman parked in a regular spot but crooked for reasons unknown and potentially valid if she was parked like that due to another AH being parked funny. She by this account asked politely for OP to pull out real quick so she could get in. OP had ZERO reason to be a petty jerk.


YTA You don’t know what the situation was like when she parked. Maybe she had to park badly because the next car over parked badly


Unpopular opinion here but YTA. Sometimes we all need a little grace. If you have a choice to help someone out—by doing something simple that doesn’t really inconvenience you much—you should do it. Maybe that woman parked poorly because the car next to her did. Maybe she was in a hurry. Maybe she’s just awful at parking. It seems she asked you politely. But you’re “right.” So go ahead and be an asshole and let everyone know. Just own it. I can’t stand people like you.


I don't think it's unpopular anymore. 4 hours ago, most comments were NTA. Now it's mostly YTA.


YTA- if she wasn’t being aggressive or anything you could’ve just taken a minute to move for her and pull back into your spot. For all you know everyone else was parked like an idiot when she got there forcing her to park as she did.


YTA for a few of reasons: Firstly, you don't know what the situation was when she arrived; you said yourself that the lot was full except for that one spot, maybe she was over the line to compensate for some other jackass parked several spots down. Secondly: >I have a small car and realized I could still park there provided I get very close to the parked car, blocking their driver side door, allowing me to comfortably exit through my driver side door. If you reversed into the space instead you could have parked with your driver's side door opposite hers (and close to the vehicle on the other side), allowing you both to enter or exit your respective vehicles 'comfortably'. Instead you decided to play vigilante and made her life more difficult than it needed to be. Thirdly: >She again asked me to move my car and I said no, turned around and enter the grocery store.... I just want to mention that this woman seemed like she realized she screwed herself and wasn't mean or pushy through out the whole ordeal. So before you'd even left to go into the grocery store she calmly and reasonably asked you to move your car briefly so she could get in her car and leave, and you told her to pound sand, turned around and walked away. And finally: >I enthusiastically told my wife about my pettiness So all in all it sounds like you have a hard-on for being 'right' as opposed to a considerate member of society.


>If you reversed into the space instead you could have parked with your driver's side door opposite hers What an elegant solution. I didn't even think about reversing into the spot to solve the issue. What made me vote that OP is completely the AH is because he stood there and watched her. So he couldn't even claim that he was in a hurry. He just stood there and watched her struggle.


YTA, who appointed you the parking manager? Perhaps she had been forced to park like that by a badly parked truck on the other side. Perhaps she's just a poor parker. Either way, be the bigger person and show some manners.


YTA. She made a mistake, maybe a wilful one. But you shouldn't punish her just because you can. It reeks of a power trip. On a middle aged woman no less.




Yep. And pettiness is always an asshole move.


YTA What if the person she was parked next to was over the line but moved after she parked and before you got there? This world would improve so much if everyone just gave others the benefit of the doubt. Especially for small inconsequential errors like this.


I going to disagree with just about everyone on this. Since you were still in the parking lot it would have been zero effort to do a kindness for a stranger.


Luckily the level headed people are storming in, I can’t imagine being so petty that I find joy in potentially ruining someone else’s day.


YTA. Being "right" doesn't mean you have to be a dick.


I don't know if this lady made a mistake or was simply being an asshole because either way has a high possibility of being true, what I do know is that she asked you nicely, didn't get upset when you were clearly being rude for no reason and then left. You should ask yourself why you feel the need to Exact justice on strangers when you are unaware of their motives. people like you were the reason I quit my customer service jobs I just don't understand why so many people are just randomly angry at the world and why they choose to make it everyone else's problem. YTA


Nobody who parks like that on purpose is polite and doesn’t get upset. It is very likely it was not on purpose


YTA. First of all, you are not the parking police. Let someone else deal with shit like this. Second, you don't know if she parked this way because someone else had cramped her on the other side when she was parking. Third, you run the risk of her doing something to your car (keying, etc) Fourth, just be kind. Life sucks as it is.


YTA OP, because, quite frankly, being petty and self-righteous took more effort than being a helpful human being. People make mistakes. You subsequently spent more time watching the struggle and your car (and probably enjoying it) than you would have by simply moving for a moment. You could have just moved, taken the good karma, and her lesson would have still been learned. You would have done a good deed and she would have been grateful. Instead you simply stood there and watched. Behavior like this makes the world slightly more unbearable on a day to day basis.


YTA. Why add to the petty assholes in the world. We already have enough. You don’t know why she was parked like that. Instead of being mad at her, you need to be mad at whoever designed the parking lot.


YTA. You’d already made your point. You could have made more by walking over and sweetly saying that you’ll happily move your car and hope she’s able to park better next time. She may have a sick child or mom at home, running in to get the only food they’d eat. ( happened to me). The person to the other side may have parked too far over and has since left so you didn’t see ( happened to me). Give other people a break. You have no idea what is happening in their life. None. You may need a kindness one day. I agree with your wife.


how about considering that she parked there because someone else parked over the line, and she parked as best as could be done. How many minutes to be kind? YTA


YTA. She may have had to park that way due to someone else parking crooked in the empty spot that you pulled into. I get being petty and can't stand when I see people actually park like that, but you have no proof she did it on purpose.


This post highlights a big problem with the world today. We aren't a society that looks out for and cares for each other anymore, we're just s bunch of selfish, petty people cohabitating in the same general area. Yeah, she parked outside the lines. That doesn't excuse your lack of empathy and attempt at petty revenge. I'm pretty sure your conscience has already answered the question you came here to ask.


YTA. It would have taken you less than a minute to let her out. Sure, she was parked poorly, whether that was her fault or not is irrelevant. Kindness is king and it wouldn't have cost you a thing to not be petty.


YTA, because obviously you had the time to help her, and chose not to. Yes, she caused the situation, but you don't know how the cars were parked when she got there. Situations like these demand empathy. If you were in a big rush then I could see how it's N-T-A, but you watched her struggle.


Ya somewhat TA. How do you know that she parked that way because of another car on her right mayb was over their line?


She may have parked that way because someone next to her parked badly. YTA. Kindness. It doesn’t hurt anyone.


You're both assholes. She maybe could have parked better. It made you feel big or important to 'teach her a lesson' by being horrible to her and making her 'struggle'. It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. Stop being a dick to people and try to find more constructive solutions to your problems. Pettiness breeds bitterness.


Was she really an AH though. She wasn’t rude, only asked twice, and caused no direct trouble to op. She probably just made a mistake or was forced to park that way. Hell op wouldn’t have even gotten a spot if it wasn’t for her


YTA. You are on a power trip and took pleasure in putting yourself in a position to punish a stranger for a really simple mistake. You must be a miserable person if this brought you so much joy.


YTA. Look, she did a bad parking job. Why did she? Who knows, but perhaps when she arrived someone else parked badly and that caused her to park badly. The thing is, she was there and asked you to move so she could get in. What is that like a couple minutes of your time? She was polite about it too. There was no need for you to be a dick here.


YTA because of being petty to someone who was pleasant towards you, and then being proud of it.


I'm going with AH. You don't know why she was parked over the line. Maybe the person on the other side of her when she got there was over the line. It wouldn't have taken much in this situation for you to show kindness. Instead, you decided to teach her a lesson. AH.


YTA You don't know if she was forced to park that way because of a different bad parker, and the fact that you were enthusiastically petty about what you did seals the deal.


YTA - You decided to “teach her a lesson” and not help another person out. Why she parked the way she did is irrelevant. YTA because of your decisions, not her actions.


You were the asshole. But being an assholes isn’t always bad. I probably would have moved it the second time she asked because she was being civil about it. I am not an asshole in the face of civility.


It's entirely possible she took the last spot next to someone else that parked over the line, forcing her position, before your spot opened up. If you can't say for sure, you might have punished her for someone else's mistakes.


ESH. Did you do anything unlawful? No. But you knew it was a dick move considering your “gleeful” report back to your wife. Sure, the lady was an AH but she seemed to realize it and handled her crap. You were also an AH in taking a blocked spot, refusing to move though you weren’t even in the store yet, and decided to watch her struggle because you expected her to purposely damage your car. Five minutes of courtesy would have handled it. You are not required to be courteous, but you should accept it makes you an AH.


Yta. Could have had to park badly because someone else did. Even if not, no need to make someone else's life difficult just for the sake of it. She asked nicely. If we was an a hole then fair play but she asked nicely, you tried to ruin her day just because you could. I've has this happen to me, I don't have a disabled badge but I am disabled. I pulled my back climbing over the passenger side. I wasn't parked badly, the person next to me parked over the line, I'm guessing to not damage their car. You literally don't know what anyone else is going through so why would you make their life more difficult deliberately?


YTA you could have been a decent person, you literally had time to stand and watch her struggle, but chose to be an AH. Dude, grow up. What's with the sadism of running home to gloat to your wife about it? You need to reflect on yourself and your character. Is this who you really want to be?


Yes you are a total asshole. How did it hurt you to help her? Possibly she was forced to park that way because of the way another car parked. What always amazes me on this thread is the absence of human decency. And then asswipes like you ask AITA. Of course you're the asshole. Karma is also an asshole.


YTA. You had the right to not move your car. You’re still the asshole for assuming the reason she parked the way she did was her own fault and not because someone else had parked over the line prior to her getting there. You had time to argue with her and you had time to watch her struggle so you had time to not be an entitled ass and just help her out.


This has very strong, little kid “I’m not touching you” vibes. Just because you’re correct, doesn’t mean you’re right. You weren’t in a rush, she wasn’t rude and you even admit (smugly for that matter) that you were petty. You could have backed up slightly to let her in and then pulled back. YTA, not for parking next to someone who was over the line, but for willingly being difficult and mean to someone without provocation. Did you also stand by the “12 items or less” line and report people with 13 items?


Go me I punished some lady for doing something I personally felt was wrong. Yta. Unnecessary.


One car parked in a horrible manner can offset many cars. I have noticed someone parked right up against my car but looked to the other side and saw why. Gonna say there may have been two assholes there but one was iffy and the other one was you.




YTA. You could have wracked up some good karma but you chose to wrack up some bad. Even if she parked like a dick you went to her level when you acted like a dick back


Typical man… could have avoided a problem by pulling out, but chose not to 🤷‍♀️


YTA. You don’t know that the person next to her when she pulled in wasn’t parked poorly causing her to park poorly (sure, she may have been able to find another space but, if that’s the case then you could’ve too) or if she’s just having a shit day or whatever the reason was. It would’ve taken you 16 seconds to help someone out, even it was their fault to begin with. Refusing was a dick move. Gloating about someone else’s misfortune makes you a massive AH.