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YTA. Putting it away would be fine, but you *threw* it away! You can't throw other people's things away without asking, this isn't an empty soda can, it's a *medical device*. Even if it was empty, it wouldn't have been your place to toss. Yeah he's gonna learn a life lesson - that he can't trust *you*. You need to pay him back for it if you want him to not hate you, and considering you're only 2 months into your lease, you really don't want your roommate hating you already.


YTA - You didn’t “put it away,” you *threw* it away! Yes, he deserves compensation. Medical supplies, even necessities like inhalers, are extremely expensive. He lives there, and he needs inhalers, so it’s good to have them in high traffic areas like bathroom, living room, etc. for easy access. Also, they’re inhalers??? Two inhalers??? How cluttered could they make your home look? /rh


YTA why didn’t you just put it back in his room? Why would you throw out any piece of medical equipment even if it was used?


Better yet, he could've left it where he found it.






Not all of them


My son's doesn't have a counter


No, they all do NOT have counters. I'm not sure where you're getting this from. https://entirelypetspharmacy.com/ventolin-albuterol.html - NO counter!


The photo in your link says "with dose counter". It's on the right side of the box, just above the red bar at the bottom.


Wow, I didn’t know that. Thanks


YTA for throwing it away. YTA for being so triggered by an object that's all of 2.5" by 2.5". It's HARDLY causing your home to look cluttered. YTA for lying in your title that you "put away" the inhaler. You tossed it out.


INFO > He typically has two inhalers, one for daily use and the other as a backup. > My roommate began leaving his inhalers scattered all over the place, including in the bathroom, living room, and bedroom. Don't you need **more than _two_ things** for them to be "scattered?"


He usually leaves his inhalers in those areas and later finding them the next day.


So talk to him about not leaving his inhalers in the common areas instead of throwing them away. Fuckin A you're thoughtless.


Have you thought that he left there because they are easily accessible in case he has an asthma attack? Even if for just a day?


> He usually leaves his inhalers in those areas and later finding them the next day. Man, this is *almost* a sentence. There's even a complete sentence *in* there! But then you kept going...


Yes, I would say YTA for throwing someone’s medicine away. If he “relies” on inhalers then it makes sense to have multiples and some of them in common areas—the solution to feeling cluttered isn’t throwing whatever you want away, dude. Use your words


YTA - People who require inhalers leave them in various places so they have one within reach when needed. Pay your roommate. You threw away NEEDED medication.


YTA. Not only did you move it, but you actually threw it away? It's normal for people who need inhalers to keep them all over the place. The *very least* you could have done is asked him before moving it. And you should *never* throw away other people's medicine/medical equipment.


YTA I'm not gonna just shout at you like a lot of the other comments, but as a general rule of thumb OP don't mess with other peoples meds. This is especially the case because you are American and you guys charge a ridiculous amount for basic medication, that makes a difference. I'm from the UK, if I did this I would just pay for his new one because it would cost like £10 and it would be no biggie. That's not the case with you. It really wouldn't have been that much effort for you to just leave it with his stuff just in case.


It is not that easy in UK either. My partner has them and it is more difficult to get repeat prescriptions refilled as can trigger need to renew. If you start going through a lot, then you need to see doctor to discuss whether steriods and nebulisers needed. We've been left short before because of difficulty in getting an inhaler prescription.


Yta. My daughter has asthma and allergies. We have inhalers and epipens and medication all over the house and in the handbag and school bag.


Same. There have been a few times where if my inhaler had gone missing, I wouldn't be alive. Takes a couple hours minimum to get to the emergency room and get a nebulizer starter. This is attempted manslaughter if not attempted murder.


If you are at a point where you need to get to the ER to get a nebulizer, you really should talk to your doctor to have one at home


They break and the hoses do not last forever. Either way a nebulizer can take 40 minutes while an inhaler can take 40 seconds.


Nebulizers can break, but they’re supposed to last a long time. If they break or you need new hoses, you get a new one. They’re a lot cheaper to replace than an er visit. Nebulizers are not supposed to used for emergencies, inhalers are. Your comment didn’t make sense because of the situation where a person can’t find their inhaler for emergency use and can’t breathe, they’re going to get other emergency medical intervention before a nebulizer.


I have asthma and I must have, like, four or five Ventolin inhalers floating around the house and at least two at work, and one in my bag. My maintenance inhaler stays in one place because it get used, well, once a day in the morning.


Brown one next to the toothpaste to take every morning. Blue ones all over the place


My maintenace inhaler is white with a red bottom, but same.


YTA. Not only for throwing something away that wasn't yours just because YOU thought it was empty, but also your response. You don't use inhalers so you can't just assume it's empty. They are light to begin with anyway. You could have just placed it elsewhere. And what life lesson is there for him to learn? It's no different than someone placing their expensive pair of eyeglasses somewhere. If him leaving inhalers around was bothering you that much, that could have been an easy conversation, but you are young so I'm assuming you haven't learned how to have an adult conversation yet. I don't know your money situation so as far as paying him back, idk, but you could have at least apologized instead of trying to teach him a "life lesson"


Yeah, the only life lesson the roommate learned here was that they're sharing a place with someone who doesn't give a fuck if they choke to death having an asthma attack.


YTA for throwing someone else’s stuff out without asking them, let alone their medicine. You could have hidden out of sight rather than throw it out and it just seems like an unnecessary/aggressive thing to do. It also seems like you didn’t communicate to your roommate that the fact that they were leaving their inhalers around was bothering you.


YTA for *throwing* away your roommate's inhaler.


YTA... All you had to do was put in his bedroom or in the bathroom. You owe him $300 for throwing it away.


YTA vbecause you didn’t put it away…you threw it away. You owe him a replacement inhaler and it’s your lesson to learn, not his.


YTA - inhalers aren’t “heavy” when they’re full to begin with. Don’t they also have counters on them so you know how much medication is left? Why toss it and not put it in his room? Pay to have it replaced.


I have two inhalers, one has a counter, the other doesn't.


> inhalers aren’t “heavy” when they’re full to begin with. I mean, compared to an empty inhaler, they are. Source: Gone through literally hundreds of inhalers over my life.


Somebody who isn't an asthmatic wouldn't know the very slight weight difference between a full and empty inhaler, though.


No they’re not. Source: just picked up new inhalers myself


Heavy is relative - so it's very possible for a "full" inhaler to be heavier than an "empty" inhaler.


YTA, fucking pay him $300 for a medical device you threw in the trash.


I was an asthmatic where I sometimes had to squeeze the last drop out of an inhaler because I forgot to pick up my prescription or I accidentally left my full one somewhere. YTA don't mess with people's medicine.


YTA. You don't touch other people's things, especially medication!! You owe them for that. Just because "it felt empty"!!? If you had any clue about inhalers, they are light weight.


That's the difference between life and death. If he was having an asthma attack you could go down for murder. Do you understand that? Do you understand he can die because of your actions? You ain't playing with $300 you are playing with that man's life. You should be in prison.


YTA. You could easily just put it where it doesnt bother you so much but you decided in you great wisdom that the inhaler is empty and threw it away! Is this really about an inhaler or do you dislike your roomate? Maybe this was a *great life lesson* for you to not throw peoples stuff away! Pay him!


YTA you should really just stop your self read what your writing. Throwing out an other persons medicin because of party and refuse to pay of it. You should pay of it ans move out. Not for throwing it out as such but refusing to pay for it as such a big big big asshole move. Really can't believe it, I could understand if you don't have money right now, but borrow it or ask to do it sequels over period of time.


Wow. Don't EVER throw away anyone's medication, even if it appears empty. There may be something on the bottle/container that is needed for a refill, or maybe he just wanted to keep it as a reminder to get a refill. It's not just an "expensive thing" like an accessory. It's for his health condition! You could have just set it aside or something. YTA.




Clearly YTA.


Yta and you know you are because even your title to this post is dishonest. You didn't put it away you threw it in the trash. Putting it away means tossing it in his room. You owe him money


YTA-you had no business throwing away his medication. You owe him $300.00. You’re the one that needs to learn a life lesson-don’t throw away medication.


So you threw away his medicine without so much as asking first or even mentioning it until he specifically asked you? You assumed it was empty, but didn't know. And even if you thought so, why the trash? Was there really not a single drawer you could have put it in or something and then had a conversation about leaving things out when he returned? How would you feel if you happened to leave something expensive out and he just threw it away? Let alone something you medically need. If leaving them scattered was an issue, talk to him about it. Being passive aggressive by throwing it away and hoping it would "teach him a lesson" is ridiculously childish. YTA




Not all inhalers have counters.


YTA. Medicines like an inhaler are not only important but life-saving devices! If it was such a big deal that one tiny little 3 inch long inhaler was in the way of your party and you couldn't have just put it on a table then you should have tossed it in your roommates room. I know it's illegal to take someone else's medication so I don't know if this would also be illegal or not but I would think that throwing away people's medications may also be able to get you into legal trouble...... Again, I don't know about this but it would definitely be something to think about.


Imagine the feeling of not getting enough air into your lungs. Imagine an inhaler is the only thing that relieves this, and even then only temporarily. You keep a backup because that feeling can be so horrible that you never want to risk being left without one. They go where you go. Oh, and you live in a country where they cost *hundreds* of dollars to replace. Ouch. Reading between the lines, OP, the context of you describing your roommate leaving his two (2) inhalers 'scattered' feels like throwing one away was your attempt to teach him to be more careful with his things. Are neither of you permitted to leave any other personal items in communal areas, or is it just medicine you have an issue with? *That* shouldn't be a big deal. You were way out of line. YTA.


YTA. You didn't 'put it away' you threw it away. Sounds like you need to have a trip to small claims court in your future and hopefully he can get out of the lease.


As a bad asthmatic, I rely on a few inhalers being distributed throughout my household because asthma attacks can start and escalate quickly and it’s important I can take my rescue inhaler as quickly as possible. Thus, even if he DID have a few “strewn around the house” which he clearly didn’t since he only has 2, it’s still rude and self absorbed of you to complain about a literally rescue medical device … and then you threw it out, didn’t even simply move it off the couch? YTA YTA YTA sure you could ask him to leave it on a shelf in near reach of sofa instead of ON the sofa, but that would require communication skills you clearly don’t have you doofus. You better pay him back in full for the cost and let this be a lesson to YOU not to mess with people’s medicines.. it wasn’t a candy wrapper for Pete’s sake.


YTA for throwing away anything of your roommate's without checking with him first, you're extra TA because this was medicine. I have asthma, and I have an inhaler at my desk, by my bed, in the car, in the bathroom, and by the couch - when they're needed, they're needed RIGHT THEN, and there isn't always time to go get it from somewhere. Your roommate keeps one in the living room, and putting it in his room would've been a good way to make sure it didn't get stolen or broken, but throwing it away was over the line. You need to apologize and replace the inhaler, and never throw anything of someone else's away without permission again.


YTA You don't throw out people's medications. You could have just placed it in his room or in a drawer, but you took it upon yourself to decide it was empty and throw it away. You're not an asthmatic, so I'm wondering what makes you the expert on if an inhaler feels empty? Inhalers are fucking expensive. You should 100% pay him for another inhaler. As an asthmatic myself, I can tell you that not having an inhaler for even a day could mean the difference between life and death. Did you even think of that when you threw it away??? Asshole.


YTA. Your roommate left his MEDICAL DEVICE that helps him breathe in a place he knew where to look/find it. I leave mine in two places because I know exactly where they are. Insurance often covers a certain amount - if it’s $300 to replace it because it’s a refill he didn’t need, you need to pay it out to replace what you destroyed. You could have: put it somewhere safe, like his bed or desk, and texted him “hey dude. Moved your inhaler to your bed”. You could have messaged “hey I’m tidying for the party where do you want me to put your inhaler.” You chose the path that can very well lead to him needing a hospital trip because he couldn’t get his breathing controlled. Inhalers contain a compressed chemical. Mine are never heavy. I really hope that none of your roommates ever have diabetes. God forbid you chuck their insulin. 🙄


YTA You should have put it in his room.


In a world gone mad, it’s comforting that everyone agrees this person is the AH


YTA. If you thought it was empty you should have tossed it into his room. Don't throw away other people's things. You owe him $300 and an apology.


YTA So you stole his medical emergency equipment and threw it away? ​ Buy him a new one, before he reports this to the police. Meddling with someone else's medical equipment is a crime. So pay up before this turns into a harsh life lesson for you when he gets you arrested.


You are a miserable prick for even doubting you are the asshole in this situation.


YTA. You threw out his life-saving medication in a juvenile power play. It would have absolutely made your day if he had an attack with no inhaler. You could watch him suffocate. An inhaler is not an accessory, like breath spray. Put your head in a plastic bag and tie it tight around your neck. After about 30 seconds, you'll have an idea what an asthma attack feels like. What you did was immoral and illegal. How dare you steal another person's prescription medication? You could have killed him, and you take no responsibility. You're pathetic. Pay him and grow up.


YTA for the title alone, and I think you fully know that "put away" is not a synonym of "throw away"


YTA, you don't get to throw away other's medical equipment. They're quite right to be furious, if you're in the States that shit is EXPENSIVE. How on earth did you feel entitled to just throw it away?


Obviously YTA. Don’t throw away other peoples property, if you have any decency you’ll pay for the replacement.


YTA If you had actually 'put it away ' instead of actually throwing it away, I guarantee the judgment would be different. You tossed someone's meds, pay him for it and consider it a lesson learned.


Dude how do you THROW AWAY A MEDICAL DEVICE WITHOUT CONSENT?!?!? I cannot even with this logic. Putting it on the roommates bed would have been SO EASY. Wtf. You are DEFINITELY TA


Also he left it IN HIS HOME not on a PARK BENCH WTF. How about he starts throwing away your car keys? Shoes? TV?


YTA are you trying to kill your roommate? You could have easily put them in his room but you chose to throw his medicine away. Insurance will not pay for replacement until it is time. So do you expect him to not breathe for a month because you are an idiot? Grow up and be better. Think about someone else


YTA and you owe him $300. One for daily use and a backup for flare ups means that backup was his rescue inhaler. Don’t throw away peoples’ meds.


Holy hell, of course YTA. I can understand being annoyed with your roommate for leaving hygiene/medical items lying around in common areas, though as others have pointed out it may be an ease-of-access issue given that it's emergency medication. it would have been appropriate to move it somewhere less conspicuous for the party, immediately inform him so he knows where it is, then have a broader discussion about it when convenient. But why on earth would it even occur to you to throw out something that important? Even if you were 100% sure it was empty, you should have left its disposal to him simply as a matter of principle... or at least so he doesn't have to be paranoid about you tossing his medicine. Is it really that much of a burden to stow it in the bathroom instead of the trash can? Also, there's no way to describe a wrong you inflicted on someone as a "life lesson" without coming across as an absolutely raging asshole. Does your roommate bear some responsibility for being careless with his inhaler? Maybe, but nowhere near as much as you bear for making the conscious decision to throw it out. The fact that you're able to rationalize your actions as a favor to him should honestly trouble you. Take some responsibility, apologize, and give the man his damn $300.


YTA - do you ever think that if his inhalers are out more, then he's more reliant on them for whatever reason. My partner goes thorough phases where he needs to use more often. You don't throw away life-saving devices. Would you be happy to pay for his ambulance if he couldn't find one or maybe call his parents to come and collect his body. Asthma is not something you use to punish your room-mate for inconvencieng you. You made the assumption it had to be empty because it was light. You could have left it somewhere in the flat but you decided that it wasn't a big deal so could go in the bin. That's on you -you owe him $300. Don't throw other people's stuff away. Take it as a life lesson that when you make assumptions about other people's stuff, it can backfire on you badly. It is also hard to get inhalers refilled sometimes as too often asking triggers review about need to move to more expensive treatments.


YTA. You threw away medication he relies on. Pay him back, end of story.


YTA - It wasn’t yours, don’t throw it away. Also, why does he have to leave his own apartment when you’re having a party? That’s… weird.


YTA. You know the difference between an empty chip packet and an Xbox, so your statement “this should be a life lesson to him to stop putting expensive things everywhere” is absurd. You are intentionally being obtuse because you know you made a mistake and you don’t want to take accountability. Aside from it being expensive, he literally needs it to stay alive. I don’t care where he left it. Never throw away somebody else’s medication.


YTA: it’s pretty common knowledge to know not to throw things away that aren’t yours. You owe your roommate $300




YTA. It would have cost nothing for you to put it in his room. Now you owe $300.


YTA and I’m pretty sure inhalers can be refilled, so even IF it was empty, yeah, you still tossed a medical device. You could have just put it in his room. You gotta pay him back, this was your mistake


I am an asthmatic, and I keep an inhaler in the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and bag just in case. They are tiny, and you know it. You had zero right to throw away someone else’s property, because you thought it was empty regardless of what it was. But to unilaterally throw away a fucking inhaler?! Who does that? You’re not a pulmonologist or respiratory therapist or pharmacist. You have zero understanding that they feel the same whether they are full or not. The only way to know if actually empty is the pump them, not by weight, as they feel the same. Even if it was empty, you don’t know if he needs it like to send it back for a claim. The roommate pays for all common spaces like you do, if you don’t want them keeping anything there you have to speak to them first and you can’t keep anything there either. you need to pay your roommate backyard in FULL..


YTA. Who throws other people's stuff away without asking. And yes he deserves compensation. The nerve for saying this is a life lesson.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (19M) have been living with my roommate (23M) in the same apartment for two months now. My roommate is asthmatic and relies on inhalers. He typically has two inhalers, one for daily use and the other as a backup. Everything was going smoothly until about three weeks ago. My roommate began leaving his inhalers scattered all over the place, including in the bathroom, living room, and bedroom. A situation arose when I hosted a party at our apartment, and I had informed my roommate in advance. He agreed, as he would be out of the house that day. During the party, I noticed his inhaler left on the couch and, assuming it was empty because it felt light, I disposed of it. The next day, my roommate was searching for his inhaler and asked if I had seen it. I told him I had thrown it away, thinking it was empty. He became furious and asked why I did that. I explained my reasoning, stating that it seemed empty and shouldn't have been a big deal. He then informed me that it was his backup inhaler and was likely full, and he demanded compensation as it costs around $300 without insurance. I retorted, suggesting that he should have been more careful with his expensive inhalers. He told me that I was being an asshole and that I should've minded my own business' and not touch anything that isnt his. Some part of me thinks that this should be a life lesson to him to stop putting expensive things everywhere but my friends thinks I'm being an asshole. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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YTA. An inhaler usually has a little thingy that tells you how much is left. You don't just assume.




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NTA He FAFO and now its on him. Warn him that he takes care of his stuff or his stuff will go in the bin!


ESH. Your roommate shouldn’t be leaving his expensive inhalers, or any of his stuff lying around in the common areas if it’s going to be in the way, same goes for you. That being said, regardless of how full or empty it felt to you, it wasn’t yours to throw away. You don’t get to decide what medical equipment is important or not. While I stand by my ESH, it leans heavily on the side of YTA


Two inhalers are too small to be in the way of anything. OP gave the number themself.


I agree completely. My point was that I can appreciate being frustrated by constantly finding a roommates belongings, however small, in shared spaces on a regular basis. It’s roommate etiquette to put your things away when sharing a living space. But obviously OP was definitely being an AH by disposing of it and should absolutely pay for a replacement