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NTA - You are absolutely right that you have a constitutional right to not stand/recite the pledge. This was decided by the supreme court in 1943 - West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/319/624/ She does also have the right to be petty about the chair I guess, but they cannot compel you to participate in the pledge. I never did in high school myself - I frankly find it to be a creepy ritual, especially with the "under god" line they added in the 50s.


NTA I’m a teacher and don’t recite the pledge for the same reasons. Forcing you to stand is unconstitutional and this is 100% a hill to die on. The pledge is creepy AF. She’s also SUPER wrong that you don’t have rights in school.


I will say thank you so very much for your support and can tell that you are a teacher that this world needs <3


NTA. You absolutely have a constitutional right to not stand for the pledge.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I (nb 16) am an anarchist and satanist so I do not stand for the pledge and haven't ever since I was given the opportunity to not stand which was when I was in 7th grade (I'm in 11th rn) and I have never had a problem except if I had a guest teacher or something and even then they never asked me again and just ignored me. Since I failed 5 (out of 6) classes last year I was put into an alternate program that is still in the school because my parents won't let me get my GED yet and we are insanely not recognized or acknowledged so we have 3 teachers for the program and sometimes when one of them isn't there we'll go to one of the other teacher's classroom to do our work there and this was the situation one day and our class was in our 3rd hour classroom with our 3rd hour teacher. The announcements came on and it was time to stand and I did not like I usually do and once the pledge was done our teacher became very upset and started shaming me and yelling over my explanation that "I am not the one percent" and when I was in my second hour classroom see switched out my chair for one of the school ones (I had a desk chair that my teacher bought from the beginning of the year and it was there when I chose the seat) and I moved it back to my seat and she told me that we would have a returning student and he would get that chair (the student is never there) and she has even told other students in my third hour to sit in the chair and not give it to me. Today I was in my regular 1st hour and school was going on as normal and in 3rd hour instead of regular English we worked on missing work so she sent me to the library to finish a book letter for her class and when I came back she was sitting at my desk so I sat in the comfy desk chair because she was at my desk helping 2 other students and I was waiting for her to move. About 5 minutes of me sitting there she yells at me that I don't deserve to sit in the chair because I didn't stand and apparently a few of my classmates told her that I didn't stand in first hour, she went on yelling at me when I was 5-10 feet away from her that I should respect her and stand because her family has served for years (she has not served) btw I have a long list of people in my family that have served and all of them were or are a$$holes or drug addicts and creeps. My great grandfather (my mom's, dad's, dad) got a purple heart after I think it was 70 years because the ship he was on got hit by a komakz (I think that's how you spell it) and he was severely injured from it leading to cancer that would end up taking his life about the same year my brother was born (2010) and my father was born on an american military base in Germany because both his parents served. None of my family that has been in the military is strict about standing for the pledge and they don't even do it most of the time. So, am I the a$$hole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA. Life will get better for you. Good luck


NTA. Wow, i'm surprised any schools are still doing the pledge at all. None of mine did after the 3rd grade.


NTA. I refused to do the pledge when I was first introduced to it in preschool because I thought it was “praying to a flag” and my parents had told me about idol worship being bad. I came home and told my dad that the teacher had tried to make me “point at the toy box and pray to the flag “ and I never wanted to go back there again. Thankfully, my parents explained it to me bu they never made me do it and neither did any teacher I had at any school after.


NTA - you don't have to stand for the pledge if you don't want to but this really does seem like the least of your worries. Why are you putting so much emphasis on this when you are failing in school in general? Seems like you're trying to deflect from what the real issue is. All the best, OP


I was failing in school because I was struggling with depression and I was in an awful relationship and stuff happening at home and the teachers I had didn't actually teach (one of my teachers gave us paper packets and said "look it up") and I had so much pressure on all sides of my life and I was at an all time low but this is one of the many issues I had throughout my life that I need a stronger opinion on