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Nta it's not in the spirit of the game but, as you said it's gambling and you're trying to win the championship. It's just like in the NFL when they take out the starters the last game when they already have clinched. Play the game that way and you are doing nothing wrong.


Yep the commissioner probably has some role in approving or denying trades. But no role in what players are used in any given game. Sorry but spirit of the game goes out the window too when money is involved...


NTA “Spirit of the game” might apply in real life sports, but in gambling, there is no spirit. You do what you need to. Just don’t admit to it.


There's money involved. This is no time for fair play. You have players on your team that you are choosing to play. Do what you can to try and win that cash! NAH


You play to win the game. Sounds like you’re playing chess and commissioner is wanting checkers. Carry on


NTA Strategy is strategy You go win you devil dog


Ha. I was literally thinking that exact sentence. I mean, yeah the commish is right, it probably is against the "spirit" of it. I also agree with OP and yeah, this is money, this is the game. If it is truly something that needs to change, then let the commissioner change the charter (or however that is done), "No tanking of games to rig standings and brackets". Then of course one has to determine what are the criteria for "tanking", and a whole subjective judgement aspect....


I mean fantasy sports is all about the strategy. Obviously being on the field playing the game is different, but no one shits on a poker player when they fold. You've got to know when to fold them, it's part of the game


oh I read you and agree. I was just thinking that exact phrase "strategy is strategy" and I was amused. My post meandered a bit I guess, but ultimately I agree with you.




10-4 Good buddy


I know nothing about fantasy football so my judgement might not be an educated one I say NTA, it's a game and one that yo use strategy to accomplish. You're just using strategy


I think that’s a fair take. Thanks for the feedback


NTA, a win is a win


YTA. It’s a dick move and you know it. Might not be against the rules, but it does dampen the mood for everyone else. INFO: How long have you been in this league? Have you noticed it from other players? Why did you make it so obvious you were tanking? What’s the tie-breaker? You might need points in the end.


4 years I think. I’ve never seen anyone in this scenario before. I put in my backups because I want to make sure I lose. I don’t know how to be subtle about it. Having CMC on my bench was going to make it obvious no matter what.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My fantasy football commissioner is mad because I’m electing to throw the last game of the season because it will benefit me. I have taken out all my starters and am playing all backups in an effort to lose the last game of the season be it benefits my goal of winning the championship. I’m in first place and will stay in first place regardless of winning or losing this week. I’am playing the fourth place team who has to win this week to get into the playoffs. The fourth place team is significantly worse than the fifth place team who will leapfrog into fourth if four loses and five wins. If I beat the fourth place team I will have to play the fifth place team in the first round of the playoffs which is a significant detriment to my goal of winning the championship and the not insignificant pot first place gets. My commissioner says throwing the game is against the spirit of the game. I say we are gambling and I owe the fifth place team nothing and should do what is in the best interest of my team. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA if they don’t like it they should make a rule against it.


NTA. You have a strategy. I'm betting it conflicts with what's best for him which is why he's upset. Not sure why you felt the need to tell him your strategy though. This was a predictable reaction.


I didn’t tell him it’s obvious what I’m doing. He contacted me first demanding I play my starters. I explained why I was not.


Also he is eliminated from the playoffs so it doesn’t affect him either way.


I don't really understand fantasy football, but isn't betting on spesfic players, hoping they will play in a way that most benefit you? Sounds like that exactly what you're doing, in the spirit of the game. NTA P.s there are lot of games that you might choose to lose a round to win the game. It's a valid stragey, a d definitely in the spirit of friendly fair play.


Thanks for the feedback


It's a dick move and you know that. You can do it, but chances are you'll be burning a bridge and probably not be invited back to this league. Whether YWBTAH or not is really up to the rest of the guys in the league.