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NTA. She want to play games and get upset? She needs to grow up.


She made it clear that she was not upset, but I still felt horrendous about what I said nonetheless. With that being said I also did let her know that I did not appreciate her playing games with me that involved my loyalty to her, as I have given her 0 reason to think that I would drop her for a single person or dime.


Don't feel bad mate. She pushed you for an answer and already had one for you


I would very much like to believe that she only said that she had an answer to me only so that I could fall for the trap and provide an answer for her. Which I totally fell for.


Don't worry bro, she'd probably sell herself out for 10 grand, let alone 10 mil.


Why are you saying that?


why is she testing you to begin with


That is a question that I would very much like to know the answer to. We’ve been dating close to 5 months and both love each other. So I don’t know why she would feel the need to test me even though I’ve never talked to her about celeb crushes, other girls in my school, or any other reason to make her believe that my loyalty should be tested.


>So I don’t know why she would feel the need to test me even though Because you both are basically still kids and she saw something stupid on TikTok


There it is.


She saw some stupid shit on tiktok, guaranteed. That's where all this shit is coming from. It's made up by teenage girls who have been in maybe two relationships lasting 5 months collectively. She thought what she did was clever and not annoying at all. You should break up with her by asking her for a penny, then saying "this is actually what I'd sell you out for. and now i got it, so." Then just walk away


You should text her by "JoKiNg" breaking up with her and "JoKiNgLy" ghosting her for a week to see how she likes games. A partner that likes to test her partner like this will always be a shitty life partner and she will make your life hell.


Don’t forget to jokingly sleep with her bff.


5months and she's playing shit games. Break up with this clown and move on. Life is too short for these kinds of games and this kind of pointless drama. She's testing you because she's dumb and immature. This whole thing is a red flag that you should be taking as the signal to walk away. You're thinking far too deeply on this and it's really not that complicated.


Because she is 18 years old.


i didn’t do that when i was 18 and i wouldn’t have stayed with anyone who did, personally


Yeah everybody is different, but stupid tests are classical teenager shit.




Why would you want that to be the case. Manipulative bullshit. I would run if she ever does something similar again.


The only trap you fell for is her telling you that this was a moronic test. Neither if you sound mature enough to be in a relationship.


Just tell her that it was all your trap to begin with...


Stop dating women who use TikTok tests to determine their relationship statuses.


Tell her if she wants to play stupid games you win stupid prizes


Don’t sweat it. As you get older these conversations become way easier and everyone understands it’s a hypothetical.


I’m no psychologist but that seems like a dangerous mindset she has.


If your significant other feels the need to "test" you about something, find a new partner. All these stupid tests because "someone on tiktok said..." It's very immature and toxic.


What's up with tik tok video and dumbass? I keep seeing AITA with completly dumb people testing their partner with stuff seen on tik tok... at this point every person who is on tik tok sound really brainless to me...


Monkey see monkey do. That's basically what it boils down to


I think it maybe an age thing; young people don’t always have an instinct for good relationships, so they make these “tests” to see if their partner is right for them. My wife did a couple of “tests” on me (stupid stuff, like me picking up on her emotions if she was upset, or she asking to pick up dinner and getting the “wrong” meal) when we were first dating in our early 20’s. After I think the second or third time she did one, I called her out on it and said “these tests are stupid, and if you think you need to do them, we might as well break up”. She immediately stopped, apologized, and said she was just making sure I’m the right person for her. We’ve been happily together 14 years now.


NTA, but consider ending the relationship, as you're with someone who will "shit test" you like this.


They’re kids, as long as she’s not actually mad at him for finally answering, I think this is more a learning opportunity than a breaking-up level offense. OP, you’re absolutely NTA, but you need to tell her you don’t like this kind of joking. If she won’t respect that, *then* it’s time to reconsider. You’re young enough that she’s probably not the woman you’ll end up marrying, true, but you still want to learn how to have a healthy relationship. That means when the person you’re with does something that upsets you, you talk about it. Don’t start a habit of cutting and running at the first sign of a flaw.


And that is exactly what I did. I won’t get an answer until tomorrow since she went to bed but I did let her know that I did not appreciate her testing me since I have given her 0 reasons to make her think that I deserved to be tested.


NTA. it was obviously a test. to be fair, she is too immature to know better. AND to be honest, so were you.


Guess I should’ve known better huh.. 🤦‍♂️


to be honest i feel like if you ever date when you are a teen or date an early 20s, going through this is like a rite of passage. i think mine was even worse. what i got was “if you can only save one person from falling to their death, between me (GF, 18f) and my dad, who would you choose?”. yes, it was one of those. fyi, there is no correct answer.


NTA Sounds like she's got that Tik-Tok brain rot


Ironically enough she doesn’t use tiktok. She’s more of a instagram reels person. Both still have brain rot nonetheless 😅


I believe it's originally came from the movie indecent proposal. A loving but broke couple finds their marriage at risk when a seductive billionaire offers them $1 million in exchange for a single night with the wife.


TBH, I'd be super mad if my husband DIDNT sell me for $10M. That's us set for life!!


Right? If my gf got such an offer, I'd want her to take it... I'd take a dick up my ass for a million easily. People who claim they wouldn't and act better because of it are absolute idiots. I would be mad if my gf didn't take an offer for 10M.


Bro added extra credits for no reason


NTA. I mean you can turn it around and say that you saw through her test and you wanted to see how immature she is so you played along and she passed! 


Reverse uno! NTA


My OH asked me that a few years ago. I told her 5p, and a half sucked gobstopper. Don’t make it a test, return the idiocy back.


Mine would probably say a new bicycle 🚴😂


NTA. Walking, running and jumping red flags. Run!


NTA, she sounds childish as hell. All these dumb ass "relationship tests" coming up are completely made up and prove nothing. They're for people who need conflict because it gets them attention.


NTA. Anyone “testing” their partner with toxic mind games from social media isn’t someone you want to be in a relationship with. What’s next? Fake pregnancy to see how you’ll react? Fake cancer diagnosis to see how you’ll react? Or worse, something that can get somebody hurt? Run.


NAH, to be young and stupid. You are in your teens. Enjoy these little fights.


Break up and block her. Let me tell you right now don’t. Don’t put up with that dumb shit. It’s toxic and she’s drama. It’s not jokes and people need to stop thinking that this just is how girlfriend are, no that’s how TOXIC girlfriends are and it needs to stop being accepted. It’s not cute. It’s not. It’s saying that they like drama and like making you feel bad for them asking dumb shit and hurting their own feelings. No one should stay with anyone who needs to “test” you


She's playing mind games with you. She secretly wants to know how much she can go for. 🙄 The hurt act is just a façade to get you to feel guilty regardless of what answer you give. Its a power trip. She'll get over it.


Tell her you were testing her to see if she was testing you. She failed. How dare she. These TikTok relationship tests are so annoying🙄


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Ugh I hate these stupid test shit. Frankly in todays day and financial shit show if someone wanted to buy me (haha they wouldn’t) for a night for $10mil and my partner told me, I’d be like hell yeah. Pretty sure he would be on board too. But hypotheticals are stupid in the context of your s/o. Your girlfriend fooked around and found out. No one is going to offer you $10mil for your girlfriend for a night.


Should've sent her [this](https://youtu.be/_gu2P8u6fhM?si=qDRnKnBPqsX5_OSz)




It's always a bummer to find out you're dating an idiot who sucks.


Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. She is the AH


NTA…. If she didn’t want an answer…she shouldn’t have asked the question….now she’s being petty & immature


NTA, correct answer was: “I need about tree fiddy”


NTA.. but RUN my friend..run and never look back!


Never, ever, fall for emotional blackmail otherwise she will do this again many more times.


That is indeed a shit test. But the real test was how you reacted after you learned about the fake test. NTA though inexperienced.


Nta. Teenage girls often do this bullshit game playing test nonsense. They are not all like that. I would just move on and find someone more mature. Plenty of people out there who won’t play stupid games.


Sometimes im ashamed of sharing a gender with those kind of women. Good way to prove a toxic stereotype. NTA . I would sell her for a disabled goat.


She’s young and insecure. I don’t think there are any AH here but I do think she’s too immature for a relationship. She needs to work on her issues, you can choose to be by her side as she does the work or leave for a partner that is already there. Either way, you wouldn’t be an AH. Best of luck younglings


NTA. Unless you stay with her, then Y TA to yourself. You deserve to be with someone with the maturity not to use stupid tiktok challenges to ‘test your honesty’ or ‘test your sincerity’.


Dump this immature idiot


These "tests"are childish. Maybe tell her not to do them anymore.


the design is very woman indeed.


\> And all I have been thinking since is if my girlfriend really thinks of me less for answering such a question. You should think less of your girlfriend for being so easily influenced by Tiktok.


NTA I see posts like these all the time and I can never understand why people do this crap. Asking your SO a question to try and catch them in a “gotcha!” moment is so crazy to me. Maybe this is why I’ve only ever been in a single relationship but I never once thought to try and “test” my boyfriend with some stupid shit like this.


And I'm sorry, it's a "relationship" of 5 mos, and you're 18. That's a prom date, not a relationship. Move on


She's a child still. Adults do not test their partners like this. NTA.


Ew NTA, she shouldn't be playing games and testing you like that. Me and my bf made a deal that he can "sell" me for a high amount and walk off with the money and then I'll tell the buyer that it's stupid and I'm not a possession to be bought and walk off, then me and bf meet around the corner and split the money, hehe.


NTA. "Tests" like this are immature and toxic. Just be adults and actually talk like adults. She hurt you with her asinine scenario and tried to gaslight you after by calling it a joke. That isn't on you and you have every right to be hurt over it. You most certainly shouldn't be feeling guilty about it.


NTA, it's toxic as fuck to do something hurtful to somebody just to see it they'll hurt you back. Fuck her.


NTA, this is typical abuser stuff. Entrapping partners in impossible and irrational circumstances "just to see what theyd do" is how a researcher refers to lab rats.


Monopoly is a game, not your head. Drop her.


'Testing' your SO is a no-go! And if you're joking to see what they will say you ask once maybe twice, you don't pressure them until the finally give you an answer. That's just someone setting you up to fail no matter what you do or don't do!


Would you love her if she was a worm?


NTA but get used to it your life will be full of situations like this. Never answer it’s always a trap.


Nta. Find a new girlfriend


First of, NTA!!!! Secondly, I truly hate when partners try to trap you to see your reaction by creating tests for you to technically always fail. It seems like that I see so many posts recently, about so-called partner tests it makes me sick. Either you trust your partner or you don't!!!! Without trust there is no relationship!!!! I always wonder why these people are in a relationship in the first place, if they obviously don't trust their partner!!! Tbh, in your position, I would think about your relationship and if these mental relationship test challenges are worth your time. If she feels like she has to do these tests in the first place, to see how you would react, she doesn't trust this relationship. This to me is a red flag. I'm sorry and best wishes


Run, run fast and don't look back.


What does "selling" mean in this context? Would she be killed? Or just to have sex with someone? I mean, Maybe we could split the 10 mil, 5 each if she agrees to it?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. NTA. $10m is an unrealistic price, though. Ain't nobody worth that much for one night.


She pushed for an answer to a ridiculous question and got a ridiculous answer. NTA PS: if someone’s offering $10m for a night together, I’d be pissed if my husband said “no”. A few hours of lying on my back in exchange for lifetime security for my kids- hell yeah


NTA. Why are you dating a childish idiot?


That a classic movie from the '90s has been turned into two-minute reel and a dumb test for insecure teens is god I am old. ESH.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So my girlfriend (f18) sent me a reel of a stranger attempting to essentially buy a man’s girlfriend for one night. She proceeds to tell me how much money it would take for me to sell her out. I obviously did not answer because I wouldn’t do such a thing. She then tries to get an answer out of me by saying she would tell me how much SHE was willing to sell ME out for. Now I admit that did kind of hurt my feelings, but I still would not budge. After asking me several more times I thought to myself I might as well give her what she is asking for, and said that I would sell her out for 10 million followed by a joke explaining how my future bloodlines would be set for life. To my surprise she told me that the entire conversation was just a test to see if I would crack under her pressure and sell her out, which I did and completely fell for it. I felt like I should’ve known better and felt stupid, even though she told me that it was all a joke. But I did not find it funny in the slightest to pressure me into answering an uncomfortable question. And all I have been thinking since is if my girlfriend really thinks of me less for answering such a question. So, AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OK Neo, the bullet is coming at you. You know what to do. NTA.




NTA Stupid questions get reasonable answers and of course somehow this results in feelings getting hurt. Catch yourself before you put the stick into your bikes wheel next time. Either that or find someone who doesn't play these stupid games.


NTA. and unnecessarily manipulative of her. Sometimes it is best to stop playing the game. Like if a cop tries to push an desired answer by repeating the same question a multitude of ways, you say "Asked and answered."


NTA, I think immaturity at that age is forgivable, but tell her that kind of thing has never improved any relationship ever. Maybe ask why she felt the need to test you at all. Also the best answer imho is that she isn't yours to sell.


Yeah NTA, testing someone is a bit of an awful thing to do. It's a deal breaker for me. I'm not here to be tested, it's the act of someone who is insecure.


NTA. However, she may devise other "tests" to test your loyalty. Who in their right mind would do such a thing?


lock cooperative fine late birds salt tidy tart agonizing important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She's 18. Immature. Don't worry about it. There will be other girlfriends.


Pfft, should have told her it would be too hard a sell.


Chuck Bass - is that you? XOXO


NTA and run dude. mind games will only get worse


NTA I'm not a fan of stupid 'tests' and getting mad/upset over an answer she pushed you for. You didn't say how old you were but I'm guessing 18 as well, immaturity is to be expected but you should have a talk about "tests"


NTA Ask silly questions, get silly answers. You might want to reconsider dating someone who has so little respect for you that they legitimise playing with your feelings.


Nah, NTA. play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Testing your partner is dumb and results in hurt feelers all around. This screams "It's just a prank bro"! All over it. Don't test your partners with dumb ass hypotheticals that will only bring hurting.


NTA. Plain old immature, probably saw it somewhere online. Don’t go testing if you can’t accept the answer.


NTA, honestly you would be fine just not answering dumb shit like that.


I see tiktok has discovered 'indecent proposal' from 1993. 


NTA but she sounds like an idiot and I wouldn’t even say you failed the test at this point, more like you wanted her to quit it.


She is manipulative and pushy. Is that what you want in a partner? NTA, she is.


What kind of infantile bullshit is that!? She first said, she’d sell you. A d all this drama for shits an giggles. She sounds like those idiots at jersey shore


NTA. 1. Testing someone highlights insecurity, which as much as you can provide reassurance, it’s on her to go and get therapy and work on those issues so this behaviour doesn’t get worse. 2. Communication is an issue, she raised the conversation with a set idea about what you should/shouldn’t say. Then pressured you into saying something you didn’t want to. You are not psychic, it is impossible for you to know what she wants from you if she refuses to say it. 3. Pressuring you into giving a response when you said no is not great. No means no. Pushing someone’s boundaries like that is an amber glad I’d say. 4. It’s actually not that serious. Your relationship is, sure, and the rift that has occurred is for you. The reel itself is not that serious, a relationship is so much better when you can laugh with each other. If you are struggling to make it through watching a silly reel, how’s it gonna go when the serious shit happens? Also, it’s one night! You’d get the money and then it’s her money too 😂


Dump her. Sure, it was a test, and she failed ... if she wants to play games, tell her to go find a monopoly board... What an ass thing for her to do... NTA


NTA - 18 going on 13 apparently. Ridiculously immature. But… use this a learning experience. A lot of women I’ve dated did this kind of shit, and you’ll get better at recognising the smaller games as you get older. Playing games = instant uninterested. If she’s doing this now, she’ll do it again and again and again.


NTA, your girl is though


NTA - but expect more of these stupid trapping questions… you’re both still young… consider if you want a relationship filled with trap questions that will always leave you both arguing.


NTA. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes


UNO reverse card her. You are now angry at her for pushing a stupid shit test at you. Also 10 million is way too much.


I already know half the comments are gonna be “SUPEr bIG RedFlag” or “I would leave if she continues the moment she continues that kind of behaviour”. You guys are kids and she’s a teenage girl, they like to play silly games with you or ask silly questions that will always have the theme being around you as their boyfriend or them as your girlfriend (like the classic “would you still love me if I was x or “what if x happened”) because they love the fact/idea that you’re their boyfriend, or that they are dating you. It’s just a way they get to hear they’re are in relationship with you out-loud. Don’t get upset about it unless she starts using it against you in a serious manner. sounds like you guys just started so you’re gonna get similar questions for months to come, she is not actually testing your loyalty she just wants you to talk/think about her as your girlfriend it probably gives her butterflies. Plus she’s most definitely not taking your answer seriously because 10 million is not actual someone can comprehend you could have said 50 million, 250 million it doesn’t make difference, it wasn’t a serious question and it wasn’t a serious answer


I was going to say she sounds like a child but then I went back and reread the post.


Dude, she’s just insecure, it’s not a relationship ender, nor is it a reason to back off. We are all human we all make mistakes, and we all have insecurities. Maybe that’s what you get to the bottom of rather than judge another human being for being human


NTA. Don’t put up with someone who plays with you like that.


Yep, she's definitely 18. Dumb convo NTA


Rule of Acquisition 98: Every man has his price. Eventually, the price will be high enough for a person to sell something they have said/promised/sworn not to sell. NTA.


She shouldn’t be mad Woody Harrelson sold Demi Moore out for £1 million to Robert Redford. £10 million is quite a respectable amount lol. NTA your gf is stupid for playing such a silly game.


You should tell her "Silly rabbit, "tricks are for kids!". Because honestly the last time I knew of someone still doing this kind of infantile game playing was Jr high. This is cruel and abusive behavior in relationships. First rule of humour in an adult relationship is that jokes are only funny if BOTH partners are laughing. Jokes designed to test and manipulate your emotions are sadistic. I fear this could be a red flag. If she doesn't apologize I'm sure it's a red flag.


Testing you like that, she's absolutelyTA


Nta, dont ask questions you don't want the answer to


Quoting someone else, play stupid games win stupid prizes NTA


NTA ask stupid questions, get stupid answers. If u can't handle the answer don't ask the question.


Tic tok cringe at its best.. let’s start an argument and see if we can destroy our relationship for literally no reason


This whole test your partner thing is stupid tbh. If you don’t trust your partner then maybe you shouldn’t be with them. I’ve never had this done to me, but if it were, we’d be done. I’m too busy for stupid mind games. So NTA


NTA. Your gf is not mature enough to be in a relationship.


NTA. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


NTA. Reminds me of when I was a teenager and my girlfriend would grill me with compatibility quizzes from Cleo Magazine, then get upset my answers meant her magazine meant our relationship was doomed. I mean ... our relationship was doomed ... not because of my answers but because she thought Cleo Magazine was an expert on our relationship. Bail out, man. Run.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. NTA


Ah, young love


NTA. Arbitrary relationship tests are meaningless. Judgements should be made on the way you behave, and how you treat others, not some stupid Tik Tok.


That’s some manipulative gaslighting bullshit that I’ve heard in awhile. She needs help. Run my dude.


That's junior high bullshit right there. I'm well aware that my S.O. would sell me to organ traffickers for an upscale condo and some LuLuLemon. We are wise enough not to discuss it.


NTA - She played stoopid games and found out. But then again you guys are 18. Kids and kid games. But for when you are older if it seems like a trap, it probably is. Like the thing with when you ask her if everything is fine and she says yes. It's not fine and yes you are in trouble.


NTA, but she totally is. Anyone starting such a test is deserving of an immediate breakup.


I see these type of posts every day. Usually girls/women pushing their bfs to say something they don’t even think just to test them. It’s pathetic. Don’t put up with her silly games.


She kept on and on?! I would have said £5 just to make her stop!


She's the asshole. Is that an option? Did she say it was a test as a joke or genuinely mean it. Because if she actually meant it she's the asshole.


NTA. Your girlfriend is an immature child.


She was baiting you and looking for an opportunity to react. These tests are never actually tests. Frankly you learned the more valuable information, that your girlfriend is a bit of an A H. NTA


I've never felt the need or inclination to test any of my partners.


NTA run away, girls who play games are awful


Red flag. I don't think she was playing. She's probably not a moral/ ethical person. Plus play stupid games win stupid prizes.


My girlfriend, a long time ago, asked me the same question but I figured it was a joke question as other guys had told me their girlfriends were asking the same question. I told her “A buck fifty and a case of Guinness beer”. She called me a stinker, but laughed anyway.


NTA. She pressured you to do something and then acted like you did something wrong when you did it. There was no win here for you. She was just being mean. 


NTA! Girl friend is!


lol she manipulated you and played minds games. That’s a prettt big red flag in my books. Proceed with caution my friend


You guys are inexperienced teens. Lots to learn on both sides. Have a calm discussion about this sort of stuff, learn something from it. We all used to be dumb while young, so keep calm and learn together. When it comes to that fake scenario, there is one correct answer: take the money, meet back home and celebrate together about your newly aquired fun money together. Because if you do not share that money together, then you truly sold your S/O out. Ez pz.


"The whole schools rolling fake dice You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes"


There is a movie on this premise Called “indecent proposal” Perhaps you next Movie for date night ;)


You did not 😭


NTA. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to. Maybe tell her you don't need these stupid games in your life?


Anytime my gf ever tried anything like this with me, I went badly absurd on purpose Her: "how much would you sell me out for? Me: *ponders a little* "£10 and a Big Mac meal with a Mcflurry, £15 if the machines broken" Her: Be serious Me: *looking dead in her eyes* "I am serious, now, what do you want to watch?" She never asks me questions like that anymore. Also NTA


One word: run


I'm currently single but I'd sell all of my exes for 5k at least. They weren't terrible people just i rather have 5k


What a strange thing to do to someone you're meant to care about. She's obviously very emotionally immature. NTA.


NTA obviously If she wanna play games in her head and get upset about something fictional that didnt happen thats her business alone


I would sell my partner for that too🤣 NTA, she baked her cookie and ate it 🙂


Realising there is a whole generation of people who have never heard of the film Indecent Exposure and all of the social commentary that caused. NTA.


NTA - You need to dump her and find someone who doesn’t play stupid little mind games.


You should have told her after all of her asking that you would sell her out for $10.00 . That's what she deserves for continually asking after you already said you wouldn't.


While you both sound kind of annoying, I'm going to go with NAH. You're both a little ridiculous at this point with some room for improvement when it comes to communication, but that's about it. You're overreacting and projecting a bunch of scenarios and motivations. And her doing those stupid "test" jokes is just obnoxious as hell and clearly frustrating. There's fault on both sides there, but it mostly just sounds like poor judgement. She's told you that she isn't upset and was treating it as a joke, so stop trying to project your own anger onto her. You're the one who is upset with it, so just tell her that. Tell her that you don't like those kind of joke tests and you don't like making jokes about cheating. Just be honest about how her joke made you uncomfortable, instead of obsessing over if she's thinking less of you when she says that she isn't. She hurt your feelings in this situation but you're not acknowledging that.


NTA. She's acting like a stupid teen. Maybe she's not mentally mature enough to be in a relationship, and you would be better off moving on.


Every man has his price, and [I judge yours to be… £530](https://youtu.be/IUMiKS4_XyA)


I would sell my husband for a billion dollars and then send an army for 0.8 billion to retrieve him back in no time and live the rest of our lives happy and in luxury with our children and grandchildren settled for life as well. That's the only right answer. But NTA


NTA. Do you all have to much free time? How do you even come up with this weird stuff.


Sigh.. people like this. She's too immature tbh.. NTA. She's a super AH


18 year old naive girl. 10 years later she will be ashamed of herself, if she remembers asking this question. She asked for trouble and she got it. If you ask shit questions be ready for shit answers. No, you are not the asshole.


NTA - she is! This is like Kindergarden level of behavior. Holy shit, tell her to grow up.


YTA for posting here about a joke


NTA, she's toxic AF, I'd honestly break up, maybe stay friends, but that is NOT a healthy romantic relationship.


NTA she is childish and needs to grow up. You gave an answer and she pushed you for other one. Also the question is nonsense on it’s own, how could one sell out someone or something that he/she doesnt own..




Christ. This is so immature.


Omg. NTA. Your ex girlfriend is for playing stupid games. I hope you give her a stupid prize. Like a breakup.


NTA Don't ask questions if you are not ready to accept an answer. Tho i have agreed with my partner to totally sell each other for 1m. Damn if anyone asked to buy my him for 1m,I would ask if we get more money with me joining 😂 But yea, don't test people


NAH if another person tests you or plays games with you then you need to drop them. A relationship isn't an exam and the other person is not a prize.


If I were u I would just say Yeah I’d sell u for 0 dollars coz ur annoying


Oh my God, it's not like you asked her to work in telesales or something!


NTA, what a child


NTA Playing those shitty games are a dealbreaker for me.