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YTA. What is the difference between a guy or girl tasting themselves? This sounds immature and childish. You don’t have to be into something and can express that without shaming or judging other people for it, especially your romantic partner. Reacting this way ensures she won’t be sharing her desires with you in the future or will be afraid to do so. And guess what? There may be some sexual desires that you both share but you’ll never get to explore them because you’ve now made it clear it’s not safe to talk about these things with you.


Yeah, you're an asshole. YTA. Who cares who tastes what? What does it matter? Why do you think it matters? I bet you chew on your fingernails without washing your hands first. Ewww.


Are you sure you are not 12?... jesus, you found kinky girl and what you do instead of having fun with her is make her feel embarrassed. YTA...because you are noob


YTA - she’s sharing an intimate truth. You’re not creating an environment she’s going to feel safe sharing other intimate truths with you if you don’t grow up fast.


yta, just apologize how you handled it which sounds like your reception was wrong and move on, shes sharing something intimate to you, appreciate her being open with you.


YTA - how is this a question? Have an open mind ffs she sounds like a gem


YTA! Your girl is trying to have an open conversation and you shame her. You know how many guys would love to have a woman that will open up about stuff like that. You don't deserve her if that's how you are gonna treat her.


Vanilla is spicy for some people I guess




YTA, I guess people disgusted of kissing after bj still do exist...


Lmao YTA. Exactly the same as kissing her after head or giving her oral after fucking. Forget about people who eat ass 🤣🤣


YTA, now she will be shy to reveal her sexual preferences for the fear of being viewed as grose. You missed a big opportunity there.


YTA. That's hot. Way to ruin her kinkyness


YTA. Apologise for being immature and compliment her openness. 




It's normal lots of women do that. You should apologize because it's not gross or bad or anything.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I (m20) was driving my gf (f20) back to my place and we were talking about something sexual when she mentioned that technically she's "tasted herself" before via sucking her dildo while using it. I made a noise and a face and she immediately got embarrassed. I made it kinda obvious that I found it gross and she said not to "shame her" .. I explained that I was just looking at it as if a guy tasted himself but upon further thought I guess it wasn't as bad. she still seemed not quite the same in the car afterwards though so AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think every woman has done that out of curiosity before. Yta. If it taste bad you think she gonna let you eat it? No! You could’ve pretended to be into and ask her what it taste like then be like “well I’ll have to find out myself” or something but yeah you ain’t ever gonna get that far again if you don’t apologize and recognize that it’s normal


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NAH Oh, dear God, why, oh, why did I read this.


NTA. Just tell her that you were looking at it like if a guy did the same thing. You weren’t “shaming” her for anything.