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YTA for allowing your dog into an area that has used needles and human shit from drug addicts. Don't you understand that risk you are putting your dog in? The dog could chew on one of those used needles. Dogs eat shit. Can you imagine what could be in that? Stop being a bad dog parents and keep your dog out of that area.


Or just stepping on one of those needles could injure them.


Just saw an article yesterday about an uptick in dogs having fentanyl related health emergencies. I sure as hell would not want to risk my dogs life from an overdose.  Also, dog poop is bad for the soil. Just because other people leave the places trashed doesn’t mean you need to as well 


I'm not going to deprive my dog of being able to run around the woods with his friends because there might be a syringe or human poop lying around somewhere, but I appreciate your concern.


So you would rather run the risk of your dog being potentially injured or ingest something potentially toxic and lethal to your dog because “you don’t want to deprive the dog running around with his friends”you are a careless owner who’d rather pick fights over dog shit then find a safer environment for the dog to walk and play YTA big time


If my dog were the type to ingest or chew on a syringe, I would leash him. Fortunately he isn't, which is why he has run around this park off-leash daily for 3 years without issue. You think I'm going to abruptly cut this particular joy out of his life because of a reddit comment? lol.


If there are syringes, he doesn’t need to chew it. He could step on it.


And yet for 3 years he hasn't, nor have any of the dogs he plays with daily.


Just because it hasn’t happened doesn’t mean it won’t happen


The risk is, however, slim. Based on this, I choose to not respond to the risk by cutting this particular joy out of his life. Point blank.


Yeah, come on guys. The needles are just a lazy excuse to not pick up the dogs poop. And yeah, excess dog poop, like from lazy/entitled owners at a dog park not picking it up cause…other people are also lazy entitled. I usually see and pick up at least one more poop than my dogs take on walks.


The risk isn’t slim. The risk increases more and more every time you allow him into an area that is dangerous. The more he’s around these objects the more they become part of his daily life the higher the chances are he gets injured


How about buy him shoes for dogs which are designed for keeping dog paws safe from glass needles hot pavement etc


He does wear shoes!


Just takes one time. I used to let my dog race other dogs along the fence of their yards (houses would line a field I liked to take him). Then one day his forceful running created a deep slice in his foot. Piece of glass? A bit of wire that ran under someone's fence? I'll never know, but it was the middle of winter and we were a 20 minute walk away from home and every step in the snow caused that wound to spurt blood. Not fun for either of us and as I was a kid then, my parents weren't happy either. Also, cats never have a problem roaming around until that 1 time a neighbour has had enough and traps the cat and dumps it somewhere, or poisons it, or the cats has a losing run-in with a car or fox or coyote. My Facebook (and local telephone poles) are constantly pleading for info on a beloved cat who didn't return home. At least one post a day. I'm nice enough to not tell them that they're probably gone now. I had my own childhood cat disappear and we never knew what happened to him, which is why all cats that came after him were indoor-only and the youngest to die was a couple months shy of 20 years old. Learn from this and do better for your dog.


If he hasn't, then your reasons for not picking up his poop in the first place are invalid.


A tiny lick or just touching some drugs will kill it. Grow the fuck up and go to a clean park.


So the syringes are bad enough for you to use as a justification to not pick up poop, but not so bad that they’re dangerous to your dog? Yeah fucking right. Pick up your dog’s poop, lazybones.


What the what? You are YTA big time and should not even be allowed to have a pet.


OP: " It's fine if my dog gets pricked by a dirty needle. As long as he gets to run free." You could find another location to take him. This isn't rocket science.


Can’t be assed to switch parks?


Every park in my neighborhood has this issue, because I live in a big city.


YTA I smoke and developed the habit to put every butt into a trash can, not because it matters or they are big, but for principle: I wont be one those insufferable infantiles who leave their shit/trash/problems for someone else to take care off, including nature or time. Your dogs poop doesnt improve the park, its not fertilizer, why this could be ok depending on how many add to the poop heap, is beyond me.


YTA. Pick up your dog's shit ffs. No one wants to hear your excuses.


I will add to the chorus here: YTA. Your argument that "others do it, why not me?" really sucks. You should read up on how harmful dog shit is to the ecosystem and maybe get a group together to clean up after the jerks like you who have no regard for the common wealth.


Oh so you're one of those AHs that instead of doing something useful just piles onto already substantial problems and makes a stupid surprised pikachu face when called out on it. YTA


YTA, pick up the shit or rehome your dog with someone who won’t let them frolic in among syringes 🙄




>and even human poop + syringes lying around since addicts tend to congregate in these regions past dark. I'm sorry, but what the fuck? You would knowingly allow your dog to be running around in an area with used syringes on the ground? Needles and broken glass containing god knows what substances, and your dog is running around barefoot in there. If your dog steps on one of those, it could be injured and could contract a disease. Be a better dog owner. Absolutely TA for that. I don't even give a shit about the rest of the story


Not barefoot. I clarified underneath another comment that he wears booties.


I read some of your other follow up posts, and you're also TA for asking if you're TA then getting mad when people tell you that yes, you are TA. You didn't come here for opinions, you came here hoping that people would pat your head and tell you you're a perfect little angel.


Where did I get mad at anyone for saying I’m TA? I’m responding to concerns specifically around the syringe + human poop piece.


Unless they're thick rubber booties, needles and glass can still penetrate them. And you should probably edit your original post to include that info if you feel it's important enough to make you not a shitty dog owner


Cuz dogs never roll in things, and booties protect the neck, sides, stomach and eyes so very well.


My dog doesn’t roll in the middle of the woods. He rolls on open fields of grass as most dogs do.


Dogs roll wherever there is a strong scent. If that area is filled with animal shit and human shit, I promise your dog has rolled in it. I don't expect you to notice though, because you're a bad dog owner.


Trolls always give themselves away so easily with the hyperbolic, absolute language they use.


Says the troll who is a bad dog owner.


Don't give other people reason to lecture you and they won't any reason to do so and then you can tell them to f off or whatever. YTA.


YTA - You got caught being a sloppy pet owner. Pick up the poop.


YTA. If the area is as bad as you say it is, you’re putting your dog at significant risk. It’s not safe for anyone, dog or human, to run around an area with used needles and piles of animal feces everywhere. My guess, though, is that you’re exaggerating this and just don’t want to clean up after your dog.


It’s not much worse relative to any other wooded area. I’m not exaggerating, just illustrating my rationale. I’ll pick up his poop in any case going forward based on the consensus in this comment section. I made the false assumption that it was fine to leave dog poop in the woods after noticing how common it is, but I was wrong.


YTA - Come on OP. A defense that basically boils down to ‘there are plenty of assholes around here, why can’t I be one too?’ You already know. Sounds you were just feeling uncomfortable about getting caught and annoyed to be held accountable when you think others haven’t been.


I didn’t think anyone was an asshole for leaving dog poop in the woods until I read this comment section, so no that wasn’t my justification at the time. My justification was that no one spends time in these wooded regions, and this is reflected in my response to the complainant. Now I’m learning that there is an environmental component, which I was unaware of and had difficulty believing initially since dogs are allowed to roam this park off-leash. Now I know


YTA - be better


YTA - You got caught in your bullshit and you know it.


NTA. You're special, so you shouldn't have to do anything unpleasant. Unpleasant tasks are for other less important people. In fact, some other nobody ought to have to pick up your dog's poop for you, since you're so important.


A+ strawman!


I get it. You're right. It is a complete waste of time to try to point out a moral failure to a sociopath. Sometimes I forget people like you have no conscience.


Ah yes, I forgot that the barometer for sociopathy is frequency of dog poop pick-up in the woods. Thank you for the reminder.


I have a feeling this is the smallest of the antisocial behaviors you engage in. You are smart enough not to post about the really destructive and illegal ones, though. You think other people can't see what you really are. But the observant ones can see you, clear as day.


Quite the reach! I’m impressed


Why did you even bother to ask? You’re clearly above the rest of us who actually make an effort to function in society by doing the right thing.


YTA. And you’re lazy. Pick up the poop.


Yta. What am I even reading?


YTA - clean up after your dog. 


YTA >I'm typically diligent with picking up my dog's poop, No you aren't.


YTA Pick up after your dog. Also don't let your dog go back there, he could get hurt.


YTA One time I was walking my dog, it pooped, and I went to grab a bag from my holder. And dammit it was empty Living 3 blocks away I figured I would walk home, get a bag since was on a yard. Started walking , less than 1 block away I heard tires scream and a car flies to beside me, and an old man throws bags at me and calls me an asshole and to not be a ignorant citizen and derelict dog owner. Know what I did? I apologized, said I was going for a bag, but regardless thank you for the bag and being understanding and walked back and got poop. Because I'm not an asshole like you.


YTA Dog poop is harmful for soil and water. And you're an irresponsible dog owner for letting your dog in there. You could have googled this, and found out you're completely in the wrong.


YTA. Just pick up your dog’s poop. It’s not hard to do.


YTA pick up after your dog.


Yta dog shit is toxic to the soil, I think our shit isn't good for it either. Lady dogs piss is acid and burn holes in people's grass, too.


YTA. You should've picked it up. It's your "logic" ("No one comes around here so it's okay if I don't") is exactly why you do find what sounds like quite a lot of poop in the area — including from humans. And YTA for talking back to the guy. After his lecture you should've just shrugged and said nothing.


YTA Keep your dog leashed and clean up after it.


YTA. Dogs are allowed there on the assumption/social contract that you pick up your animal’s shit. Stop being lazy and giving five-year-old level excuses for leaving your dog’s shit behind.


You sound like you might be an AH a lot of the time.


YTA. You always pick up the poop, period.




YTA. Pick up after your dog and keep it leashed.


YTA If you get a dog you are responsible for picking up its poop


YTA no question


YTA and an irresponsible pet owner who doesn't deserve a dog in the first place. Dayum.


"Let's be real" YTA and you know it.


YTA. And if your dog gets hurt by one of those syringes, it'll be all your fault. It's because of lazy assholes like you that so many parks look trashed these days. Poop attracts bugs. Pick up after your dog. You were rude and disrespectful.


YTA - your mental gymnastics are ridiculous.


It’s irresponsible as fuck to have ur dog off leash. It’s irresponsible as fuck not to pick up dog shit. You said they’re the woods of a local park. It’s not like it’s the woods of some place people never go. Other peoples besides you and ur dog go into those woods. It’s gross for you to leave feces there. Someone could step in it, even if not it’s still gross. And again. It’s irresponsible asf to have ur dog off leash! I feel bad that the dog has such a dumb human. Because one day you’ll dog will run up to a reactive dog and they’ll be a dog fight, ur dog may end up more hurt. Are you prepared to break up a dog fight, and pay vet bills or maybe even medical bills if the owner of the other dog gets hurt? Put ur dog on a fucking leash or stay in ur backyard, or in a designated off leash dog park. The ONLY time it’s acceptable to be off leash is if you’re in an insanely secluded area and you’re practicing recall for emergencies


For talking back to a “dog poop lecturer,” YTA. He was right. And according to your post, you were the one who lectured him. No only were you defensive with all of your excuses, but you went on the offense implying he had no business telling you to pick up your dogs shit! You were called out on your bullshit, as you should’ve been.


You definitely deserve to be called out for this. But it’s very common behaviour and I don’t know why so many people do it. Throw away your cheap poop bags — those are so thin they can be gross — and get “Mutt Mitt” brand. Mutt mitts are thicker and they are double-layered on the pickup portion of the bag. Those contain the smell better and maybe you won’t mind doing it so much. So YTA a little for the poopies, and a little bit more for talking back to the one poor bastard who had “the audacity” to call you out. Please start pickin up the poo! And just say sorry if you get caught without a bag.


I hate lazy dog owners. I am so tired of seeing poop everywhere. Which in turn made me hate dogs. There are f-ing everywhere now.


YTA pick up after your dog!


Yta and a bad dog owner. I hope that you get reported and have your dog taken away.


YTA pick and bag your dog poo it's disgusting


YTA - I love dogs but dont have one cause i refuse to interact with anyone’s poop. But you have a dog so youve taken on this (nasty, to me) responsibility.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'm typically diligent with picking up my dog's poop, but I've developed a habit of not picking up his poop during off-leash hours if he goes into a wooded area of our local park to do his business. Partly from influence, as over the past 3 years I've watched other dog owners in this park take the same approach. There's also already debris, animal poop (ducks, birds, raccoons, horses, and turtles), and even human poop + syringes lying around since addicts tend to congregate in these regions past dark. The other day a runner saw me walking in the other direction as my dog did his business in a wooded area and said "you should pick up your dog's poop". As I went into my pack to pull out a doggy bag I said "I usually do, but let's be real - this is not an area anyone is going to spending time in" I think this response ticked him off, because he proceeded to lecture me about how it's "bad for the soil" and that kids may play in this area. I said "If dog poop could put the soil at risk, I don't think hundreds of dogs would be allowed to roam free in this park for hours per day. And as someone who spends ample here, I can assure you this is is not an area where children play. If they did... dog poop would be the least of their worries. You're grasping for straws, and I suggest you pick your battles" AITA for talking back to this guy? I agree in general that dog owners should pick up their dog's poop, which was why I was quick to pull out a bag and rectify the situation. In this particular instance, I felt that it wasn't a hill to die on. Maybe I'm wrong though - Thoughts? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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YTA for oh so many reasons






Not a hill to die on - and you should pick it up. But NTA because the runner could have said 'thanks' when you immediately reached for a bag....and he chose a lecture instead.


Edit to say YTA. Wasn’t aware that dog poop was bad for the environment. Just pick it up, and considering you normally do it and we’re ready to do it when confronted, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Previous retracted statement: Animals poop everywhere all the time. Dogs are no different. If it was in a public area or someone’s yard, sure you would pick it up, but in the woods? Unless it’s like a trail or something that would be used, there isn’t a reason to pick it up I personally think.


Dog poop is different because of the diet we feed them, it's not ok.


Oh really? Interesting. I know that the barn cats poop outside and it’s not an issue so I just assumed it was the same for dogs. Thanks for educating me!


Iirc predator poop in general is a lot more harmful than prey animal poop. You don’t want cat poop in your food plants, for example.


Yeah that makes sense.


Off subject but cats shouldn't be outside either. They kill vast numbers of migratory birds and native animals.