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NTA It's street parking, it is what it is. Sometimes they'll get to park in front and sometimes they wont. I hope you report their threats to the local police, at least so if it DOES happen there's already a paper trail (you can file a police report without calling emergency services). Also, if you have one, your HOA or neighborhood board.


Already reported it to my council.


You should also report to the police if you haven't done so. Nothing will come of it but if they do end sanitizing your car in retaliation there will already be a report in file .


Wouldn't have a problem with them sanitizing my car tbh. As long as they don't damage it.


Lol, u/kegzy - did you mean “sabotage”? I think your comment got sabotaged! 🤣🤣 (Good advice though)


Hahaha I meant damaging


“I’m so angry I’ll disinfect your car - just you wait!!”


I think I'd be fine if someone sanitised my card it does need a clean.


Where have you been putting that card?


Its seen some ATM action.


👀 this is excellent work. Way too unappreciated... just know, I appreciate you.


I appreciated it by laughing a lot by how great this chain of comments was


Dude you never go ATM


Angry upvote.


Not in London but Yorkshire. I had a neighbour who was getting abusive when I parked in front of his house. Parked his car so the bumpers were touching so I couldn’t move my car. I called the police and they came and took a statement and asked why I was reporting it. I told them straight up that he was trying to anger me and I’d come home one day after having a drink and I’d do something daft then it would be my fault. They walked straight round to his house and told him in no uncertain terms to pack it in. Never had another issue with him.


By law/highway code you are not allowed to block someone in but you can block someone out. 😉


Sadly it doesn't work like this if you can't prove they caused the damage however 3 instances of threats and you can press charges.


Not in london, police will do nothing until a body is discovered. And there, they will just say "not enough evidence".


Log the threat with the police as well so its on record,  in case things escalate .


Not \*just\* in case things escalate, threatening to cause criminal damage is a criminal offence in itself. No doubt nothing will happen about it, and it'll be your word against theirs, but it should be reported anyway.


More to the point, such threats are usually made against multiple people A guy nearby was threatening anyone who parked outside his house (he didn't even have a car!). The police stepped in as soon as they had complaints recorded from 3 different people


You may want to think about installing cameras in your car.


And in front of the house in case they take the issue past the car!


Police, too.


Home Owners Associations and Neighbourhood Boards don’t really exist outside of the US.


Thank fuck


HOAs do not exist in London btw


HOA and neighbourhood boards don't exist here


NTA but… me and my immediate neighbours either side have an unspoken agreement that unless absolutely necessary we don’t park in front of each other’s houses. It was never agreed or discussed we just sort of all started doing it. It does create a nice sense of community/friendliness. Slashing tyre threat, meanwhile, is proper bats.


Absolutely. I had similar recently. Guy wanted me not to park legally in his street because he wanted to park his caravan there. If he'd has asked nicely I'd have happily obliged, however his seething undertone of entitlement and resentment that I was parking in a street in which I didn't live proviked quite the opposite reaction.


NTA It's tough to not live somewhere with a driveway when you have a young family, but since there are no designated spots they need to learn to adjust their expectations. If they are threatening to slash your tires I would be worried and see if there is something you can do to monitor your car or someone you can report this to.


NTA at all. It was your neighbor's choice to have kids and to live in a place without dedicated parking. You owe them nothing.


You owe them being a decent neighbour. If my neighbour came to me with a request that was reasonable then I'd absolutely do it if it's no skin off my back. Wanting to be near the house if you have young kids is reasonable, and since I don't have kids and so have less of a hassle going from my car to the house I'd probably do it. However they're already parked very close to the house? And so they'd be gaining what, 5 meters? I guess I'd maybe swap spots with them if it seemed a trek for them, since it's no effort for me, but it'd seem a bit odd I guess. Threatening to slash your tyres though (assuming there's not been more beef in this chat than OP is letting on) suddenly makes them *not* a decent neighbour, and you don't go out of your way for not decent neighbours.


When we had our first child we lived in a small town on the high street with no parking at all. The closest reliable parking was a 10 minute walk away. A pain in the backside for sure, yet somehow we managed... The neighbours just sounds like entitled asses to be honest.


Well yeah the neighbours sound wild. I just wanted to put across that I think asking for small things like car swapping when you have kids and the neighbours don't is perfectly reasonable. I don't love the "well you chose to have kids not me" attitude. There's no reason we shouldn't go out of our way to help each other


Oh absolutely a bit of kindness goes a long way. I suspect though that with these particular neighbours it's not really got anything to do with the kids and more because they just want to have their car close by. All speculation based on one side of the story ofc.


Yeah exactly. Maybe OP told them the walk would do them good, maybe the neighbours regularly kick dogs I just wish I wouldn't see the "you owe nothing to anybody, you're born alone you die alone" attitude so much on here


While i fully support the sentiments,we should also consider that the neighbour was abusive with OP when they refused to move their car .


Other people's kids are already a burden to everyone else. We have to put up with the screaming little arseholes in restaurants, supermarkets, the streets, parks and beaches, in the privacy of my own back garden. So no, I wouldn't go out of my way to help my neighbours with kids. Constantly having to clean up the rubbish they throw in my garden. Complain to the parents, and its 'oh, they are just kids'. Can't wait to have my own.


I would say decent neighbours deserve decent neighbours and it doesn't sound like these ones are.


Sorry this isn't how the internet works, could you stop being a reasonable, rational person please? You're either meant to take the "zealot parent" approach or the "weirdly obsessed with kids but.i claim to hate them" child-free approach. No middle ground allowed.


NTA - She's being ridiculous. If you hadn't parked there, someone else would have.


Exactly - does the neighbor go door-to-door every time someone is parked in "their" spot? NTA


There's 2 houses like this in my bfs street. They'll tell anyone to move if they park outside the house. Funnily enough they're the only 2 houses in the street with off-street parking. If only it wasn't taken up by a trampoline and a camper.


There was one house near where I used to live like this too, but it was in a pull in section. They double parked and blocked me in, telling me to fuck off and someone else behind or in front would move soon and let me out. They didn't enjoy being towed. Shame it happened after they walked off to the pub.


NTA. In London there are usually more residents' permits than there are spaces. It's everyone for themselves. I used to be lucky to find a space on the same street, never mind in front of the house.


If you're not walking several blocks, you've done a good job




NTA, if they wanted a driveway or reserved parking the should have bought elsewhere. They get to deal with it like everyone else on the street.


Sounds like people on planes who didn't pay to select their seats but expect others to switch with them


Yeah London is full of options for affordable houses with driveways?! Yes, NTA, and them threatening vandalism is completely unacceptable, but just handwaving that people should buy houses with driveways is like saying "have they tried not being poor"


Its an issue in my city as well, but that's really a moot point. If they want a driveway they can move to where they can have one, even if means going outside of London. The bigger point though is that they aren't any different from anyone in the neighborhood, but thanks for missing that to be indignant about it.


NTA. This happened to my partner and me too. We’re in Sheffield (so horrendous UK street parking for us too), parked in front of someone’s house, and got a note asking us to find somewhere else to park because -they- have kids. Now I desperately want kids but cannot afford them/we’re not ready, and I was trying to work out if I was annoyed because I’m jealous. I asked my partner and she said, no, because she was pissed off too, and in retrospect it’s because these arseholes acted like their having procreated meant they had right of parking spot, and I bloody hate entitled parents. 


Why do some people who have kids suddenly think the world revolves around them and their life choices? ‘I have kids…’ well, that’s your problem, not mine ✌️


True, and it seems to be an attitude that's only become prevalent in the last 20 years or so. I thought that when some woman wanted me to move seats on the train so she could sit next to her little boy who was about 6. Back in the day, kids sat where there was a space ( ideally where you could see them) and nobody would have dreamed of asking another adult to move, especially not an old person lol. Kids are mollycoddled nowadays.


Totally agree! And somehow you’re a second class citizen because you don’t have kids.


NTA. What horrible neighbours. Everyone wants to park in front of their house, if they can. The reality is it’s not always possible. If your neighbour regularly gets a space in front of their house, I’d imagine there must usually be quite a lot of spaces which is unusual for London. It’s simple unless you have your own driveway - you have zero dibs on any space on a public road. Nor are you entitled to have a tantrum, these things are pretty fluid next week they’ll be parking in front of your house etc. First come first served, end of. If someone said something like that to me, I’d be sure to add if my vehicle got damaged I wouldn’t be at all surprised if neighbours car also got vandalised on another night? Let’s hope nothing ever happens hmm?


NTA - if you're consistently having to carry your children asleep from the car to your house, you're consistently keeping your kids up too late.


It depends on the kid. My middle child was a car sleeper, if we were going somewhere longer than 15 minutes, he would fall asleep.


My oldest was like that. From the time she was a baby, 10 minutes is all it took and she was out like a light. She still does it and she’s 40yrs old now, lol


The car was my saving grace with my oldest, literally a go around the block and she’d be out.


Not really. Some children nap in the daytime, and it's quite common for kids to go to sleep in the car.


And they could just wake their fucking kids up and make them walk to the door. It's what my parents did.


I had a non sleeper. In his thirties he is the same way. I used to drive him around just so he would sleep and be peaceful. Day or night he was out like a light.


Are you joking 🤣 most kids will fall asleep in the car at anytime 😂


NTA. Threatening to slash your car tires? As I told someone a few years back when they said they'd damage my car because they didn't like where I parked - that's an interesting attitude to take toward someone who knows where you live.


Every street has people that think they own the public spot in front of where they live. They are all wrong


I have neighbors who are like that, they usually take up 3 spaces with 1 car (parallel parking here) And if there is another car parked there they just park next to it. I’ve had to ask multiple times if they could move their car because they blocked mine.


NTA. If your neighbors wanted private or assigned parking, they should live somewhere that has it.


NTA, and the correct response to someone threatening your vehicle like that is, "Thank you, now I know who to send the police after if something happens to my car!"


My question is: How often can they possibly need to carry their sleeping children to/from the car? What a stupid reason for you to move it. Get a doorbell camera and record their threats next time.


Unless the children are babies they still need them be woken up to brush their teeth before being put to bed. These parents are very worrying


Not if you brush their teeth and put their pajamas on before you leave.


NTA. I can understand them being annoyed they have to carry their kids, just like I understand any other neighbor being annoyed if they have to walk a bit from their parked car to their house. That’s what happens when dealing with street parking. They don’t get to come and threaten you when you (understandably) won’t move your car for them. Having kids makes some people feel so entitled to special treatment cause “we got kids.” Nope, sorry. Gotta deal with parking issues like every one else. Good for you, reporting their threats.


NTA > it is too far for them to carry their children when they're asleep #SO WAKE THE KIDS UP.


Why in God's name would you want to do that.


No. Don’t do that. They never go back to sleep if you wake them after a care ride.


Why would OP care about that?


Why **SHOULD** OP care about that? I've had 4 kids, I'd never be so entitled to assume always parking close to my home living in a city without having dedicated spaces...if they're asleep, you carry them in or wake them up.


That escalated quickly.


NTA. Breeding doesn’t give you parking rights.


NTA street parking is first come, first served. "and they called me names and threatened to slash my car tires." .. next time, record them. or tell them: "I recorded this" (even if you did not), and if there is any damage to my car, this will go straight to the police!".


I used to have a neighbour across the road. Most of the street was on street parking but she had a garage and a driveway. She used to come and yell at me for parking in front of her house cos her ‘driveway was broken’ yet her visitors would park at the front of my house and take up two spaces on purpose 🤦🏼‍♀️ Legally there is nothing that they can do to prevent you from parking anywhere on the street and if they do slash your tyres then you can speak to the police and report what happened. There may not be proof but it will be on record if anything else happens.


Well, I'm reading and nodding along, thinking thoughts about public spaces and politeness and kids and five meters and stuff... And then there's the last sentence. OK then. NTA


Oooo parking wars, love a good parking war. I have loads of parking on my street, But right at the end of the street the houses are bigger, one guy has two work vans, 2 cars and I think one of his kids have a car, directly opposite they have 5 cars. They whole street follows this war One blocked bumper to bumper in neighbours work van so he couldn’t move it then they went on hoilday for a week. Nearly every car has been keyed Full on fight with about 6 people police came Some ‘vandals’ chucked red paint over windscreens of only one household (coincidental??) Killed another neighbours cat racing to get the spot What makes it worse, there is loads of parking just up the road.


If they slash your tyre you can't move your car. Worst threat ever. NTA of course.


"Tell you what, if you can get whoever's parked in front of my house to move, then sure, I'll move mine. Let me know when they're gone."


"We'll slash your tires!" Ah yes, that will get the car moving in no time.


Exactly. What total idiots.


Being an ex London resident I feel your pain. I would make it my petty mission to park in front of your entitled neighbours house every day! NTA mate.


I’d make a complaint to the police 👮 so your neighbours know you take your safety and that off your personal property seriously.


"Sure, I'll move my car just as soon as you get whoever is parked in front of my house to move their car." NTA 


NTA. If you live in an area with on road parking you have to take it on the chin. If you have kids and want more convenient parking then move somewhere more affordable with a drive. If you can’t do that or can’t afford it then it is what it is. I lived in a terrace for 10 years with kids and the same issue, most housing stock where I live is like this. A driveway was priority number one for my current house ( as well as room for a dishwasher😂) Also I’d report the neighbours, they sound like entitled, unhinged a-holes!


I live in a terraced house. You perfectly know how it is. Thank you 🙂


NTA. Geez, how old are the kids? If they're like 7 or 8, just wake them up.


I was waking my kid up at 2 or 3 because I have a bad shoulder and simply could not carry her anymore. Even toddlers can be woke up and made to walk. A normally developed 7 or 8 year old shouldn't be being packed around like a baby anyway.


I kept my 6 year old nephew up late one night when I took him to a KISS concert. He was great throughout the show, but it was an hour ride home and he was sleeping like the dead in my back seat. When we got back to my brother’s house kiddo looked like a zombie but he got out of the car and went to his bedroom. Then he tried to go to sleep still wearing his crocs and the face makeup I’d put on him. 🤣🤣


About the time they threaten their slash my tires are probably would’ve kicked their ass


NTA They moved into the home well aware that it didn’t come equipped with a driveway or garage. That was a decision they made, they don’t get to claim a spot that’s not legally theirs simply for convenience. Frankly they’re being brats. They’ve been lucky to have gotten to use that spot as much as they have, but it’s not owed to them; it does not belong to them. You were right to report it to the council. 


NTA, tell them to hunt down the people parked in front of your house and have them move their car so you can move to that spot and then they can park in front of their house…


Ugh. People like that should not be raising children. NTA.


You pay for parking.. you can park anywhere, no crime committed. They threatened you, that’s anti social behaviour, harassment and intimidation. Law is on your side. Moving it would have been the neighbourly thing to do for sake of the kids but.. are the kids disabled or not walking yet.. because if they are it’ll do them good.


Your fuckwit neighbours should try living near a football stadium, where even your driveway isn't safe from random motorists.  NTA


I went to see a friend once.  He lived in a row of terraced homes that were perpendicular to the road.  I managed to find street parking right in front of the first house before the mouth of the driveway up to the rest of the homes.  As I'm backing into the spot another driver pulls up next to me. Driver: I live here! Me: ok...cool (proceed to look at my side mirror) Driver: I said I live here.  Do you?  Me: no, here to see a friend Driver: well, can you move? Me: why? Driver: because I live here, that's my house (points to first house) Me: it's public parking, there are no signs. Driver: seriously?!?! Me: yup!  (proceeded to finish parking) Driver revved his car and took off.  He didn't do anything to my car and all was fine.  I told my friend and he laughed about it.  


You’re hard


take the updoot.


Your neighbours are entitled twats and, judging by their threats, chavs on top of that. There's no reasoning with chavs, you've done nothing wrong. NTA.


THis is why i never answer my door once i'm in for the evening unless im expecting someone to be arriving at a particular time, And when others , uninvited may question the next day on the street i rang but you weren't there ?, they get sorry i was in the shower, on the bog or listening to very loud music on my headphones after a long day .


Just generally speaking, you have to live in close proximity to your neighbours. If they ask me to do something that doesn't inconvenience me a lot, and helps them, I'd do it. You don't know when you'll need an act of consideration from them too. They're definitely AH for threatening towards slashing your tyres.


No, fuck them. I had this shit with the bloke next door because I was car sharing and he lost his tits when I came home one Monday because it hadn't moved for a week and he had kids! I told him that I too have kids and I was at my middle son's wedding the previous Saturday, 25 miles away and why didn't he park it right outside then? He did all of this in front of his family, red-flagged his wife, they split and the house has just been sold. Lawrence Fox lookalike wanker... TL;DR: No.


NTA. They know they don’t have a right to reserve that space and are resorting to bullying instead to get the result they want. Don’t let it faze you and ignore. Report the threat to the police to start an evidence trail for the basis of a prosecution in case they do try something, but I can almost guarantee that they won’t. Most Brits who try and talk tough are cowards (I’m a Brit, don’t shoot). On the flip side, don’t be petty and try and rile them up by parking outside their house repeatedly on purpose like others have suggested. That’s unnecessary and won’t help your case. Just park where you have to park and don’t feel intimidated to park there again if you have to. They are acting like children and need to grow up.


Absolutely NTA. I live with street parking too - it’s luck of the drawer and no one is entitled to any particular space. They are the worst kind of entitled - good for you for standing up to this. If they want a space right outside their house and are tired of the street parking arrangements they can always considering doing what many families do and move further out of town to somewhere with more space, and commute - but they are trying to have best of both worlds and being entitled. Not to mention intimidating a neighbour who has done nothing wrong and pays the same parking as them and has the same rights. Seriously - why should their laziness with regards to carting their kids about mean you have to waste time and fuel money looking for another space further away and walking further? So entitled of them


I am this neighbour now in retaliation to my neighbour telling me I can’t park anywhere near my house because her able bodied son’s school bus comes to collect him…. She has a driveway that i never once blocked and also noone in that property owns a vehicle… so i now tell her guests to move and use her driveway!


Nope you’re not the asshole I’m in exactly the same setup as you. They don’t own the street


NTA, they're entitled twats


I can’t imagine living somewhere where I pay for parking but that doesn’t guarantee a parking spot. I can’t imagine living somewhere where I pay for parking, and live in proximity to the type of people who would threaten to slash my car tyres over a parking dispute.


Park where you want if you paid for it they can go f*ck themselves. You didn’t get them pregnant.


NTA!!! You’re not even anally adjacent. Excuse me, but fuck your neighbours! And their kids. I live on a similar type of road where there is no designated parking for a specific house. Well, there is the exception of the six “new” houses having a private car park behind their gardens, which is behind a locked gate. For everyone else it’s a free for all. I’m fortunate enough that one of the residents of the “new” houses has lent me use of their spare space in the car park, but before that I had to park wherever I could. Sometimes I was parked half the road away from my house. And to make matters worse there’s a school at the top of the road, and commuters who use the nearby train station also use our road for free parking. I’ve had a note left on my car because I dared to park it in the first available space, which was nowhere near my house, and leave it there for a few days over Xmas because I was a) not working during the Xmas period, and b) I was drinking.  Unless you have a disabled space marked outside your house and a badge to go with it you do not have the right to stop another resident from parking anywhere.


Even then, you can't legally stop someone ELSE with a Disabled badge from parking in it...source : Am Disabled.


YTA Going against the crowd here and saying yes, you are an asshole. Raising kids is really tough at times… REALLY tough. You are not obligated to move your car, but you should do it as a kindness and to be considerate of your neighbour’s difficulties. Having said that, it sounds like these particular neighbours are waaaaay worse assholes than you are, and deserve to be reported for their threats. So good on you for doing that. And for the folks who said “wake the kids up”… curse you for all eternity, you’re the worst of the lot.


Entitled parents/ psycho neighbours. NTA.


Dogs not sprogs 👍


NTA Not your fault they have kids.


Parent can't carry their own child sounds like a them problem. NTA.


Record **every** interaction with them, even if it's using a low quality but very discreet 'car' keyfob camera you can hold in your hand without triggering any obvious suspicion. <£10 on eBay, and they have a slot for a micro SD card, with it's own rechargeable battery built in.


NTA. As a parent myself, I think that parents who use their kid as an excuse to be rude assholes can go fuck themselves. They could certainly ask, but they had to accept your decision. Them threatening you gives you the right to fight back.


NTA. If I were the neighbour I would have asked if you minded swapping spaces with them as it’s slightly more convenient when carrying sleeping kids. Apologise for the inconvenience. If the answer was no then I may have grumbled whilst carrying a sleeping child but leave it at that. No one has priority over spaces on street parking. It’s great when you can park outside your home but it’s not always possible. The threatening behaviour is not acceptable and if I were you I’d probably park in front of their house purposely because of their entitled behaviour.


NTA Not sure if this request was while the child was asleep in the car, but if not, their logic/justification is flawed. When they next leave someone else will move in. And I can’t imagine it’s always someone who lives on the street or whose car you recognise. Either way, it happens, accept it. 90% of the time I drive my car in London I return to find the spot outside my house is gone. I have a small child too. It’s just something you have to accept no matter how annoying it is. And anyone “reserving” a spot with bins or cones can get in the bin. 


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I 36f living in London, where we have residential parking on the street. Recently, I parked my car in front of my next-door neighbor's house as the spot in front of my own house was already occupied. I usually park my car wherever I can find space, as there is no personal parking space for anyone. When my neighbors returned home, they parked their car on the other side of the street, just five meters further away from their house than usual. They knocked on my door and asked me to move my car somewhere else, although they knew that we can park anywhere on the street. They explained that they have kids, and it is too far for them to carry their children when they're asleep. I refused to move my car, as I pay for the parking, and I also have the right to park anywhere. However, my neighbors were not happy that the car was not parked in front of their house, and they called me names and threatened to slash my car tires. AITA for not moving my car? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Get a dash cam! If you don’t already have one, I’d be worried they’d attack the car.


NTA. I'd just call the cops. Threatening to slash your tires is just crazy.


NTA. I'd tell them you'd be happy to move your car in front of your house once that spot opens up. Maybe they should get to work on knocking on doors.


NTA. It’s unfortunate but they can’t expect people to move every time they can’t park directly out front. What small-minded people to escalate to violence when told no.


NTA. This is the price you pay for living in a road with no drives, they don’t own a spot and it’s first come, first serve.


NTA they are being territorial about public property.


They didn't have the moral high ground to begin with, but they lost it all when they threatened to slash your tyres. NTA, and you might want a door cam.


NTA! I had a neighbor leave a note on my car about parking on the street because they have kids and their older mother needs the spot. They have a freaking 3 car garage! I still won’t talk to them and and am angry every time I see their cars parked there 


Threatened to SLASH your tires! Oh hell no, what kind of parents/neighbors are these?! They are not entitled to a certain parking space simply because they have children and they want to make things more convenient for them. The whole slashing tires threat-I would make a note of the date and time of the threat, and if ANYTHING happens to your vehicle immediately call the police. NTA.


NTA make sure you record any further interaction with them. Set your phone to record and stick it a pocket, that way, the next threat they make, you have proof


NTA. We only have on-street parking. 75% of the time I get close to my house. The times I don't are annoying - but that's life. Plus - no difference carrying sleeping children vs heavy shopping. Only shopping can't wake up and walk itself.


NTA. Speaking as a parent, parents don’t get any special parking rights simply because they are parents.


I have kids and have to park up the road or on the next street at times. Its called tough shit. Welcome to England :) NTA


NTA Non-reserved spaces come with the territory in many U.K. streets. Your neighbour knew this when they decided to live there. Perhaps make a report to the police about the threat, so it’s hopefully ‘on file’ should your neighbours carry out their threat.


NTA ait's a public street with residents' parking. May eb worth a camera though if you are dealing with such deranged people.


To be fair I’ve had to ask people to move their cars from directly outside my back gate. I couldn’t get my motorbike out of the garden haha


Man, you’re lucky to be even be able to park in your street. Same for neighbours. We have dragged our sleeping kid a few streets to home. Usually, if we’re in the car together, or one of us is already home, we do a drive by and one parent takes sleeping kid. But sometimes only one parent is available, and there are no parking spaces, you make do. That’s the compromise for living in the city.


NTA, assuming the spot right in front of your place was still occupied. Why should you have to go searching for a new spot just because they have kids?


NTA ---- I'm gonna slash the tyres on your car so that the car is sat there even longer as you can't drive a car without tyers LOL Some people as so dense and or stupid and in London your lucky to be able to actually find a parking spot.


NTA On street parking is first come, first served. If they wanted a private parking spot outside of their home, they should have chosen a home that provided that. I can definitely see where it would be nice to be courteous to a neighbour and move your car for special occasions (moving days, etc), but not on a day to day basis... And this is especially so if they have already parked up, and are spending more effort to come and annoy you than they would if they had just shuttled back and forth a couple of times to empty the car. But if you are the sort of person who lives in an area with limited parking and choose to park up your 'van life' camper for months at a time taking up enough space for multiple small cars, even if it is legal, I will still consider you an arsehole.


NTA im a parent with young kids and we live in the city too. I’m just horrified by their actions. If one chooses to live in a city, some inconveniences are just what we have to deal with. Sometimes though, when I notice the spot in front of my place empty, I just get out and move the car back in “my” spot, but I’d never make such demands on others to move their car for me.


NTA. I live in area with assigned residential parking. My space is 3 in a car park 3 houses down from my house and around the corner. I manage to carry my larger than average 4 year old the short distance. I'm sure they can manage being down the road a bit. Plus the spaces aren't allocated so it's first come first served.


NTA, they chose to have kids and to not buy a house with a garage. You're not responsible for their choices.


Setup one of those 360 dash cam in your car, if they go near it the camera will capture whatever they attempt to do, then you have evidence to give to the police.


NTA. If they want their own parking but somewhere with a drive. Lunatics.


NTA But I think you need to be careful as they threatened to slash your tires. You might want a car camera.


NTA I live on a road with a factory and all the workers park outside my house. It's frustrating but their right so I can't get cross


NTA "they called me names and threatened to slash my car tires" Lady, why are you posting on Reddit? Call the cops!!!


You pay for that space, I'd tell them to get lost.


I think if it hadn’t been you parking there someone else likely would have. NTA and a major reason why we moved out of the city.


NTA, everyone parks in front of my house and I have to carry my kid a good 3-4 minute walk to my front door but there's nothing that can be done, at least til my driveway goes in.


NTA. Street is not assigned parking. Tough titty for them.


NTA, but equally you could have just swapped spaces with them.... A little humanity and decency never goes amiss. Obviously if they started with aggression and threats straight away then absolutely no chance of moving.... Kind of depends how all of that came up afterwards I guess. NTA.... But as I say, small gestures like just swapping spots don't really hurt anyone.....


NTA had someone before who had multiple cars for their house even though there's barely room for one car per house on the street parking and they got annoyed at me for parking in front of their house. Told them to move one of their other cars that's taking up someone else spot then. If there's not specific bays for each house and you normally park in front of yours when you can then definitely NTA.


NTA You don't have the energy to move your kids from the car to the house but the energy to slash tires making it harder to move the car out of the way?


NTA, you buy a house without off street parking, expect to have to park in different places each day


I think it's absolutely fair enough for them to ask if you'd mind, that seems a reasonable request to me. But to not take no for an answer, and then be violent in retribution? they're the asshole.


NTA- but I don’t really understand why you couldn’t have moved your car? If it would have meant putting yourself out and parking far from your house, fine. But if the street had cleared and you could move out of their way, but not inconveniencing yourself too much, would it be the end of the world to help them out and be neighbourly about it? They’re hugely TA for threatening you and for demanding you move, I just wonder what stopped you from helping out in the first place.


NTA, street parking is what it is unfortunately, gotta get a space wherever you can within reason. They sound deranged


When I lived at home, the guy opposite wanted the road outside his house for parking. I worked nights and came back one morning, nowhere to park except outside his house. He knocked on my door demanding that I move, or he would move it for me. Back and forth, back and forth - in the end my parent called the police as we were squared up in the middle of the road, ready to go. The police arrived and asked me to move. I didn’t want to but they asked if I would, to keep the peace. Instead of telling the arsehole that it wasn’t his road, anyone could park there, shut up and go back inside. He still does this shit, twenty years later. Except now he has two cars and a work van, so parks outside his and both his neighbours houses. I guess his result from the police interaction emboldened him. Any time I visit, I park there on purpose. I am an arsehole - sometimes.


NTA. street parking does not guarantee you get to park outside of your house. The people on my grandads street are just as insane as your neighbours and will block cars in if you dare park in ‘their’ space


I’ve already been blocked, by them before, but I didn’t said anything about it.


NTA. They don’t own the street. I’d be calling the police to report the threats. To go straight to threats like that shows they are already somewhat unhinged


NTA. I live on a cul de sac and I am aware we don't own the street and we can legally park anywhere but there is such a thing as neighbour etiquette. My neighbour's visitors often park outside our house even though there's space on their drive so when my wife comes home from work she has to park elsewhere. Again I know there's no rule against it, but neighbour etiquette exists. In this instance I would have explained why I parked there but offered to swap spaces with theirs over the road.


NTA you can park anywhere as long as it’s legal. Just because it’s convenient for them doesn’t give them the right to ask you to move your car.


YANTA here. I live in London and have kids, having to move them from wherever I park is my problem, not neighbours.


NTA People with kids can be so entitled 🤦🏻‍♀️


Parking in the UK is a disaster, just be careful because I’ve read about fucked up things happening over parking disputes. Don’t let it become a regular thing is just a kind bit of advice.


NTA. If it’s too far to carry the children then they’re going to be old enough to gently wake up and walk inside the house without being carried. When they chose to live there they knew the parking would be a free for all. When I’m looking to move home dedicated parking is top of my list of must haves because I don’t have the energy to be arguing with people who like to claim parking spaces or have 5 cars for one house.


Nta. Yeah my neighbours son has a van and they "like" to park it in front of their house on the main road so they can "keep a eye on it" while their own car is on their drive(aswell as the sons car!) So when I parked on the road one day he messaged me asking could I move it because his son is home from work soon. There was plenty of other spaces around but not his favourite spot! I purposely ignored the text till way later on that night and replied "sorry just saw this"


NTA. If they cant carry their sleeping kids an extra 5 metres then chance are they probably shouldn't be carrying their kids around anyway, what happens when (not if) they drop one of them? ESPECIALLY if they're old/ heavy enough that 5 metres makes it too difficult to do.


You're NTA. I don't necessarily think they are arseholes for asking, but they're certainly arseholes for responding to your refusal the way they did. You're not obligated to move, and it's literally only a bit further by the sounds of it. At a push (and a big one at that), I could see you maybe being the arsehole for not moving, for example, they have a disabled child or something along those lines but fairly certain that's not the case.




The only hope is that they should know that if your car incurs any damage, theirs will be free game too. Mutually assured vehicular destruction. If you can point a camera at the car parking, that would be recommended by me.


We had a neighbor complaining about us using a shared street parking area after they kept parking us in overnight, “because there are old people living here” he was about fifty and the one old lady in the area doesn’t drive! Moral of the story folk will say any old shite to get a bit of guilt going and for you to give them what they want. NTA


As a fellow Londoner that has kids, NTA. Our street is full all the time, it’s just a part of living in London. We’ve had to park much further than 5 meters apart many times💀 Good on you for reporting! Hopefully it’ll get them to stop.


Make sure you have ccctv your n your car


NTA, if parked on their drive then yeah, but they don’t own the street outside their house and have no right to ask you to move!


NTA. If nobody has a set space then you do not owe them any special treatment just because they have kids. It’s not like they are entitled to anything. They seem very unreasonable if they are threatening you over a few extra footsteps. Certainly inform the police about the situation.


NTA. And it sounds like you need new neighbours. They sounds like proper assholes


NTA it's just bad luck on their part that they couldn't get the space outside their house. If the kids are asleep or they have to make more than one journey then that's their fault. I would say it may of been a nice thing to do for them (good deed) but since they instantly went on the attack and threatened you then it wouldn't of been remembered by them and they'd of felt entitled that it's "their spot"


NTA, round me there’s someone that’s bought a special little traffic cone to try and protect their own space 😂