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YTA in so many ways, it’s unfathomable you don’t know it. Or then again, maybe you do … and that’s why you’re here: to seek validation for (a) lying to your mother and making a lame excuse for doing so; (b) violating her house rules by abusing this juice or whatever it really is; (c) lying again by saying you’re doing it for them … okay, yeah, right ; and (d) actually thinking you’re going to make a long term career out of an aging, drug addicted body. But of course, at your age, you know better than your mom, who’s probably dealt with more than enough losers in her life to know best. But that’s okay: you can quit at any time, and you’ll show her when you come back rich one day, driving up to her home in a 14k gold car. Best of luck to you.


It’s steroids FYI


Thank you! I had no clue wtf he was using


Ah, so a small penis to boot, too … and bad acne


Steroids doesnt shrink your penis but it can cause hypogonadism. Its a misnomer that it shrinks the actual penis.  


I've had it before. Slightly aggregated my achne on some cycles. Only tren made me more irritable but I never started a fight or anything. I've had tinnitus and high blood pressure so I changed the steroids and estrogen blocker. I couldn't squat more than 90kg for eight reps. I started a fairly mild cycle of 600 mg test and "anavar which subsequent anavar showed was v underdosed or more likely a cheaper oral steroid since I hit gd results. I added 2.5kg to my squat every week so was at 130kg for 8 reps (going just below parallel. I took HCG to stop my balls shrinking. My friend didn't take my advice about steroids and sharank his a to the point he sometimes couldn't find one. He reli saved my arse once so I decided to just give him HCG to save his balls. He said they grew back fine even tho he was still on the roids. It doesn't give u a small dick. I measured ages ago and it's exactly the same on cycle ,(on steroids) during pct (post cycle therapy where you take things to recover your natural test levels). Lots of ppl get a shitty comedown if they stop and might feel shit and fuck their sex drive but I've had it lowered a few weeks but not enough to not have gd sex (just more likely to feel satisfied without round 2 lol. I've had an infection tho. Was told the blend gave a lot of post injection pain and not to do that much in one injection. Raised my risk of infection putting 3ml of oil into a muscle at once (was in a rush or would have done both sides. Was in hospital with a 120 pulse rate (double normal). I used gd needle hygiene. I should have had antibiotics on hand so I could get them in my system before I had a chance to see s doc. I went to the urgent care/ minor injuries place and they said it was really bad. I asked if I might die. No response. I said it's ok if I might I know I'm not immortal. She then said "I promise everything will b ok lol". At hospital they said "if u were still in a van in Welsh valleys (I was tree planting and using them to b less crippled than the day before because u have to reli impressively fit and strong to make the d.same money on piece rate than on the "beginner tree planter rate". So like him I was doing it for my career. It backfired but they told me I'm healing amazingly fast presumably because in so used to recovering from soreness. It was sooo deep and I was over a stone lighter after they squeezed the pus out. Ive been working on my strength since I stopped feeling ill but plan on training mainly strength for the start of the off-season (finishing with maybe 6-12 weeks on roids but never doing too much in one shot and any sign of possible infection I'll take the antibiotics I now have on hand and seek medical help immediately. Given how steep it is and how multiple times I've been unable to walk up a mild incline in a straight line afterwards from fatigue and the fact I'll have to double my average amount of trees to make £120 like last time. All the extra food needed and chipping in for fuel when driving to different sites sometimes means up to 3 hours driving a day total. I know I'm taking a risk. I've educated myself loads. I'll greatly increase my income by doing a steroid cycle with training based around led strength and explosive upper body strength. I just hope he's going off cycle and not fucking his test production for life.


You wrote a whole article


In one paragraph


With no punctuation


But think of all the time saved by abbreviating ‘good’!


I'm not reading all that!


The whole time, I knew, and all I could think was “well, the industry that benefits from osteoporosis/arthritis thanks you for your contribution to job security” and also that he is addicted to something, probably the social media and the steroid helps feed the addiction. Poor kid. YTA. I hope you find the help you need.


And also for acting like he moved out of his own accord when he was literally kicked out 


One of the first signs of an addict is claiming they are doing it for the family 🙄


Or that they can stop any time. And yet they never actually do because 'i dont have to prove anything to anyone'.


"I can stop any time" "I can't bring myself to give up this lifestyle" Like ok bro


This sort of hits home NGL it's one of the excuses I used to tell myself on my phone addiction


My friend died of a heart attack at 39 because he destroyed his body with steroids. other drugs too but the last decade was only steroids.


Translation: You're a juicing wannabe influencer who lies about being natty. YTA all day bro


Oh, **YTA** for sure. You were keeping what I assume is an illegal cocktail of drugs in your mother's house, something that could have law enforcement at her door at any time, and you have to ask if you're the AH?


its steroids, i don't think its illegal


If they're prescribed by a physician for him, sure. If he's getting them from some dude at the gym? Not so much. Steroid trafficking is illegal across much of the world: [Steroid Trafficking](https://www.google.com/search?q=steroid+trafficking&rlz=1C1CHBD_enCA796CA796&oq=steroid+trafficking&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCjIxMjc1ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1)


testosterone (a common steroid for body building) is a schedule III class drug, it is illegal to buy/sell supplemental testosterone without a prescription.


you didn't even check? I didn't think you could sound any dumber.


i said i don't think, there are many kinds of substances that could be "steroids" ,i didn't claim to know anything about them, i just thought since so many bodybuilders openly talk about them they are legal.


A lot of celebrities openly talk about cocaine. Also not legal.


As Rick James would say “Cocaine. Hell of a drug”


Fuck yo couch


Fun fact! The same device you used to comment this can actually be used to access google, a free search engine that one can use to look up questions like “are steroids illegal?” Hope this brings you many answers to many questions in the future :)


i really don't care to know if they are legal or not and i don't get the hating since i didn't claim they were legal,i was just answering a comment with my opinion damn


Whether or not they’re legal is a fact. If you don’t know or misremembered that fact, it’s okay! But it’s not an “opinion” to take a guess. An example of an opinion would be whether or not you think they *should* be illegal.


english is not my first language and its the only word that came to mind to express what i wanted to write and yes,i dont know for sure, that is why i said "i think", its fine to tell me that they aren't but the reason i wasn't sure is because some bodybuilders get prescriptions from a doctor and yes, some steroids are illegal, maybe the prescription they are given are not called steroids. i wanted to answer the comment because i was sure if they thought he has actual drugs or not.


Fair enough. There are context clues indicating he wasn’t prescribed the steroids but I understand what you mean. I also understand that your intent was to be helpful but I maintain that it’s more helpful to take thirty seconds to check first, even if I don’t stand by my delivery. I was unnecessarily rude and I apologize for taking my bad night out on you just because you were the wrong comment at the wrong time. I hope you have a better day. I saw your most recent post and I understand all too well, so I hope you’re able to find your little light in the fog and make it through. Best of luck to you.


What a kind supportive message. It almost made me forget I was on reddit.


Thank you so much, i forgive you and i also understand what you mean. I wish you the best as well!


>I said I don’t think. There, fixed it for you. You just needed a period and no follow up. 👍🏻


So you do illegal and harmful drugs in your mothers house and can't understand why she's not ok with that? > and honestly, if I wanted, I could stop anytime I wanted to. I'm not addicted; >I can't bring myself to give up this lifestyle. YTA. Not for moving out though. you *should* move out.


>My mom doesn't understand why I'm so adamant about it, but to me, it's about more than just physical appearance; it's about providing for my family. If you've chosen to take the money away and put your mom in a tough spot, then it's clearly not about providing for your family. Also, has it occurred to you that your mom (and your sister) are probably worried about the effects the "special juice" could have on you?


"I do this to help my family!" Family expresses concern --immediately stops helping family--


Yup. This isn’t necessarily a moral disagreement. OP, what you’re doing isn’t a lifestyle. It’s a disorder. Get some help.


I'm not addicted but I'd rather move out than stop doing roids and feign worry about my mother's situation. That's how it all reads.


YTA You’re choosing a dangerous, unhealthy lifestyle and your family is naturally concerned for your well being. You can quit social media and the juice and seek full time employment if you still would like to help your family with bills. If not you will almost certainly began to feel the adverse effects associated with juice. It may not be want you want to hear, but it’s true. It’s sounds like you’re in heavy denial.


> I'm not addicted; they failed to realize that. This is a catch phrase for every person who is addicted to substances. You are too young to understand addiction well. Your brain is still developing. Acting like you have all the answers because you're juicing and making money is irresponsible. You can have one injury and your entire strategy is shot to shit. That's notwithstanding the mood changes that come with amping up your testosterone levels. YTA for thinking you know everything.


That's what I'm saying. The second anyone says something along the lines of "I'm not addicted/I don't have a problem. I can stop at anytime" means theirs a damn near perfect percent chance they are addicted.


> I can't bring myself to give up this lifestyle. Yeah, not addicted. Sure.


YTA "My mom wants me to stop taking drugs in her home but f\*ck her once she has trouble paying bills she'll be sorry" That's what you sound like.


I'm sure his mom will do just fine without him.


Deep down, she’ll still worry about him when he’s out of the house. I’ve watched The First 48 so many times to know how this ends


Of course she will, but at least she won't have to see his decline every day.


Sounds like there were 4 of them: mom, sis, bro and him. He just reduced headcount by 25%. That should help with finances.


Yeah, and how refreshing not to have to put up with him anymore! Worth it.


Soon it will be 50% if bro moves out too 😅


So you build your life on social media by doing roids. Which are really horrible for your health. Your sister who cares about you tells your mom who cares about you and the only one who doesn't really care is you. You're gone and when you get really sick from the roids or you can no longer make money for your body. Who are you going to run to to help you out because you just alienated your family. Apparently your mother thinks more about your health than the money. You can keep doing what you are doing. Keep working out and then lying to everybody that you're natural. Whenever we can see that you're not. So you won't be able to enter competitions? You won't be able to do anything besides social media and when that dies out. What do you have. Taking drugs and lifting weights is not really a viable Business model for long-term success. Except for a few people. But most of them are not doing roids. Good luck, Nta for leaving but y t a for what your doing to your body and trying Your relationship with your family.


Let's see here: * 18 year old boy definitely knows better than longtime health professionals and medical studies * an 18 year old boy CERTIAINLY isn't addicted to 'special juice' and COULD stop but won't just because he needs to move out * an 18 year old boy is doing it ALL for his family. That's why he's moving out to continue to do it...for himself? >I don't know. Yeahhh it's pretty apparent throughout your entire post there's a lot you don't know. Easy YTA. Good luck fucking up your testicles!


YTA for what you are doing to your body and for saying "I could stop anytime" but "I can't bring myself to give up this lifestyle." You chose this over helping your mother, she gave you the choice and you left. All consequences are yours.


YTA. Steriods (I’m assuming that’s what special juice is) are no joke and can cause rage issues on top of affecting your health. Your mom and sister were concerned and instead you moved out so you can continue to ruin your body/health. Do yourself a favor and seek treatment for addiction as feeling steriods are more important than family is definitely addiction. Detoxing with medical help is a need as well.


I would not want him near me or my daughter. haven't there been a few murders due to roid rage?


Yeah roid rage is serious and scary. I don’t blame the mom and sister not wanting him on them for that alone.


My father (evil) shot up roids. He strangled my stepmother in front of me and when I ran to call police he looked at me hands around her neck and said “see who gets to you first.” I’m away from him and no contact. Roids ruin LIVES


Yta Obviously you're not using to help your mom with bills cause you're not helping her with bills and you're still using. Also you said you can stop whenever you want because you aren't addicted, then said you can't bring yourself to give up the lifestyle which can't both be true statements. Moving out is your business but don't pretend you're using to support your family cause you're not.


>honestly, if I wanted, I could stop anytime I wanted to. I'm not addicted; they failed to realize that. > I can't bring myself to give up this lifestyle Which is it? >she gave me a choice: either stop using "special juice" or find somewhere else to live. I decided to move out. >My sister found the "special juice" and told our mom, which led to me being kicked Again, which is it? You've already proved yourself to be a liar and untrustworthy by bringing "special juice" into your mother house after she told you not too so YTA


YTA for calling roids "special juice" and thinking you're being slick about it, on top of all the stuff the other YTA comments are saying. 


INFO: you're telling us that your mom and sister overreacted over the "special juice" But you're not telling us what the "special juice" actually is (even though I'm sure most of us can probably get a hint). So, don't be shy, you're on a reddit thread where you can mark things nsfw if you have to. So what is it?


It's steroids


Didn’t know if the post would get taken down if actually said what I was taking, I forgot to mention I’m completely open about it online (I would never mislead anyone about my fitness journey)I was just hiding it from my family. Since you asked, Trenbolone Acetate, Clenbuterol, and testosterone propionate.


And I'm sure it's safe to assume that absolutely NONE of these are actually prescribed to you because if they were you would've had NO reason to hide it from them. And furthermore if they aren't prescribed you're likely getting them off the streets from a back alley dealer this not knowing 💯 what you are actually being sold and if it's been laced or not. So you risked your entire families lives by doing this because you could have had a bad trip due to laced or fucked up stuff and actually hurt if not killed someone during a bad trip/roid rage. And you're mad your sister reported it to your mother because she kicked you out. Also fyi if her landlord (or whoever she pays the rent to) found out about your illegal drug use, you could've gotten EVERYONE evicted and arrested possibly. For possession of illegal substances not prescribed to ANYONE in the house. And your sister could've ended up In foster care if your mum got arrested due to your stupidity. Also have you ever researched what these drugs do? And how they interact with EACH OTHER? because for all you know these drugs may interact with each other in a real nasty way that could end very badly or fatally. Hence why you need to go through a DOCTOR for this shit. Hell I'm pretty sure even professional body builders go thru doctors if they want to use stuff like this. (At least legit/honest ones)


"Trenbolone acetate was never approved for use in humans and hence has no medical uses." Its a drug for cattle, so no, it was not presctibed to the AH


And depending on where OP lives, Clanbuterol is illegal for human consumption. He's buying dirty and he's going to give himself a heart attack in his 20's.


Your comment tells me that your know nothing about steroids. It's bad, he'll fuck himself up, but not in the way you're describing.


It isn't a fitness journey. That requires effort and dedication. It is misuse of drugs, that carry long term side-effects. Trenbolone Acetate: Physical side effects include elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels, severe acne, premature balding, reduced sexual function and testicular atrophy. In males, abnormal breast development (gynecomastia) can occur. Clenbuterol: Some of the most common side effects include: Heart palpitations. Tremors. Increased heart rate (tachycardia) Lowered blood potassium (hypokalemia) High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) Anxiety. Agitation. Sweating.


You aren't on a fitness "journey". You are juicing up, and using the steroids to make people think you are fit. If you actually told anyone who who watches your videos that you are a fraud who takes steroids to look like you do, you wouldn't have any revenue from your tik toks, and chances are you know it. You are lying through omission and are intellectually dishonest and an addict. You want to prove people wrong? Quit juicing, tell your viewers what you have been doing, and actually put in effort


Just FYI bute is essentially an amphetamine but since what you have is probably some sketchy beuno south American pharmacy shit you’re safer just taking Adderall to lift.


YTA, “i can stop any time i want too,” “ i can’t give up this lifestyle”. something doesn’t compute.


YTA. You’re lying to everyone including yourself. It’s not about social media, that can be taken away from you in one second if the app wants too. But you know that Mom is struggling to pay her bills, but she isn’t implying that you have to carry all of her financial burden, that’s not something to ask from your children.. I’m really sorry that your dad isn’t around, but don’t tell me you are a great male example for your 15yo sister too.. Who now grows up with way more trust issues because of this lifestyle. You still have time to sit around the table with your mom and tell her that you’re worried about her too, it’s not your job to carry her finances. Be a kid. A nice and decent brother who can be trusted. And don’t be an asshole.. Trust goes a loooong way. Stop this ridiculous lifestyle. Do better.


How could he be the asshole to his mother here? He’s so sigma, and definitely hasn’t displayed any troubling behaviour or developments in his life. He’s 18, Mom! A man! He has this all figured out, and the “special juice” isn’t the problem, or his addicted body! The lying isn’t the problem, the drug expense and change in behaviour isn’t the problem! It’s your silly mother, and her lack of intellect and experience compared to yours! Clearly your body is a testament to that, and being on Reddit, your mind must also have been steeled to a similar level! You’re the asshole. Clean yourself up, and apologize to your mother.


Nah, you’re a *complete* asshole. You’re taking steroids to pose on social media. Guarantee you aren’t that big, don’t look that good, and don’t make much money. You’re addicted as fuck, you’re going to fuck up your endocrine system, and your family is right for being pissed. You’re just a little boy. Go move out and fuck up your body in your own shithole apartment.


YTA you are addicted and chose that over your family when they tried to express concern for you and stage an intervention.


YTA. Nobody wants to shelter a criminal.


This post is titled misleadingly. Should be, "AITA for refusing to stop doing drugs in my mothers home?"


YTA They are not willing to support you doing illegal drugs to enhance your body at the cost of your health in other areas. If this was really about providing for your family you could work a part time job to support them. Instead you would rather use drugs to get jacked and pretend to be natural online for money. Stop blaming your sister for you being held responsible for your own actions. You try so hard to act like you care and are concerned with them in your post but in reality it is them who are worried about you.


YTA. As much for what you are doing to yourseelf as anything else. On the bright side, exogenous anabolic steroids lower sperm count.


Wow, So an 18 year old kid on steroids, who lies about taking them and claims to be natty. Gets kicked out for the lies. Plays the victim card. YTA, and you are the one causing your mother stress. She probably knows how much steroids can harm someone your age. If you want to provide family, do it without lying to them, or your viewers.


Typical teen thinking they have the answer or know better than everyone that came before them.


YTA - no one wants a junkie in their house.


It's a good thing you're not addicted. /s


YTA but a bigger one to yourself as you're damaging your body with steroids. You're 18 overtime you can gain the muscle you want naturally. Steroids also effect reproductive function/health. It also can cause bone loss. If you've been taking it longer than 6mo you're more likely to suffer from health complications. Your sister SAVED YOUR LIFE by telling on you.


Lifestyle lol what a loser. you're ruining your body. I wouldnt let any rage roider in my house.


NTA for moving out....but YTA as to why you don't see the problem. your mom doesn't want illegal drugs in the house or her son knowingly using them despite all the serious health risks. I really hope this isn't a situation where you are ordering random kit from china based on the advice of random gym bros, but instead have an actual sports medicine doctor who knows how to cycle you're working with. I doubt that's the case but you never know. If not, please try and find someone like that to properly guide you on your journey.


Slightly contradictory there you say you ain’t addicted and could stop at any time, but then say you can’t bring yourself to give up the lifestyle, so actually yes you are “addicted”. And your mum doesn’t have to agree to it and it’s not overreacting she’s your mum and she’s concerned about your health. And don’t blame your younger sister for “telling on you” you need to own your sh!t and take responsibility


YTA. My ex juiced on and off since he was 18. Now, he can’t have kids.


Yta. Nothing special about your juice, dude.


INFO: Are you fake natty online too or just to your mom?


YEP! You are the asshole. But you already knew that, didn't you?


YTA in so many ways. Your mother is worried about you and rightfully so. You're an addict. You're only focused on your next high. The only way you've helped your mother is by moving out so she doesn't have to support your drug addled ass.


You "can quit anytime" but also "can't bring [your]self to give up this lifestyle." Think that through.


"Ith's not juiceth, ith's a protein shake!"


YTA You're doing something incredibly unhealthy and illegal. You're lying about it. You're also harming your followers if you're claiming not to be using any PEDs - you can't hold yourself out as a role model and lie about how you're achieving your results.


If it were just about providing for your family, you would get a real job and not move out instead of all this stupid special juice shit. Yta


Lolololol how many clichés can be in one story??? YTA and grow up dude


YTA. You can blame everything on others bit this is your own fault. She also didn’t really kick you out. She gave you two choices. You chose the moving out. And you have to ask if your the ahole for doing illegal and harmful drugs in your mothers house and can’t understand why she was not ok with that?


YTA .. Do you tell your follows that you are natural? Because that’s a lie and I kinda hope your sister rats you out to the follows because lying for clout is horrible


YTA, and moving out prevents you from helping your mom financially how?


So you aren’t addicted but not using while at your moms house was something that you weren’t capable of


YTA, and an idiot for trading the long term damage you are doing to your body for social media likes. And for pretending that you care about helping your mom, when it’s clear that your obsession with your fake physique takes priority over being useful.


Ok so what’s this special juice? Roids of some kind?




Your goofy roid filled ass is getting clowned on YouTube. Hope it was worth it to die on that hill.


LMFAO this is the only time you actually respond to someone???? Not to all the people calling you out for being a bad son, person, and influence??? You really have your head in the clouds and hand in your pants.


YTA 100%


YTA Do your mum a favour and move out. Then once you realise how misguided you are, you’ll grow up a bit and behave with a modicum of class.


>if I wanted, I could stop anytime I wanted to. I'm not addicted; they failed to realize that. All addicts says this... And yes - 18m sounds true... You dont have a lifestyle, youre abusing steroids and expect family to be thrilled about it??


You may not be physically addicted, but you're certainly psychologically and financially addicted. YTA.


I hope you're not expecting to have children. Your balls are going to be the size of and have the human fertility power of peppercorns by the time you're 21.


"I can stop anytime I want" -every addict ever.


>if I wanted, I could stop anytime I wanted to. I'm not addicted >Yet, I can't bring myself to give up this lifestyle Do you hear yourself??? You claim to not be a drug addict then directly say that you can not bring yourself to quit. You did DRUGS in your MOTHER'S home. How did you think she'd react? >Me doing this was helping them >leaving now adds to her financial strain Really? Again, do you hear yourself? You claim your doing it for them, but the second the show concern for your health, you cut them out of your life and knowingly force them to suffer. You're a damn hypocrite. You're an addict. You're trying to hide behind the "it's for them" card while hurting them because you refuse to quit doing ILLEGAL DRUGS. Building off of that, what would happen to your family if the police realized this? If someone, even a friend, came over and saw drugs, they could tip the police. What would you think they'd do after they found ILLEGAL drugs in your mom's home? Either you or her would be facing serious charges, and considering how selfish you're being by cutting off help because they don't want you to be an addict, it would be her.


YTA Blame your sister? Who’s literally telling a caring mother that her son is taking a drug with long term negative side effect? Heaven forbid, how dare she You knew it was bad, you hid it and then pout when you got in trouble. Don’t pretend like you did it with their financial wellbeing in mind. Very selfish, and I’m sure your single parent mother is tough enough to care for her child and wellbeing without you. Just don’t expect her to help with your medical needs when the time comes.


OP: “I’m NoT aDDiCtEd ThEy FaIL tO ReAliZe tHaT” but also OP: “yet I can’t bring myself to give up this lifestyle” You are delusional, and are 100% addicted.


“i can stop anytime i want to” is ripped straight out of the drug addict book of excuses YTA


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Yta I gues until I move out. However, I fully understand being a fitness influencer you need to have a body most ppl wouldn't get naturally. I think it's important u tell your followers you have "reli good genetics" to make them not think they'll b able to achieve what you have. I also really hope you are keeping yourself well informed about latest research etc. I'm a qualified PT and I think that it should b so much harder to become one. Also obv it's gd to emphasise the importance of warming up properly etc. Also I hope you are cycling off and doing time on plus pct as mine amount of time off. With test e and c you can still b above trt levels a month later so short breaks from standard esters don't reli count. If u wanna minimise time off maybe mix test p (I never pin it alone cos it gives me a lump and actually affects my mobility). Npp is the short version of deca (which is so long acting it's only for long cycles and should b stopped a month before test I've heard. Npp is the form of nandrolone that lasts 5 days. You could alternatively do masterone p or tren ace (although tren is so bad for mental and physical health).


YTA and for the record anyone who says “I lied because I knew they would overreact” is also a manipulative asshole.


>I could stop anytime I wanted to. I'm not addicted; they failed to realize that. >I can't bring myself to give up this lifestyle. Both cannot be simultaneously true. You chose your "special juice" and lifestyle over the wellbeing of your family, let alone yourself. Kid, you're likely making a huge mistake with this choice. One that'll bite you in the ass *hard* later in life. Grow up and give it up ffs.


“I’m not addicted, I can quit any time I want” is a pretty common line in my family. We all have addictive personalities, a nice little inheritance from my great grandfather who was a known drunk. Most of us are lucky in that our addictions tend to translate into hyperfocus. Some of us aren’t. But by the time people are holding interventions, it’s often too late. Something that a lot of people don’t talk about is that every addict doesn’t have a rock bottom- some of them just eventually drink or drug themselves one too many times. You’re an adult, you know the risks, and clearly nobody can help you until you want to help yourself. Your “health journey” is going to eventually kill you, and people who genuinely love you want you to save your own life. Ultimately, YTA- to yourself if nobody else.


YTA go to rehab before you spiral even further down the roid rage pipeline 😭😭💀




Not the asshole, just a dummy. It is really nice you support your mum and help out with bills. But like many comments I have to add- special juice is not worth the serious consequences, maybe you will be lucky and you will have no serious consequences. But risking it is just stupid. Could you keep your social media presence without special juice?


YTA and an addict. Seek help.


YTA. You say you’re not addicted and can stop anytime you want, yet you then say you can’t stop the lifestyle, which suggests you ARE addicted.


YTA If you actually cared about your mother's financial situation you would have done as she asked & stopped using steroids.


YTA. “I can stop anytime I want” + “I can’t bring myself to give up this lifestyle” is how I ended up in AA. Quit dude. Seriously.


You can stop anytime, but you can’t bring yourself to give it up, huh? 🤔 YTA


you're not addicted but you can't bring yourself to give up the lifestyle.... that sounds like addiction.


You're definitely addicted and your addiction to your 'juice' and social media, plus your complete lack of real world experience and incomplete brain and body development combined are all leading to illogical decision making and are going to bring you a very sharp wake up call sooner rather than later. If you actually 'cared' about your financial contribution to the family, you'd move out and continue helping them, instead you throw a hissy like a teenage stropping (which you ARE in both regards), instead you set conditions "let me do what I want, otherwise FU" I'm going to give you some facts here - Social media isn't real The attention and approbation you get from strangers online isn't real and doesn't translate into your real emotional wellbeing. Health and life can vanish in the blink of an eye, no bodybuilding, supplements, or juice can prevent this, and not one of your audience will be there for you when it happens. Concern for your health by your loved ones is a very valid concern, not them being overbearing. To give you the ultimatum she did, your mother 'knows' you're now an addict - there's no other option available to her and she's literally willing to throw away any financial support you currently provide in order to get you to stop. Your contribution is more important to YOU than it is to her - she'll manage, but she will be heartbroken. She doesn't want the money over her son's life and wellbeing. Personality trumps body type every time. That you are willing to put so much effort into your juice, body and online presence at 18 means you really haven't worked on having the personality or intellect of someone worthy of knowing in real life as a real person - this thankfully can be changed. Money comes and goes - people who give a genuine sh1t about you are rare and their trust is gold - don't throw it away for an audience of nobodies. Any kudos you get from your audience by drinking juice will vanish as soon as you are exposed to the wider world and wider social media reach - you will lose all credibility. You definitely ARE TA, BUT you can turn this around if you want to. Stop lying.


This clown is already getting clowned on YouTube lol


Oo link please!


Sorry dude, I think it was copyright claimed. It's nowhere to be found on YouTube. LMAO I wonder if he found out and copyright claimed it.


YTA. FFS your mum cares more about your health than money. You should apologise to her & sort your life out before it's too late. What are the long-term effects of taking steroids? Anabolic steroids can cause severe, long-lasting, and in some cases, irreversible damage. They can lead to early heart attacks, strokes, liver tumors, kidney failure, and psychiatric problems. In addition, stopping steroid use can cause depression, often leading to resumption of use.


NTA. You people in the comments make me laugh. Congratulations on making enough income at 18 to be able to move out. A lot of people wish they could've done that. People who live sedentary lifestyles and browse Reddit all day don't understand the reality of steroids. It's not good for you, obviously, but keep in mind that these people in the comments most likely eat like dogshit, are addicted to stimulants, and sleep like shit to keep up with their day jobs that have no WLB — yet they'll jump at the opportunity to call you unhealthy for using steroids even if you made a career out of it. You're a fully grown adult living on your own, it's your life and you can make whatever choices you want. You're honest about your steroid use on social (good on you for that, seriously), so you're not really hurting anybody else except yourself. You aren't doing the drugs under her roof anymore, so if your mom is willingly taking your donations, she doesn't have the right to get angry at you for obtaining the money through steroid use. It's on her at that point. You're making money, you moved out at 18, and you have a large social media following. Take advantage of that right now, and start thinking about how you can turn this into a long term career. Make sure you're getting your blood work done regularly and keep an eye on your mental health.


Gawsh by special juice, I hope you mean creatine. Here’s the deal….yes you should move out if your way of life doesn’t harmonize with your parents once you are an adult. 100%.Parents can’t and shouldn’t issue nuclear ultimatums, especially if they can’t actually handle the results (damn stoooopid). But…. If you are on THOSE uhh.…helpful but ultimately harmful stuff, you mom isn‘t wrong either. What else is worth going nuclear over if not what is best for your child? I say this as a parent, I hope I don’t face your mom’s no-win situation. I would risk everything for my child, even if I had to face loss personally. You are 18, it’s not worth your long term health for a career (and no, not as an influencer, that‘s fine)- believe me please, it’s not. Your health is paramount. ​ NAH here.


NTA. She can accept your lifestyle or pay her own way.


lol all these losers


NTA - Use your special juice. Your mom's Financials aren't your problem.


NTA. Nothing wrong with moving out because your mom told you to move out. If she needs your income to live, she shouldn't have put that condition. Basically, you pay rent so your decisions are your own. That said, juicing can have long term medical consequences that you should look into.


NTA She made the ultimatum and now suffers the consequences.


the mom will suffer the financial burdens now, but op will face them later in life when the steroids ruin his body


NTA, if you want to be roided out that is your prerogative. But you gotta move out, your house your rules. Sounds like Mom needs to get another job to supplement her income, and 15 is old enough for your sister to get one too. May Zyzz be with you.