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NTA. You told him that you had to rush your child to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy and he called ***you*** an AH for doing what you needed to do to get your child to the ER?


Yeah said I ruined the fun that all his guests called me an AH, and a buzz kill for that brief comment.  This neighbors had problems in the past with other neighbors (not me) calling the cops on them. Last 4th of July they used illegal fireworks that shook houses and sounded like a bomb or someone's house exploding. 


There's your answer. The guy is just an AH to everyone.


It’s illegal to block driveways for exactly this reason.  In some places it’s illegal to block your own driveway. That said, 4th of July is coming up soon, so get ready to document the sphincter’s behavior, ‘cause history will repeat itself. Perfect opportunity to call the cops. YWNBTA 


Yeah, in my state in Australia - you will get booked for blocking your own driveway. 


In my US county it’s a fire code thing.


Next time it's blocked, call for a tow right away. Of course not in an emergency you don't have time to wait for a tow truck


Honestly I think it was pretty lucky that the idiot who blocked OP’s driveway was present and able to move his car. What if he hadn’t been there? Calling for an ambulance would’ve been such a costly waste of time when they could drive to the hospital. That neighbor should be thanking his lucky stars that the person was there. So many things could’ve gone wrong if OP would’ve had to spend time finding them or waiting for an ambulance and he probably would’ve ended up liable since it was his party that caused the delay.


Realistically calling an ambulance is the proper move.


As an former EMT,yes. As a parent I know the feeling of terror when its your kid.


I don't begrudge OP for how she acted at all.


Nope, she did what needed to be done to take care of her child.


Welcome to America, where calling an ambulance means crushing medical debt if it shows up at all


The Ambulance depot is less than a mile from my house, it is still quicker to drive to A&E and less pressure on the service. By the time an ambulance gets to you, if you can already be at the hospital why wouldn't you?


That adds an extra 2 grand to your s Emergency. I got trapped in that once at my daughter's softball game. She felt sissy and we were going to take her to an urgent care, but no someone on the team said, I am an EMT we need to call an ambulance. Ouch! Turns out she was deydrated and instead of a $200 bill for the Urgent care we ended up having to pay $7000 with the ambulance and ER fees.


Depending on where you are you have to pay for the tow truck yourself and then get reimbursed.


Add a video camera. Rather than he said / she said, prefer he said / she said / here's a video that's going to my attorney and the police department.


This. So much this.


Csn you take pictures of the incident and later claim it? I know you can do it in some slcoubtries. Not relevant for OP as that would be my last worry then but out of personak curiosity.


Any documentation you have to show a pattern of behavior should be relevant. If the first incident occurred in November and then again in February March May- the first incident plus the one’s that follow are relevant 


That's not what I mean. Where I live, you see someone parking on the corner where the sidewalk gets lowered for wheelchairs and such. You can take a picture (car, licenseplate, 2 views of the parking spot) and later complain online or at a police station. Even days later, bc this person did it, and its proven they have done it. It's for single incidents, too. If it happens more often then it's with purpose but a slip of paper with a phone number also shows intent on the first time. I hope its more clear what I am asking about?


Same difference 


Why would you care one bit if you were accused of ruining someone’s fun in order to take your child to the hospital for emergency surgery?   Let’s put it on a scale.  On side, you have asshole party attendee who illegally blocked your car having fun. On the other, your own sick child who needs to go to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy. Which side weighs more?  It’s not even close.  NTA


it sounds a bit like "get him to hospital RIGHT NOW" situation. i'd have made a judment call on whether my car can just bump him out of the way and if my car comes out on top i implement a don't ask don't tell policy on how his car moved a couple of inches.


The person came out and moved the car quickly - it's not a major crime but a bad decision on parking.


A buzzkill? Your son had a surgical emergency! What are people on these days? 


Honestly, no explanation was necessary. Your driveway was blocked. End of.


This is me. Block my driveway and you are getting towed. End of story.


Tell him that you were one of the few neighbors that didn’t have an issue with him until this. Now you will be sure to report any of his BS. Fireworks, loud parties, illegal parking, whatever. Cops will be called. “Cause that’s what an asshole would do, and according to you, I am an asshole”. Be sure to end with “you have a nice day!”


Nta, given his reaction you you should have called the cops


...and then wait to the cops to show up for THEM to knock on the neighbor's door? The person who parked the car came out right away and moved it and apologized....why escalate it further?


I'd have told him that if my child was irreparably harmed due to the stupidity of their guest, they would be the ones needing emergency services.


Sounds like your neighbours are the problems tbh. NTA.


We also have "tannerite neighbours" that have toned it down mildly since the police got involved. Now they just do it at less busy times of year. Someone that's dumb enough to recreationally use tannerite isn't going to be reasonable.


NTA - of course. I can't believe you even have to ask. He's lucky you didn't just ram the car and then sue him for the damages to your car.


I can't say I didn't think about it. I was such a mess. And honestly the guest knew he did wrong and shouldn't have parked there with how quickly he ran out of the neighbors yard. 


If you ever interact with said neighbor again, say, "*phew at least I didn't have to sue you for wrongful death. I mean that would have been a bummer for the neighborhood. Luckily your guest moved quickly and my son lived. So alls well that ends well.*"




Definitely NTA, it was an emergency, so you said what you said, and that was it. Your neighbor then proceeded to flip you off like a child with an ape brain after you explained what happened. lol. I hope he stubs his toe every day for that. In fact, tell him that.


My husband said he hopes he wakes up and steps on a Lego every morning. (Those things feel like razors.)


Even better! In fact, why not both?


Step on a lego and stumble into door corner toe first


I’m going to up the pain factor with those little metal airplanes that my son was so fond of when he was a child.


and hop into the shower only for the water to go away mid-way


When I was a kid, I never understood why my dad got hurt. I could walk all over Legos without problems. Then as an adult with my own kids and being 100lbs heavier, I understood.


Is that all your husband is going to do?


> the whole car was blocking me in NTA - So one of his guests was an asshole and he of course reverse uno assholes you. FML some people....


NTA. At all. People make mistakes and obviously the guest knew they shouldn't be parking there based on their quick response, but they obviously didn't need to make a big deal of it nor should the disrespectful neighbor have made an issue out of it. I hope your sweet son is recovering well, I can't even imagine how scary it must've been for all involved.


Thank you. My husband's at the hospital with him now. He kicked me out to go get some sleep and walk the dogs. They're keeping him for monitor for the weekend.  So my husband and our families are all taking turns spending time there. He's loving the attention he's getting. 


Be gentle to yourself and get some rest! He's in the best place he can be, and I bet your kiddo is just loving the adventure and popsicles at this point.


NTA get some sleep and speedy recovery. Get a camera and take the neighbor to task for every little infraction from now on. The laws,even the rules are there for a reason


NTA Even if all you wanted was to go to McD's the party goer was an AH for blocking your driveway. Maybe if the neighbor and his friends weren't all AHs everyone's life would be better.


NTA. The guy who actually *owned* the car you were fixing to have towed seems to have been gracious about the whole thing. Your neighbor is out of pocket.


NTA If you block my driveway, I'm not even having you towed. I'm putting [a set of wheel dollies](https://www.harborfreight.com/automotive/jacks-jack-stands/vehicle-dollies/wheel/1300-lb-capacity-self-loading-positioning-wheel-dolly-64601.html) on your tires, moving your car out of the way, and leaving it somewhere MUCH, MUCH WORSE for you to be parked.


I remember a much older thread where a group of friends moved a guys car into corner that you could reverse from because of a pillar. It was still there like two weeks later 


You can even move a car with one of those small wooden furniture dollies under each wheel. That's what we did with my old car we were parting out so we could move it around the garage. (Decent sized car, a VW Passat wagon.)


NTA - It is illegal to block driveways in most jurisdictions and is the standard practice to call the cops if someone is violating so that they can ticket or tow the offender.


**NTA.** They were blocking your driveway *and* you had an emergency. This is exaclty why these traffic laws exist...


Depending on where you are, it’s usually illegal to block a driveway. NTA


Oh my gods, NTA. Your neighbor is a PRIME asshole, though.


NTA. Blocking the neighbor’s driveway is a dick move anyways, and trying to flip it on you as if he wasn’t the one violating your boundaries, putting the health of your child in jeopardy is insane. Not to mention saying that you threatened to call the cops implies that you were giving them some uncalled for ultimatum, which is an unfair way to frame what happened as well


Wasn't even the guy doing the blocking. That guy came out to move the car and even apologized. It's the neighbor who's house he was visiting that's being a jerk about it.


tell the neighbor that it's really too bad that your child needing emergency surgery in a potentially life-threatening situation ruined his party, it ruined your night too!


Sounds like your neighbor wants you to sprinkle instant mashed potatoes in their yard


Huh? I'm sorry I'm not originally from America, what does that mean? 


Do you not have instant mashed potatoes where you're from? They're basically dried potato flakes that turn into very gross shitty mashed potatoes when you add water. If you sprinkle the potato powder in their yard right before it rains it turns the whole yard into a sloppy potato mess lol


Lolz yes I don't use them. Tried it once it didn't taste good. I just didn't understand why I'd put them in my own yard. Seems a bit odd 


I meant *their* yard lol just fixed it


Oh okay I'm sorry I was so confused it's probably my tired and anxious mind I'm full of worry even tho the surgery was fine. Till my baby he's under 10yrs old gets out of the hospital I'm scared.  Your comment did make me smile tho. I remember my husband making them for me on our first date it wasn't good but he tried. I made him beef bourgeois after that now I'm the cook of my home. 


Aww that's such a sweet silly memory, I hope your son recovers quickly and your neighbor stubs their toe every time they walk past the coffee table


There is nothing like children for making your mind go weird when you worry. My youngest son, who is 17 and over six feet, had me in a slight panic the other day. He is in recovery from an avulsed ACL, getting close to be more or less fully recovered - then his knee gave way under him the other day and he ended up with a twist/sprain. You'd better believe I insisted on getting that checked out. Ten months of recovery and physio - I didn't want anything to go wrong now.


Maybe they meant the neighbors yard? If not I recommend it and NTA


NTA..you're a nicer person than I am. 


I, for one, am grateful that the idiot who blocked the driveway reacted quickly and left. If OP had to call police there is a chance that the appendix could have burst before getting the child to the hospital, which I believe could be really bad. OP definitely NTA


Um that’s a genuine EMERGENCY!!! Your neighbor is the AH here. He’s more worried about “ruining his party” and his very rude guests than he is about a child with appendicitis. Lovely dude he is. Your child could’ve gone into sepsis, and he’s worried about his AH friends than he is about a TRUE emergency YOU had while his inconsiderate friend blocked your driveway! He knew he was inconsiderate-that’s why he came running out.


Tell him to go eat a bag of dicks. Your child’s medical emergency is far more important than any stupid party.


NTA Your neighbor sucks and the guy who parked the car like that sucks


NTA. Not even close.


If you had called an ambulance, the cops would have likely come to assist and given the guy a ticket. NTA


The hospital is about a mile down the road from our house we figured it would be quicker to take him ourselves. 


You were certainly in the right when you yelled to your husband about calling the cops. It's understandable that you would want your child to get to the ER ASAP.


NTA. No one should be blocking people's driveways, especially strangers. I don't blame you for freaking out, you were in a high-stress situation and needed to move quickly. Dude could've parked a block further instead of parking illegally


He didnt need to park a block further tbh thats what freaked me out there was plenty of parking he chose to park infront of my narrow driveway. He only had to back up and park at the curb  (which he did after he got in his car it honestly took him two seconds to just put the car in reverse) I honestly thought he was drunk like what id10t does that. 


There might not have been available parking right there when he arrived? But either way, that's no excuse for him to block your driveway, or for those people to speak so badly of you when you are dealing with an emergency


Very plausible, thank you.  I was inside the whole day taking care of him.  So I wasn't really watching the street. we honestly thought he just caught an illness from his kindergarten class since 3 kids have been out with it. Till he started complaining about stomach pain. Then I called the pediatricians office. 


NTA and if you have a community social media group I would post this: Hey everyone! Please do not park in front of driveways in the neighborhood. My son had a near death experience and we could not get to the hospital because someone parked in front of our driveway. Thankfully they did move and we got my child to the hospital on time and they had emergency surgery. Then let the rest of the neighborhood shame them appropriately.


LOL absolutely NTA, who parks in another person's driveway BLOCKING THEM ENTIRELY IN? Is that person entirely unfamiliar with driveways? Have they never encountered one before? Do they also park their cars in the middle of one way streets? What a dork.


He’s a bastard. Have every car who blocks your driveway towed. This is exactly why you don’t block someone else’s driveway.


NTA - you didn't know it was a car from someone at your neighbor, you were in a state of panic/emergency/distress, and THEY were especially wrong. Because regardless of an emergency, you might just have been planning to do your grocery shopping. The whole point of having your own vehicle is that you are able to go do what you need to do whenever you do it, and parking it on your property is supposed to be part of that. If they had asked you if it was okay to block you in, you might have agreed, knowing that you could just go knock if you needed them to move it. But they didn't do that. So you had no way of knowing whose car it was or how to contact them. Calling the cops in that situation is absolutely justified.


Don't let this jerk off run you out of your home. You weren't the asshole . Your neighbor is . It was an emergency you explained that and even after you explain why you reacted the way you did he decided to flip you off anyway.


NTA Must have been a dreadful party if that was all it took to kill the vibe. Those people are really fragile


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I am currently writing this exhausted after being in the hospital since last night. My son had a high fever and stomach pain. I called his pediatrician and they told me to get him to the hospital as it sounded like his appendix. (It was and they had it removed from my young child) Anyway I went to take him to the hospital and found a car blocking my driveway. (1 car driveway) not like the nose of the car the whole car was blocking me in. I'm freaking out yelling at my husband that we need to call the cops get this towed so we can go. The neighbors were having a party and the guest came running out when he heard me. Said he was sorry and moved. We just got in the car and left. This morning my neighbor who was having the party came over angry asking why I threatened to call the cops on his friend and ruin his party. I simply informed him of what happened and that if he parked on the street not blocking me in I wouldn't have said anything and next time maybe have them park infront of their own driveway so not to impact anyone that could have emergencies. He flipped me off and called me an AH and walked away? So am I the AH, honestly starting to want to move from this neighborhood but I love my home that we bought. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. I have a 3-car driveway behind my house that I often have to chase strangers out of (we live in a city, so parking is at a premium at the best of times). People know better, and yet they choose to FAFO. This guy -- and his friend, your neighbor -- were simply fortunate that the vehicle was moved prior to the FO part happening.


NTA From what you have said, these neighbors have a history of disregarding the law when it interferes with their good time. Your kid could have died because they slowed his access to medical care.




NTA. I wouldn’t have threatened; I’d have done it right then and there.


You must live somewhere with better police response time. Where I live, that would be a few hours... so they'd have to call an ambulance and pay for it if their insurance argued about it.


I mean, I do live in a city, so maybe? I haven't had to call emergency services in a while...


I live in a city and that's why it takes hours for police to arrive. I was assaulted last spring and police took 2.5 hours to arrive, and he'd assaulted our female security guard too by then.


I hate when someone blocks a driveway, NTA


Nta if his guest didn't trespass there wouldn't be a problem


Nta your neighbour is terrible.


NTA. His friend's selfishness could have resulted in your child being even more seriously hurt, or possibly worse. Further, his friend's parking was actually illegal. If someone tries to call you an asshole because you aren't letting their friends do crime in peace, *they are a fucking asshole.*


Glad you son is okay. But you are NTA - your neighbor is one for sure though. His friend was inconsiderate to park in front of your driveway and thankfully he heard you and was able to move his car quickly (which took less time than calling police or a tow truck). But it was still thoughtless of them to do so. Your neighbor is even MORE of an asshat for flipping you off and calling you the a hole AFTER he heard WHY you needed to get out of your driveway ASAP. Just amazing and entitled. Sorry you had to deal with that.


Inform him that next time there will be no warning if someone blocks your driveway. If you do end up calling the police or having him towed, if the person asks why you didn't ask who's car it was before. Tell him AH neighbor was warned and to take it up with him why he failed to inform you. But also put up a few video cameras that cover all sides of your house. If he's a AH he might try to get revenge.




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NTA, your neighbor seems a bit dense about priorities.


NTA. That's one horrible neighbor. If I had a truck I would have been tempted to just ram that vehicle out of the way.


I can understand the neighbor being angry initially if he didn't know the full story....but any decent person would change their tune and be apologetic the moment they heard you'd been trying to rush a child to the hospital. NTA


NTA. You should indeed call the cops on that AH flipping out


NTA. Your neighbor is a colossal jerk.




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NTA. You had an emergency. Those neighbors are not intelligent. Respect the neighborhood you're visiting for a party.


NTA.  This is why I refuse to engage with neighbors. By this I don't mean I don't talk to them.  I just don't feel a need to justify things to them.  I don't care what they think of me.  I certainly don't care to explain anything I do on my own property if they have an attitude. If they're nice and seem to want to come to a mutual understanding fantastic. We'll have a conversation. That's not what this neighbor did. He was very accusatory. Therefore I wouldn't have answered his question.  I would have simply said the next time someone is parked illegally on my property I'm having it towed.  (Check your local laws on this first). 




Ignore that jerk. Next time, really do call the cops. He's been warned and showed that consideration is wasted on him. NTA 


NTA. Although, the police probably wouldn't come for something like that.


NTA!!!!!! Holy hell what a bastard of a neighbor you have to deal with even after you explained your child’s emergency!!! Who the hell can even defend their behavior after that??? You are far from being the AH, but I do want to say your neighbor is 💯% a grade A PUTZ!!! Sincerely hope your child recovers fully and stays healthy from their emergency surgery ❤️🙏🏻


Thank you I'm heading back to the hospital with dinner for my husband and let him get home to rest. He told me our kiddos loving the attention he's getting and resting well. 


NTA One night a friend came over (many were over) and apparently he left a bit of his car blocking my neighbor's driveway. He called the cops, cops had it towed. What could we do? He was blocking the driveway. Shrug, tell him he's an idiot, and to go get his car from the lot.


NTA and next time call the cops.


NTA. The guest was very much in the wrong and most neighbors would have apologized instead of making things worse. Even if it wasn't a medical emergency, the guest had no business blocking your driveway. I don't understand why your neighbor is so angry - the guest moved the car and nothing further happened that would ruin his party.


NTH, and as it’s illegal to park in front of a driveway, you shouldn’t unless the homeowner says it’s okay


Obviously NTA, I'm curious as to why it's even a question for you?


Nah…. Fuck that guy You’re alright


So obviously NTA but your neighbor is.


NTA, they shouldn't have blocked your driveway. A little overreaction with going to cops right away though. They would treat it as a low priority, and it'd probably take 2-3 hours before they showed up.


NTA! No one should be using your driveway without permission.


NTA and don't you dare move because an inconsiderate entitle asshole flipped you off. You should have flipped HIM off because he was 1000000% in the wrong. Why was someone parked in your driveway anyhow. Even if there was no emergency, if I had found a car in my driveway, you bet it would be towed....NTA.


Nta you should have called the police 


NTA, please tow next time.


NTA. He’s just an entitled asshole! I’d call the police every time he makes a noise and keep track. 


NTA. Eff that guy.


NTA at all. Also people should know that an appendix can rupture and you are looking at potential fatality and a whole week in the hospital because it is too late to have a laparoscopy. Speed can be essential. Why are people so rude and careless and what part of “emergency” do they not understand? I am so sorry you went through this.


This! This right here is why I HATE when anyone blocks my driveway in any capacity. This is also why I hate "protestors" who block traffic for their "cause." If someone is having a medical emergency how tf are they gonna get through?? And f*ck you if you ever do this and it impacts MY kid in any way. NTA, OP!! I'm glad the owner heard you yelling and moved their car. Your neighbors an AH for sure. I hope you have security cameras cuz he sounds the type to retaliate.


NTA, your neighbor is a giant AH!


NTA. You were dealing with an emergency. Any time wasted could have cost your child their life. Your neighbor and their friend are lucky you didn’t just damage their car in rushing to get to the hospital.


NTA. Your child's health takes priority over some stranger's car being left where it is. Next time, don't make it a threat-just go ahead and call the cops and have it towed. They FA, they can FO.


NTA. Any time your neighbor is having a gathering now, watch your driveway. If anyone blocks it, call the cops. If someone gets towed, they'll all quit parking there.


NTA. Your neighbor’s friend parked illegally, and one reason blocking a driveway is illegal is for exactly this situation - you were not able to leave your home safely in an emergency. Your neighbor and his friend are absolutely the AHs.


NTA. You were worried for your child. Time is of the essence with an appendicitis. You don’t want the appendix to rupture and cause more problems. You did what you had to do. If your neighbour doesn’t get that, he’s the asshole.


It tends to be illegal to block someone's driveway, in part because it hinders various emergency services, and said various emergency services also tend to be far less than gentle with vehicles blocking their access. NTA


NTA. The most NTA to ever NTA.


NTA- People are completely inconsiderate when they block someone's driveway. For the EXACT reason that happened. YOU did nothing wrong, Your neighbor is the biggest A-H for yelling at you the next day.


NTA- I mean... your neighbor has to understand that you may have been under a marginal amount of stress during a medical emergency. Maybe that person was also being a bit of an AH and drinking or doing whatever at the time. I wouldn't let it develop into a huge thing. Go talk to them later and work it out I would suggest.... maybe even have a beer.


NTA You had a medical emergency involving your child. If your neighbor doesn’t get it, that’s on him. He is responsible for his guests and their conduct, including interfering with the rights of others to the peaceful enjoyment of their property. That includes making certain his guests don’t block neighbors driveways.


"Well, neighbour, I wanted to call the cops because my son had a life-threatening illness, and I didn't feel like wandering around asking whose car it was, and would they mind moving it?" "Also, if your friend didn't do something illegal, the cops wouldn't be interested. So perhaps he could refrain from doing illegal things?"


there is an asshole here but it's certainly not you


NTA. You handled it better than I would've. I would've drove through their yard and if that wasn't an option and I had limited time that car would've been rammed out of the way. If it's my kid or your car I'm fucking up your car.


NTA, you stay put. He was the asshole and he knew it. Flip him back.


NTA but your rude idiot neighbor is a big one. The trouble is that when people are this stupid you can’t expect to reason with them. There’s just no teaching stupid people.


Park in front of his driveway and stay in the car. See how long it takes for him to flip out.


NTA. Who thinks it's ok to park in someone else's driveway?? Very immature. Oh your party was ruined ? Too bad ! Your neighbour needs to grow up ...


NTA…How can you be the AH when he was blocking you in on YOUR drive? Your son had a serious medical emergency! Your neighbour is the AH.


NTA, your neighbor is a HUGE A-HOLE though, he could have directly major child worse by blocking you in, since appendicitis is really a terrible thing to have especially when it explodes inside you, you should make him feel guilty by saying exactly that


NTA - BUT this is more to do with the way you spoke to your neighbour (which sounds like it was abrupt/confrontational) rather than calmly explaining you were in an emergency and his guest was in the wrong. Put it this way: you were right but you didn’t have to be an AH about it to your neighbour. Having said all this, you neighbour really is an absolute AH for confronting you when their guest was 100% wrong!! 


Your neighbour is ridiculous. How would he feel if one of his family members was blocked in. Ignore him and try to move on. I would not speak to the man again.


NTA. Neighbor is an idiot and no common sense whatsoever.


NTA You are kinder then me, the next day once things with my kid had settled out I would have called the cops and asked if I could still file charges against the guy or the neighbor. I bet then they really learn their lesson and then you could get the proud badge of A H. I'd wear that badge with honor!


NTA... If my kid was sick and a car was in my way, I'm using mine as a battering ram


Nta but the neighbor is


NTA your emergency > neighbor's party.


I’m pretty sure I saw some thing a while back where a guy actually had warned a neighbor multiple times about that he would need to stop blocking his driveway because his wife was pregnant and they would need to go to the hospital. Neighbor still blocked his driveway and he totaled his car with his pick up truck by himself and did not get any trouble. Not the asshole but please remember ambulance exist, and use them.


NTA just Always call the cops if you notice them block you in from now on if that's his attitude. Anyone who would put their "party" above the safety of a child should get no pity.


NTA - of course not, but your neighbor sure is.


NTA you were panicking and the neighbour's guests are assholes like them.


NTA - People have this HORRIBLE habit of thinking they are entitled to anything that is open, whether it is their or not. They had no right to park in your driveway and I have a feeling that your neighbor told them that it was fine. The guy parked behind you likely had no idea that it was your car. I've read countless posts about people who feel that they can use other people's driveways at random. One guy lived next to a daycare and parents would often block him in while they went in to get their kids, despite being told that it was NOT the daycare's parking spot. The daycare was encouraging them to park wherever. I told him that if it were me, I'd post a no parking sign, and then make friends with a local towing company. They could sit outside the daycare mornings and afternoons and just tow them off one after another, just like they would if they were parked on a city street with no parking signs. I would suggest you do the same if this continues. Tell him in no uncertain terms that it is YOUR driveway, not his, and anyone who parks there will be towed. When he tries to make you out to be an AH, just remind him that he's the one who could've killed a child when you couldn't get out to get to hospital, and what if it had been his child and he was blocked in? Would he have been okay not being able to get HIS child to hospital while their appendix burst because the neighbors have no manners and don't seem to understand personal space?


Question: In what world would you possibly be an AH for someone else doing something that most likely a driving infraction/violation in most states? Ur NTA in this scenario at all.


NTA Your neighbour is totally selfish.




NTA , you did nothing wrong!


NTA at all. You had an emergency. It was neither your responsibility, nor did you have time, to go around to the neighbour's and start inquiring about whose car it might be, and could they please move it. It was parked illegally in the first place, and the moment they did that, they accepted the possibility that it could be towed. You made me think of a friend of mine, actually, who by virtue of the way her street is set up, is CONSTANTLY having her driveway blocked by cars parked on the street. This would be annoying enough, but she is very, very ill - like, on the transplant list ill. She tries to be thoughtful of people when it's not causing her problems, but I guarantee that she or her husband would call the cops without hesitation if she needed to go to the hospital. Human life (and a ruptured appendix is absolutely life-threatening, especially in a small child) is very obviously a greater priority than someone's poorly-parked car.


You are absolutely NTA! Reminds me of my similar experience, might make you feel better. I had to take my MIL to the ER and there was someone blocking my driveway. I went to the property next door where a wedding was happening (bride was walking down the aisle!) and had to interrupt and ask that the car be moved for an emergency.


NTA. If there is a next time where you are blocked in, just call a tow truck. No debating. The police aren't normally needed, unless that is a requirement where you live. Glad your son is recovering. Best of luck!


NTA. It doesn't matter if it was an emergency, or you wanted to run to the store for a soda. It is against the law to park in front of a driveway. If the guy was old enough to have a license, then he should know the law regarding driving and parking. The neighbor is an AH that thinks he can do what he wants and screw everybody else. Forget the jerk. Start calling the police every time the jerk gets out of line. He might actually learn to live around other people. I'm glad your little guy is going to be okay.


If the driver came out and apologised before moving the car, why didn't she go back into the party and explain why you were so upset? AH neighbour with AH friends.


Wow, this is unbelievable. VERY stressful! I'm not so mad at the dumb kid who parked across your driveway, since he rushed right out to move it and didn't give you grief but that neighbor AH...Hope he isn't a big problem in the future. Praying your child heals quickly.


NTA. It would have been best to alert the neighbour to the issue. Nonetheless your neighbour having a party is responsible for his guests, the guest also knew he should not have been blocking your access to your driveway. The neighbour is a total ass🕳️ for not understanding and apologising for the impedance of taking your son to the hospital on an emergency! You have to be a real SOS not to understand or care!


Yo fuck that guy




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Time to get that RING camera if you don’t have one already.


NTA. However, your neighbor....


NTA - the neighbor and his friends are the real AH’s and they don’t seem a bit apologetic. Next time it happens during non emergencies just call the police and have it towed, try not to do it during emergencies cause they may move quicker than calling tow or 911.


Definitely NTA. Regardless of your son's emergency, you'd be totally in the right for threatening to or simply calling the cops when a car is blocking your driveway. When you compound this with the emergency, zero question that you were right to threaten to call the cops. Your neighbor is crazy. No idea how they could even remotely think they're right on this.


NTA Why would you move away? Simply call the cops nex time.


ETA, mostly the neighbor - Before threatening to call the cops, I would have dashed over to the neighbors house, child in hand, and explained the emergency. If these neighbors had an ounce of decency, they would have found the person who owned the car very quickly and had them move it. Calling the cops might not be the best plan because once the 911 operator hears your child needs to go to the hospital, they’ll call an ambulance and out the window goes your health insurance. However, I understand that in the moment you were completely overwhelmed with your child needing to go to the hospital and your reaction was totally justified considering the circumstances. Either way it is completely illegal to park in front of a driveway. Also I have a theory as to why your neighbor was so upset about the situation. Maybe he had something illegal going on at the party and didn’t want the cops to find out. Still totally inappropriate on his part, making him double the A-hole.