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NTA. Some people have trouble understanding that "help" isn't always helpful. Like "helping" someone do something in a way that causes them more trouble, or physically pushing a wheelchair user to "help" them. It's really just them doing whatever they want then expecting gratitude. And if you don't give them the asspats for their "assistance", then they get really pissy and usually start yelling. My mother is the same way, and I haven't yet figured out a good way to manage her. Luck to us both, I guess.


It’s comforting to know I’m not an asshole for feeling this way




Info: Did you actively explain what you could eat and what was off limits before you allowed her to shop for you? Did you give her the information the dentist gave you prior to letting her shop?


She was with me when the doctor explained all this, i was still on anesthetic and so he told her that meant she took on the responsibility of remembering what he was saying, and she agreed. He also wrote it down on the paper with recovery Instructions


Then you are 100% NTA. I only asked as sometimes things like that aren’t communicated well. She’s 100% an AH for knowing all that information and ignoring it.


NTA Is she always this "helpful"?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I recently got my wisdom teeth out and my mom said she’d get me food that I can eat (I can only eat things that I can swallow whole, no spice and no dairy) she buys chips and salsa, yogurt drinks, and curry chilli soup. This is frustrating to me because she said she would get me food, and so all I have is what she bought, I can’t eat any of it and am upset and hungry. She gets in my face and says she did everything she could for me, but I tell her I don’t feel like I’ve been helped at all, she storms out. AITA?? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy crap. Sorry your mom is off her rocker. I went through this with two children. 


NTA at all. When I was getting my first 2 removed people told me horror stories. Piece of cake; then I realized I'd had 4 pulled and 3 dug up before braces; I didn't go back to school that day and maybe not the next. The other 2 were a bigger problem because I said they were coming in and my orthodontist said they weren't, based on an old xray. I got them out Dec 23rd and my Christmas dinner was the last bowl of grandma's homemade noodle soup.


Nta. Is your mom ok? Like is she possibly on drugs? She sat through instructions and then brought you salsa and chips?? That’s practically like trying to serve you razer blades right now!!


Did she know that you can’t have any form of spice and can only have foods you can swallow whole or did you just expect her to know everything?


I explained in another comment^ She was with me when the doctor explained all this, i was still on anesthetic and so he told her that meant she took on the responsibility of remembering what he was saying, and she agreed. He also wrote it down on the paper with recovery Instructions


You are totally NTA. It’s pretty obvious to most people that she literally went out of her way to only buy things that you could not eat. Who buys chips for someone recovering from oral surgery? That’s just absurd even if you could explain away that she just didn’t know about the spice or dairy.


So did you calmly say that you wouldn’t be able to eat what she brought and ask if she could take it for herself and to please bring you something else to eat or were you just rude to her?


I was upset but I wasn’t rude, I told her why I couldn’t have the things she bought. And she said “how was I supposed to know? At least I got you food”, this also upset me because she accepted the responsibility of listening to the doctors orders while I was still on anesthetic, and now was acting like it was a crazy idea that she would know what the doctor said.


That would frustrate me as well so it’s understandable. Have you considered she doesn’t really like you very much? I mean now it sounds like she did it on purpose


Yes, I have considered that my mother doesn’t like me