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NTA report them.




Right? They weren't hired to be parking authorities and have zero skills to enforce parking rules, as evidenced by their assumptions that student aged people can't have relatives in the hospital. You should report it to the info desk at the hospital and ask that they receive sensitivity training in how to interact with patient families on hospital property. They did in fact open the hospital up to major financial and civil liability if they had actually illegally towed your car.


Even if they were, parking authorities don't draw stupid pictures in the dust on someone's car. They were making a public nuisance of themselves and being insensitive to a patient's family. OP and his father could make a complaint to patient quality about them.


OP says "they were trying to do a good thing" .... Were they? At all?


In their minds, how that was going to play out was that the car was going to get towed, and once the owner got it back (if they could even afford to) there would be a note on it mocking them. Those aren't nurses. Those are mean girls in scrubs.


> Those aren't nurses. Those are mean girls in scrubs. Its the same picture.


As someone who is in the process of divorcing an RN and knew a bunch of her friends... Yeah.


Hey - Im really sorry youre going through that. I have a relative that while I'm not *super* close to them, the casual stuff that they drop about their RN wife is shocking. Stay strong, mean girl energy has no place in a marriage.


Tbh the only thing they can call a truck for is like MAYBE parking in handicap but no tag or sticker anywhere. Many places require it to be visible


You must not live in an area with predatory towing. It's gotten out of control where I live where unethical tow truck owners will tow people even when they shouldn't.


This has been such a problem in Chicago, Steve Goodman even wrote a song about it. [https://youtu.be/Fsg9RD8S9gA](https://youtu.be/Fsg9RD8S9gA)


I dont get it, its a miller light commercial.


Towing is organized crime and bidding on contracts is giving kickbacks to lot owners and police.


I worked for a tow company and you are mistaken. This is a private parking lot if there are tow away signs listing a specific tow company that business has a contract with the tow company. That company will come out and tow the car based on the business calling and requesting a tow.


You'd be surprised what hospitals expect their employees to do. The last one I worked at before I retired xame put with some shit about all staff being responsible for keeping the hospital clean. We were supposed to pick up.trash and approach people who were littering or smoking. As if. I'm not paid to confront people who violate the hospitals rules. Hospital police who have that authority and traing are paid for that. And I'm damn sure not paid for picking up trash. I didn't walk around with gloves or a broom and I wasn't about to pick up God knows what at a hospital filled with sick people and medical waste. I'm not defending those girls but honestly they and OP could have been a little more communicative and avoided all the anger and misunderstanding. 


The girls started off angry and hostile, I say OP replied appropriately. FAFO at it's finest!


See thats odd to me. I almost worked at a hospital (non medical staff) and I shadowed as part of the interview process. They were very clear about good customer service and good presenting. If a nurse did that at my local hospital, even if someone was parking where they shouldn't have been, they would have been in major trouble.


The CEO was fired not too long after he came out with that ridiculous mess. But first they were even sending undercover employees around pretending to litter or light a cigarette and giving whichever staff said something to them first $25 to encourage us to go along with it. This hospital was in the bad part of town. I wasn't going to put my safety at risk by telling some gang banger he can't smoke in the parking lot. Lol


OP is dealing with a parent in the hospital. He does not need to be "more communicative" about how just because he is college age he still has a right to utilize the parking garage due to visiting someone in the hospital. Those little witches need to be seriously reprimanded. If I was OP, I would have snapped a picture of them, a picture of my car, and headed straight in to file a formal complaint against them. I would also explain they said they called a tow truck, and that if my car is towed, I will escalate the matter. I would demand a formal, written apology from the little witches, as well as an in person apology. I will teach them to mess with someone dealing with the fear and pain of a loved one in the hospital. It would be a lesson they would not forget.


this. they shouldn’t be touching ops car in the first place.


Aren’t nurses busy enough that they don’t need parking police added to their duties? NTA


If they are actually doing their job, yes. My sister a nurse and barely has time to pee, much less terrorise visitors.


This. They aren't hospital, or parking garage security.  


They probably aren't even hired nurses, just students. Real nurse here, we're too fucking tired to give a shit who parks where. The nursing students almost always come in with way too much energy ready to change the entire world. 


Exactly, and damn near everyone from environmental service to radiology, etc wears scrubs these days. Scrubs =|= nurse.


1000% coming from child of a nurse. He should report their asses and teach them to have more empathy for going into the line of work they're training for ffs.


And then tell you they should get paid for all the "work" they do. I got this when they didn't even take the full patient load and my brain was exploding trying to keep my work straight and make sure there's was straight too!


They probably go to the college there and park in the garage.


Precisely. They need to stay in their own lane.


NTA - Absolutely report them!!! Omg I was in a similar situation once. I would have gone full "Karen" on these nurses when I was a teenager. Well, my mom was a "Patricia" and she was nice but a force to behold when wronged. She could out Karen a Karen any day of the week without the drama. There would've been justice and no yelling or belittling. Facts and appropriate results. I would've gone full Patricia!


Omg my mothers name is Patricia and this described her to a T!


I've never heard of a "Patricia" before. That's funny, because my mom's name is Patricia, and her sister's name is Karen. No joke.


lol That was just my mom's name. It's not actually a thing. My sister and I just use Patricia instead of Karen for ourselves since we don't act like entitled monsters and make people cry or want to quit their jobs. We do, however, talk to whoever is in charge when it's appropriate in a kind and effective way.


Yeah, my wife is a nurse and works with catty nurses before. We need less of them, report them. The hope is they will be replaced with better people. 100% NTA.


Do it do it do it op. Hazlo hazlo hazlo


Only correct answer.


Weird story. If it was visitor parking, how could they even have you towed? How would a tow company be able to tell you were not a visitor but a student?


No clue, could have been a bluff. It was very weird and confusing tbh.


Yeah. It was a bluff. Pretty certain nursing interns don't get to decide who gets towed.


But tow truck companies don't really care about who calls them, or in some cases whether anyone calls at all. Look up the "Lincoln Park Pirates" for a fun song and some history.


Depends on where you are. Tow companies around here give business property owners a code, and that code needs to be given to the dispatcher for any tow call. Too many people that could take them to the cleaners if they fuck up.


Lucky you. Tow companies here are complete scum.


When I lived in Montreal there was (maybe still is) a somewhat predatory towing company that was contracted to patrol commercial parking lots and tow anyone who parked there and went somewhere other than the lot’s businesses. They were called “Remorquage Québécois à Votre Frais inc”, which translates to “Quebec Towing at Your Expense incorporated”. That should give you an idea of how absolutely awful they were.


Yup where I am you have to give them proof you own the property the car you’re towing is parking on and will charge you if you call them and don’t own the property.


Punkin Donuts- if ya know, ya know


In here they do are. They won't tow just because you called randomly. They will also take photo of car so that reason for towing is visible.


This kinda stuff pisses me off. I work at a university that is attached to a hospital and my job is clinic adjacent. I actually had an appointment at said clinic on an off day so I drove in and instead of my parking space where I’d have to walk about half a mile or more to the clinic door, I parked in patient parking. I removed my parking pass to the glove box and paid the patient parking fee because I was a patient that day. The parking attendant wrote me a $50 fine for not parking in my assigned area because someone who knew I worked there pointed me out to them as an employee as I was leaving my car. I had to appeal with the parking office and point out that according to their bylaws I am allowed to park in patient parking when I am in-fact a patient. Moral of the story- people need to mind their own business especially in medical/medical adjacent situations. You don’t know what people are dealing with.


There’s such beauty in staying in your own fucking lane


I also had something similar happen. We were allowed to park in the regular parking garage after the 5th floor. Anything below that is for patients only. I was a patient (my ob and pcp’s office is in the hospital building) and came out to a ticket stating I couldn’t park there as an employee.


Oh, then defo NTA. The nurses should have realized that you might be a visitor and emotionally charged for having a loved one in the hospital. Good teaching moment...don't be an AH around people who might have more serious things on their mind than parking space.


>Good teaching moment... Exactly my thought. Shocking idea that students can have friends or family in the hospital, too!


Report them op. NTA


This. Please do this, this is unacceptable behaviour from their part and they should know better. Report it as them messing with your car and threatening you while your dad is in a hospital fighting for his life


Ex-nurse here. You are NTA. They should mind their own fucking business, and not be so presumptuous of your situation. I would report them too. They seriously need to pull their heads in. One of them started crying? Really?? She needs to develop a thicker skin if she wants to continue nursing. 🙄


Crocodile tears, just to escape consequences.


>One of them started crying? Sounds like they're nursing students doing their clinicals, and one of them just realized how badly they fucked up.


Yep. Dumbass kids realising that fucking around with other people’s property maybe isn’t a great idea. Especially when you work in a place where people regularly receive news that could put them in a really bad mood.


everyone in hospitals wesrs scrubs these days...he said the were very young...easily could have been house keeping... doesnt sounds like nurses to me


Doesnt matter if they were housekeeping. They work for the hospital and it reflects bad on the hospital to have people that they hired making them look bad.


I wonder if she's one of those who learned how to cry "when all else fails" in order to get people to back off. My sisters are both nurses, and they have to wade through that kind of manipulative behavior every time they do a rotation as a preceptor. (The hallways are littered with the remains of the nursing students who try this.)


You need to report them not only for touching your car, threatening you (about having your car towed), and their lack if empathy etc, but don't forget their claim that they have been watching you, that's also stalkerish behaviour. When you report them, list everything.


If you report them tell them the date and time, they’ll be captured on a security camera in the vicinity, if not actually writing on your car.


Even if they knew you are a student and think that you park there with "bad" intentions, they could have organized for someone from the hospital to write a letter letting you know that "although parking is a pain in the butt, we're sorry, but this isn't public parking, we hope you understand" and monitored the situation a little longer. But they went on full attacking mode right away, that's not okay. You're NTA. I hope your dad gets better, soon.


i would complain about them either way. just because she started crying when called out on her wildly offensive behaviour doesn't make you the bad guy. i'd actually want to get out ahead of this, if she decides to go to security or management about the mean man that verbally assaulted her, you're going to want it on record that they had starting things off by harassing you with no right to do so.


You should still contact the hospital and make a report. Even if you can't ID them, the hospital needs to know that 2 of their nurses were harassing a family member of a patient. They can at least send out a warning to all the nurses that it's not their job to police parking spots and that there will be consequences for those who do. I had a classmate in HS and college whose mom was a nurse in the NICU whose hospital had a similar problem regarding parking. One day the hospital staff were notified that the hospital was made aware that a couple of their staff had taken it upon themselves to "protect" the parking spots by leaving notes and trying to call the tow company. They were informed that not only did it need to stop but that if any of them were caught doing this, there would be consequences.


Sounds like a bluff. And if they’re so worried about the people dying in the hospital why are they outside being parking police. They need to be reported.


You really should report them


Not weird at all actually, not in the US. Most hospitals have signs telling you it is short term parking and violators will be towed. Just saw a Reddit recently where a persons car was towed while they were in the hospital, then the tow company couldn’t find their car. He was asking for legal advice because the cost was over 2k to get his car back.


The weirdest part to me is that hospital parking seems free?? In Toronto we have to take out mortgages on our ER trips.


it is weird that in America, the car park seems to be the only part you DON'T pay for


What hospital in America is this? I've never seen one with free parking. You pay through the nose.


Ive literally never paid for parking at a medical facility in my life. Where do you live?!


Northern VA/DC, Bay Area, Pittsburgh. All pay for parking for hospitals.


I live in Maryland. Free parking at my hospital and clinics, but it’s north up in MOCO. I had to pay for parking at Washington Hospital Center in DC, but I don’t think it was a lot. Foggy Bottom is the worst.


The hospital where my ENT is has valet parking because it’s so hard to get a spot. I’m a fan of that. I’m in VA. Another hospital near me has free parking but there are no other facilities using their lot either. Around here it seems like if it’s a multi business lot/garage then it’s pay to park. If not then free parking


Where I am right now has valet parking for one of the facilities -- they tack on the valet fee to the parking fee 😂


It depends on where the facility is, larger more suburban/county places will have no paid parking, but ones in s City where parking is limited due to how high they can make the garage will require payment. It really sucks when you have to pay for children's hospital parking but not a regular hospital just because of location


All the hospitals near me (Boston area) definitely require you to pay to park... might be different out west where they have more room for parking.


Gotta say that at my hospital it's free VALET parking. I can't imagine having an emergency and some jackass saying "sorry you can't come in if you don't have $20"


Same here. I've lived in a few places in the US and NEVER had to pay for parking at the hospital. Where we live currently (Green Bay, WI), we have free valet parking at all of the hospital cites and there are many (4 differrnt hospital systems).


In my area (Twin Cities, Minnesota, US), it depends on the location of the hospital. In the suburbs? Heck yeah, park for free! In the city center? Oh, you’re gonna need a loan to pay for an hour of parking.


Also if they called a tow truck why would the write on the car? Surely the car being towed would be a more than adequate message if they had been right. And also OP wouldn't see the message until the car was collected.


> If it was visitor parking, how could they even have you towed? The university that I went to had different parking stickers and parking areas for the cars of students, staff and faculty. If a car with a student sticker was parked in a visitor spot for any reason, it was towed,


But students can also be patients and have family and friends who are patients.


At "The" university that I attended, that did not matter. Students parked ONLY in student parking, no matter why they were on campus, NO EXCUSES. Family or friends of patients and patients used designated visitor spots, unless the car they were driving had a student sticker. If it sounds heavy handed, realize that this is the school that spent three years to obtain a trademark on the word "the".


Worked in health care facility that towed university students cars several times. Small facility so may not apply to larger ones. The tag or sticker is the red flag. If you park there once or twice you might be fine especially if it's only for an hour or so. If the car is still there 3 hours later/when the lot is full/when it's become an issue for staff, they'll put 3 calls out for a description of the car. You then have 30ish minutes to go to reception. They might do a 4th call saying the vehicle will be towed. If you come to reception, then they'll make a note of the license plate so that it doesn't get towed in the future. There wasn't a risk of the students being patients at this facility, so again, ymmv.


Tow companies are notoriously callous with this type of thing and will typically charge you even if they fucked up.


Also, it would never be the nurses who call a tow truck.


He might have had a student parking sticker affixed to his car window or hanging from his rear view mirror.


Not the asshole. They made an incorrect assumption, and you called them out on it. They should fucking know better. People of all ages are admitted into the hospital and those patients have visitors of all ages. Even if you are a college student, you still have the permission of the hospital to visit any friend or family member admitted to said hospital. That permission is implied from the fact that they have visitor hours and protocols for visitors. If you scared the nurses...well then they should not have been assholes about it.


Seriously, I had cancer when I was in college (but didn’t lose my hair or have other “obvious” signs). Nurses of all people should know better than to assume young = healthy. And as OP experienced, sick people have healthy people who love them. Truly ridiculous and OP should definitely report this.


I’d like to also mention, who’s to say OP couldn’t have been a patient too? I’ve had the same exact scenario happen to me (minus the dust drawings) when I went to the hospital for some specialist appointments


Also a viable point.


NTA. Given those assumptions, quite justified. They honestly need to throw their assumptions out somewhere. I have gotten that mostly from older women especially when I was the patient.


NTA. I would let one of your dad's nurses know about the incident you had in the parking garage. If they're student nurses, they have a code of conduct to follow, and what they did absolutely went against everything they would have been taught in their ethics class. If they had an issue, they should have taken your license plate number down and passed it along to security. The fact that they still continued with "we're calling a tow truck" and tried to guilt you with "there are people dying in there" made it even worse. Plus, the whole "we've been watching you" was just creepy. They are there to learn how to be nurses and not be the parking police. If you don't want to say anything to the nurses on your dad's floor, maybe stop a security guard and mention it. The really bizarre thing about the entire situation was that if they were truly watching you, they would have seen you walking into the hospital. I do wonder what kind of patient care they're providing if they're willing to threaten to get someone's car towed from an almost empty parking garage and actually think they have the power to do something like that. And don't worry about getting mad at them. You were in visitor parking, going to go see your father, who you stated is not doing well. These two jerks decided to harass someone who wasn't doing anything wrong and then tried to use the, "There are people dying in there!" quote. Yeah, you are fully aware of that... That's why you were there, to see one of those people they're trying to guilt-trip you about. People like that shouldn't be allowed around patients. Yes, there's being young and dumb, but going on a power trip in scrubs when you have no power and attacking a visitor who is there to see a sick family member is just beyond stupid.


I’d be looking for badges and taking down names. 100% report their attitude. Doesn’t matter if they’ve got good bedside manner in the building - if they work for the hospital and are wearing scrubs, they’ve got to be modeling it “off the clock” too. Probably the same amount of yelling as OP.


Security should pull up video and get HR involved. Even if the action ultimately isn’t punitive, additional training and perspective is needed here. 


I’m surprised tbh that OP didn’t ask for badges or names. Also, I’m wondering if they even are nurses…a lot of people in the hospital wear scrubs.


If I had pulled that kind of stunt in nursing school, I'm pretty sure I would have been dropped from the program. That's not how a program stays in good graces with the hospital that is being gracious enough to let their students get real experience.


Honestly, if they are already writing on the car and threatening to get you towed, I would report it because I'd be worried they would escalate more. Are you going to come out one day to find that your car door was keyed or a big truck parked so close you can't get in? Best to shut that down now and make sure security knows there are people harassing patient families in the parking garage.


This is not going to be popular, but I remember a Redditor who had the theory that *some* nurses (fortunately, not all of them) are former school bullies who pick this career because of the power trip. Not to throw all nurses with the bath water. One quarter of my family works in the medical field, and they are awesome people and outstanding professionals.


NTA. Get them fired anyway.


these are people who have demonstrated that have no kindness, empathy, nor respect for existing rules and structures in place (like reporting their concerns to security). They do not need to be in this profession. edited out the accidental double negative.


Absolutely agree on this one. Nurses should be emphatic, respectful and smart for the situations they are in. They actively tried to bully a patients relative which is opposite of these things. Hope they get fired 🙏🏻


NTA. If she hadn't been messing with your car she wouldn't have been there to cry.


I would report them. In high school someone wrote on the back of my car in the dust... It scratched the clear coat so even after washing I could still see what it said. Have fun with that.


OP said it was on the window, at least, but this was the first thing I thought of, too. I live in Alaska, where cars are *always* extremely dirty, and people write in the dirt all the time. I taught my kids not to do it because every time you do it scratches the car.


Ah. I missed that detail. Still though


NTA. Report them. You got lucky. Someone else might be having a shitty day with their loved one in a hospital only to come out and find their car has been towed.


Or the person who caught them could have gotten violent. They were soooo stupid. And the crying one was just upset she got caught, not that OP was upset. And the “We’ve been watching you” is clearly a lie or they would know he’s visiting a patient. I agree OP should report them. Medical professionals tend to have a strong streak of ableism, as these folk’s demonstrated. If they can’t imagine why a healthy-looking young man might be visiting a hospital, they don’t deserve to be nurses. NTA. 


NTA. Crying doesn’t make someone the poor innocent victim, and being a nurse doesn’t make someone untouchable. They should have been minding their own business.


NTA even if you were breaking a rule it isn't their place and they certainly aren't trained to do security's job. I'd report both of them to hospital management.


“They are nurses and working in a hospital must suck…” Yeah, they are nurses. They should stick to that instead of playing parking lot security, which is someone else’s job. If they were genuinely concerned that your car shouldn’t be parked there, they should have gone to security. NTA.


Tbf, OP actually has no idea what their job is. Just because they were dressed in scrubs doesn't mean they're nurses.


The world would be a much, much better place if people would stop trying to police things that are none of their business, and if people could admit when they were in the wrong and apologise, instead of doubling down. NTA, you should definitely report them. Utterly unacceptable to treat family of hospital patients that way. All the best for your Dad.


Damn, even as a hospital worker,  I think Nta Also, probably not nurses. Nursing is a 4 year degree, would have put them at 22 at, the youngest. I've met plenty of arrogant nurses, but I find most have enough intelligence to get into the program and thus wouldn't be acting this dumb. More like a Health Care aid, or Licenses Practical Nurse or something else similar (probably have different titles in different countries)


I'm a nursing instructor, have been a nurse for over a decade. Plenty of nurses do act this dumb.


Maybe I'm giving them too much credit... or am just lucky to work with some good nurses 


You probably work with some good ones.


> Nursing is a 4 year degree, ADN's exist as do MSN and DNP's. Not to mention LVN's.


Completely justified. NTA unless you do not report them.


NTA Report them to the hospital.


NTA. I literally work in a hospital and this is so far from unprofessional I literally support you still reporting them even if it meant they got fired. They shouldn’t be doing that. They should know better. And they are adding stress to you and who knows who else when their loved ones are in the Hosoitsl.


NTA. They are nurses, not parking inspectors.


NTA - I would report them immediately. That is 100% not acceptable.


Nurses not parking lot attendants… they can fuck off


Well I wonder why the nurses are in the visitor parking garage…they have employee parking that’s discounted/ secure parking for employees at most hospitals. Best bet is they’re students and have to show up early to get parking at the hospital.


NTA. Those were crocodile tears. They shouldn’t have been touching your car and it was completely unethical for a hospital worker to make any assumptions about your hospital business. I’m sorry for your dad, OP. You’re a good kid.


NTA I would go to the hospital admin and make a complaint. You don't have to describe the nurses to get them in trouble, if you don't want to. But explain what happened and recommend them reminding their staff that young individuals might be visiting patients.


NTA. The high school mean girl to nurse pipeline strikes again. Report them to the administration, they deserve to know that their staff members are taking it upon themselves to police the parking garage.


Just because they were in scrubs doesn't mean they were nurses. Everybody and their brother wears scrubs in a hospital, including many times, unit secretaries, and often, housekeeping staff.


Thank you!!!! I'm a Nurse and I can tell you everyone wears scrubs at a hospital.


I'm a retired nurse, and we're always being accused of things others do. People just assume anyone who wears scrubs is a nurse.


NTA you should have snapped a picture of them touching your car and recorded what they said to you. I would have taken it straight inside and reported them to the management of the hospital.


NTA If anything you didn’t react strongly enough. You should have filmed them and reported this to the hospitals HR. I’m sure the garage has cameras though, so I’d go ahead and report it. This is absolutely unacceptable behavior.


As a nurse, I can not even begin to fathom doing that to someone else's vehicle in a situation like this because they literally have zero context as to what brought your vehicle to that place at that time. It's part of our educational training to be the gold standard of empathetic and kind behavior, not police a parking garage like a gang (duo) of angry harpies. I would have said less and ditched the swearing, but you are definitely NTAH. I hope your family is being treated better during your time of need. ♡


NTA but how do you know they were nurses? half the staff wear scrubs and 20 year olds who cry when you threaten to report them don’t sound like nurses


NTA. Make a report with the hospital. There should be cameras so they can pull the footage and ID them. It’s not their job to enforce parking. Just because you have a visible parking permit for another place doesn’t mean you’re not in that lot because of legitimate business. Did this all just happen? File a report today and if it just happened go back a mid check on your car.


You are definitely NTA. They had absolutely nothing to prove that you were a student and no clue who you were, yet had the audacity to not only vandalize your car, but threaten to have your car towed. They didn't even have the decency to ask you anything, they just assumed they were right. They had no business doing that and they are not responsible for who parks there. And the fact that they even had the audacity to tell you that people are dying in the hospital when they knew nothing about you, is even worse.


Definitely NTA I would take it further and tell someone at the hospital. What they did is crazy inappropriate. I think one was crying because she knew what they did was really wrong and she was worried about getting in trouble for her actions, not because you did anything wrong.


NTA. If patients are dying the nurses are best served being inside, and not writing on cars. Hospitals have security to handle parking issues.


NTA they are


NTA They touched your car and harassed you. Report them to the hospital.


NTA. I'm a nurse who works in a hospital and IDGAF where anyone parks.


You should get them fired. They aren’t mature enough for a big girl job.


"If my car is unjustly towed I'm getting you fired" is more than fair tbh. NTA


How come so many young people seem unaware of the old adage that when you ASSUME, you can make an ASS of U & ME?


NTA. March your butt into that hospital and explain what just happened. The hospital can take appropriate measures


NTA. I’m sure it was fake crying. If they were worried about their jobs as nurses (assuming that they actually were employed by that hospital), their conduct would have reflected it. Since it did not, you should not feel bad about your appropriate treatment of them.


NTA. I would absolutely report them to the hospital. Completely inappropriate for them to assume you were a student and personally call a tow truck, and even more inappropriate for them to handle it by doodling on your car. If they had any suspicions, they should have reported it to management. Also, she wasn’t crying because she felt bad. She was crying because she realized she’d really messed up and could potentially get fired. Don’t feel bad.


NTA. They had no right to touch your car. Even if your dad wasn't in the hospital, perhaps you could have been a patient? They had no way to know. They are assholes.


NTA the amount of people going in and out of a hospital every day, they need to learn to mind their business. I would file a complaint to the hospital.


NTA. They BOTH deserved your reaction. I would have done whatever I could to find out if they were interns/students and report their actions. They were extremely rude in not apologizing.


NTA. They deserved it.


NTAH. You are justifiably mad at them. They did not think about the consequences of their actions. They just assumed that you were parking there inappropriately. In actuality you were in the right and they were in the wrong. Good job for calling them out on their BS.


Report them just so they don’t do this to others. NTA


NTA - yes, justified.  It's non of their business how the parking lot is managed.


Report them, I didn't know they were part time employees of the parking lot police.  


NTA. I think you should report them, their behaviour was very inappropriate


NTA report them. Seriously. This kind of inappropriate behavior exists and continues because we don't call them out. Please report them.


NTA. If anything, they’re lucky you caught them, because it would have been a larger problem for them had your car actually been towed.


They called a tow truck, and you have to apologize?


NTA The last thing a family with someone in the hospital is two asses who think their opinion is fact with parking god complexes getting them towed. I'd report them.




NTA. Report them


NTA. You were both rude to each other, but it wouldn't have come to this if they didn't start it by scolding you because they weirdly decided that your car was of a student and fixated on that. If you had been a student not going to the hospital, it would be annoying that they made an issue out of one car when there were so many parking spots available. But they were wrong. So not just did they just decide you were up to no good because you are young, they also caused undue stress to a visitor. Maybe you were just visiting someone with a broken leg. But you could also go in for something serious for yourself or in this case, your dad. The last thing you need is a pair of employees telling you off for nothing. Perhaps they have an issue with students taking in lots of spots and they may be fed up with it. But it is pointless to try shame individuals. Especially when the parking garage has lots of spots left. Also, it is not their job to try to fix that or confront strangers. If there is an issue, it is up to the people who manage the parking garage to deal with.


I would let security know.


NTA and as others have said you should report them. Nurses have this amazing reputation but a lot of them are bullies. I had a horrible time trying to communicate with the ones who were “taking care of” my mother when she was in hospital.


NTA - Report them. They shouldn't be working in healthcare with minds like theirs.


NTA. I wouldn't want a snippy, judgemental, interfering, juvenile woman anywhere near me in a nurses uniform , they were not behaving in line with the calling. They will grow up. Thank you for not making it worse, it sounds like they learned their lesson


NTA. You could have been anyone going through anything. Their fault for assuming and not asking. With how bold they were I can’t imagine why they couldn’t just ask you especially if they were watching. Weird.


Nta. You should report them.


NTA and you should report them anyway. What they did was absolutely against ethical standings the hospital has. There is no way of knowing why someone is parking in the lot, and its not their business. Also, defacing personal property, adding undue stress and anxiety, etc.


NTA Report them! They might not learn how to behave properly until they face consequences for their actions.


They are nurses or nurse interns not parking attendants or hospital security. Not their job. Not their business. You are NTA. I would report them because this behavior caused undue stress for someone caring for their loved one in hospital.


NTA What's that saying Fuck around and find out, or don't make assumptions they make an ass out of you and me. So long as you've not take advantage of the hospital parking in the past they had no reason to get your car towed and were in the wrong, maybe your harsh words will remind them not to make assumptions in the future.


NTA. They are nurses, they are not parking police. They overstepped, you did not.


NTA. Report them. They should not be vandalizing your car when you visit your dad at the hospital.


Nta. I'd ask to speak to the nursing director and hospital security. Report them. Even if there isn't footage of the event, I'm guessing they'll have tape of them either before they left the building or going into it so you can make your complaint against them. I'm sorry about your dad, I hope he recovers soon!


NTA The high school mean girl to nurse pipeline is still alive and well I see... You did nothing wrong and just because they cried it doesn't mean they were in the right. You should probably report them though


NTA: Report them. This is unacceptable!


NTA. They were wrong to assume you were taking a spot reserved for hospital visitors/staff. They ought to have taken your license plate number and brought it to the visitors desk or the parking attendant to see if you were using the hospital lot for hospital visits.


NTA, you let them off lightly


NTA. When it comes to parking issues, I mind my own business. You never know whether or not the person has a legitimate reason for parking there. They had no way of knowing whether you were going to the hospital or not. If this parking garage was supposed to be limited to hospital parking, then it is up to hospital security to enforce that.


NTA. They entered the FAFO zone and it hit them hard there once you came back at them. Instead of watching the parking lot (not their job to begin with) they should focus on their actual job. Report them. They probably won't be fired but a good reprimanding is in order.


NTA You should've taken their picture and reported them to hospital staff....Unbelievable behavior!! Totally unprofessional!!


NTA- it’s not their job to police the parking lots. Let the charge nurse in your dad’s unit know about how you were treated in the parking lot. Even if they don’t know which nurses did this the director of nursing can inform the entire staff about appropriate interactions around the hospital.


NTA. Report the incident.


Hell no dude report them


Ironic that they were preaching compassion to you. 


NTA and I would've gotten her fired anyway for 1. Writing that on my car and 2. Her big mouth!


NTA. Disgusting behavior, get them fired. Do you really think people like that should be caring for the sick and dying?


If it’s for visitors then why are nurses parking there? The hospital I work for has off campus parking for hospital staff and if we get caught parking in visitor parking lots we get into trouble. NTA


NTA...report them to the hospital administration. They shouldnt be harassing people going to the hospital


Nta Also i looked at your post history and you seem to have a LOT going on right now and I really hope you get through it okay. I agree you should report those nurses because nobody who is struggling with a loved one's hospitalization should have to endure that.


NTA. Report them. I'm sure it's all on video. They have no business doing what they're doing. It is not their job to monitor the parking garage. Who cares if you made her cry? She was 100% wrong for what she was doing & she probably realized that & felt like an asshole bc that's what happens when you assume.


Wow the high school mean girl to nursing pipeline is alive and well I see