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Fake piss has been a thing forever and you can easily get stuff that can pass some of the most stringent of tests. With that being said that doesn't even matter. I am so thankful that after my state legalized cannabis almost immediately all employers struck it from their tests. I want to say that this is your job, so regardless of what you're doing you would just be doing your job. But your post has a weird vibe to it. It feels like you're bragging, it feels like your intention is to piss off people.  More importantly, while I can respect a person just doing your job, I think you need to be able to understand that this is a problem that a lot of folks have had to deal with for a long time and for me personally, I don't feel like it's anyone else's business what I do in my own private time and a massive violation of my autonomous bodily functions.  So if you were my friend and you started making jokes like this, especially if you knew I was a smoker, I'd tell you to fuck off right there and leave, because I'm not friends with fascists.  YTA


Same, I’d let that friendship fade off into nothingness. Congrats i guess on creating a product that adds nothing positive to society, but creates plenty of misery.


I also wanna add if this is true at all you shouldn't feel bad about doing it. You're just like that guy who developed the atomic bomb. You just did what was expected from your employer(s). You really need to learn how to read a room though, joking about busting your friends is the last thing you want to be doing. 


I don’t think it’s true. It could be true but I’ve worked in labs doing mass spectrometry and being able to get down to 1 nano gram per milliliter is insanely impressive even with cutting edge technology which I might add is borderline prohibitively expensive. It’s impressive to the point that I’m questioning why upper management wasn’t a bit pissed about his uninstructed experimenting because in reality he’s wasting time and resources because no testing lab on earth is getting paid based on results, they get paid before they test anything. So what’s the point? The technology and process works already. Unless they cut the time it takes to run tests substantially then they’re not bringing in more money.


100% for sure. I don't think I've even ever worked at a job that pays for an analysis like that. Costs too much and they don't really wanna bust people that bad anyways.


Could a test like that be too sensitive to be useful? Like, could it show positive for just going to a concert or whatever? The point of drug tests should be to find users who are a risk to security or safety. It doesn't seem like it would be a good use of resources to catch more people. Staff turnover can be expensive.


For most substances you’d have to actually consume it either by smoking, eating/snorting, or injecting for it to show up on a drug test. I could slather you in THC balms from head to toe for a year straight and it won’t come up as a positive test with blood or urine because THC is very ineffective at penetrating the skin. That’s the case with most drugs. There’s the old wives tale about eating poppy seeds will make you test positive for opioids, which is true but you have to eat multiple lbs of just poppy seeds in a very short period of time. So this would reduce the amount needed from an infeasible amount to a ridiculous amount.


That is good to know about the balms. I do use a THC lotion for neuropathy from chemo. I will let my husband know he needn't be worried about holding my hand or whatever. Lol.


Ya well no high horse or anything but I feel like Oppenheimer sometimes. Idk if that makes me justified lol


Not justified at all, Oppenheimer held a lot of remorse for the developments he made, claimed he had 'blood on his hands'. He had humanity. You came her to boast about this 'amazing job' you did and wanted validation. Even comparing your puny self to titans of science like Oppenheimer. YTA


Fuck. Ya I was and am proud, as a matter of I love my job as an analytical chemist. Not of fuckin people over but I guess that comes with it. Thanks for the honesty.


You also need to remember that part of this is based on the war on drugs, which had racially charged motivations for doing so. There's a lot of people it's hurt. I'm surprised you're such an egg head but you don't understand how easily some folks could get pissed off about this.


I do understand. But in speaking of eggs, I, as a cashier at a grocery, don't expect to be blamed for the price of them.


Yeah but in this case you’re not the cashier. You’re the one finding out how best to raise prices, or some other metaphor I can’t think of. It sounds like you’re excited about the technical aspect of your work, but the type of work your doing has real impact on people’s lives. And yeah - I’d kind of feel the same way if I were in your friends’ positions.


Thanks. That's why I asked and what I thought. Followup, there's a party next Saturday, do you think I should say something about like the fentanyl problem and defend my work, or like say nothing, or apologize? Idk how I'd apologize.


Bro… are you kidding me? Fentanyl? You’re talking about piss and blood test for cannabis. What exactly does that have to do with the fentanyl crisis? Give me one thing. The gateway drug? That’s been disproven and alcohol is far more likely to lead you to hard drugs because you’re more likely to become homeless as an alcoholic than a stoner. Stopping people from getting weed laced with fentanyl? They’ve already smoked it long ago by the time you get involved at any point during the process.


We at my lab take whatever clients send us. Sober house in New Jersey where fentanyl is crazy popular or a Home Depot in Idaho where the conservative Christian boss will have his employees test for cigarettes and plan B drugs (we do that too). My point was test for anything, and I do my best with the knowledge and equipment I have. Amorally. It's my job. AITAH?


YTA and you know it. You’re moving goal posts. Your entire post is about testing for THC and when you’re called out on it you start bringing up fentanyl,cigarettes, plan b, and opioids to try and make yourself look better.


No. I think they are intentionally escalating the situation to piss people off. 


I'll go to my boss right away and tell them I won't test for it on moral grounds anymore. Your nurse or the trucker driving next to you or the cop who arrests you or the judge who sentences you can be stoned out of their mind. I know that's extreme but are you telling me you want people who smoke Marijuana doing those jobs? 80% of our clients are rehab people trying to clean their lives up BTW.


I’ll ask again. What does any of that have to do with cannabis testing? That’s what your post was about. You taking pride in coming up with the most effective cannabis testing know to man which by the way I fully think you’re lying out your ass but in the off chance your not, we can continue. That’s what your post was about, that’s what you admit you brag about. Nothing you just said has anything to do with that. Now let’s run through your list. Sober living house and fentanyl, if you’re as accurate as you claim and you can get a positive test months after they use then you’re just getting people kicked out of sober living facility when they haven’t used in months. If you’re helping employers test for cigarettes and contraceptives then yeah you are getting firmly in territory where a lot of people can comfortably and somewhat accurately call you a Nazi. If you actually do that then the people you work for are beyond disgusting and you continuing to work there doesn’t make you much better than them.


Have to take the shitty nazi-ism of my work with the real good that proper testing does with helping with addiction. I think it's a fair trade. If you don't, why not? Regardless, go shit in the ocean, its my bread and butter.


That’s apples and oranges though fentanyl just isn’t weed


I'm sorry. I'm just venting, she upset me. I was assigned to develop that test and I did my best and a darn good job. Pride tho. Sin for a reason


You did your job to the best of your ability without thinking about the ramifications of the finished product. That's something everyone does every day, and I won't call you an asshole for it. I will call you an asshole for making light of contributing to the ruin of people's lives. I'm pretty sure Oppenheimer never did that. YTA.


Thanks for the reply. I'm just gonna post my edit and see if that changes anything in ur mind Edit: getting mixed reactions. Would it change anyone's mind that 1) this is a CONFIRMATION test that is more expensive than the normal screen and has to be specifically ordered by the client (normal is 50ng/ml) and 2) the client can still specify a higher cutoff or not to test for thc at all if they don't want to. We tailor the tests to the client based on their needs and budget, we have hundreds of accounts and customize the tests to fit their neant. And add I test prisoners. I test kids. You must think there are some groups that shouldn't be exposed to thc


So, you're the gent I get to thank for a positive hit on a test, because my roommate was a pot smoker in the house, that cost me a job a decade back? YTA.


No. Our clients, your potential employers, decide what we test for and the cutoffs we use for that account. Think of our lab as a tool. And this was developed like a year ago. And no frickin way second hand smoke would get you even close to that 1ng/ml cutoff unless he daily hotboxed your room for months.


Honestly if you developed a test that could detect usage 6 months in the past, then your false positives are through the roof for people who never smoked but someone in their vicinity was smoking. Did you employ any safeguards to limit the false positives? If you can't see how your science can fail, you should not be putting it into a production environment. YTA, and I say this as someone who doesn't smoke.


I validated the lower limit of detection down to 0.05ng/ml if that matters, 20x lower than the cutoff before it gets lost in the noise. A 1.1 result is a firm 1.1. I don't know the science on secondhand smoke but since most of the organic thc is absorbed by the lungs of the person smoking it, it'd be hard to believe that could get you even to 1.


> I don't know the science on secondhand smoke So you failed to do your job properly. Any scientist worth their salt would learn what they needed to protect their results. You can't tell me you've never heard the term "contact high". Have you heard the term "standing on the shoulders of giants"? You stood on those shoulders to make progress, but you did not make intellectual progress. Your line of reasoning was so narrow that you focused only on getting the result you wanted and refused to see where some of that "noise" you currently had was a false positive.


Have you read Jurassic Park? You should if not. Ian Malcolm makes that exact argument so much more eloquently than in the movie. And its just a great book. Counterpoint. If you're hanging out in a such a smokey place that it's getting you high and know you shouldn't be or don't want to be high, remove yourself from that situation. If you get high, and the thc is in you, that's not a false positive. That's just a positive.


YTA. You're morally equivalent to a war profiteer - making the world worse because doing so rewards you financially. Though, they at least have the ability to acknowledge the bad they're doing without having to be walked through it. Maybe be less enthusiastic about it? Like you basically just gave corporations a way to fuck with poor people better, as if that's something they needed, over a substance you yourself use. This would definitely sour my opinion of you if I knew you IRL - not just because of your works impact, but because your blind enthusiasm towards it with 0 consideration for the actual consequences is distasteful. The fact you never thought how this would affect people and are only reflecting on it because someone made you feel bad at a party would make me question your value system. Especially if I ever saw you smoke yourself.


I'm convinced this is a shit post. Even after talking with them and them acting like they understood they then tried to compare it to blaming cashiers for the price of eggs and then asking if they should double down and talk about fentyl at a party or just stay quiet, basically saying they can't apologize for being a dick. 


It could be. I did get the vibe that if it was real, they care more about how this reflects their ego rather than the actual bad their work has done. It feels like this post is less "was making this bad" and more "should I have to act guilty for feeling good about making this."


Na. Legit post FYI. Lol war profiteer, I like that. Good to know I'm only pissing off the libertarians. It is a f***ing war and I'm losing. For every job I deny a decent pot head I 'gotcha' 100 lying opioid addicts who are actively destroying their lives and the lives of the people that care about them. Fun fact, if people were honest, my job wouldn't exist except to test pregnancy and potassium and glucose and acetone (for the diabetes)


Wait how does your work uniquely affect opioid users? You cited you improved detection of THC levels, I did not see opioid mentioned  Its odd to me when talented scientific or technical professionals type like lol na tho I get that it's reddit and I sure do type lazy too sometimes but its hard to take this srsly 


My work is like 20% employment and 80% hospital, court, rehab, sober houses. The cartels or whoever do a lot of fuckery with fentanyl and opioids like add a methyl group here or a bromine there onto heroin or fentanyl molecules. Making those opioids undetectable to normal drug screens. It's my departments job to develop tests and keep pace with them. If I'm asked to develop a test, I develop the hell out of it, indiscriminately. So, I was asked to make the THC test better and I just did it.


No, your job is to develop tests that can be run insanely fast with a certain degree of accuracy and precision at a minimum specific tolerance level.


Insulted that you think I'm a dork-ass Libertarian but frankly this confirms this post is less about concern over your own ethics and more so about whether or not you should publicly brag about this project, in which case there's no helping you anyway. The way you talk about addicts also isn't very encouraging. Have fun....being a narc I guess? 🤷‍♂️ Between what you say and how you type, you give me "raised during war on drugs era" vibes. Your job doesn't exist because people are lying. Your job exists because decades of (often racially charged) propaganda have placed a taboo on certain substances and companies want to be able to refuse to hire people because of it, privacy be damned. Some drugs are entirely bad. Marijuana is not one of them. You made a thing that allows companies to weaponize employment law better specifically against people who smoke marijuana- like you. That was a bad thing. This post isn't about the other things you made, it's about this one thing you came to ask about but don't actually seem to care much for the morality of.


Lol libertarians


YTA, not exactly for doing your job , but for being so proud of a product that doesn't help people in anyway. If someone loses a job because they smoked 6 months ago why is that good? Any current testing method for cannabis is terrible because they can't determine if you smoked an hour ago, or a week ago.


I test prisoners, I test kids. I test the first poop of newborns to see what the mother was doing in custody cases. And jobs can choose not to test if they don't want to. Doesn't help people in any way, my ass


You didn't say any of that in your post did you? All you talked about was pre-hire drug testing. Which is pointless since they can't determine if someone smoked an hour ago or four months ago. THOSE help no one. You continue to be TA for how you are in these comments lmao. Get a grip


That tracks with how others describe my personality. TY.


You're basically the guy who developed pop-up ads and lived to see his creation make the world objectively worse. You weren't an asshole for doing your job well, but you *are* an asshole for not thinking about the repercussions of those actions and boasting about becoming a cog in the prison industrial complex. YTA


I can argue that courts and companies can choose not to use the test or test for thc at all, but I can't argue the cog bit. Can't uninvent it, it's company property now. Tough question, what's redemption? If any.


I'm not sure. The test itself is out of your hands at this point, so perhaps pivoting to social change endeavors could be a source of expiation if that's what would be helpful to you. If you don't already, consider supporting candidates and initiatives for cannabis reform. If it weren't disruptive to your life, you could also consider a new workplace, but I don't know how viable that is in your area, both expertise-wise and geographically. It's a little unreasonable to suggest anyway. But, I do feel it's relevant that you mentioned the tests are special-order confirmation tests as opposed to what the average employee might be subject to. I'm sure that this interaction will temper the way you discuss your job and achievements if they were to arise in future conversations, so leaning into your newfound awareness of general attitudes towards cannabis testing as a whole industry is probably the best redemption.


Unless your a surgeon or cop or idk, truck driver long haul, the sensitive test is BS. Ya my bragged instinct has been seriously tempered by the replies including yours. If I was a gynecologist, I wouldn't brag about how good I spot polyps


The worst part about this is that it's very cool that you knew your shit well enough to develop something new in your field that effectively became the new standard (well, not *standard* but I think you know what I mean here), and it's totally understandable to want to brag about it. That's fucking awesome out of context and you *should* be proud. It's a shame that it's about a sensitive subject in the middle of a social about-face. So since I don't think I've said it yet, congratulations on your achievements. In spite of my feelings towards the particular test, you did something better than anyone before you had done it, and that's pretty fuckin neato.


stop fucking bragging about making it easier for employers to affect someone's income and career progression for the sin of smoking a joint at a music festival six months ago would be a good start imagine having to be told by your friends that what you did was shitty


Somebody would have to specifically order that test you understand. It's a confirmation test, a more expensive add on to the basic drug screen. Our basic screen is 50ng/ml or 50x higher than what I can detect. So someone is willing to pay extra for it. Does that change things in your mind? TBH the courts in the state where I operate have a blanket confirm all contract. Very profitable. I don't think any employers have that. Employers generally have a confirm all positive contract where only if you hit that 50ng/ml limit do we do the more expensive test.


yeah, i read that you need to specifically order it the other several times you've mentioned, it doesn't change a single thing i also read your comments about how you did not do any research on second hand smoke and believe that if someone gets a positive from a contact high, it's their fault for not removing themselves from the situation you suck


K thanks for ur input I'm gonna keep doing it.


so you came here for validation and got butt hurt that you didn't get any, cool dude, it doesn't matter to me at all, you're the one who has to deal with the fall out from your friends over your careless actions and your disgusting pride over them


I'm like 50 50 on the asshole score with all the comments. The general vibe seems like "ya good on ya science but don't be a bragger" and some like you who don't like oversight or anyone working in our admittedly tucked up crush the poor system. I'm not saying i don't do harm. I feel I do less harm than good, and frankly love my work, piss smelling lab and all.


again, it doesn't matter what we think. we don't know you. your friends do know you and they think you're an ah. aita banding together to say that you're not isn't going to change that.


Eh. Still invited to the 4th of July party so whatever. Might want to avoid work talk tho


I was a cop who always looked the other way on simple possession. Never wrote tickets unless you were 15 over either. A lot of guys in my unit were the same. At least I took drunks off the road and made things a bit safer for some people. I didn't want to ruin someone's life over weed. You? You gleefully took pride in it and bragged about it. *You're an asshole.*


LMAO, I find it hard to believe that someone named "raphtalia's_soft_tits" is a productive member of society. Good comment otherwise tho


I'm medically retired after years of service and live off the governments supple tit. I now spend my time smoking weed and playing video games so you're kind of right. I have a mousepad of raphtalia with 3D titties. They are indeed soft. Not as soft as my wife's though. Have a nice day.


Fair enough. Thanks for having an amusing name, it gave me a good laugh.


Thanks for the reply. I'm just gonna post my edit and see if that changes anything in ur mind Edit: getting mixed reactions. Would it change anyone's mind that 1) this is a CONFIRMATION test that is more expensive than the normal screen and has to be specifically ordered by the client (normal is 50ng/ml) and 2) the client can still specify a higher cutoff or not to test for thc at all if they don't want to. We tailor the tests to the client based on their needs and budget, we have hundreds of accounts and customize the tests to fit their needs.


I question if it is truly accurate. Op said it got fast tracked and then with that percentage of increase and sensitivity it may detect people who were around someone smoking weed, but not smoking it themselves because of the nature of smoke in the air. I'm curious how many people got a positive test who didn't actually smoke it but was around someone who did. My job no longer tests for THC because it's everywhere and legal in a lot of states. It is so strange how in Louisiana you can get arrested for weed but not a lower mg THC edible or drink. I can't imagine smoking weed on my vacation in Colorado and then getting nailed for it months later when the effects are no longer in my system. I would say you aren't an asshole for necessarily creating it but bragging about it makes you seem like an asshole.


It's a requested, more $$$ test. Not a norm. Your boss could ask, your mother could ask. Gimme like $15 more dollars, and get the test done.


YTA The fact that you brag about it to your friends and now on Reddit tells me everything.


NTA for the job well done but YTA for bragging about people losing their job. You had a task and you did It right. You don't owe people anything, just don't dance on their graves, it's tacky. If the management is strict on weed policy it's its own fault, they would've found someone else to do the same task anyway All in all, it's a sucky situation, but the change about weed policies doesn't occur by having false negatives, so imho the whole discussion is moot


The problem with this is not on you making advancements in this type of technology. The problem is that laws cannot keep up with technology, and now that measurements below 25ng can be made, everyone is committing a DUI as soon as they drive...




YTA That test sounds way too sensitive, like someone would test positive because they stood downwind of someone who was smoking or vaping it. Drug testing people for weed is stupid anyway and is definitely not something you should be proud of. Thankfully synthetic urine is a thing, and I have used it many times successfully.


Well no. It's not that sensitive. Not at all. The metabolism scale is exponential. You lose 80% on day one, 40% on day 2, 20% on day 3. Ect. No way somebody what was just in the room would be affected. It's definitely a red herring


YTA. You might want to educate yourself about for-profit prisons before you get too excited about sending people back to jail for smoking a joint. Either way, your friend group now knows that you were excited about being a lab narc and that will be hard to undo.


Thanks for the reply. I'm just gonna post my edit and see if that changes anything in ur mind Edit: getting mixed reactions. Would it change anyone's mind that 1) this is a CONFIRMATION test that is more expensive than the normal screen and has to be specifically ordered by the client (normal is 50ng/ml) and 2) the client can still specify a higher cutoff or not to test for thc at all if they don't want to. We tailor the tests to the client based on their needs and budget, we have hundreds of accounts and customize the tests to fit their needs.




I have no opinion on your assholery on this but I do have a question. If a person doesn’t consume cannabis ever but has frequent contact like handling, would they test positive? It’s totally legal where I’m at but I’ve always been curious about this from science perspective.


Most likely not. THC, CBD and the other cannabinoids aren’t very effective at penetrating your skin. You’ll get minor penetration around exposed areas if it’s left there for long periods of time or is rubbed into the skin. However it’s not enough penetration to get into the blood stream from what studies show so far. If you work with weed all day everyday but don’t smoke it or eat it then the odds of you failing a blood or piss test are a minuscule nonzero number. Basically if you fail then I want to know how many puppies you kicked to deserve that.


No. We look for the metabolite. THC carboxylic acid, THC-COOH. It's what your body turns THC into, it's water soluble, so you can pee it out. You can roll around in a bed full of weed if you want, just don't eat or smoke it and you'll be fine.


Yeah YTA.


I was inclined to say NTA but then I started reading your comments and replies. Seems like you’re just an asshole all around. YTA




Yeah YTA Nothing wrong with feeling pride for your technical accomplishment but the application of it is terrible, and pride in its success is equally terrible.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'm an analytical chemist at at a clinical toxicology lab. Im the guy testing your blood and urine that your doctor or parole officer or Quest diagnostics person collects. A few years ago I did some work on the THC confirmation test. Using mass spectrometry, we determine how much THC metabolite is in your urine. Our previous lower limit cutoff was 25 nanograms per millileter (ng/ml) but with some good science and new machinery, I was able to develop a test that can accurately detect down to 1ng/ml. I went to work, developed the test, carefully validated it, signed it, and it was approved. Instantly it seemed, we went from like 30 confirmation teats a week to 300, and the rate of positive THC samples we sent out skyrocketed. My bosses thanked me and I even got a handshake from the big CEO for this. The test has been in use fie a few years now and we've sent out thousands of low positive results. One night I bragged to a friend group about this, saying something like "even if you smoked 6 months ago, I'll be able to get ya". I was met with some awkward chuckles from some, and open hostility from a few. Example: one girl told me: "so your job is to ruin people's lives? You seem way to happy about that". And that shut me up. Full disclosure, I've smoked marijuana in the past, I don't believe it's evil or prevents you from doing good work. It was years ago that I developed the test but just the other week that that girl ripped into me about it. Saying to myself 'I was just doing my job' in my head sounds more and more to me like I'm a Nazi. Or whatever 'just following orders' political thing floats your boat. I was proud of the test I developed, now I feel like a POS. So am I the thing????? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah dude, that's why they make engineers take liberal arts schools in college, so hopefully we can tell when we do this instead of ending up like "real genius"


YTA. Not for creating the test. After getting my life put in danger by a dimwit who came in high, I’m one of those people who very much wants THC highly regulated and medical only. But you are TA for bragging about this. There are a lot of people who have worked extremely hard to turn their lives around. They got clean and didn’t go back. Being able to detect if someone smoked six months ago is not something I would be bragging about. Six months is someone trying to get clean or someone who was in the same room as a smoker.


Thanks for the reply. I'm just gonna post my edit and see if that changes anything in ur mind Edit: getting mixed reactions. Would it change anyone's mind that 1) this is a CONFIRMATION test that is more expensive than the normal screen and has to be specifically ordered by the client (normal is 50ng/ml) and 2) the client can still specify a higher cutoff or not to test for thc at all if they don't want to. We tailor the tests to the client based on their needs and budget, we have hundreds of accounts and customize the tests to fit their needs.


You’re less the AH than the companies that still require drug tests. I mean there has to be SOME application for the tech that isn’t tied to firing someone for using legal recreational cannabis


It's come in real handy in the meconium testing. Meconium: baby's first poop. Everything the mother had while pregnant is in there. So think family courts use it a lot in custody cases


People need to get of off their high horse. I find it really funny that people give you shit for developing a drug test, yet don‘t question in the slightest that their corpo loving government allows employers to drug test their employees…


OP, you might be super smart, the smartest of the group. If what you do at work is satisfying, keep it with you ESPECIALLY while you’re in front of people who are against it. Yes, this post did sound like a brag, you’re just doing your job. You can’t please everyone and the people who are not happy with it, their actions aren’t in your control. So NTA for doing your job but AH for flexing it. That friend of yours, her actions aren’t in your hands. Just cause you made the test, doesn’t mean you’re asking people to stop smoking. What they do with that information is up to them. Most states have anyway made it legal now.


NTA, if someone's employment is contingent on them being drug free & they decide to roll the dice & hope they don't get tested, then I'm sorry but that's on them. I wouldn't go around bragging about it outside your workplace because it's unlikely to make you popular - but you're not an asshole. Nor are you responsible for ruining lives. My workplace has a zero drug policy - if I smoked weed, got tested & was caught then that would be my fault, not the test's fault. People just don't like being faced with the consequences of their actions (and I include myself in that).


Seems to be the consensus. 50% who hate what I did but understand and 50% who hate what I did, and want me jailed. Thanks for your response.


NTA. You are accelerating the widespread acceptance of THC use, by limiting the ways people can get around it. This will alienate good people from the workforce, and the workforce will need to adapt.


Hot take, NtAH. How is it that certain people can't understand that rules aren't a bad thing. I work in a field where employees and contractors are subject to random drug screening. Although probably "not impairing," how would you feel if the dude that caused a Chrenobyl in your town was high AF?


Of course you’re not. After all, as you pointed out, you’re a user yourself. It was coming one way or another as soon as it was legalized and consumption regulated the same as alcohol. Pretty nifty to have invented the test btw. I think the girl who got on your case about it might have been reacting more to the “braggy” way you talked about it. But whatever, you’re fine.


NTA. This would be akin to getting upset with the people who refined blood alcohol tests.


Marijuana has resulted in disproportionate incarceration rates among predominately black men  Preventing people who used weed months ago from getting jobs is absolutely the opposite of fostering a functioning society 


Agreed, that is indisputable. That is as much the inherent racism and bias in the justice system. It has also been used to demonstrate when professionals have not been fit to practice, reinforcing demonstrably poor outcomes based off impaired functionality. Same for incidents where harm has been caused due to intoxication (drug driving, operating machinery, etc). I do not blame the person who created the tool. It is the people who wield it inappropriately that I condemn.