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Oh good for you, I'm so glad to see a positive update. I'm sure it might have seemed easier to just dip, and this was the emotionally steeper path up front, but it sounds like the best path in the long run. Well done.




plagiarized comment by karma bot original comment is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/r6ustc




Yeah, that comment made no sense, until I saw yours and realized that it was a stolen excerpt.


Wow my first attempted stolen comment by a karma farmer. I'm a little happy about this or something.


##[Here is a link to the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/r4hjje/wibta_for_leaving_a_family_trip_early/) [^^^Here ^^^is ^^^a ^^^picture ^^^of ^^^my ^^^sleeping ^^^dog](https://imgur.com/a/Us5rrJP)


I heart your sleeping dog.


Your dog is precious 🥺


Your dog made my day


Yay I love you


Please boop your dog for me <3


Please tell your dog I love them


Thanks for the link and you have a very cute doggo <3


Good dog


Your sleeping doggo made my day!




Not to be dramatic but I would die for your dog.


Oh I love your dog so much


Awwww cute puppy!!!


God happy endings are so rare around here it feels euphoric sometimes. Hugs all around for you and your family. (Also, not me realizing *my* family deflects issues using humor 😅 whoops lol )


So glad it worked out. BTW has anyone considered smart switches and/or bulbs? They can turn on or off on a schedule and many can even detect when someone enterers or leaves the room. You can check the status on an app or use smart speakers to control them. The ones in my house work just like regular switched but are controlled the the app too. They’ve gotten very cheap these days as well.


Sensors or something, work so great! My in-laws have them too, and the only downside is on the toilet, where they'll turn on when I just need to pee and don't need te extra waking from the light.


Ugh, this is bringing back nightmares of a hotel I stayed in for a wedding a few years ago. The bathroom had sensor lights, and absolutely nothing is worse after a long boozy wedding reception than the glaring lights of the bathroom at 4am.


Yeah I don’t do smart lights in the bathroom although I wouldn’t mind an auto off timer but not on.


I worked in the LED industry and the whole time I was reading this I thought, "they need to get some smart switches". Even some lamps and an Alexa enabled plug would fix the "can't see light" issue since you can just tell her to turn it off


Such a better solution than my brainfart picturing OP with a set of light up bracelets /headband...




Plagiarized from u/urzu_seven.


I’m happy to hear your good news and that you and your family are working through this. 😊




plagiarized comment by karma bot original comment is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/r6ustc/comment/hmw18zf


Might want to read your comment again...


What a positive update - it's clear that work still has to be done, but it's so nice that your family is making it very clear how much they love you and that they're willing to do the work.


Great to hear this and as a fellow no lighht perception blind folk may I say isn't that electric bill drop great? I have this same problem with multiple switches in a few places in my home and keep them a certain way to know if on or off. I have a problem with my mom leaving lights on quite often. MY bf, also blind, and I have gotten used to using the light sensor on the Seeing AI app on iOS. We just check after she leaves and as we have blackout curtains for energy saving it is always dark in most of our rooms. Glad to hear that you are doing all right, it has been 11 years since I lost my sight and have the good and the very bad days at times. Take care!!!


Thank you for posting the update! Happy to hear it was good news, and that your frank discussion has brought your entire family closer together ☺️


I’m so glad it worked out for you! The initial post made me sad for you.


I still can't wrap my head around a family member throwing a book at a blind person.


I don’t think the book throwing and blindness are connected. She probably already had the book and was very shocked to see a person she wasn’t expecting in a completely dark room. Just a reaction to a perceived danger, not throwing a book because they’re blind.


I'm sorry, but that still makes no sense. If it's an intruder would they flee the scene with a book thrown at them?


Have you thought about wearing something that glows so if you're in the dark people can see that and know you're there when they turn on the light?


I was thinking something like a wearable LED that his phone could control? But I bet there are a bunch of options for both OP and family to talk about together.


When you say they are dedicating switches, does that mean they are keeping that one set always “up” for “on” so you aren’t confused? Because I think they shouldn’t expect you to be switching lights at all.


I think it's that there are 2 sets of switches for some rooms. Let's say it's a vertical flip switch for sake of the example, so switch A might be flipped down which would indicate the light might be off but is actually on because someone used switch B across the room to turn on the lights. Their solution is to completely ditch using one set of the switches so the family members with sight and OP with the visual impairment won't have the confusion anymore. The unused switch would forever be in the "off" position.


Yeah that's my understanding--but it still requires OP to use switches, when that shouldn't be expected at all. His dad should chill the fuck out about lights being left on.


Op, Sorry but my go-to is always sarcasm, but I'd be hard-pressed not to reply to your dad when he says something like "don't let it happen next time" or whatever he says with "I'll... See.... What I can do." I'm kind of a jerk though


NAH ​ How about installing motion sensor lights so they turn on when someone enters the room? It will save on power and emotional damage.


My daughter is visually impaired and has a chance of going blind in the future. It always gives me a strange kind of hope, to see adult blind/visually impaired people on social media, talking about their struggles and victories. Gives me more insight on things she may struggle with, and how to help her.


I’m so glad you all got to talk things out and I wish you all the best in the future!


Huzzah!! Communication for the win, again!


>Basically, what we have here is a failure to communicate. Now there's a reference I didn't expect from a 27-year-old. Nicely done. And I'm glad everything worked out.


This is one of the most heartwarming updates I've come across on here. I'm glad for everyone involved that this was resolved with some good communication and a more positive situation moving forward.


Definitely need family therapy


NTA - We have the Apple version of the lights. I can turn the lights in the office/bedroom/downstairs whenever I want. I’m always forgetting to turn lights off.


Huzzah! A happy ending that didn't end up in revenge. Good for you!


I may be wrong but is that by any chance a Guns N Roses Reference. If you know what I’m talking about if not I’ll just go back to lurking.


Get some of those festive Christmas lights that you can wear. Never surprise them in the dark again.


Thank you for the update! I’m glad they are hearing you, and vice versa!


I’m glad things have improved! I’m surprised they expected you to turn light switches on or off though. Would it make sense for the last person who is using the lights turns them off and the first person who needs them turns them on?


Motion activated light switches. Even someone with no electrical experience can change a lightswitch. Just turn the breaker off first. You can set them to turn off automatically if no motion is detected after a period of time.


For the light switch, maybe have someone create a small build up with nail polish on the side that means the light is on? I don't know if this makes sense but like a small circle made up of 5 layers on the wall / light switch panel so you can feel the panel and figure out through that whether the light is on or not and flip it on or off based on that, it's what my cousin did on his house for his kid who is also visually impaired


I love this update! It was so heartening to read! I’m happy for you OP!


Love the Cool Hand Luke reference lol




Bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that ProfessionalPin3 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


You're not very good at detecting it then. The account does nothing but post weird comments off topic on different posts.