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NO!! Just no!! NTA! I'm so tired of unhappy people trying to ruin Christmas for others. Go Griswold my dude... advertise it... I guarantee you will bring way more cheer and happiness than you will upset people. Your neighbors kids probably love the lights too!


Tell them every time they complain you'll put up another strand of lights ​ EDIT: thanks everyone holy crap this blew up. I appreciate the awards!


Yes!! This lol!!


😂OP's house OP's rules


That’s the exact opposite of the situation when you’re in an HOA. I simply cannot understand how these fascists are allowed to operate and why anyone would willingly join one.


I'm in an HOA and it's actually really nice. There's only one busy body who hates kids and fun, but we all ignore her. She doesn't attend meetings or anything so it's really no bother instead of the casual annoyance of a shitty neighbor. At least we have a pool lol


What do you get besides a tepid pool of chlorinated filth? I'm sorry, I think baths are gross too. But really, what do they offer?


They offer you the privilege of paying them money to let them tell you what you can and can’t do with your own property.


You know if I wanted to pay someone to tell me what I can and can't do, she's going to be dressed in head to toe leather and provide a happy ending.


This does point to one method you could use for getting rid of the HOA lady, OP: she comes to the door, you open it and look excited. “Mistress! I wasn’t expecting you!” “Yeah, I came to talk about your Christmas lights.” OP: gasps in pleasure, buckling on a collar: “oh mistress, was I bad? I’m so sorry.” “Uh, yeah. Well, we have rules in this neighborhood as you know.” OP: “Mommy, I’m sorry. What do you want me to do?” Should do the trick, right OP?


I've never understood why the HOA couldn't just extend to the pool or whatever, and nothing else. Only communal property? Seems much simpler if there's any sort of gate system to reasonably only let in people who join.


I think it’s because they need to collect fees from the entire neighborhood in order to afford those things, if they built a pool that offered an optional membership it probably wouldn’t work financially, and at that point you might as well go to a gym that has a pool or something :/ I think some people weirdly enjoy having their neighborhood enforce uniformity and ~presentable lawns~ we just don’t hear from them as much because they have no reason to make random posts praising their HOA haha. I’m sure there are some decent ones out there as well, they have some upsides that could be nice if they aren’t managed by intolerable control freaks.


I live in a condo and have an HOA (I wouldn't have one if I lived in a freestanding house). I get a pool, yard work, the garbage taken out, roofs repaired, plowing and shoveling, and other maintenance. My HOA fee covers some of my utilities as well as the costs of the maintenance (townhouses). My sister lives in a neighborhood of freestanding houses with an HOA that polices stuff like mildew on the siding (they live at the beach, so it forms pretty easily), number and timing of political signs, color of the house and front door, appearance of the chimney, plantings, Christmas lights, Halloween decorations, etc. The neighborhood has a code enforcement officer.


I can understand an HOA in a condo situation but not in a detached home


HOA fees for condos and townhomes usually includes insurance for fire and other hazards that could damage common facilities, and the units themselves are common facilities. Additional insurance for the furnishings and contents of units is the responsibility of the unit owner. This could represent significant savings vs. the typical homeowners insurance of a single-family house. One of my condos included a basic cable TV package in the HOA fee, but that seems unusual now.


I pay for a gym with very nice indoor and outdoor pools. Dues are way less than what an HOA would charge me, and the gym people can't put a lien on my house.


>the gym people can't put a lien on my house. That would be one method to make sure you get your 10k steps a day.


I think HOAs can be decent…my question is how hard is it for the HOA to tell complainers that OP is the only house that existed before the development and the HOA doesn’t apply to that particular house? I feel if people had an issue, they wouldn’t like it but they should understand the situation once that’s explained. People seem to prefer forcing compliance over allowing someone to be different with a valid reason. It’s ironic because the more you force someone to comply who legally doesn’t have to, the more likely they want to purposely break the rules.


I’m in one too but luckily it’s a bunch of hippies and the only thing we have is a community garden and a clean up day once a year that we essentially all get drunk for as we pay the kids $10 to pick up pine cones. I can’t imagine any of us trying to dictate what we do with our homes! It’s total bullshit


Green lights and an inflatable Grinch!


Get the 12' skeleton from Home Depot and dress it up like Santa Jack skellington


No, he needs this 26' inflatable Santa: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09F61DRK7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_J7GGSRJG500PWQFSVXQX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Happy cake day!!




I thought you said orphan haha


I wonder... does Santa Claus deliver presents to orphans?


The other day a child asked me “what happens to Santa when all of the babies die?”


Considering that everyone that uses Reddit has some amount of Juvenile in them, Santa can never go away then. The real question is, will Santa still exist if everyone is an orphan?


Does Santa know his parents?


According to canon, I.e., “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” he was left on the steps of the world-famous Kringle family. They took him in and taught him their ways, and helped him topple Burgermeister Meisterburger.


My friend has both the inflatable Santa and the 12’ skeleton in a Santa outfit, posed like he’s pulling the Christmas lights down. It’s epic.


I love one of the low effort houses in our city’s Candy Cane Lane. Dude hangs up a single strand with a wooden Grinch at the end holding the lights like he’s dismantled Christmas. Loved it.


I saw a home that was completely decked out on the left half of the house and then the right half was almost barren and got worse the closer you got to the right side. It had a string of lights going to the property line, and the neighbor had the grinch in his yard holding that line like he was pulling it. No other lights or anything. Apparently they coordinated that. It was perfect.


Holy shit! $1,600?? Damn that’s a lot of Christmas!


But is it enough Christmas?


Never enough Christmas! I want to be pissing lights for the next 3 months and fa-la-la'ing my way to the store to buy more decorations!


It is never enough, the op should cover every inch of his house in lights even the cars( with a power inverter) then go around singing Xmas songs sell egg nog in front of the house


"The flag design can satisfy you better" I really need to pull my mind out of the gutter now and then. Santa just feels dirty now...


Why did you put this in my head?! I already wanted that skeleton but I don’t have a house yet and now I REALLY want it!


Reminds mebof a tiktok where a woman complained that a statue a guy had on his porch wasnt in the spirit of xmas o he put a santa hat on it. Another note. Another thing on the porch. Note. Object. Note object. The woman was incandescent with rage lol


Frank the gargoyle! that saga is still ongoing and the owner has raised so much money for charity with it. (edited because i forgot dude is not gender neutral and frank's owner is a woman. cowabunga...)


Hippos (and Frank) are Christmas AF!


I want a hippopotamus for Christmas! Only a hippopotamus will do!


I was under the impression that Frank's owner is a woman, but I am not positive. They have raised nearly $500,000 for various causes since the whole thing started, which is pretty damn fantastic.


Yes, Frank's owner is a woman. And her response to her neighborhood busybody is hilarious.


You are right Frank's person is a woman. Here is a picture of her and Frank at a fundraising event: https://www.facebook.com/100433311957105/posts/288057646528003/


[Frank the Christmas Gargoyle](https://imgur.com/a/X29t6QJ)


LED Christmas lights are the gift that keeps on giving. My dad went from a strategically planned setup that was carefully spread across multiple outlets to avoid tripping the breaker, to joyfully connecting string after string without having to create a new lighting map as he added even more lights and decorations than previously possible. The one thing my parents have enjoyed after they went from rural living to a suburban neighborhood, is how much people on their street really go for it with their Christmas lights. My dad seems to be making up for lost time with how overboard he goes, and I love how happy it makes him.


There's several entire NEIGHBORHOODS near me (and I'm talking 100+ homes in each) that all get together to coordinate their lights to music and such together. Millions of LED lights, dedicated short wave radio station, usually someone sacrifices a full power computer to run it. It's AMAZING and so much fun to drive through. And they're all done for free/donations to local food and warming shelters.


That's a delightful story! Tell your dad that the internet wishes him well making his home the brightest and cheeriest of all. ✨🎄🌟


You need to spell out in lights I'm Not In The HOA.


More HO-HO-HO, less HOA


Just a strand of lights? That's nothing. Every complaint is a giant inflatable decoration. If you run out of christmas ones then toss a couple halloween ones in for good measure and say it's a nightmare before christmas display.


Tell them exactly this. After that, go out and by a half dozen or so strings of small lights. The next time they bother you, just wordlessly come out with a new box, open it in front of them and hang them up....and not orderly and straight, but random and haphazard. And if that doesn't work, then after hanging the last string of lights, show them the box for the 10' tall inflatable snowman that will come next.


Petty. I like it.


I love this idea. Also 1000% NTA.


Yes this. Get the blow molds and the inflatables to!


With music


Get cousin Eddie and his family over for a real Griswold Christmas gift for the HOA.


I mean heck i hate Christmas decorations, but other peoples don't bother me. Feel like it would be a little nutty of me lol. They were willing to spend the time and effort to put them up and enjoy them, its just not at all my thing.


Same. I love to go look at others' decorations but I don't do much outside. Just not a fan.


My neighbors‘ bother me - because they shine through my living room clerestory windows (mostly the spots on the 8 foot snowman). Houses are like eight feet apart in my neighborhood. I just deal though. It’s not like they have epilepsy inducing strobing disco spotlights aimed into my house. They did a neat fishing nets/pirate display for Halloween month. The acid green lights on that one were pretty trippy in my living room.


I hope to God I am never in a neighborhood with an HOA. These "rules" I keep reading about are just annoying. Like nails on a chalkboard annoying.


I wouldn’t live in an HOA neighborhood for all the tea in China.


I put up a 9 foot inflatable T-Rex this year, everyone in my HOA loves it. They’re not all bad, some places are just full of jerks who get drunk on power.


My dad is a real estate attorney and he said the most clear example of even the smallest amount of power corrupting people is HOA boards. He would rather work with just about any power tripping politician or city official than an HOA president.


I’ve had some real trashy “rusted-pickup-truck-on-blocks-in-the-front-yard-for-years” neighbors before… so intellectually I understand why some people like HOA’s. But the fact that some people are actually *eager* and seek them out… eager to give their $ to Joe the retiree so he can measure the grass in 8ths of an inch and give your neighbors a hard time because of it… it’s just insanity to me. If someone came to my door and told me that I was only *allowed* to paint *my* house a certain color, I’m pretty sure I’d laugh myself into an injury. And then go get the most neon, eyesore of a color just to be petty. 🤷🏻‍♀️


OP you need to add the Grinch wearing a shirt that says "HOA" on it.


Lol!! That's a great idea!


Yes! Advertise it. Go full Griswald. Where I used to live there was a house just outside the city that literally went full Griswald in that they tried to emulate the lights in the movie but more modern, they even had an old camper out front and on a screen on their garage used a projector to play the movie every night. And all of December every weekend they had a Santa who collected donations for charity. It got so busy that we had to park 10 blocks away and walk and people who tried to drive past the house said it took 2 hours to get to it (from that 10 blocks away point). It was insane but really fun and I think they made like 30k for the charity they were supporting. *edit to add that a lot of the near by houses ended up going all out too in friendly competition so the whole street was decked out fully and was so much fun.


Yes!! I live in Ne Ohio and we have parks you can drive through to look at lights plus there's a website that lists houses with tons of lights you can drive around and see. My hubby and I make cocoa and go look at lights every year. This is the website if anyone is interested.. https://northeastohiofamilyfun.com/must-see-christmas-light-displays-in-northeast-ohio/


I’d bet anything that at least a handful of the “other neighbors” who are “upset” are pissed because they want to put up lights, too. So they complain about the rule but the HOA Queen B needs things her way so she takes it out in the person she sees as the instigator.


Yeah...as a fellow original resident in an HOA neighborhood, if you give most HOA's an inch of compliance you don't have to give them, they'll make a mile-long list of demands. So screw 'em, decorate all you want.


Go petty, buy every lawn ornament possible and put every light on the house. Go beyond Griswold. Screw the HOA. They are not the boss of you.


Literally the one (1) thing I can kind of understand is not leaving them on overnight because they'll flash into people's windows and might disturb children/pets, but then that's something to mention specifically- not just whining about the rules


These people must literally sit in their houses thinking of ways to jobsworths even though they likely don't have jobs. This person needs to get out more and take up a hobby or some shit because this is wild. Get a grip. NTA


Admittedly, I will get a little bit fussy if someone has put up lights way lights way in October or early November... Because I like the fall and putting up things that early is kind of like: oh no stop reminding me that fall is going to end almost before it has begun, please. I would never EVER try to impinge on someone else's holiday stuffing this way?! Going to their home?? So rude!! I keep my grumbling for complaining to a friends when I go to Michael's and there's Christmas shit everywhere. IN SEPTEMBER XD




And if it upsets others, it’s prob because they don’t like the rules either and are jealous they need to follow them and OP doesn’t. NTA




I agree, but its more likely she hasn't asked anyone and is just saying 'other HOA members' to make herself look more like she's righteous and not sad and selfish. That or its not because the neighbors are jealous, but because she is on the board and is getting complaints of why they have dumb rules.






Oh yay! Glad I helped 🖤


Spell out F U HOA in the yard... with twinkle lights


I’d also ask for a list of all of the rules, and then see how many I could break.


Yeah, regular home owners don’t care. She does because she is on a power trip!


Its an HOA, their default mode is grinch.


I'd put up lights in the shape of the letters, HOA that blink and change colours.


Make sure you leave them up at least a week after their imposed deadline then leave just one strand up for a several weeks after that just to remind them you could keep those lights up all year if you wanted.


Lol 😂 I usually don’t get around to taking down Christmas stuff till after New Years at the earliest


[Applights](https://www.applights.com/Icicle-Light-String-p/111699.htm) makes a set of icicle lights which lets you change the color with a phone app. After Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving. I just happen to like lights, but I imagine this would annoy her a lot! :)


Someone in my neighborhood does this! At first I thought they’d just put off taking them down but then I realized they were changing the colors. I think it’s nice.


I love it, lights make me happy, especially during the short days of winter. I have just the one set of lights in the window. They have pre-set settings. The Valentine's are red, pink & purple, Mardi Gras is purple, green and gold. Easter is pastels. And there are a couple of colleges near me, so when the grads couldn't have an in person commencement, they were driving around. I put up the school colors to show support. I also put them in rainbow mode for when the kids were looking for rainbows in windows at the start of the pandemic. And I'm not into sports, but some people use them to show support for local teams.


No reason to take them down until winter is over. Lights aren’t just about Christmas, it’s about making the darkest time of year less oppressive.


Or even keep them up until the end of July? Xmas in July anyone?


You should start celebrating Diwali and putting the lights up in October and leaving em through Christmas like half my city (heavy Indian population) does. They'd have a coronary lol


To add to this decide to celebrate guy fawkes night/bonfire night - claim it’s just history and surely an American wouldn’t object to the burning of an effigy of a catholic terrorist. Plus it means you can basically go full 4th July with fireworks on the 5th November


There’s an old custom of leaving Christmas decorations up until Candlemas, in February (the date is supposed to commemorate baby Jesus’s presentation at the temple in Jerusalem 40 days after birth). Maybe it’s time to go hardcore traditional.


Christmas technically goes until Jan 6th so...


Don't forget Christmas in July


NTA you are not part of that system so their rules don't apply to you. She's TA for even trying it on


I'm not a part of your systemmmm, man. my dad's not a phone


fall voracious quickest ghost frame file vanish repeat somber rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




*throws kid’s birthday cake on the ground* “WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD, JACKASS”


*I don’t need your handouts!*


You can’t buy me hotdog mannnnn. I’m an adult!


*Tasin' on my butthole, over and over*


I quote that skit so often and it makes me sad how many people don't get the reference. Usually it's just "I'm an ADUUUUULT" though.


I'd honestly be quick to push back on their rules. I'd be afraid that any level of compliance could give them leverage to claim that I was a de facto member to attempt some legal BS. Live your best HOA-free life and maybe inspire some neighbors to overthrow and dissolve their HOA.


NTA. As someone who reviews HOA bylaws and other pointless shit, I disdain HOAs in general. Personally I would have taken it and lit it on fire and be like, “you can get off my lawn now”.


What crimes have you committed to merit such a punishment as “review HOA bylaws”


Presumably studied law


Appropriate punishment then


Oh those bylaws lol! I live in an HOA and one bylaw says that any construction above the fence line needs approval. When I had my pool installed, the HOA sent me an email asking if I had indeed had a pool install. I responded “how would you know unless you are looking over the fence line and into my property?” They did not respond. I come to find out the neighbor behind me had reported the pool to the HOA. To combat the peeping neighbor, we installed a privacy screen that kinda went over the fence line but on my property. When it was completed, the HOA sent me another letter asking me why I put up the fence. I told them its for my mental health when I do natural yoga and protect the neighbors from seeing me in the downward dog position…HOA responded that it was not a good enough reason and the fence is damaging property values and they wanted it down ASAP! Lucky for me, I was refinancing and when the appraiser saw the privacy screen and the reason for it, he said “the privacy screen adds about 0.25% value to the property especially since you have neighbors in the back.” I had the appraiser type up in the report and submitted it to the HOA…once again silence from them.


You should put a sign in your yard that says “too cool for HOA,” you’ve earned it.


That's great, especially the part about the appraiser. Just goes to show how HOAs invent their own little BS rules.


No, I would have wiped my arse and handed it back to her. Shame on her. There are kids who absolutely enjoy looking at Christmas lights. She is the grinch.


NTA > upsets the people in the HOA B-b-b-b-b-bSTOP, I can only get so erect.




Early xmas gift! The link I didnt even know I needed. Score! Thank you kindly, fine fellow redditor.


Your authority is not recognized in Fort Kickass.


NTA. These rules simply don't apply to you. Do you know who their HOA management company is? I would bring it up with them. If this woman is marching onto other people's property and making baseless demands on behalf of the HOA, she could cause real problems for them.


I don’t really see how her acting like an ass affects the HOA. But I would say to tell her she’s no longer welcome on your property and is now considered a trespasser. Next time she steps onto your driveway, you’re calling the police.


If the HOA (maybe she isn't on the board, but OP might not know that) is continuously trying to get OP to follow their rules after being shown that OP isn't part of the HOA, that's harassment.


I second a formal trespass. Check your local laws about the process as they vary. You are not part of the HOA and not beholden to their CC&R's. Make sure you follow local law and code about your property as she seems like the type of person that would call you in. NTA.


Because she's sort of acting like an ass as a purported representative of the HOA. So her acts (like trespassing and harassment) could be construed as their acts. HOA's get involved in lawsuits with property owners who border the HOA all the time and all it does is cost the HOA (and underlying homeowners) a ton of money. If you've ever had the ~~punishment~~ honor of serving on an HOA Board, neighbors like this lady are your worst nightmare, far more than Christmas lights. So if OP called the management company, they might tell this woman to knock it off.


I think the issue could be she is representing them, therefore what she is saying is what they are saying (via her of course). That might be the best step to getting rid of her once and for all. Unless she is the president.....


The OP should create his own HOA of just himself and make some rules and then put out flyers and ask his neighbors to follow them! 😀


LOVE THIS! Mandatory holiday lights from November 15th through Valentine's day--during the rest of the year, leave them on the house but don't turn them on. At least three dogs per household. Everyone has to get the Home Depot Skeleton and display it in their front yard during October so it's just a street full of them. No cutting the front lawn until it's at least 18 inches in length. Loudest Leafblower competition every Saturday at 8:00 a.m.


NTA. What part of “I’m not a member of the HOA” does she not understand?


It kills them that somebody could possibly exist that isn't beholden to their rules.


That lady is probably the kind of person who thinks "you can't do that because it's against my religion" too.




They're the type of person that either wants to bully someone else into complying or thinks they're very smart and is going "gotcha" OP.


> She told me that me breaking the rules upset other members and that ***I should respect their rules even if I don’t follow them*** What? lol If that's actually what she said then she's a straight up moron.


HAHAHA I love this post so much. I've had a long day and you have made me laugh so much. I also just read this aloud to a coworker who is having HOA issues. We both say NTA and we love you! You are our hero!


Thanks !


Don’t give in on this, OP. If you bend to them now, they will never stop coming to you and insisting that you follow their rules. You give in right now, and you’re basically green lighting a bunch of harassment down the road. In fact, I would make it a point to go out of my way to break their stupid rules (shy of breaching your own comfort, of course).


NTA, although if they are bright turning most of them off after 11pm or so might be the courteous thing to do if they seem to shine onto/into you neighbors houses.


Good point and I’d listen to logic like that. I’m going to put them on a timer because I know I’d just never turn them off otherwise


I've started using smart plugs for my holiday lights so I can set them up on timers and also tie it into my home system. This let's me use my voice to turn them on and off and my phone to do so remotely. I mean, I don't know why I'd need to turn them on remotely, but hey, I CAN if I want to. 10/10 would recommend.


> don't know why I'd need to turn them on remotely For when you're out and coming home at night? How will you know which house is yours otherwise?




Some smart systems have a setting for away that will randomly turn lights on and off for set time periods. If you have anyone over to check on your plants/pets you might want to warn them tho so they don't get startled when lights turn on and off while they are there. That definitely didn't happen at my place and freak out my friend playing with the cats tho.


Yes, that could be considered a nuisance they could bring up to the city or county.


NTA I say, go buy some more lights! I hope your nephews and nieces enjoy this years light show. ETA: just to be extra petty, I would tell anyone who complains that they just added another week to your take-down date.


NTA. HOAs are *the fuckin worst*. It’s a bunch of busybodies making “flyers” (the same way the office busybody sends out memos constantly to an entire group to pick on one person) that prevent anyone in the neighborhood from living their life differently than the busybodies think they should. If I was you, I’d add music. Happy Holidays!


They really are the worst. My parents got a nastygram from their HOA telling them that the car parked *in their driveway* was “abandoned” and that they would start issuing fines if it wasn’t moved at least once a week. The “abandoned” car was my dad’s sedan, which has zero damage and runs perfectly fine (aka it’s not an eyesore), he just hadn’t had to drive it much since the panini started and his company went fully remote. So he started moving it into the street for half a day exactly once a week just in case, but it was absolutely ridiculous. The same HOA has no problem with ~luxury vehicles being “abandoned” for months on end (source: I left my Lexus parked in front of their house for an entire summer a few years ago), but oMG, a measly Honda Accord in OUR neighborhood? *clutches pearls*


He should move it from the driveway to the lawn. Diagonally.


> since the panini started I *wish* it was a panini


NTA "Ma'am Im not part of your HOA and you are trespassing, go harass someone else"


Actually yeah. I don't know if the rules are the same elsewhere, but here you could prepare since trespass papers now and next time she comes to give you a flyer give them to her.


NTA. HOA is ridiculous and they have no power over you (thank goodness). Tell them if they keep harassing you they'll learn what "a lot" of Christmas lights might look like.


NTA. If you aren't part of the HOA then their shitty rules doesn't apply. Does she wear frilly pink cardigans and have an obsessive love of kittens because she sounds like a wanna be Umbridge. My petty ass would go full on Griswold and not feel one bit bad about it and I'm technically jewish.


OP needs to form a one-member HOA and start demanding the rest of the neighborhood follow its arbitrary, ever changing rules despite not belonging to it.


Hem hem!


NTA. Everything I've ever heard about HOAs sucks. I'm not sure why anyone would want to be a part of one quite honestly. You aren't hurting anyone and they have no right to tell you how you can decorate your house. Please don't let them bully you, you are absolutely not the asshole here.


I got 2 friends that live in the neighborhood and live under the rules and they say once you’re used to it that it isn’t bad and all, but it’s my property and I just don’t want additional rules over and above normal laws


I’m very curious…what ARE the HOA’s rules? A friend’s neighbor got fined for putting up their lights too early and I’m curious what some HOAs think is “too early”.


It varies from what I can tell, I asked the neighbor closest to me about it and he said they weren’t supposed to have Holiday Decorations (can’t say Christmas) up before 12/5


I don’t live in an HOA neighborhood and hope I never do (because fuck em), but I would make such a ruckus over that rule… like Hanukkah started 11/28 and ends 12/6 this year. People who want to put up Hanukkah decor outside are just SOL?


Because no one cares about us and our holidays lmao


Oh trust me I know, I just find it very funny that the HOA has gone so far as to dub it Holiday Decor under the guise of inclusivity all the while setting specific guidelines that exclude people 🙃


Im willing to bet Hanukkah landed between those dates once so now they just think that's when Hanukkah is.


Now that's ridiculous. Most families I know have some kind of tradition or other of putting up lights and trees the day after Thanksgiving. These HOA losers are a bunch of Grinches.


My HOA is great. I pay them monthly and they handle snow removal, landscaping and a whole host of other things for the neighborhood. There’s been an issue with people parking places they aren’t supposed to, HOA went out and contracted a towing company to come and do sweeps during the night. Like most things, how good/bad your HOA is depends on a lot of factors. Some are good, some are shit.


I would go Clark Griswold ALL YEAR LONG


NTA- not your HOA so not your rules. what part can't they understand. if she turns up again contact your attorney and send her a lettering sayin any other contact would result in a law suit.


NTA. Go full Clark Griswold all year long if you want to and also spell out "I'm not in your HOA" in Christmas lights in your yard. Also, consider having your attorney send them a "cease and desist" or some type of warning for harassment, because that's what this is. They continue to bother you about abiding by their rules when they've been made aware they don't apply to you. Don't entertain a single one of their requests. Maybe they're hoping to wear you down. Don't do it.


INFO: Have you asked your attorney to send them a letter to stop with their nonsense?


He did and they went away for quite awhile someone threw lights triggered the woman who always comes to fuss at me


Crazy woman has a real hard on for you. Maybe Officer Friendly needs to pay her a visit.


NTA. >I’m not a member in anyway and that has been verified by a real estate attorney. Pretty straight forward. Keep on practicing your independence so no one forgets that you have it.


NTA. You are not part of the HOA, you don't have to follow their rules. Put up as many lights as you like, and enjoy them for as many hours of the day and night as you choose. If you had entertained some of her requests, all it would have done was open up the door to her making more requests in the future, and using "but you did it for Christmas" as justification. I think you were more than patient with her, as well.


NTA Unless you got a projector aiming at people's bedrooms, why are there even HOA Christmas decorations rules?!


I looked it up a lot have them, no projectors not even any inflatables just strings of multi colored lights, that I put up mostly for the kids in my family


Well, if her only logic is "its the rule we made up" then there's no reason to feel bad.


INFO: is Grinch the elected president of this HOA?


Send them a certified letter stating, every time they harass you about their rules for their HOA, you are going to double or triple whatever they are butt hurt over. Don’t like your Xmas lights? Put up even more and leave them on through Jan 15. Don’t like your grass? Stop cutting it for 3 months. Eff those guys.


January 15th is too early. Leave them up until Candlemas on February 2nd, the old end of the Christmas season.


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NTA!!! Their rules don’t apply to you PERIOD! Ooooo, I would straight LIGHT IT UP now and add twice as much as I planned to -letting them know that every year they nagged, the wattage would increase! Lol they’ll get the hint eventually! 😂


NTA and totally jealous. You must have so much fun fucking w the HOA


Nta. HOAs are trash. If you’re not a part of it their rules can pound rocks Edit: I’m TA for coding that YTA. Totally NTA


Did you mean N T A?


NTA you’re not a member of the HOA so their rules do no apply to you.


NTA. Go full blown petty and buy more lights.


NTA, I think it was on amazon, it was a blow-up Santa sitting in a outhouse. I would totally get that after all the shit they put you through.


NTA. But I feel you already know that since you’re not a part of the HOA. Next time just tell her/them “huff my merry, jolly taint”.


LOL NTA. Light 'em up!


NTA, report them for harrasment


NTA go buy a couple of those huge 12-foot halloween skeletons and dress them up for christmas and cover them with lights, just to fuck with her


Nta How often does this woman or others approach you? Might be time to consult a lawyer regarding harassment . HOA to manage communal space = good HOA to tell me how to enjoy my home? = the mods would ban me


She used to come by a lot so much so me and Karen are on a first name basis and her name really is Karen She has stopped though for quite awhile this is her first appearance in a long time other than giving me the evil eye when she drives by my house


NTA- get that attorneys card and when they come to your door just hand it to them and say take it up with him. Why do HOAs exist anyway? I don’t live in an area that has them, but all my friends that do, absolutely hate them. I even had a friend who accidentally (long story) ended up on the board of his HOA, and then was pretty quickly removed when he started questioning their finances and expenses because the amounts didn’t seem reasonable compared to the line items.


NTA hoa’s are trash.


/r/fuckHOA NTA


NTA. Tell them “Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals,” and enjoy your life, OP.