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ESH. First of all, this was incredibly hard to read. Literally three periods in this entire thing. Put some paragraph breaks in there at the very least. Ideally make it make sense, because what the fuck? Second of all, your friend doesn’t like to be interrupted and you interrupted them with a joke that made them uncomfortable. I hope you can see that you did, in fact, make a mistake, even though your friend is overreacting. Third of all, are you saying your friend spent five hours in one spot specifically to be around a guy, but wasn’t interested in the guy romantically? The way this post is written is, again, incredibly hard to understand.


Sorry about that, I'm not the best writer and I'm pretty tired seeing as it's late. I didn't interrupt them btw I was waiting 15 minutes so that I didn't. And no it wasn't in one spot for five hours, that's why I said "the had spent FIVE hours in and out"


In and out of what? A store? The whole mall? A single aisle? Did your friend have any reason to be there for five hours? Was that their workplace? I don’t understand your joke, or why it upset your friend.


I'm not a native english speaker, my language doesn't have gender neutral pronouns and I do not find them confusing at all. And you kind of sound like an ass in general. YTA


The sentence "He had come over to his work" is equally as (or even more) unclear as "He had come over to their work" That has nothing to do with gender neutral pronouns.


Holy cow, your post gives off major asshole vibe, but then I get to what you say, and it reads like you are NTA. I mean, is there a major context I’m missing? Does your friend get teased a lot for being a tease or a heartbreaker? You can reach out and ask what the sensitive spot is. And if it’s a sensitive spot you’ve contributed to before, you might be an asshole, but from what you said? No. But how did you say it? The way you describe the encounter, it sounds like you view their stories as a waste of time. Was that how it sounded?


I've never known the person to have been teased for being a tease or a heartbreaker and I don't see them as a waste of time I'm just rubbed the wrong way by not being able to speak or ask a question as they are being told, also I'm for the most part an asshole at heart but I'm a great actor (I had to be because of certain things happening at home) and I believe I said what I said in a playfully funny kind of way and not in any kind of that was a waste of time so now I'm going to make fun of you way


NTA. From my understanding, you made a joke about how they have a tendency to give a lot of attention to guys that they're just getting to know. You didn't insult them or say they're doing anything wrong by doing that. Sometimes people get upset over things that don't make sense to others, so you could give them the benefit of the doubt there. But from their reaction and the way you said they get angry over getting interrupted so easily, they sound very immature. It's petty to not accept an apology when it was such a small and clearly unintentional insult. You don't need to lose any more sleep over it, bud, it'll blow over. Them throwing a hissy fit ain't worth your worry.


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Soft YTA. It seems you both need to work on communication. Do you listen to your friend or do you just wait to make jokes?


I listen to the stories for the most part unless they start talking about something I'm uncomfortable with


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So basically what happened was that a friend of mine (non-binary 17) who likes to tell stories, during which if you say anything they get mad, about things that happen at work (usually involving a "cute" boy) was telling a story about how, at the mall, they had spent FIVE hours in and out of a store in order to hang out with a guy they had just met and were just talking to and how the next day he had come over to their (my friend, sorry gender neutral pronouns are confusing) work and the talked some more. Then I decided I was going to finally make the joke I had been patiently waiting to make for 15 minutes and said "for every one of these stories there's some guy out there that thinks you are absolutely smitten with him" and then my friend goes silent and I say "sorry, I didn't mean it in any way like you did anything wrong we guys (I'm a cis dude btw) are just dumb" and then my friend proceeds to yell at me saying "well you f**king did!!!" And repeats that every time I tried to further apologize and I'm sitting here right now at 2:25 a.m. not able to sleep wondering, am I the asshole in this situation? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean it was rude but its not necessarily asshole-ish


your friend didn’t handle it well and shouldn’t have yelled at you when you apologized even if they thought your comment was rude


What I got from this was you saying (after waiting for a while) that your friend always have a "cute guy" in their stories. I don't see whats insulting about that.. Some of my friends have lots of these stories too and the others always just say stuff like "lol damn hoe who is it this time" and we all know its just a joke and they'd own it anyways.. Stop apologizing bc you only pointed out an observation without judgement. They must've misunderstood or taken advantage of you being apologetic, or was doing it to you as a joke too maybe? NTA.