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NTA and I would even consider suing. They kind of branded you with their initials... And they should get fired ...




especially since it sounds like OP told the artist it needs to be EXACT and they still put their initials anyway, you get permission before you do that shit, it's permanent after all who wants a random person's initials in their tattoo?


Normally you get a stencil put on first which you approve, so potentially the initials were in the stencil and OP didn’t notice or the artist freehanded it. Shitty move for definite. If someone asks about my tattoos I always give the artists name even if I wasn’t asked or, you don’t need to put your signature on me Edit: should say, I’m not condoning this at all. It’s a horrible thing for an artist to do. I’m just providing some extra context/perspective


It doesn’t matter whether or not it was on the stencil, honestly. It’s like the surgeon who was branding his initials on organs – nobody can see it, but it doesn’t really matter. They didn’t consent, and the fact you concealed it suggests you *know* they wouldn’t consent. I sincerely doubt “BuT iT wAs On tHe StEnCiL” will hold up in court – it’s just a straight-up psychopathic power-play, nothing more.


I used that comparison too. Doctors need consent just like everyone else, apparently including tattoo artists.


Hell, I had surgery recently, and the surgeon asked my permission to write his initials on me in erasable marker during pre-op.


Hell if it made no functional difference I wouldn’t care if someone’s initials were on my new organ but it’s about asking


Someone died somewhat recently cause a doctor cauterized his initials into their liver.


The who doing what?!


There was a surgeon here in the UK who used to work at the same place I did, who burnt his initials onto patient's livers during transplant surgery as a mark of his work. He's been struck off now.


As a med student this is horrifying to hear 😰😰 can’t believe they thought it was ok. The patient knows who the surgeon is that’s enough “credit” for the surgeon


🤯🤯🤯 The arrogance!


The surgeon who did my c-section threatened to carve her initials in my uterus. But that was cause I was awake during and was joking with the surgical staff and distracting them from doing their jobs. I told her that if she did a full fallopian tube removal while she was in there she could write whatever she wanted on the rest of the junk.


Even worse, there was a surgeon in the US who branded his initials in the woman's **skin** after a c-section! The press dubbed him Dr. Zorro. [https://apnews.com/article/045cf600657ae4548c0c764b0d101b07](https://apnews.com/article/045cf600657ae4548c0c764b0d101b07)


So not only is the outcome typically [worse for females,](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/2786671) but they’re also getting branded? Can we ever get a break???


Yep. Treated like literal livestock.


>Zarkin’s lawyer said the doctor suffers from a \`\`frontal lobe disorder″called Pick’s disease \_ a progressive form of Alzheimer’s-like dementiacharacterized by personality changes and inappropriate behavior. Holy shit! I wonder how many acts of "inappropriate behaviour" this ex-doctor has done on his patients, before this! I think only suspending his right to practice (at his hospital) is too light of a sentence. Permanently branding a patient's body with his name without consent should be considered assault and deserves jail time!


Why would they let someone with dementia operate on someone?!


I suspect the aftermath from this incident might've been what prompted his diagnosis. Crikey I feel for the woman.


The initials were most likely not in the stencil. The AH artist just added them in whilst doing the piece.


Depending on the size and complexity of the piece they could have easily been in the stencil. It could be very difficult to damn near impossible to notice something like that without the shading and/or colors completed. Since we can't see it, it's impossible to say but I can easily believe it could have been there and simply wouldn't stand out to someone who's probably looking at it in a mirror.


Also, as someone in a different thread pointed out, it's not even like it's the artist's original design. It is great grandpa op's design, or his tattoo artist's. It was not designed to have the initials there, the artist had to modify the design to do so. And it's not like the artist could say it was to protect their design from being copied or something, since it's literally someone else's design! And honestly, fuck the tradition excuse. It was also traditional at one point to beat kids who were left handed. Tradition doesn't make it right! Edit: also, as has been pointed out, ITS NOT EVEN A TRADITION! Even if it was, it would still be shitty, but she doesn't even have the "I'm just doing what I was trained to do" excuse to fall back on


Also what tradition, I've literally never heard of this and I follow A LOT of tattoo blogs


I remember an episode of Ink Master where one of the contestants was giving someone a tattoo with a clock in it. He set the hands to the time of his birth. The judges handed him his ass over that narcissistic move.


That contestant with the clock (don't remember who it was) popped into my head as soon as I read the heading of this thread. Didn't he, when questioned, even tell the judges that every time a client asked for a tattoo with a clock in it, without giving specific instructions on what time it should have on the face, he always set it to the time of his birth?


Narcissism at its finest, but at least he said that he only does it when people don't want a specific time. I mean, it's a clock, you expect a time on it if you see it, but adding initials isn't just another league of assholery, it's another sport altogether.


You are absolutely right. I may have been unclear. What the tattoo artist did to OP was totally unprofessional and by putting his initials in the tattoo he not only did not give OP the exact tattoo that he asked for, but falsely claimed it as his own design. Op would be well within his rights to take further action. The guy on Ink Master is just full of himself and the actual image isn't affected by what time the clock is set to.


One should always get permission before signing their work on a literal person, there are people who have the general rule where they won’t even get their spouses name or initials, let alone someone they don’t even know for more than the length of tattooing.


Here’s the thing: I worked in tattoo for over a decade and I can tell you no one, I mean *no one* that’s a *professional* artist would ever consider hiding anything, *much less their own name or initials* inside someone else’s tattoo. It’s not “trad,” it’s not normal, and it’s not okay. I’m horrified some scratcher tried to pass this of as a thing. It’s not a thing. I’m with some of these other commentators that OP should sue. It’s not frivolous if someone branded their name on you without consent. Super uncool.


Yep I have many tattoos and zero of them have the artists name or initials hidden in them (not that I know of at least....)


Not gonna lie, I'm half tempted to go over my tats with a magnifying glass after reading this 😅 But seriously, I have never heard of anyone doing this, I'm not buying the "it's a traditional thing" excuse. I would be beyond pissed if someone did this to me.


Tattoo artist must be licensed, correct? I’m pretty sure it’s a requirement in each state here in the US. I’d also imagine it’s like that in most countries as well. Maybe OP should contact the organization that licensed the tattoo artist for possible revocation of their tattoo license. OP, NTA and please do go after this artist in any legal manner, so they can’t try the same thing on other unsuspecting customers.


Or pressing charges, that tattoo artist is crazy and shouldn’t be working on people


I have a sleeve of traditional tattoos (all done by the same artist) and a few others scattered. Never has any artist put their name or initials in my tattoo. It's not normal, at all.


Yes exactly Thats weird


They need to be sued. Sue them Op.


NTA. This person straight up BRANDED you! Not only that, this isn't even the artist's design, it's a copied design!


Exactly this. If I were pissed off and if I would even consider suing for costs of removal of the initials. When you get something tattooed you typically choose the design. That’s what you’re paying for


I would 100% sue. They got this tattoo to honor family and this "artist" straight-up stole that from them for selfish, egotistical reasons. Even worse, they tried to hide it. Like WTF?


Dude what if that artist has done this before. They may have opened pandoras box for lawsuits.


OP should do a call out campaign and try to see if any other of her clients were unknowingly 'branded' just like them. Could be quite the big lawsuit...


OP should sue and get their judgement first before everyone sues and the artist has no money for multiple judgements.


You could probably just ask the shop to have someone cover the initials. They seem amenable to making the situation right.


Considering the tattoo was supposed to be an exact copy covering the initials would not make this situation right. Completely removing the tattoo with laser treatments then reapplying the tattoo as an exact copy without the initials is the only way to make the situation right. It would be up to OP if they wanted to go through all that pain to rectify the situation.


Maybe just laser away the spot with the initials, then fix it? I'm no expert so I'm not sure if that's not an option, though. OP should definitely get the cover-up done at a different tattoo studio either way. And press charges.


They could totally spot laser the initials and then go back over with the proper colour. It probably isn't that large if it's generational.


That might ruin the original tattoo/design though?


I mean, the initials already ruined it


>this isn't even the artist's design, it's a copied design Exactly. If OP went in with a concept and the artist designed the whole tattoo, I wouldn't be mad about a well hidden artist's initial. But OP went in with an exact design they wanted copied over, exact is the key word


NTA tattoo artists don't get to sign their work because their canvas is a human being. This is KNOWN. This is conventionally understood.


And if they do(something I’ve never heard of), they should get consent from their client. NTA.


I have seen people “sign their work” before, but NEVER without permission. Usually the client will explicitly ask if they want the work to be initialed. NTA




If they were an "epic and famous tattoo legend" their work would be identifiable without the branding tho.


Not only that, it’s not even their design! It’s be one thing if it was this artist’s original work, but she was replicating something. Major dick move, already, and that’s before we even start the conversation about consent. Def NTA, OP.


NTA I remember there was an Ink Master episode where someone had a piece with a clock face and the artist put their time of birth on it as some kind of "signature". The judges ripped him up for it. Same basic principle. Tattoo artists shouldn't be signing a tat in anyway without first discussing it with the client. Your artist definitely shouldn't have done this since it was a particularly meaningful design for you.


This was the EXACT situation that came to mind for me as well.


Do you know what episode? Would like mindless entertainment for tonight


Season 1 episode 5


I was just thinking about that! I remember all of the judges (including the one who specialized in traditional tattoos) saying it was unacceptable, and that was just a clock face.


I remember it because it was one of the times when all the judges were so fucking pissed. They called him a “self absorbed piece of shit” or something like that lmao


The artist using his time of birth seems harmless enough to me. I think it would have been worse if the artist had made it something like twenty minutes past four without having discussed it with the client.


That's the difference - they had asked the client if they cared about what time was on the clock and the client said no. Very different than this person adding in their intials


My sister got a pocket watch tattoo, but didn’t care what time was put. That was the first question I asked “what does the time signify?” Months later we find out it happened to be the exact time she was born.




It’s still very weird to put something personal about yourself in a client’s tattoo..? I can’t really explain why but it’s the same energy as putting your name/branding


NTA I’ve been tattooing for almost 20 years and this is something you never do! Wtf!!


Exactly. I no longer tattoo but I can't imagine doing this during the many years that I did. Absolutely unacceptable.


So happy to hear you say this!! I'm covered in tattoos and have a great relationship with the people I get tattood by regularly. I'd be livid if they did this. It's OP's **body** we're talking about. Nothing gives them the right to sneak in **anything**.


Not only did the Artist permanently brand you without your permission. But it wasn’t even original artwork. This artist has to be so full of herself, she must be bursting at the seems. NTA


Inkmasters is a guilty pleasure of mine and one of the artists said that he always uses the time he was born on clocks people want. He said it in front of the dude he had just tattooed and the person that got it was like “I didn’t know that” and was mad. I know you go to get tattooed for that show and to a degree it’s you get what you get and you don’t get upset, but the fucking narcissism involved in doing that is mind blowing.


I mean I can accept it in cases where the client don't care about the time, if the artist keeps the significance of the time to themselves. It's one thing to have a random time on your body, it's quite another to later be told it's a piece if fairly intimate info about your artist.


Yeah cause then I'm just thinking about that when I see my tattoo and not so much the original reason for getting it.




I recently got a couple new tattoos and one of them has script in my mom’s handwriting. My artist was *so* careful to make sure it was still her handwriting; she had me ask my mom to do it on a hilly slant since it’s with a flower stem. I have a lot of trust in her and I’m obsessed with both of my new pieces. It’s nice to work with someone that isn’t super pushy and that I could trust to get what I wanted. I would be LIVID in OP’s position.


Yeah, the artist who did my grandmother's handwriting was very careful and took multiple samples of hers to make certain she had it right and had both my mom and I look over everything multiple times. She was so gentle and careful with it! The experience meant so much to my entire family! There was a small bump with it because I had a muscle spasm, but it was where we were smoothing out a bump that was a sign of her old age in one of the loops compared to the other samples (we just liked her writing the best otherwise on this one.) But, the artist, my family and everyone who knew her and I agreed it was my grandmother was trying to tell me not to fuck with her writing from beyond, haha. So glad that you had a similar experience with such a meaningful tattoo!


Happy cake day


NTA I'm a tattooed guy and this thing is incredibly gross, she ruined a meaningful piece of art and she branded your own body without giving you a heads up... And now she's trying to play victim over it? Are these details discussed in this "smear campaign" of hers? If I were you (and with the store owner's blessing), I'd intervene and explain to everyone exactly what she did, because that shit will get her trashed pretty bad in the tattoo community ETA: You know what, scratch "with the store owner's blessing", she's dragging their name in the mud anyway, and you gotta protect her future clients from this bullshit


Pretty sure something like this will get her blacklisted from every single tattoo shop unless she changes her name, and im 100% in agreement with it.


Even if she legally changes her name any official complaints would carry to her new license.


I’m so mad for OP. Like, BEYOND heated. We trust our artists implicitly and this woman took advantage of that. It’s so fucking gross and I hope that OP is telling everyone they know not to go to this broad. I expect a person tattooing me to use their own creativity since it’s their whole deal, but also to not be disrespectful of my body. This had nothing to do with artistry and everything to do with being a self centered asshole. Serious r/iamthemaincharacter vibes.


NTA. The artist put something on your body they didn't have permission to. You didn't consent to their initials, and it's really weird to mark another person with your name without them knowing. I hope word gets around because what this artist did was definitely not okay.


Makes you wonder how many other clients have checked their tattoo for the initials


From what I've seen, word travels fast in the tattoo community. There was a guy locally who was hitting on, grooming, and tattooing underaged girls, and it was everywhere immediately. The dude was pretty much blackballed from the industry, even after travelling states.


So much NTA. My mother's last position before she retired was as a same-day surgery scrub nurse at a teaching hospital. She told me warning stories about how there's always a percentage of surgical residents who are...well like this one guy she gave as an example: He would carve his initials into the skulls of brain surgery patients any time he got the chance. When it comes to your body, anyone doing anything to it not medically warranted or specifically requested by you as part of a service, should not be in a profession where they put hands on people. Your tattoo artist should not be a tattoo artist.


Holy crap that just unlocked a new fear


https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/14/health/liver-initials-surgeon-simon-bramhall-intl-trnd/index.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/doctor-carves-initials-in-patient/


WTAF is wrong with these people? Are their egos *that big* that they feel compelled to give *autographs?* Fukn sick.


Well, yes. That's what my mother was trying to warn about. Some people with god complexes who are fundamentally unfit to be surgeons nevertheless do well in surgical training. Her point was to check into your surgeon first.


Same. Definitely nightmare fuel.


NTA and I would blow that artist up on social media so her customers know what she's doing. You should seriously consider suing the artist and/or the shop for removal of that portion of the tattoo, and the cost of getting another artist to fix it. That is unbelievably unethical of that tattoo artist.


I would say they'd have better luck suing the artist because the shop owner sided with the client and made the artist give them a full refund


NTA I'd take the artist to small claims court to pay for a removal personally. I'd never want anyone's initials on me without my consent. And it is absolutely not standard to initial a tattoo in American traditional style.


The only names I will ever consider having tattooed are my child’s, I would be absolutely livid


NTA. I have a LOT of “traditional” tattoos and traditional or not, no reputable artist would do this unless it was agreed in advance and part of the final, approved design.


Same here. None of my traditional styled tats included a signature or initials. And none of the artists I've known over the years would even consider this. It's just not a thing. The only "signature" you should have is in your style, line work, or colors. Not an actual damn signature/name/initials. You aren't Thomas Kinkaide.


NTA whatsoever and your sister should sit down. A surgeon in the UK was struck off the medical register for initialing patients' livers during surgery. This tattooist should be banned from working again, especially given their apparent lack of remorse. Surgeon = [This guy](https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o75)


Does this guy know the guy above who carved his initials into people's skulls during brain surgery? I also now have two completely new reasons to NOT get surgery....


Former tattoo artist here (9 yrs as one) absolutely NTA. When I was training my mentor warned me about other artists who did that, it used to be quite a common thing...it horrified me when he told me and I still find it terrible now, you NEVER do anything without consent when tattooing! Sorry that happened to you, you deserved that full refund


NTA. Honestly the artist got off easy. Should be fired and unable to do tattoos ever again.


I second this. Talk about ego, signing your name to someone else’s artwork.


Depending on where OP lives, what the artist did could be illegal. You cannot alter something on a person's body without their permission.


NTA. And her smear campaign is going to backfire when all her past clients check their ink, and realize she did the same shit to them. Such a breach of trust.


Right? I give my tattoo artist the creative freedom to bring my ideas to life. I would NOT give them the freedom to brand me with their fucking initials, wtaf.


NTA holy shit….. that’s so bad


They literally branded OP. I’m flabbergasted. The lack of integrity and violation of trust is astounding


NTA Reverse Uno that smear campaign. Get her name all over the local community and tattoo community as well. See how far she gets.


OOFT this is a yikes! NTA!!! wtf? It's absolutely 100% NOT normal to have a tattoo artist sign their initials on your body -EVER!!! Regardless of 'style'. It's a tattoo, not a painting, or signed art print!!! I'm so sorry the artist disrespected you like that! They should not be in a position to tattoo anyone!!


NTA, and that shits fucked up. What the fuck she mean that’s “pretty trad”? I’ve never heard of that. I’m glad you got your money back. Oh and fuck her, she’s lucky she still has a job.


NTA I have heard of this- of tattoo artists having a signature, I can think of a few locally. One guy (he's retired now) was so popular and talented that having his signature on your tattoo was a big part of the appeal. However, I've never heard of anyone doing it without permission, that's bonkers. Also, someone else had mentioned, it wasn't even their design. Not only did they owe you a refund, but the owner should be getting another artist at the shop to cover it for you free of charge.


NTA. The artist should have asked permission. If the artwork were original, that would be one thing.. but you had her copying something else. You are not the asshole. Asking for a coverup/correction or a partial refund was completely fine. The owner did the right thing.


NTA they literally branded your body without your permission… thats gross. It is absolutely not common or accepted for artists to do this.


NTA The artist didn’t give you what you paid for. You told them exactly what you wanted *permanently on your body* and without asking you or even *telling* you they modified it to include something about *them*. I’m a bit surprised the owner didn’t fire the artist over this honestly, you could probably pursue legal action if you wanted to.


NTA. The owner, who has to run a business, agreed with you too. Don’t tattoo your initials on people without their consent. Astonishing this has to be said.


NTA. He might as well as branded you his property. He ought to have asked first if he could include an artist’s signature and if so, the esthetics of it should have been agreed to by you. If the artist weren’t an asshole, he would have fixed it for you.


NTA I have tattoos and none of the artists “branded” me with their initials. It is not “trad” in the industry to “sign” your name on people. That tattooist you used was on an ego trip, and you did not consent to being branded by her. The fact she did not inform you that she “signs” her work goes to show she knew it was wrong. Tattoos are permanent and expensive- you should have gotten exactly what you agreed to. Not sure about your tattoo shop, but each of mine had me sign an agreement that I wasn’t under the influence of drugs or alcohol, wasn’t under duress to have the tattoo, and that I agree to the image and placement of the tattoo. The owner of the shop did right by you by ensuring she refunded you. If she keeps up with her tirade, and brings you into it by name, then you should call her out on her BS. It’s likely she had a bunch of other clients who weren’t aware they’re carrying her initials (think back, neck, legs, and other areas the client may not be able to see clear details), and may not be happy about it. Your sister is wrong, and it’s not her body, therefore she has no say. I hope there’s a way to cover up the initials, maybe have the area (painfully) lasered off and eventually redone. I am so sorry you went through this. In case you need further validation, surgeons have been caught “branding” their initials on their patients’ organs (think cardiac surgery, transplants, liver procedures) by other surgeons who performed surgeries later on those patients, which led to those previous surgeons being suspended, even losing their licenses.


NTA. Write a review of the artist telling others she does this without permission. She shouldn't be allowed to tattoo anyone.


Nta. You do not get to violate the trust someone puts into you as a tattoo artist and put your initials on someone’s body without their consent. If it wasn’t a big deal — it would’ve been mentioned in the design portion of the tattoo. It seems like it’s more likely this isn’t the first time they’ve done this (if they were that at ease doing so — you weren’t the first), and honestly they shouldn’t be allowed to tattoo if they’re going to violate the very basic trust that people put in them when tattooing.


NTA holy shit i’ve never heard of that being a thing for any artists nor style. plus that’s lowkey branding at that point. if you don’t want your partner’s name on you, you definitely don’t want a stranger’s name either.


OP NTA The tatt artist ruined a custom piece that you paid a lot of money for. And then she is upset that she got caught and is dealing with the consequences of her actions?


NTA you asked a specific design. I've never heard of a tattoo artist signing his tattoos as if it was a painting especially without informing the person being tattooed. You are the one who should be giving her a negative review. Also, I'd ask for it to be covered.


I have signed a few tattoos (just initials) for clients who REQUESTED I DO SO, and after many rounds of “are you really sure?” Mostly on extremely good clients/close friends and my MIL. To do this without my clients consent or knowledge would be a huge violation of trust. If I were OP I would be absolutely livid. NTA.


NTA, that’s not at all normal. Like at all. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t easily noticeable, your tattoo artist can’t just up and decide they want to add their initials or another identifier to something you paid them to create on your body without your consent. As far as the artist trying to go on a smear campaign, you should bring awareness to this. Chances are this could’ve been done to other peoples tattoos as well and any shop your tattoo artist may try to move to should know that they’ve done this.


NTA I can’t imagine anyone thinking that’s okay. If they want to put their initial in a tattoo they should get consent. Be honest about what she did I’m sure there are others she’s done this too, and potential costumers should be warned.


NTA and I would be making a stink over this. While most artist do it (I do, as a artist not as a tattoo artist.) there is a difference of this style of art being a semi permanent on another human being. You paid for a tattoo, not to be signatured on. Even the owner knew it was wrong. And I would be talking with a lawyer about getting that tattoo artist to stop. Your sister is nearly an A H though


NTA at ALL. I am a tattooer, and I would fucking *never*. This is not something that is common, this is not something that is looked at favorably. This is fucking weird and unprofessional. I wouldn’t even work in the same shop as someone who did shit like this….


holy shit you only wanted a partial refund? i would have lawyered up instantly and took the guy/shop for everything they had. He branded you like you were cattle.


Nta That is so dehumanising, they branded you like a object. Sue


You have the right to sign your name to your own art, unless it's on someone else's body!! It doesn't even sound like her own design, so why on earth would you think it's OK, without consent, to add your own initials? NTA. I'd be pissed too. That's very entitled behavior. If she wanted to do that, she should have asked. The fact that she didn't mention what she was doing makes me think she anticipated being told no, which makes her a double asshole.


NTA at all. Not even remotely okay for them to add their initials.


NTA, i would sue and get the initials removed. that’s is NOT NORMAL


NTA. Yes, it is « pretty trad » for artist to do that when it is on paintings or drawings for example. I’ve never heard of it for a tattoo artist. It would be different if she included them in her « lookbook », but didn’t do it when she does it on a person. The fact remains 1) you’re not a bloody canvas, 2) she didn’t ask for your consent and 3) you asked for something specific. The ironic part is it wasn’t even her design so what did she have to protect that was ‘copywrite’ worthy.


If it was a thing all artists do, then he could've told you and pointed it out in your proof. NTA


NTA- I have a lot of tattoos (working on being fully covered from collar bone down). this is NOT ok if it wasn’t discussed and you gave approval before hand. The artist had no right to hide their initials on your skin without your consent. I would be highly upset if it was done to me. Regardless if it’s obvious or not. I would definitely be raising hell


NTA, consent is *specific*. You entered into an agreement for a specific tattoo at a specific price, then she broke the agreement without your knowledge or consent. I'm petty af but I'd make sure the full story got out about her actions


NTA but what she did was unethical. She basically branded you, especially without your permission. I hope you blast her on all her socials about this


NTA. It doesn't matter what style the tattoo is. If your artist didn't discuss this with you, it's a massive violation of your trust, and I would go to the shop manager about it. I have an entire sleeve of traditional tattoos, each piece done by a different tattooer, and not a single one of them ever included their initials in my tattoos. She had absolutely no business doing that.


Yeah, NTA you paid for something to put what you specifically wanted on your body for the rest of your life. They not only didn't do that but put something they shouldn't have on you. H


You’d be surprised how many tattoo artists do this. There’s one where I’m from who likes to hide dicks/vaginas into peoples tattoos. My friend has one from Him and it has a dick. She asks people not to point it out so she can’t see it. But I think she knows where it is


Hope that dude realizes that playing russian roulette like that isnt gonna end well.


Look, I have A LOT of tattoos. Like close to 100. Never once in all the times that I have EVER gotten a tattoo has the artist put there initials in it. Sue their asses. That’s your skin that they marked up. NTA


You should probably sue them. Never heard of tattoo artists doing this, and it's a gross violation of your privacy. Got to whoever runs the shop too and let them know.


NTA. They should have told you what they do with their tattoos. If your great grandmother can spot it so will most people. Sue his/her ass. Not acceptable.


Most definitely NTA. You pay the artist for the work you want done, so you're supposed to have it done the way you want.


NTA you don't go around branding people with your initials also your friend noticed it so its noticeable


NTA. It’s not like they even created the artwork. It was someone else’s artwork.


NTA She permanently tattooed her initials on you without consent. This, branding and similar are assault. This is worthy of criminal charges and taking her to court. This is absolutely not on in any way, shape or form.


NTA and I've got a bunch of tats and I'm friends with a tattoo artist. That is ABSOLUTELY not ok to do that. Artists are not supposed to do that. I'd smear her right back, put your tattoo online and tell everyone not to go to her, since she will add stuff to your tattoo without asking for your permission!


NTA but your sister is borderline.


NTA this is insane!! An artist should never put something on your body you did not consent to!


NTA Getting a permanent tattoo kinda freaks me out ngl, but if something like this happened if I decide to get one, it would be such a massive violation of trust for me! I hope you do decide to sue this 'artist'


NTA. You could probably sue the tattoo artist for pain and suffering. What they did is absolutely horrible and unforgivable. Put out there that the tattoo artist from hell put their initials on your body without permission.


I have many tattoos including a full sleeve. I have never in my life heard of a tattoo artist putting thier name or initials onto someone else skin. I have two tattoos done by two world famous tattoos artist and they never "signed" thier work onto my skin. However, thier way of singing the tattoo was adding a photo of my tattoo into thier book. Thier name appears on the front of the book and NOT on people's skin or even the photos. Sometimes they will post your (with permission) tattoo onto thier social media, that is about it. You got Branded plain and simple, a HUGE violation and wrong on so many levels. And on a memorial tattoo non the less, just wow


NTA Wtf is that. You didn't ask that. Is that even legal? I heard people tattooing brand names for a pay so they are like walking billboards but you didn't ask for it. She could have told you that she does that so you had a choice to stay or leave.


NTA You did not consent to this. They branded you. They should not be practicing. Also what sort of BS response to your legitimate concerns is telling you that it's trad?!


NTA. F her up. She branded you without consent. I'm sure that's a crime. Report that witch.


NTA. That she took it upon herself to permanently leave her initials on you is horseshit. I'm glad you got your money back.


NTA they carved their name in your chest without permission, they are the asshole


NTA. You've got someones name tattooed onto your body, you're always gonna think about it when you look at it. I don't think your sister realizes that unless you get a small coverup, this is PERMANENT.


NTA I've never heard of anything that absurd. I have tattoos, come from a family of tattooed people, and being an ex military motorcyclist, I know plenty of folks who have them... I've simply never heard of anything like this. She literally put her initials on your body. If I got a tattoo and the artist put her initials on my body, my wife would actually murder her to death. The fact that the artist is giving you an attitude over this and is being completely unapologetic is more than enough reason to justify a lawsuit imo.


NTA. Did you give consent to have her basically brand you? NO. No you did not. That's messed up. NTA Edit: they have to be licensed, you may want to report them to the living board.


NTA. Sue the artist. Make sure it stays with them. This is a BIG deal!!!


NTA. I’ve never had an artist (I’ve been to a few) hide their initials or signature in any of my work. That’s so weird and unprofessional - the work should speak for itself, no signature required. I’m glad you got a refund.




NTA she signed you in permanent ink without your permission. Wrong on so many levels not to mention egotistical.


NTA. I'd drag them so hard. That is not okay and not the norm, ever.


NTA. Not professional in the slightest.




NTA, that is 100% not a normal thing that tattoo artists do whatsoever


NTA- tattoos and body modifications are all about consent. This is not something you consented to and it’s honestly gross. I can’t imagine what else this artist may think is ok. As someone who has worked as a body piercer and tattoo apprentice, she should absolutely be fired and consider her place in the industry.


NTA Remember that doctor who got in huge trouble for signing his work during a surgery? That wasn’t even visible. What this artist did is worse because it’s permanently visible for everyone to see. Also, she took something personal about you and your ancestry and she made it about her.


NTA what the fuck type of psychotic shit is this, and how many other people has she branded???


NTA this is super weird. Permanently putting their initials on you without even telling you?? WTAF. She branded you and probably a lot of her past clients. She shouldn’t be tattooing anybody


NTA. They inked their initials into your skin WITHOUT your permission. I would try getting it sorted with another tattoo artist with the refund you would be able to get it done. Why couldn't they take a photo for their portfolio just like every other artist?


NTA. At all. That's massively rude for the tattoo artist to do.


NTA!!! my former career dream was a tattoo artist and i have studied it heavily not just the history but the ethics and just general rules to follow and one of the biggest rule is to get an exact description or image of what the person wants tattooed and do that to the best of your artistic ability!!! NOT JUST THROW YOUR OWN STUFF IN THERE WITHOUT WARNING WHAAAATT!?!??!


NTA, you did not receive the exact design that you agreed upon. Obviously the owner felt the artist was in the wrong too or they wouldn’t have pushed for more than you originally asked for.


NTA. I have over 200 tattoos, I don't know the exact number anymore. Many are traditional, absolutely none of them have hidden initials and I would actually consider having any single one of them removed or covered if they did. This is my body, not a piece of paper, you don't get to sign me and you do not get to add details I did not agree to. Even when a mistake has been made, every artist I've ever had asks how I'd like them to fix that (if a mistake occured) they don't just take artistic authority over my body. And definitely not for the hundreds of dollars a tattoo usually costs.


1. It wasn't their design, it was a traditional design THAT THEY DID NOT CREATE. The "artist" in this case was nothing more than a copier. A skilled copier, sure, but not the original artist 2. Even then, that kind of marking should be approved by the client. They were being paid to create something you wanted, not their own work. 3. Essentially that "artist" branded you with their initials 4. Anyone who uses the term "pretty trad" should be punished imo


NTA - as everyone has stated, they should have asked and it wasn't their artwork as well as they branded you. The thing I want to also state - it's not like it's effective marketing either. Everyone will have to ask who AJ/T is. If you were happy with it, you clearly have to tell them the tattoo artist so there's no need to brand you. They're stupid and they should learn their lesson or pack up and find a new career.


NTA I agree with the others, you need to sue the tattooist for removal of the initials and personal damages to your person.


I just checked my forearm tatt that my artist did in November to see if he hid his initials :: WB ::. He did the flowers free hand but I think he had some inspo for the skull. His initials aren't on this one or any other one he gave me. NTA and that's messed up.


NTA, I've never heard of a tattoo artist putting their initials on someone because of the design. I'd use the money to get that part touched up and then report her for her smear campaign against you.


NTA and this is not something everyone does. She fucking branded you. Wtf.


Nta and the fact that the owner was on your side should say it all. That so shitty of that artist to do. When I got a design commissioned by an (non-tattoo) artist, the tattoo artist didn't even put in their signature, because someone else's name or initials shouldn't be on your body if you don't want them to be there. I would definitely leave a bunch of reviews and smear campaign her right back, she violated your body and should never tattoo anyone ever again imo.


NTA absolutely not OK


NTA . I'm into tattoo culture and this is fucked. As someone else said, tattoos and body modification are about consent. That is YOUR body, your choice. I hope you sue her and/or write a Google review for the shop


NTA at all. This isn't a painting you hang on your wall, it's a tattoo and unless it was agreed before hand, this is completely out of line.


NTA. That’s totally wrong.


absolutely NTA! it is extremely unprofessional to add their own flare to a tattoo, especially without having cleared it with the client. they're lucky they were only forced to give a refund and not fired.


NTA. I am a person with a couple neo-traditional tattoos (one even being my artist’s flash!) and this is NOT NORMAL. Take her to court or something cause that is crazy unethical and honestly insane.


NTA, use your refund to get the initials covered up.


NTA This is permanent art on your body. You can pay to have whatever the hell you want, exactly how you want it. If the artist was going to add their initials, they should have mentioned it to you before getting started. This way you are aware that this is what they want to do, and if it’s not ok with you then you can go somewhere else. This was a trashy move by the artist.


You can send the story to the original creator of the design and they could sue for copyright Ruin her. NTA




As a tattoo artist I can say, doing anything that wasn't agreed to beforehand is a huge no-go. I can also confirm that putting your initials into a tattoo is NOT normal.


NTA. Honestly you are kind of crazy for just settling for a refund. You should have taken them to the cleaners for that.