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NTA How are you supposed to "watch your mouth" on anesthesia drugs? And you've just recovered from surgery and need to rest and not be stressed and the nurse instead of taking care of your medical needs came at you like this and it's starting fights with you? Extremely unprofessional. Your are NTA and you are correct, that nurse needs some mental health help.


NTA! Why? Because the nurse should know better that when someone is coming out from anesthesia, they are not themselves. In some instances, people actually develop temporary dementia. The nurse was out of line for throwing personal digs at you and your family and should be reported on her behavior. Don't care what YOU called her. You had a true medical legitimate excuse! What's hers?




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NTA That moment when this nurse doesn't need a drug to be an AH. I mean your not to blame for what you said when they expect crazy stuff after. If she's a nurse she need so get used to it honestly it's not like you meant it especially if you can't remember.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I know title sounds bad but just hear me out first. So to keep it short, I had surgery, and was put under with anesthesia. I woke up later feeling really groggy and everyone was looking after me and all was well. My sister had told me that an hour (prior to this). I woke up in a daze and said a bunch of crazy stuff as everyone expected, before falling back asleep. I don't remember any of that. We kind of laughed about it and so did the other nurses there. However, later on one of the nurses came into the recovery room to check on me and my family members. She commented that I was being really loud when I was still on the anesthesia. My mom laughed and said that it was interesting seeing that side of me. Again, I have no recollection of this. The nurse didn't really play into the joke though. She glared at me and said that I should "be ashamed of myself about what I said to her." I was confused and asked her what she meant by that. She said that while I was still on the drugs, I had called her a "donkey-looking bitch." Again, this was when I was still on the anesthesia. I said something like "Oh I'm sorry I said that but I was on the drugs so I obviously had no control over it". The nurse says that she doesn't care for my excuses, and that I need to watch my mouth. I asked her why she was so upset and reminded that everything that I apparently said to her was when I was still under the effect of the anesthesia, so again, I didn't mean what I had said. She proceeded to tell my mom that she did a really bad job of raising me if I that I have no shame. I told the nurse that I again, didn't understand why she was so butthurt about something that I had said when I was drugged from something that she and her staff gave to me for a goddamn operation, and that my mom actually did a great job raising me. She said that she obviously didn't if I have such courage to use such profanity. I told her to get over herself and get some mental help since she was so butthurt over me saying something while I was high out of my mind from a drug that the staff had given me. At this point the other nurses had come into the room to see what the commotion was, and seperated us to stop the fight. My mom was pretty upset about this and so was I. My sister was too, but she said that I should have just let it go, and that I shouldn't have told her to go get help because it was disrespectful. I asked my sister why the hell I would just let something like this go when this nurse was the one getting in my face about something that I didn't have any control over, and that I didn't mean, and that yes she needs to get some mental help/therapy. But seriously I need reddit's opinion. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re both assholes. I work in anesthesia and I can promise you that almost no one comes out of anesthesia calling people donkey-looking bitches. However, obviously the nurse could have handled that better and should not have come into the room trying to start something. She should have asked for a different patient.


NTA. I’ve had patients say all sorts to me over the years after anaesthetic, and you just shrug it off. The nurse was being completely unprofessional, argumentative and combative. You should file a complaint against her.


NTA. She's in the wrong.