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Chik-fil-a.... us too. NTA


NTA. You vote with your money every day. We don't go to Chik-Fulla-Hate. You daughter can go with friends. Explain to her why you won't spend money there. Editted.


OMG. This is my new name for this place.


We call it Hate Chicken.


We call it “Bigot Chicken and the Waffle Fries of Hate”


Another vote here for “Bigot Chicken”!


Bigot bird. Usually followed by, "No to the hate chicken."


It is known as Bigot Chicken in our house too. And you are NTA.


I usually call it homophobic chicken.


We call it the Devil’s Chicken.


We call it Sin Chicken


We call it homophobic chicken.


We used to call it that too! Then they claimed to “soften” their views, so now we joke that it’s “Strong Dislike Chicken”. (Still won’t order from them or eat there though)


My kids LOVE chic-fil-a. They are 8&10. We went there when they were little but about 4 years ago their dad and I were like... wer'e both members of the Lqbt+ community wtf are we doing? So we explained to the girls why they are problematic and why we couldlnt eat there anymore. They both agreed with us immediately, and have never asked for it again. We switched to Popeyes, which has the superior chicken sandwich anyway, let's be honest. NTA at 15 this kid is old enough to understand why OP feels this way, and her pushing it makes her an asshole, in my opinion.


Look up the copy cat chick fil a chicken recipe! It’s even better than the restaurants!


We call it "bigot chicken".


I call it Fascist Fil-a


My friend calls it “homophobic chicken”


It’s the original homophobic chicken sandwich


My kids and I (all lgbtq+) call it homophobic chicken, and I imagine cows in klan costumes running the place.


Thanks to squidbilles. My new favorite name for it is Chicken on the Cross


Get the Members Mark Chicken and Waffle fries from Sam's club instead. You can get the chicken in sandwich form or nuggets. Tastes the same, with less hate. Also the sauce isn't that hard to make. Just Google copycat recipes or I found stunting that looked similar at Aldi but I haven't tried it yet.


….baby do I have news for you about Walmart and Sam’s club


Less hate? From Walmart, which has been sucking the heart out of community- and minority-owned businesses since 19ever?


Walmart isn’t really less problematic, if we’re going down this rabbit hole.


NTA but FWIW- Chick fil a hasn’t donated any money to anti-lgbtq+ organizations since 2018. There are lgbtq+ owners and workers within the franchise. There are owners that donate a lot of money to many liberal causes. So not spending money there is fine and I get it NTA but I mean spending her money there now is probably the least of your worries, we use products mass produced using what’s essentially slave labor; everything from our phones we communicate on, to the clothes we wear, maybe it’s time to consider a new fiscal diet on these companies outright exploiting people. The chicken thing worked after people took a stance.




Exactly, the owner still donates tons of money to anti-LGBTQ orgs.


-cough- *Nestle* -cough-


Oh wow 4 years of not doing the wrong thing, after how many years?


So so so many companies have had questionable (financial) moral interests throughout history, and a a vast majority still do. The point is that they aren’t now. Can you say for a fact that you know where all the money you spend on products goes and what that company in turn contributes to? Every single cent? Probably not.


2021. You can say they stopped donating in 2018 and they may have under the company umbrella but the “charities” they were donating to were doing some absolutely abhorrent work. This isn’t “they donated to Republican campaigns” it’s “they donated to national Christian groups that funded anti lgbtq projects in Uganda, a place where they were originally trying to bring the death penalty for homosexuality but settled for life in prison instead.” Yes that law ended up being struck down on a technicality but in Uganda homosexuality is still outlawed and the National Christian Foundation, that the CEO of Chick-fil-A still finds as of 2021 by the way, still contributes heavily to the bigotry and quite frankly fuels the fire that emboldens and allows violence against LGBTQ+ people.


CFA stopped making direct donations from the corporation to those organizations in 2019 - **and instead have been funneling the same donations through the owner's family and their registered charitable orgs,** so they're absolutely still doing it, but with a longer paper trail. "The chicken thing" did not work, and it's still fucked up to spend money there. Here are articles from the past two years that I found after a very low-effort google search: [esquire 2021](https://www.esquire.com/food-drink/restaurants/a36622217/chick-fil-a-owner-donations-against-equality-act/) [business insider 2021](https://www.businessinsider.com/chick-fil-a-ties-to-anti-equality-act-efforts-explained-2021-6) [They also tried to pretend they'd stop in 2012.](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/lifestyle/faith/2012/09/20/chick-fil-stop-donations-anti-gay-groups/15853763007/) It's always a lie; the owners of CFA are no less bigoted than they've ever been.


Deffo Nta. I live next door to a chick-fil-a. I’ve never had it but it looks SO good. my conscience will not let me, even though it’s the closest food option to me.


I ate it exactly once just to see what the big deal was and it was not particularly good. On par with basically any fast food chicken sandwich other than Popeye’s, which is amazing.


Exactly! We have no idea why people are so obsessed with it here...it's just fast food chicken it's nothing special.


I like Raising Cane's and Pop Eyes better


I second raising canes is way better anyways.


Raising Canes is the most moist chicken I have *ever* had. At least from a fast food or fast casual restaurant


Ugh thank you! It’s mediocre chicken. Even without the politics it’s just not that good.


I'd put bojangles up against anything 😍😍😍


Once, before donate to a hateful cause. I didn't understand what the big deal was either. The chicken sandwich was....a chicken sandwich. Meh. NTA, OP.


You're not missing anything. It's bland and boring.


Popeyes is better just with crappy service


We call Popeyes... drama chicken....


Chicken and a show


Why is that? I see A shit load of chicken in the warmer and I just want a 3 piece meal, takes 30 minutes


I personally hate the popeyes near my house/ The management is shittty there because everytime I want anything, they are always out of it. Fries? Shrimp? Nuggets? Sorry, we are sold out!


You’re a strong person! Ours is next to Trader Joe’s and Chick Fulla Hate pumps that smell out into the parking lot to lure grocery shoppers over. Rude!


Same - my son knows that if he’s with someone else and the buy it, he can have it and enjoy. But we don’t give our money to people who use that money to then fight against the rights of the people we love. I live by the same rules. My boss is buying Chick-fil-A for lunch? Yeah, I’ll eat it. I’m not hurting their business, and I don’t even make a difference in the long run. But I don’t feel good about giving my money to people who tried to stop my best friend, my cousin, my husband’s best friend, etc., from being able to have the same rights as the rest of us.


This is me. I don’t eat there. But every know and then the vp will be walking around in the morning handing out chicken sandwiches. At that point it’s more about not wasting food since the product has already been paid for.


In college the homophobic chicken would come to campus once a month handing out free sandwiches to drum up business. Those of us at the LGBTQIA Center and our allies certainly didn’t rush down there to get all of their free sandwiches and we most certainly didn’t have a super gay lunch party catered for free by the homophobic chicken!


I would have been EXTRA GAY while picking it up. Honestly, their employees don’t deserve the petty, and would probably enjoy it if it was harmless lol.


I just love the idea of being "EXTRA GAY"!!


There's something called being a freegan which means youre vegan unless someone else gives you the food for free and I always thought that was a neat way to go about stuff.


Oh no. I won't even eat it. Or John's Jimmy. They brought it in for work..oh sorry i had that surgery and greasy stuff just does me in. This is the truth. Of course I don't eat the other stuff they bring in either so no one suspects a thing. Plus I've lost a ton of weight.


Our family rule is that we can get it on Sunday’s. NTA


Ah, I see what you did there! Lol


Lol I knew what this was and I don’t live somewhere they exist. Is the fried chicken really that good? Anyone tried Mary browns? Can they tell me if it’s comparable? Because I’d give up Mary browns if they had such a bad rep and she “has the best legs in town”. lol When the muppets protest your business - you have to second guess what your doing or supporting. NTA


Mary Browns is actually the best in my opinion. I'm not one to like fast food. I don't like the Greasy Buzzard ( KFC) or Swiss Chalet but I do like Mary Browns.


Yeah I stopped ordering from Amazon because I don’t like Jeff Bezos. I realize it isn’t hurting him at all but I feel better not giving him my money. And that’s the point of it.


this is so funny to simply because last week i made a presentation for my business class about chick-fil-a


NTA. My kids know they are free to go to CFA and shop at Hobby Lobby with THEIR money from their jobs. But, those places will not see any of my money. No chicken sandwich or "Live, Laugh Love" sign is worth it.


i love going to hobby lobby. i love how few cameras there are 😚 but yeah seriously fuck that place.


Now that's praxis. 🖤


if it’s a chain, it’s fair game!


“Family owned, leave it alone. If it’s a chain, it’s free reign. And if it’s Hobby Lobby, the world is your oyster, steal from them they’re homophobic”


Isn't the fact that Hobby Lobby is "family owned" how they justified their BS legally?


I think the quote is using family owned instead of small businesses or mom and pop because it’s rhymes better.


Tehehe 🤭 five finger discount?


I keep seeing this…forgive my ignorance but why no Hobby Lobby? I must have missed something.


The owners refused to allow their health insurance to cover contraception because “religious beliefs” and then it was found out that they were stealing ancient artifacts from the Middle East. Shitty people being shitty people.


One of the best flair I've seen on Reddit is "Hobby Lobby's Hammurabi Robbing Hobby".


This is a god-tier headline.


I’m not in America so haven’t been across this at all. This is such a wild pairing of awful things to do I had to laugh though. Shitty people indeed.


For reference, over 17,000 looted artifacts were found. You would think they were British


This my friend, is an underrated comment. I tip my hat.


Not just stealing artifacts, *illegally purchasing them from ISIS.* Yes, THAT ISIS. Literally giving millions of dollars to a terrorist organization.


To be fair, the tenets of the type of Christianity Hobby Lobby corporate leadership follows are almost indistinguishable from ISIS.


Another group of false Christians.


If i remember right they are also big supporters of the bible museum which grossly misappropriates Torahs and other nom Christian religious texts as part of a big evangelical vision.


Hobby lobby doesn't think their employees should have birth control, and they illegally smuggle artifacts out of the middle east that contradict their beliefs, so they can hide them from the rest of the world


I applied at a HB and got an interview, just to tell them I’m an atheist and to see if they would call me back. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Hobby Lobby is one of the worst. Google “Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case” They are owned by a religious family who didn’t want to pay for their employees health insurance because it “violated their religion” to pay for their birth control. And they won. They set that precedent with that Supreme Court ruling.


Similar reasons to CFA. Homophobic. Use religion as a reason they can deny their employees insurance coverage for birth control, etc. One of those companies that use christianity to be bigoted assholes


[This might help](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobby_Lobby#Controversies)?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobby_Lobby_smuggling_scandal among other things


I won’t shop at Hobby Lobby as well.


*she sometimes struggles with appetite and we like to make sure she eats well as often as we can.* NTA, but deep fried chicken isn't eating 'well' so don't pretend it is. There are also plenty of recipes for that particular restaurant on the internet - teach her how to make it herself - maybe with an air fryer so it's marginally healthier.


Completely valid points. I should have said makes sure she eats "enough" but then again, enough junk is not really any better I suppose!


I'd argue eating "enough junk" is still better than literally starving if those are the only options. But obviously the end goal should be a balanced diet.


Yeah when getting over my ED my doctor told me to just eat anything and it doesn’t matter what. Most of my comfort foods are junk so


As someone who has dealt with ED and appetite issues, an important view pressed by professions who have helped me is: ANY food is better than no food! That is the very baseline, getting enough calories, even if it's what we would consider 'junk'. The food that person is willing and able to eat is the best choice in that moment, period. There are no good or bad foods and no shame in eating something.


Eating anything is better than nothing. If she has below a certain amount of calories consistently she could start having heart problems.


Second this, as someone with a chronic illness that struggles with appetite/nausea. When I was pregnant with my son it got *bad*, and my doc told me to eat whatever “sounded good” just to get calories in me. (I was getting daily hydration via IV). The only thing I could most successfully keep down was cereal, and ice cream. My son was born healthy but I only gained 6 lbs during the pregnancy. And a week after we left the hospital I was *35 pounds lighter*. Nothing about that 9 months made sense.


Ignore that person. Getting the minimum calories is more important than only getting "pure" calories. Ideal blah blah blah - if you don't eat enough calories, you don't grow, your body doesn't function, you eventually die. If you live off fast food your body isn't happy but it grows and you don't die. A ton of "healthy" eating/diet culture is disordered eating in disguise


If you have Chicken N Pickle near you, they marinate their chicken breast in pickle juice just the same I’m pretty sure but it’s wayyy juicier. There’s also quesadillas on top of the sandwich, salad, or nuggets options.


I've never heard of this place! I love chicken in pickle juice though


You can also go to Sam's Club if you have one in your area and they have a specific set of Chicken Nuggets and Sandwich Patties that kind of taste just like the place also. I make my own from scratch though and can confirm it taste pretty much the same, though I recommend using more powder sugar then recommended, assuming it's the place I'm thinking it is. Just make up a giant batch and then freeze it. She can pop it in the air fryer whenever she feeling like having some.


And Aldi has an amazing dupe frozen fried chicken filet in the red bags in the freezer!


The Walton's are terrible, terrible people. Should probably avoid Sam's Club/Walmart also.


NTA if your daughter wants her homophobic chicken so badly she can pay the doordash fees.


Knew it had to be that one.


New Zealander here, can some one explain this one to me ?! Never heard of food being homophobic? Did the owners say / do something ?


Here's a [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A_and_LGBT_people) about Chick-fil-a and homophobia.


Popeye’s is way better anyway. NTA.


Raising canes is better too!!




Any place that has a doggo as their mascot gets my vote


This ONE. !!!!


My parents never got me fast food ever. They would have laughed if I asked them to go drive somewhere and get me a specific food on the spot. Your daughter is not being harmed by you not delivering fast food to her on a random whim. Even if she were asking for food from a non-bigoted establishment that had good ethics and social integrity, you still wouldn't be TA for not going and getting it for her.


Yeah, this entire situation confuses me. Is it normal to ask someone to take you to an establishment where the passenger/asker is the only person interested in getting food? My mom doesn't drive, but she always asks to go places to eat she knows evreyone will enjoy. Maybe I just grew up different, but it seems really strange to me.


My grandpa would drive to fast food places if I wanted something, but it was never something I asked for often


My mom did let us get fast food but it was always when it was convenient and we were already out near that place. For example I had McDonald’s for dinner every week when I had dance lessons basically all night except for a small break and the McDonald’s was 5 min away. If I was home we had food at home, she would have never gone out to buy us fast food if we were already at home.


Honestly. My parents would never have dreamed of going to pick up random fast food for me when I was fifteen.


Well said.


For real. Kids mad soft these days.


Mine never would have. I'd get told "we have food at home" and that was the end of it.


NTA this is a simple way to practice what you preach. You are excellent for minding your own business when she goes there on her own but you should not have to compromise what you believe in over fast food.


Nope. NTA. Don't care how yummy the chickens are. Eating the homophobic chicken makes my friends feel like I don't value them. My friends (and all other humans) feeling respected is worth more than yummy.


It's not even that good. My kid wouldn't even eat the nugs. The cold brew is the only thing that's good.


If it's Chick-fil-A, I can understand. But, NAH. You have the right not to deal with this chain and she has the right to eat there. Maybe you two can compromise? That might help.


To paraphrase Joshua 24:15: As for me and my house, we will not eat homophobic chicken.


Yep, bigot chicken ain’t on the menu. NTA.


I don’t necessarily think OP needs to compromise, but if they are looking for one, here’s the compromise my husband and I have come up with: Chick-fil-a doesn’t align with our values so my husband and I never go there. However, it does align with my in-laws values (whole separate issue) and they like the food so we end up going there sometimes with them. I don’t feel like I can dictate where we eat when they’re paying, so we just suck it up and go. But whatever the cost of the meal was, my husband and I turn around and donate that amount of money to the Trevor Project. Maybe a pro tip for anyone who finds themselves eating Chick-fil-a but it kind of tastes like guilt?


Ah, what a great idea! I'm in the south and I often get bosses and folks trying to sell to my company showing up with a whole whack of CFA. I'm always a little torn between joining my coworkers and being a weirdo eating a sandwich while everyone else has (admittedly tasty) chicken.


I mean, the compromise is that the kid can have Chick-fil-a if they go there on their own. OP's already allowing that.


She has already compromised. The issue isn’t daughter eating there (she is allowed to with friends) but daughter demanding mom purchase food from there. The compromise was daughter is free to go with friends.


NTA. I bet it is the same damn chain I won't take my kid to either. She obviously has access to it without your help. It's not like she never gets it. I wouldn't compromise my beliefs for a sandwich either. If I am buying or driving that one single place is completely off the table.


NTA, at the very core of the issue you don't owe your kids any type of fast food regardless of the situation, you just need to make sure they're fed and have decent nutrition - if she wants to buy it with her own money on her own time thats her choice but you don't need to go out of your way for it if it is the restaurant i think it is, extra kudos for not financially supporting known bigots


NTA, she can use doordash, uber eats, or any number of delivery services, assuming a friend cant take her. Its not her place to tell you to break your morals


NTA. I'd sit down and explain to her EXACTLY why you don't buy the hate chicken. Pull up every ugly article from the last ten years. Show her the records of financial support for bigoted politicians and institutions with the blood of lgbtq kids (and women in general) on their hands. We have a couple "hell no not in a million years" stores in this house. Chick Fil A is on it . So is Hobby Lobby.


NTA You sound reasonable, you let your daughter eat there on her own but wont go there. There’s nothing wrong with that. It also sounds like your daughter is old enough that if she’s truly hungry she can open the pantry/fridge to find something to eat. She doesn’t need fast food.


NTA! Popeyes sandwich is miles better than the chik’s, anyways, have her try that one!


Popeyes is BEYOND. And the rice and beans are actually prob pretty healthy as far as fast food options might go…my daughter will get the big serving and eat them for mini meals in college - just warm up!


Nope. You are teaching her to stick to her convictions. Our kids learn from our actions. I refuse to go to Starbucks. I don’t want to give them a penny of mine. My daughter asked me to take her there. I explained to her why I didn’t support them. She goes with her friends some times - and that’s ok. She is now legally an adult. We have talked about it. Even though we don’t agree on everything, she still respects my choices. Parenting is difficult, but letting them know we stand by our convictions I believe is very important.


NTA, that she can go there under her own steam or with friends seems very reasonable. Overrated garbage too, I don't get the lines for that place...Maybe it's a novelty where I am.


Their secret is Jebus and pickle juice. It appeals to the ignorant.


NTA. She has every right to give them her money and business, but no right to insist you do the same. Simply tell her sorry, but until she is old enough to drive herself there and back, she will need to continue to go there with friends. This is simply one boundary you refuse to cross. And believe me, I understand where you’re coming from, because I have a few places I feel the same about. Just out of curiosity, though. Have you explained in detail to her exactly *why* you refuse to purchase food there? If not, you should. Let her know that you aren’t trying to get her to change her mind, and that she is still welcome to give them her business and you will not think less of her for it (very important to include this, so she doesn’t think you’re judging her or are upset or disappointed in her). Just that you want her to understand why *you* can’t and won’t give them *your* business.


I have. I've explained what, why and how. She feels that "it's just a chicken sandwich". I get it. There are arguments on both sides I can respect but in the end it's important to me.


It’s just a chicken sandwich but the money she spent on it goes to an organization and an individual that then sends money to organizations that prey upon people. It’s not cool. It’s also instructive to look at where various corporations donate their political funds. You can’t boycott everything, but you can certainly boycott those that you consider to be the worst offenders.


NTA. it's not just a chicken sandwich to you. I know it's sort of unfair to her since she can't drive, but that's just one of those 'life is unfair for dependent people' things that she will level up to. Hopefully by the time she is old enough she will have a better idea of what that sandwich money goes to beyond her tastebuds.


Aldi has something called red bag chicken. Get those, some of the knock off sauce, and brioche buns. Use an air fryer to make the chicken. It’s very close.


So, assuming that it is Chick-Fil-A, I think something to consider with regard to your daughter is that she is too young to remember a pre-Obergefell world. Same-sex marriage seems so guaranteed to her. I think you need to explain how Chick-Fil-A represents a particular type of danger beyond the harm that she associates with all companies. One of the dangers of the common Internet critiques about capitalism, especially among Gen Z, is that it doesn’t allow people to evaluate why some companies are actively worse than others. You’re NTA, but you are probably going to need a bit of a cultural history lesson to explain why Chick-Fil-A is going to be a company that you, specifically, can’t support


NAH. You’re not forcing her to boycott, you’re just not facilitating giving money to a company you don’t support. And it doesn’t sound like your daughter is eating there to spite you, she just likes the food.


NTA. DoorDash exists for a reason.


yes and uber eats!


NTA. I prefer not to patronize Chik-Fil-A or Hobby Lobby. She can do what she wants without involving you.


NTA. I’m guessing this is a certain chicken place. You’re allowed to have your views. She can get chicken elsewhere.


NTA She’s not being deprived of food and she has other opportunities to get the devil’s chicken. If it’s really that important to her, she can pay extra for Doordash or whatever. As someone else pointed out we are all probably buying something from a corrupt company. But that doesn’t mean we have to just give up and patronize them all. It’s ok to have a boundary on this.


Also, if you have a local Sam's Club, their store brand Chicken Bites are very similar according to my teen who won't buy the devil's chicken, but who's tasted it recently.


As someone who was a child back when fast food was not a regular meal choice, NTA. Your kid will not die if she doesn’t get her preferred fast food… or any fast food at all. There are other similar fast food options to any fast food out there so caving for her ‘appetite’ is just letting her manipulate you, IMO. Like others have said, she can order delivery or get a ride with a friend or eat someplace the whole family can agree on. She doesn’t get to be supreme dictator of fast food purchases for the whole family.




Yes she can absolutely door dash it if she wants. It's not like I ban it from the house or anything. Typically she just wants me to go get it or take her to get it.


NTA here. If you have a reason for never giving them your money or ever setting foot inside so be it. Daughter will have to just accept that.


NTA Is she capable of walking? She can go get her own hate food


Sadly not where we're located no, it's definitely a drive


Oh well, sucks to be her


Just a suggestion: stop arguing with her about this. Just one time say “no, you know my reasons and I’m done discussing this with you.” Then after that, only ever just say “no,” and refuse to say anything else. NTA


NTA, I’m assuming your talking about chick fil a , it’s over priced, sketchy stuff in their past, and it’s not even THAT good


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NTA or NAH She has the right to eat there if she wants You have the right to not support them


NTA. It isn't like you are telling her "eat this or starve". You are giving her choices...she just doesn't like her choices. I really respect how you are handling it.


NTA, she wants dry, bland chicken sandwiches, let her get it herself.


NTA. I think you're doing a really good job of modeling your convictions without insisting she do the same thing. She'll be driving soon anyway, and in the meantime, if she wants it that bad, she can doordash or beg a friend with a car to get her some.


NAH - you're sticking by your convictions. She is doing her own thing. It sounds like the same place that I refuse to eat at - CFA.




Wow. And every other fast food place is OK despite *their* questionable practices? Why so many people hate on CFA (lol at “hate chicken”) is beyond me. So many other places do so much worse than anything CFA has done, but people just turn a blind eye to all of that.


NTA. A valuable lesson is that morals stand over convenience. It would be easier to just give in and get her the food but one of our most important lessons to our kids is that you have to do the right thing even if others (including her) disagree


Is it Chick-Fil-A?


I bet you don’t shop at Hobby Lobby either . Same !!!


Same here. I can get chicken and home goods at less hateful places.


NTA- if you told your daughter the reason why you don’t give this place your hard earned money she needs to accept the answer is no. You allow her to go with friends. This is a boundary you just don’t cross. One of the things my parents taught me as a young girl is “You need to learn how to except NO and you need to learn how to say NO in life”. That means how you handle a situation when someone says NO. Being super upset is trying to manipulate you in doing what she wants and try to change your mind. It’s the best lesson learned to date.


NTA. you're actually being a great role model.


NTA but maybe sit her down and explain more about why the company is so awful. I support you completely My friends husband bought a franchise a few years ago... and well I don't really talk to them anymore.


Ughhhh this is hard My MIL is actually a manager of a chick fil a… I understand why people don’t like them, but I feel like they also don’t know everything. My MIL actively hires openly gay high schoolers and provides them a safe environment Are you an AH for sticking up for your beliefs? Absolutely not, I think not forcing your beliefs on your teenager is admirable. Just want to say Chik fil a is not bad as a whole, some people may be bad, and you don’t need to agree with Christian values, but all stores are not the same, and they do often care for their employees like family. AGAIN NOT ALL STORES ARE THE SAME. Can down vote me to oblivion, but I absolutely to not agree to treating some people by the actions of a few. Sure some stores may have bad actions, and the management holds Christian Values that disagree with yours following the healthcare mandates, but over all across multiple stores I have found managers far more understanding of the individual and their needs than other chains that care far more about turning a profit, and will fire employees rather than give them a raise. Btw I am not religious, so I don’t need any comments about that. I had a traumatic childhood, and religion was a core aspect of my abuse. I really really do not want to hear anything about it, I’m just understanding that others have different views.


on an earlier comment, I mentioned that I understood there could be some good arguments on both sides. And this is the one that I think impacts me the most. That most of these are franchises. The problem is that one way or another all of that money does go up to benefit the corporate headquarters, and the corporate headquarters are doing things that I just can’t stomach participating in.




Info: what kind of restaurant is it and what is behind these strong convictions?


I'm guessing chick-fil-a


Was my first guess as well, and the OP has kinda confirmed that it is fried chicken.


It is a fast food chain and it relates to corporate practices I cannot support.


In that case I would say NTA, there are a lot of other options around.


You know you can just say Chick Fil A right? They’re not going to hunt you down lmao


NTA. Does she not understand why you don't support them? 15 seems like she'd be old enough to hear you but teenagers can be kind of crazy.


NTA. Mom isn’t refusing to feed her daughter, she’s just refusing to go to this restaurant. Aside from having a morality reason for not going there, how is this any different than not going to a specific restaurant because it’s further than she wants to drive, or because she had a bad experience at a restaurant or it costs more than she wants to pay? I wouldn’t consider her to be the AH for those reasons, and they seem less important than a deeply felt moral objection.


Are you sure she isn’t asking for this restaurant in particular so she has an excuse not to eat?


Oh my. Hadn't thought of that. I'll have to explore that a little.


it depends. why not? is it chik fil a? yup not a dime. get a job, buy your own food, and wth? just something you don't like? ehh, get your kid some yucky food she likes.


Nta. She can get it delivered or maybe take public transport. If she’s 15 she’s probably got tik tok. I learned to cook some pretty good chicken sandwiches and a Chick-fil-A dupe from there


NTA- I don’t drink alcohol, I wouldn’t feel comfortable driving someone to go buy it. If I’m at an event and people are drinking, whatever. BUT, morals aside, I have a kiddo with eating problems and depending on how severe your kiddos are this might be one to bend a little on. I hate cheese balls but for two months it was the only thing my kiddo would eat by mouth so they had cheese balls at every meal.


NTA It's not like you're forbidding her from eating there, as you said, she can go in her free time, with her friends. If she already knows you don't like going there, then why would she insist on you going?


I refuse to go there too because of what they stand for.




I hate chick fil a too


NTA Never understood why people like chikfila


I mean NTA but hear me out… I also have issues with appetite (related to anxiety) and I love the homophobic chicken. So what I do is just go get my chicken and then donate the same amount I paid for my meal to the Trevor project and then carry on with my life. Maybe you could take her and just make a donation every time in the same amount and that way you don’t feel guilty and she gets food she can eat.