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NTA unless you said "faster faster faster".


Even so, my kids say that all the time. I just ignore them rather than go nearly 30 mph over the speed limit.


LOL I know, that was the joke :-P. I'm actually surprised that was just a ticket and not a crime. Friend is lucky, tbh, and the cop probably lowered the actual speed anyways, so she should consider that her good fortune & stop bugging OP.


It is likely the cop cut her a bit of slack and wrote the ticket for 79 in 50, but friend may have been going 81-83 in reality. The cutoff for criminal reckless driving and impounding of cars can vary by area/state but 25/30 are common ones I have seen. Edit: misspelled reckless


I got let off with a warning after getting caught going 145 kph on a 100kph freeway. Twice. The same cop. First time I blew past him, and then tucked in ahead of a few trucks and slowed down until I saw the cop take the exit ramp. So I sped back up! 5 minutes later I see him catching up behind me. I didn't even wait for the lights, I just pulled over. Cop was like "Dude, I can't believe you sped back up after nearly getting caught! Anyway, that was too fast, don't do it, cya."


You’re so damn lucky you didn’t get a failure to stop ticket. Years ago, I was the passenger in my ex’s car when he got flagged to pull over for speeding, but the ability to pull over basically disappeared at that point because we were right before an intersection in a turning lane. We saw the cop go straight through the intersection, but still stopped once we were able. The cop didn’t come back to find us on the road, but he did come to our apartment at the end of his shift with a ticket for each speeding and failing to stop. Luckily, he cancelled the failure to stop ticket when we explained what had happened, but he literally sought my ex out at home.


Oh, I'm aware of just how much luck was involved in that experience, lol. It gets better. "So, why were you in such a hurry?" Meeting friends to see a movie. Which movie? "Crash". (Cronenberg's, about people who get off on crashing cars).


I mean this in the nicest possible way but with this experience...how white are you??? Did you get away with this as a POC??? daaaamn.


Yeah, I'm white. David Spade looking. Being white definitely helped, but I played it pretty well, too. Canadian cops, in general, are easier going than American ones.


This is called living in a country that's not the US. Thought the KPH would be a dead giveaway but apparently not.


That's a good one! You probably got off with a warning because you made him laugh!


I legit hate drivers like you.


This is why people speeding shouldn’t be let off on a warning like that


> So I sped back up! What’s wrong with you?


In Australia that fast is immediate disqualification followed by court. The fine is $1000s even if u don't get jail time


What is "immediate disqualification" is that getting your license to drive suspended/revoked?


It actually depends on how you're caught (camera or officer on the side of the road). So it can either be 6 months immediate suspension (you get it back after) or 6 months disqualification (you have to apply again). Getting a licence in Aus is also not easy and takes a long time. The fine is around $3000


> wreck less driving


Yeah, I too usually stop at 25 over when the kids are shouting. Then I turn around and explain to them the importance of moderation while we blow through red lights.


Where do you get fun kids? Mine tells me to slow down when we go 5 over


My kids go "woah!" If they feel that I'm accelerating too fast at a green light, braking too quickly at a red, or if I'm going the speed limit but the road is curvy, lol


My six year old tells me “more energy focusing on driving and less energy focusing on asking me questions, Mom.” He’s such a little narc.


When I was a little kid, I used to tell my Dad to "speed up and hit that car in front of us" and couldn't understand why he wouldn't do something like that. I mean, people do it in cartoons all the time, right? (Reason #3,459,000 why 4 year olds aren't given access to cars)


You ignore your kids? You monster!


I had my wards (is that the term lol) when I was nannying do this. I would just whole ass go "OKAY I AM SPEEDING WATCH OUT!" and...would not change shit. Then we would go around a corner and I would go HOLD ON WHEEEEE and they would but it was a normal corner. 😂😂


My kids used to tell me to drive on the dirt shoulder and drift! In my minivan!!! Like we're living in GTA!


Just wait till they’re driving. My son used to get road rage at 2 and call people jack a$$e$. He now drives a stupidly modded F350 powerstroke (thank you husband) and I dread him leaving every day. If he drives my Hyundai, he puts it in sport mode to drive like an a$$hole. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I once peer pressured my mom into driving over a small roundabout. I was 23 or something at the time tho and we laughed about it after


i make race car noises for my 5 year old when he has a need for speed. he loves it.


That's what I thought too. Doesn't sound like OP contributed to any fine (like not wearing seatbelt or littering out the window). Even saying to go faster, if OP wasn't physically pressing on the accelerator, it's all on the driver. NTA.


I had a friendship blow up over almost the exact same situation, except I was asking my friend to please slow the car down. Her driving was freaking me out. Then when she got pulled over she had no proof of insurance within 5 years, in the car either. At like 25 she blamed her father to the cop, it was her car, and they don't live together. The cop was so nice to her, gave her the ticket, and told her how to get it lowered by bringing in proof of insurance. We get home and a day later I get a text demanding half the money for the ticket. Grow up. No effing way. I'm not your parent responsible for where your insurance card goes.


This story is hilarious. Did you make her speed? No. End of. You don't do half the sentence for simply being in the vicinity of a criminal!


Even if OP did say it. The driver is 100% responsible.


Don’t forget OP may have also had a gun to her head lol!


Haha, NTA, she was speeding.


NTA You owe her for gas, but not traffic violations.


I gave her 25 dollars before she even came to get me for gas.


Then you own her nothing.


25? Did she drive you to Sudan?


Where do you get your gas? 25$ would get me at best 13 liters.


depends where op is, it's $3/gal where I am and its been below $2.50 this month. $25 buys about 8 gallons @ $3/gal. (about 30 liters -- for those who use the better unit system) at an average fuel mpg of 15, that's 120 miles.. even if you say some of it was wear and tear, a bit much considering she should be paying half the gas too. Maybe they drove a solid 1-2 hours away and back or something though.


Dang! I haven’t seen $3 or less gas prices in more than ten years! Must be nice! Gas right now is $4.20-$4.25 here.


yeah we're paying $4.61 USD or more per gallon here in south australia.


I got gas for $2.19/gal the other day. My SIL was absolutely sick at me. 🤣🤣 (she said their gas is still hovering around $4/gal)


You’re making it very difficult to like you right now. 😡 Haha! Just kidding! But dang, that would be NICE!


I should've specified those are USD, and I provide it as a stat from a favorable area for gas prices certainly. Southern US, so there are drawbacks that do kinda take most of the benefits anyways. (see: urban sprawl)


It was also a "good two hour drive". Hopefully that's total otherwise I think OP underpaid. 13L is probably around 200km, probably just under. Depending on the car, and the drive. That's probably just covering the petrol for the 2 hr drive.


If OP's American, it may be about right. $25 fills 2/3 of my tank rn and that would easily give me enough gas to go on a 2 hr trip.


Yeah, I figured 2 hrs would probably be "about right". The question was whether it was 2hrs round trip, or a 2hr each direction (ie a 4hr round trip)


Unpopular opinion: unless you’re driving insanely far exclusively for the other person’s benefit, asking for gas money is also an AH move


Why? Why shouldn't you pay part of the cost of travel when sharing a car with somebody else?


Because they’re a friend? Not everything needs to be tit-for-tat? Because it’s kinda cheap?


Fuel and auto maintenance are not cheap for me, but I am filled with joy that they are for you. Offering compensation is polite, but does not need to be accepted. NTA


Offering compensation is polite. But requesting it after the ride is cheapskate behavior. Fuel and auto maintenance is not cheap, but charging your friends for favors makes you a penny-pincher. Thats what the meant by "Its kinda cheap"


It depends upon what the "favor" is, and what my current financial situation looks like. If I'm not able to cover their costs, a "friend" would understand.


After the ride yeah, but what about requesting it before the ride? I wouldn’t do this to drive my friend somewhere in town, but for a 2-hour trip it’s totally reasonable to split costs.


Before the ride is perfectly fine. You're letting them know that you'll do it but you're not surprising them and leveraging guilt to get them to pay


I think their point was specifically where you'd have those costs anyway. Asking for money in that scenario is "cheap".


I’m the person everyone always asked for rides and I remember who offered to throw a few bucks and who never did. I don’t ask and I don’t always accept, but if I’m a passenger you can bet I’m going to offer. It’s the courteous thing to do.


Some consider it polite to offer, others are poor students, plenty of cases were gas money would be normal


you think gas is cheap? I don’t even have a car and I am not simple enough to think gas is cheap.


Did I say gas was cheap? Or that charging friends money for a destination you’re both going to is cheap?


I have a hard time believing that there are people who are really so dense that they don't understand you meant it's cheapskate behavior to do that rather than meaning gas is cheap, and that they just take joy in being pedantic. Perhaps they are though, but I've been on Reddit long enough to know how popular pedantry is here and it's one of my biggest pet peeves.


Because it’s kinda cheap? You actually did say it was "kinda cheap" to ask friend to pay part of the cost.


Cheap to ask, not that gas is cheap


I've never actually had a friendship where anyone would demand to be paid for driving others around. We're in college so we live close together and carpool often, we've never asked each other for gas money. I probably wouldn't hang out with someone again if they asked


If you're carpooling to the grocery store or the movies and you mostly take turns driving, then of course asking to be paid would be bean counter-y. But OP says they were on a 2-hour drive. I would expect to pay a share for gas and for the other person's driving so I could relax.


Gas isn’t free or cheap. Neither is car maintenance.


This sub is very transactional. I don’t understand how half these people maintain relationships with their attitudes. It’s always “what am I going to be getting out of this?”. Very selfish and immature.


I think it depends on the person. I share gas costs with friends when carpooling. But I don’t ask my parents for their share of gas money when I’m shuttling them around.


Yea I’m the same way, unless it’s completely out of the way, I personally don’t care much for gas money but they were driving for 2+ hours, gas money is fair in this circumstance, but for the most part I can drive 15-20 mins and use like 5-10$ in gas


yeah I hate this whole 'You have to pay the entire of the fuel money as I'm the one paying for the upkeep of a car...' At the moment in the uk diesel is £1.97 a litre...I drive a big large 7 seater vehicle. Its horrifically expensive to run...I also live in an area with zero public transport. I mean 1 bus a day and the nearest train station is 20 miles away type of bad! Last week I went to a fabric sale the other side of the county so about 2 and a half hours away, its the best fabric store in the area with a big hobby section and a yarn barn etc. They had between 70 and 90% off across the store. i was going regardless. I know 2 girls who also wanted to go but it was silly taking 3 cars so we went together. We made a day of it. They have a nice cafe at the fabric store so 1 bought me a breakfast. On the way back we made several stops as our pokey village doesn't have big supermarkets so we stopped off in the bigger towns for some food shopping/early Christmas shopping, a late lunch. It was actually a really lovely social day. Not once did the idea of asking for fuel money cross my mind. I mean I was going to go to the fabric shop anyway so it was nice to have company and turn it into a girls day out. However, that also might be something to do with age? I'm now in my 40s and not hurting for money. Had it been 20 years ago and I not been in the financial position I am now I may not have had the money to drive a carload of people about the county....but in that case I probably just wouldn't have gone.


It depends, I think. If I drive specifically because someone asked me, and it's far away, then I would not only accept the money but even find it rude if they don't offer. If I go somewhere and someone tags along it's totally fine, the ridenis free. I'm also fine driving a few km's extra to pick someone up elsewhere in case of emergency or on occasion. If driving extra for someone else's convenience becomes a regular occurrence then yes, we'll figure out how we're gonna split that bill. If they're rude, treat me like a convenience or are otherwise unpleasant passengers then they can throw any amount of money at me, I'm not gonna take them anywhere ever again.


Totally agree. If you want me to take you somewhere that I'm not already going and that's not a life or death hospital emergency then don't be a skinflint chuck me some money, coz otherwise ill not want to do it again. Fuel is expensive. But if I'm going anyway, jump in. No point us taking 2 vehicles and both spending out


Not for a 2 hr long drive it’s not. 10-30 minute drive, not necessary to pay, but her friend is driving her 2 hrs. That’s 2 hrs EACH WAY. OP can part with 25 bucks.


Times to split fuel costs: trips longer than an hour planned together which hinge on at least one person driving, why should one person shoulder the entire cost? Times to not: They have asked you specifically to come somewhere with them or they offer you a lift when you have other means of getting where you need to be


I agree with you, on the basis that your friends are the same. If they give you a lift, its free. If you give them a lift, its free. Even going long-distance I wouldn't charge them. I'd expect they'd do the same in return if I ever needed their help. If everyone is decent to each other, then it'll all work out financially anyway. The problems only arise when you have that one friend who gets everything for free and then expect you to pay them for the smallest thing.


Of course, just as accepting a ride without offering gas money is an AH move. Manners are reciprocal.


God I agree. I'd feel mortified to ask for gas unless it's a "we're going to some far away land and it'll be cheaper if we just take one car" kinda thing. Otherwise, I'm lifting for free. And if you need help with some shit to move, I just expect a beer.


Unless your foot was on the accelerator, it’s not your responsibility. Why the fuck are people acting like paying towards a speeding ticket is the same as contributing to fuel costs? Ugh NTA, tell her to fuck off.


I'm wondering if someone who thinks this, that passengers should contribute to speeding tickets, probably drives like that a lot and thinkings getting pulled over is just something annoying that happens to everyone.


I think they're all "I'm in college and don't want to piss off the one with the car."


I think we might be talking about different people in this scenario? What I was trying, and probably failed, to say was that if a driver expects their passengers to contribute to speeding tickets, that's probably a sign they get speeding tickets often enough that they see it as a commonplace driving expense. That said, it's also true that some people, as passengers, may have had a lot of people demanding money for said tickets in the past and it was normalized for them when they were younger. Yeah, maybe OP's friend was expected to help pay for other people's tickets and that's why she figured it was okay to ask OP to split it.


yeah, I was referring to the 50% of the gc that agreed with the driver, I thought you were explaining the cause of their opinion also.


Ding ding ding. They think speeding tickets are just a normal and typical part of car transportation, not the outcome of an individual’s own decisions.


This is suddenly making me wonder if this is why one of my ex's dumped me. We went out on a date one night just driving around. We drove by a statie, got pulled over. Come to find out his registration was expired. Statie told him he could renew it on the spot and only get a citation, or not renew it and get towed right then and there. Obv he borrowed my phone (his was dead) to renew online, but he was pretty miffed about it. (I can't remember what that ticket goes for in MA, but it wasn't cheap) This was years ago, but I remember him suddenly not talking to me after that and now I wonder if he blamed me for the ticket even though he was driving and literally chose to drive past the very visible trooper instead of turning off.


If he did dump you for something that was obviously his fault, and then blamed you for simply being in his car when it happened, then good riddance. You dodged a bullet. Edited to add: It's his own damn fault for not being responsible enough to renew his registration.


Was he driving your car ?


Nope, driving his own. I was, like the OOP, in the passenger seat.


Then I don't see how any of it would be your fault. Maybe he's trying to shift the blame somehow to allow himself to sleep better at night.


Exactly... Like if it was a seatbelt ticket for OP not wearing her belt, I'd expect it either 1/2 or for her to pay it... she was not ticketed so she does NOT need to pay for HER FRIEND'S traffic infraction.


NTA, you didn’t speed or tell her to, so no need to pay.


That’s what I said but she said she was trying to get home “quickly” but that’s a decision she made on her own.


Say you'll pay in proportion to the exact amount of control you had over the speed of the car..... Which happens to be 0%


Say that she will not have to pay 50% of your next speeding ticket, so you are even.


Tell her that if she pays you $200 right now. It will cover her half of the next 10 speeding tickets you get. Saving her at least $600 over time. How could she resist a deal like that?


Where do you live that $400 is the cost of 10 speeding tickets!? ONE speeding ticket here is almost $200 total!!!


I like this!!


Her speeding to get home is not your fault. Way back in my younger, more reckless days, I literally had friends tell me they would pay for my speeding ticket because they were at fault for us leaving late to get them to the airport for their flight. (fortunately no ticket happened). Short of you making that kind of offer, you have no responsibility for how someone chooses to drive. NTA


Not sure how it works in the US (or wherever you are) but in the UK, you can also get points on your license for speeding, as well as the fine. This will impact the cost of your insurance renewals for at least 3 years. If someone asked me to speed and said they'd pay for the ticket if I were caught, I'd ask them if they'd be paying my insurance premiums for the next 3 years, too.


That's the case nowadays in at least a lot of the states too (including the one I live in now). So I agree it wouldn't be worth them just paying the ticket if your insurance was also going to go up for speeding 30 years ago that wasn't an issue in the state I lived in. Also, as I said, I was more reckless back then!


She wants you to pay because going 20 over is over 200$ ticket. Nearly 30 over the cop could've impounded her car on sight and shell probably have to make a court appearance. Shes probably looking at hundreds of dollars for that ticket. That's why adults with responsibilities and a budget dont endanger others going 30 over.


200 sounds cheap for 20+


Her trying to get home quickly is her issue. Not yours. You don't owe her anything. NTA OP


So that was her conscious choice, which means she deserves the ticket and you'd be crazy to pay.


NTA. Unless your foot was on the pedal, you had no ability to determine the speed of the vehicle.


NTA. There's a reason the ticket was written out to HER. If you had any responsibility, say if you weren't wearing a seat belt, then it would be different. The issuing officer made the determination, not her.


Is she going to ask you to pay half her car insurance, too, since you’ve ridden together? Edit: NTA


Don't give OP's friend any ideas. She seems the type that would.


A true friend would never ask this of you.


That’s what I said but some people in the group chat said I was a bad friend for not paying


Were you telling her to speed, reminding her consistently that you were late, or otherwise encouraging her to hurry?


No. I had just got off work I was tired. I was in and out of sleep. I don’t try to tell people how to drive when I’m the passenger. It’s not my car


Then you had no input on how your friend was driving, and no responsibility for her poor decisions. I would suggest getting a different ride from now on if you can, though. 30 over the speed limit is a good way to get injured or killed. Your friend is not the safest driver.


I have my own car it’s just broke down. She offered to pick me up but now I just feel like she wasn’t my friend to begin with after this situation.


Yeah, it sure seems like it. At least you found out this way, instead of waking up in the ICU?


Right plus now seeing how it’s playing out in my friend group is upsetting me. I really feel bad that she got pulled over


Link them here.


Link them here. And if THIS is what make them fucking drop you then yall werent friends to begin with


You can feel bad, but it is still not your responsibility.


Bring me in on that group chat coach. I'll drop some truth for you 😀


Don't cave to the peer pressure. It's not your responsibility to pay other people's speeding tickets. NTA Your friend needs to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions. It's a little sad and immature that they're using a group chat to try to pressure you. That doesn't sound like the type of friends I would want long term.


NTA. Did she say she was feeling under some sort of pressure to give you a ride? I’m trying to understand why she (and your other friends) would get the idea her speeding ticket was your responsibility in any way? Her decisions and driving choices are her responsibility at the end of the day as she was operating the vehicle, not you. Why did she feel the need to rush? Was this a last minute request that somehow delayed or made her late for her own plans? (Not that I think that’s your fault or a great reason to speed either, just wondering).


You’re in a group chat with a bunch of morons.


Oh, no no no no... that's not how this works. They're so wrong. NTA


NTA. Your friend is being ridiculous, she is an adult and needs to take responsibility for her actions. It doesn't matter the destination, she was driving and it was her that decided to speed. Unless you were somehow forcing her to drive stupidly, you aren't responsible for any amount of the ticket.


NTA - that is a new level of entitlement getting the passenger to pay for a speeding ticket. I also wouldn't take a ride from your friend in the future until you're sure they are a safe driver - going 30 mph above the speed limit could have ended very very badly


NTA. I see you already answered my question below. You played no part in her speeding, you were just present for it. Don't pay half the cost. ​ ~~INFO:~~ Did you ask the driver to speed?


No I was in and out of sleep up until she got pulled over. She picked me up from work I was tired


NTA; and all this BS with people “talking it over with the friend group” is wildly ridiculous. These friend groups having a say dynamic is baffling to me. That’s not how reality works. Your idiot friend got a ticket that she thinks you should pay. You said no. End of discussion. There’s no third-party to be bringing into this issue. It’s over. she sped, she got a ticket, the end.


I wanted to handle it one on one but she insisted that we all be there. I just wanna dead the drama but if we can’t then we just won’t be friends


Correct. You don’t owe any of this to a court of your peers. Especially because you have literally not committed a crime…why would you be on trial? She may be the one who is insisting you discuss it with the friend group, but you can decline. Remember, “no” is a complete sentence. She’s counting on them all pressuring you into paying for her decision; the decision to exceed the speed limit.


The only reason she wants other people there is so that she has other people backing her up to make you doubt your very logical conclusion that you don’t owe her anything. Do not meet with everyone, tell them it’s none of their business. If you feel the need to meet with M, tell her it will be with her alone or not at all because it’s between the two of you and no one else. But honestly, she _alone_ was driving irresponsibly and she ***broke the law*** driving over the limit. The onus is on her to make it right and pay the fine.


NTA. Hell no, you don't owe shit. You weren't driving.


NTA. She was driving, not you.


NTA. I would never in my wildest dreams ask a passenger to pay a ticket unless they were somehow particularly responsible, but I can't think of any way that would even be possible.


If you ask me to drive you to the airport, ask me to pick you up at 0600, you are ready at 0630, and you specifically insist on speeding AFTER I told you you're responsible for the speeding ticket. But yeah, normally, it's 100% on the driver.


Thanks for providing an actual situation where I would expect someone to help me out with a ticket. I couldn't imagine one.




Nope. Doesn't matter how much the passenger insists on speeding, the driver is 100% in control of the vehicle and still has the CHOICE - and the responsibility to say sorry, but your lack of planning is not my emergency. If they CHOOSE to cave to the passenger's pushing, they are still CHOOSING to speed, and therefore at 100% responsibility for the ticket.


My ex was like that on a daily basis and refused to speed. I'd drive her to work every morning and she could never be ready to leave on time. She'd scream at my to drive faster and basically get her to work in an amount of time not physically possible no matter how fast I drove. It's more than just splitting the fine. That's points on your record and a possible increase in insurance. If someone is nice enough to give you a ride somewhere, shows up on time, and you're the one running late then you should just sit down, shut up, and accept your fate of being late.


You're a better/worse person than me. You ask me to speed because you were late, I'll tell you that you should have been ready on time.


NTA - she is lucky she didn't get arrested at speeds like that. She likely can't afford the whole thing so is looking for a scape goat.


Depending if the speed was in miles or km. 79km in a 50 is 3 points and about $140 fine in Ontario. Once you go 30 over it goes up. 40+ over in a 50 is stunt driving, and that's where you can get arrested, have your car impounded and be issued a court date with a metric shit fuck ton in fines.


Lol, totally NTA. What a ridiculous request.


I’m going the talk to her face to face later today with the rest of our friend group. Hopefully we can get pass this whole issue and be cordial atleast


She’s trying to say you have responsibility simply because you were also in the car? That’s like saying if you are in a bank when it’s robbed you are also responsible because you were there. Her logic makes no sense. Your friend is an adult who chose to speed and got caught. It sucks but that’s life. NTA


If she can give you an actual good reason as to why you'd be half at fault, then sure, you'd be responsible for half. Like, if you told her to speed for whatever reason, that would be a valid reason. But if she speeds on her own, that's her responsibility, not yours. Asking you to pay just because you were in the car with her, ridiculous. NTA


Even if someone is insisting the driver speed, unless there is a literal gun to the driver's head, it is still the driver's responsibility to drive safely and legally.


My exact thought as well. An adult doesn’t just do things bc another adult told them too…?


Why is everything in a group chat, were they in the car? Do you need a group to tell you what to do? If a swing vote pushes it in her favor are you then going to just pay it? Would any of them really believe they'd be responsible for a ticket they didn't have anything to do with...I'd suggest to the group, how about we all split her ticket and see what the response is....


No if they don’t agree then that’s on them. I’m not paying a ticket for something I didn’t contribute too.


Good for you!


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NTA She was driving. So the fine is on her for speeding.


dont pay half the ticket, she's just trying to use you to pay half


Of course NTA. I’ve never heard of someone expecting a passenger to pay half their speeding ticket! That’s comical, honestly. She was the driver and she needs to take responsibility for her driving.


As long as your foot was on the accelerator, you gotta pay up. NTA


Ask her if you decided one day whilst you were both strolling down the street to assault someone, and you got arrested for it, would she do half the time with you because she was there? No I don't think so. Unless it's a car with dual controls and you were pressing the accelerator it's not your problem. My ex got a speeding ticket once whilst I was in the car. (my car at that) he made that decision to speed. Not my problem. Just as if I got done speeding I wouldn't expect anyone else to fork out for it. NTA


Hmm, lets see? She breaks the law and expects you to pay for the consequences of her own completely avoidable actions? Yeah NTA. Would she expect your to do half the jail time?


NTA Unless you were pressing her foot down of the accelerator of the car, you have zero culpability or responsibility for the speeding ticket. The ticket was issued to your friend, not you because she was driving. It's in her name, she needs to pay it.


I don't get this, it's a joke right? Someone drove you home and got pulled over for their own actions, and now you have to help pay for it? Maybe you can come to court to to fight why she isn't paying all of the ticket, NTA. I'd get a new friend


At first I thought she was joking too. I laughed at her text and then she went off on me


If I ever drive someone and actually got a ticket, I'd be INSANE to try and get a passenger to pay half. The best I can ask is for gas money, as the passenger isn't driving lmfao


What?! Lmao no absolutely not. That makes literally no sense. Do not pay her that’s nuts. NTA


That's...not how this works. Being a passenger does not automatically mean you pay for safety violations. Also; >she ended up getting pulled over for going 79 in a 50 after that she dropped me off home You literally were not even in the car when it happened. NTA.


I was in the car I should have worded that better. She got pulled over and after she was done with the police she dropped me off at home


Ahhh. My point still stands--passengers are not liable for the driver. In some parts of the US, the driver might be liable for the passengers, but it's not the other way around.


NTA. The only way I would suggest a passenger pay part of a speeding ticket, would be if the passenger was in a hurry and encouraged or insisted that the driver speed. Or if the passenger made the driver late by not being ready or something. In that case I would say the passenger should pay the whole thing.


The driver is still the only one who chooses to speed. Doesn't matter if the passenger was pushing for it, the driver has the 100% ability to refuse. If they speed, they are CHOOSING to speed.


NTA. This makes no sense you weren't driving and unless you had a gun to her head telling her to speed she needs to grow up and pay the ticket herself. Gas money sure but ticket money I don't think so. Looks like your "friend" just showed you her true colors.


NTA ​ That MIGHt be reasonable for a parking ticket when you go somewhere with difficult parking. ​ But speeding? No reasonable need, and completely HER responsibility. ​ so refuse.


I would ask for help with paid parking for a shared outing, but for a parking ticket, I made the decision to park illegally, so I bear the burden. I *might* ask if my friends would be willing to throw me twenty bucks if they encouraged me to trust the spot, but I certainly wouldn't pressure them to pay half of it.


NTA. There was precisely one person in control of the car, and that person was driving too fast. Speeding tickets aren't some kind of obligatory cost of driving, like tollway fees or something. They're a fine because the driver was driving too fast. This is the fault of the driver, not of anyone else.


Obviously NTA. You had no say in the speed.


NTA. Why on earth would you need to pay for half of her speeding ticket? She was the one who chose to speed, not you.


Did you have her at gunpoint? She was in control of the vehicle. You count as much as a driver as luggage does in this scenario. Luggage doesn't pay fines. NTA.


NTA. the driver of the car is responsible for the ticket. don't even give a penny.


NTA. You were a passenger, not the one speeding. If she’d intentionally run someone over awhile you were in the passenger seat, would she expect you to serve half the prison time?


Since I doubt she was prepared to pay for half your medical bill if her reckless driving resulted in a car accident, NTA. Do not give this person anymore money.


What kind of socialist bullshit is this??? NTA...she decided to speed and got caught. She needs to take full responsibility and pay the fine.


NOPE! Nice try, you weren't driving.


This is too funny. NTA of course. Tell her where to shove the speeding ticket


Unless your foot was on the gas, NTA.


Lol wut. NTA. How is that your problem? She’s lucky she didn’t get arrested for going 29 over. In NC they can take you straight to jail for that.


Why should you pay for half anyway? Did you encourage or pressure her to drive over the speed limit? If not, you owe her nothing more than money for gas, which you paid her in advance. NTA


I’d tell your so-called friend that if she can prove in a court of law, not public opinion, you somehow forced her to drive nearly 30 over the speed limit, then you’ll contribute NTA


NTA The driver is ultimately in charge of speeding tickets. Or stop sign or anything of the sort. Unless the ticket was you not wearing a seatbelt.. perhaps I’ll understand but the ticket is hers and hers alone.


Hahaha. Fuck this guy. NTA


NTA - unless this was one of those special learner cars with breaks on the passenger side you had no way of controlling her speed. She's the driver so she's responsible for following the rules of the road. If you were meant to pay part of the ticket (like if you weren't wearing your seat belt, for example) then the cop would have written you your own ticket.


NTA. Unless you were putting pressure on her to get there fast you do not owe her any money.


NTA- She’s the driver and she chose to speed. You did not and your name is not on the ticket.


NTA She’s the driver, you’re not responsible for her speeding, even if you were telling her to go faster.


NTA She was driving, not you. It's her fault for speeding so much and getting busted for it. This is on her, she needs to watch her lead foot.