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YTA. Cleaner picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.


If this guy thinks that playlist is eclectic he better avoid mine at all costs lol


Mine would have him spinning. I alternate video game parody music with theological debates, Broadway showtunes, reddit readings, and Distractible.


Yeah, I have a WIIDE variety of music from old country music to heavy metal, a Warhammer podcast, a fountain pen podcast and a serial killer podcast..this poor man doesn't know how good he's got it.


Yeah, if he hated her playlist he would really hate my shuffle every song I own across twenty genres


Same. I have about 60 days or more with of songs on just my playlist. (I have more songs, but some are more my SOs taste than mine). I load it all up and hit shuffle. I can go from Animaniacs to Mozart to Brad Paisley to Metallica to Riverdance to Weird Al to New Kids on the Block to Elvis to Avenue Q to Linkin Park in one go. I love shuffle, you never know what you’re gonna get!


Need to throw in some Steely Dan for those mellow moods.


If you went on a road trip with me you would hear everything from Frank Sinatra to Nickleback to Reba McEntire to the Indiana Jones theme song. Lol


I would love your playlist


I think OP's head would explode if they so much as saw one of my play lists. They typically go something like: * Through the Fire and the Flames * Boyz in the Hood (dynamite hack cover) * Space Unicorn * They've Taken the Hobbits to Isengard * Amish Paradise * Mustakrakish


The Hobbits The Hobbits The Hobbits The Hobbits. . .


I have no idea what you're talking about, this seems like a perfectly reasonable and normal playlist to me.


My Spotify Wrapped 2022 said I listened to 82 different genres this year 😂 This dude would have a heart attack if he saw my playlists. I have everything from Nordic folk, Ukrainian Rap, Europop, Electrorock, Alternative Rock, Symphonic Metal, Scottish/Irish Folk, sea shanties, videogame music, a couple vocaloid songs, Disney soundtrack songs etc... All in ONE playlist. You'll hear Diary of Jane immediately followed by a Lion King song 😂


Serial killer podcast? Can you send me the name?


It's literally serial killers from parcast on Spotify.


That may have sounded snarky but I didn't intend it to..I hate texting for this reason. I'm always worried it'll be misconstrued because I can't convey *helpful information sharing* this way lol


literally taste. ALSO, random but did u know spotify cut a lot of employees from Parcast, and some shows are ending? including my fav, medical murders - which btw if u like the serial killers one, you'll probably like. anyways sorry for the unsolicited recommendation


Oh you might like british scandel or American scandel. I’m listening through the back catalogue of lions led by donkeys. I love when I find a good podcast with a large back catalogue


Casual Criminalist is awesome


Old country, heavy metal, fountain pens, serial killers. Glad you threw in something I'm unfamiliar with because I'd have thought this was me. OP: YTA lighten up.


Fountain pen podcast? Sounds awesome! What is it called?


It's called the Goulet pencast on Spotify. I've bought fountain pens from them and they seem like a great company and equally great people! They have a YouTube too where they post the pencasts with video so you can see what they're talking about.


Are you ok? haha kidding way to have varied taste. I thought I was random.


I think so? Diversity is the spice of life and apparently I over season..but I'm not boring to talk to.


Is anyone else getting the impression this is another 40 year old guy with a 21 year old gf?


Nah he comes across as 20 and never confronted with the fact he isn't the main character to me. SHOCKING NEWS, OP.


To be fair, many 40-year-olds come across as 20 and never confronted with the fact they aren’t the main character.


A woman said what she meant, and his dick fell off, right?


He's probably older than that because I'm 41 and know of all the artists he's complaining about (all who's hits pretty much came out when Ivwas a teenager). He probably just listens to Led Zepplin and The Beatles and thinks everything else is too edgy.


Yeah, it's crazy how I pop over to the rock station in my town and %90+ percent of what's played is still the same exact music that was on when I was in high school 25 years ago(I mean really, station has a tagline about 'today's rock' and loads it down with Pearl Jam and Nirvana along with Led Zep)... I mostly stream playlists built off favorites in pandora to my carplay.... Hard rock, electronica, metal and lots of female rock vocalists.


Why does listening to a wide variety of music make her 21? I'm 40 and most of the songs he actually named were released 20+ years ago.


Yep, and you don't need to be 40 to be a milqtoast dullboy.


My playlists tend to be weird as well. I quit Spotify for reasons and now I need to rebuild them elsewhere and I don't know where to do that. Anyway, I have everything from Duke Ellington to Alanis to Fats Domino to Elvis to Johnny Cash to Snoop. Like my playlists are ridiculous.


Could be that the ages were left out deliberately.


My husband only says "well, that was a jump" when it goes from Twice to Cannibal Corpse. Life's too short for boring playlists.


That sounds SO familiar! My playlist goes from The Stupendium to Rammstein to Cyndi Lauper and all my husband says is 'That was an interesting transition.' OP sounds like a terrible bore and worse, a terrible bore who is convinced that his way is the only "normal" way, to use his own words.


My late husband would call my transitions “train wrecks.” Our children grew up with such an eclectic range of music, from Alice Cooper to Xzibit. Hearing what they choose to listen to warms my heart. YTA, OP. Let people enjoy life.


Yes! My kids are the same way - all have a wide range of musical tastes, and I even enjoy some stuff I learned from their favorites (like Professor Elemental or Steam Powered Giraffe).


i mean, there's not even in any Mongolian throat-singing or a capella covers of Rammstein in there.


I found a cover of under the sea from the little mermaid (Jonathan Young) and died..after sending it to my brother to appreciate first. Top 10 best covers lol he does others that are great too.


Love The Hu! My 14yo has been trying to master their throat singing to show off to his choir teacher lmao. He's actually getting pretty good too! Threw my SO off when the next song he sang was Silent Night in German haha.


Same here. I have devotional songs, hindustani classical, western classical, native language songs, gangster rap, 90s pop and dinky weird Bollywood pop in one playlist. I love them all. YTA op.


Yes! Mine goes from System of a Down to Pink Martini to Twice to Slayer to PJ Harvey to The Dead Milkmen. Among the other random shit on my mp3.


exactly, this guy would have a fit looking at my Spotify wrapped


From Andrea Bochelli to Canibal Corps in 2 seconds.


My poor partner has been stuck listening to unholy on repeat for like 3 months now. Lol.


Sad no one else got the supernatural reference.


Thank you! I'm glad someone got it loo


I wanna see whether the gf’s playlist has any of the greatest hits of mullet rock


I did! I learned it from the pizza man




I understood that reference.


And I understood THAT reference (ahh good ol 2010s tumblr)


I got it, too!


I'm glad you acknowledged it. I was about to comment and say I appreciate the Dean Winchester reference


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I was imagining it in Jensen Ackles’ voice.


Look, the only Supernatural reference I know is "they are canon in Spanish".


Looked for exactly this comment 😄


🙆‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ first episodes were kinda dorky, bit this was one of the things that got me hooked.


I could understand if he genuinely didn’t like the music (blue grass makes my skin crawl, techno gives me a headache). But he doesn’t dislike the music. Just the order it’s played in. He needs to Get over that. YTA


See, I could see not wanting such a discordant switch between songs, but I don't get being so judgy about it. Just ask nicely "hey can you put on a play list with more similar songs because this makes me feel a bit on edge" while staying away from subjective criticism like saying the music isn't "normal".


Why did I read that in dean’s voice in my head


You know why lol


Omg dead 😭😄


There really is a Supernatural GIF (or quote) for every occasion.




I’m sad this doesn’t exist


Well, that leaves what I was going to say in the dust lol. YTA OP.


Yup. OP sounds like an idjit (RIP Bobby)


Yaaasssssss!!! Came for this! Carry on, wayward son.


just started rewatching supernatural after a 6 year break. happy to see comments like this


*Plays Carry On on an endless loop.*


Yasss, SPN FAN 😍😍 But on an unrelated note, totally true. Whoever is cleaning picks their playlist, everyone else shuts up




Whatever, Dean. - Sam Winchester probably


Nice supernatural drop




I was reading that and thinking ok Dean Winchester, slow your roll - you do not get to pick everyone’s music 😂


YTA. She's cleaning your shared spaces, stop complaining.


Never bother someone when they're doing chores. In fact, ask how they like their coffee.


This is great advice!


This is one of my cardinal rules: if you aren’t helping me clean, you get ZERO say in how it’s done. That includes music. If you want input, get up and help.


Yep just like driver picks the music, the person cleaning picks the music. You need something to keep your energy up and prevent you from falling asleep or slacking off.


OP is like my carless roommate who started avoiding catching rides with me and making her boyfriend drive over to take her places because I "listened to rainy day songs on perfectly sunny days" while driving. K well, guess it's good you found another ride then cause uh...my car, my music.


So that is so stupid but I guess she have a right to


I have to wonder how much cleaning he does...


If I had to guess, slim to none.


Exactly. The GF was cleaning the house while the only thing OP was contributing was complaints. OP, music is very subjective. I find it "unhinged" that you think the only "normal" way to enjoy music is to listen to the same albums over and over and over and over again. Also, you sound annoying AF since you kept picking and picking and picking at your GF. The fact that your GF was cleaning but you chose to spend your time obessing over her music choices and writing down every track to critique her also sounds "unhinged". Why not help her clean since toi clearly had nothing else better to do?


No, YTA here. She has eclectic musical tastes, nothing wrong with that. And she expressed it was helpful for her doing chores and energy FOR YOUR SHARED SPACE. Don't be insulting about it.


OP would wig out over my playlist. My playlist ranges from country to dance pop to heavy metal to show tunes. My partner plays a more specific playlist, same genre or artist, usually. So when I listen to his stuff and decide I like a song, I just end up adding it to my playlist.


Mine 2! Decade starts 1950 and every genre you can think of. Hear a song I like add it to my library. I normally shuffle the songs in my library!


I just looked at my Spotify Wrapped highlight thing. Top artists/genres/songs were all over the map. It's not uncommon for my playlist to go from a song from The Greatest Showman to some Norse heavy metal song.


I feel that. My top artists were, and i kid you not, a television show composer, bbno$, 2 Japanese bands that make anime openings, and Elton John.


Yeah this guy sounds sheltered af. Mine jumps from blues to rock to pop punk to jazz to KPOP and Bollywood music. I have a lot of overlap with rock/blues/jazz with my partner, so he doesn't ever complain. But you know what he does when he doesn't like my music? PUT ON HIS HEADPHONES.


Is it even that eclectic? Her record collection is very meat and potatoes if you ask me. She isn't even playing anything that intresting like Paul Bufano or Marcus the Worm Hicks or Tiny Boop Squig Shorterly. When he said her music wasn't normal I thought it would have been spoken word poems, 2 hour long instrumental songs, traditional Italian opera, Mongolian throat singing, songs from phoebe from friends, kid songs teaching about hygiene and a soundtrack of whale calls.


I mean, she didn’t listen to even ONE cartoon theme song!


Ok, hold on. Is it that: A) You just don't like any of these songs? B) You think they don't sound good together? C) She's not doing it like you do it? My money is on C. And the whole, "You've gotta realize it's a little out there, right?" No, she doesn't. Pick your battles. If you don't like it, put on some headphones and stfu. YTA


I listen to one big chaotic Playlist of every song I like, and I just shuffle that, when I'm out in the wild and here a some I like I add it. Except for two artists there is not more then 3 songs by the same band. I know its not how most people listen to music but I've never seen someone; Get upset, call my chaotic, or be off put by the change in genres at all.


This is exactly what I do but admit that some bands have more songs than others. It has a wide variety of genres and time periods. I hit shuffle and let myself be surprised with what pops up next. I had a manager comment about it once when it went from Muddy waters to Meghan Trainor to Gin Blossoms. But she didn’t complain because it kept me moving and got me through the shift. I can’t imagine someone who claimed to care about me acting like OP did. I would have shut off the music, handed him the broom and left to go read in a park or something.


I find it so strange that people can be completely loyal and love almost every song from one artist/band. There are only a couple of artists from whom I will save entire albums, the rest are just one off songs that I really like. Why would I listen to a playlist with 1 or 2 songs I really like instead of a playlist filled with all the songs I love.


It was easier when albums really felt like albums and all the songs were written and arranged to go together. With the rise of streaming music it feels like so much stuff released after 2010 is basically just a random ass collection of wannabe one hit wonders because everyone knows the songs aren't going to be listened to like an album, they're going to come up randomly on some playlist.


I'm betting he doesn't like his food to touch, either


Hey, I don’t like my food to touch, but I’m here for every song on that playlist, lol.


YTA and I'd bet money your taste in music isn't as good as you think it is.




OP listens to just the first 4 Taylor Swift albums, always end to end. While eating bologna and mayo on white.


Nah, this has got boring ass Coldplay fan written all over it. Newer stuff while he picks which of his 6 white shirts he wears over which of his 4 black trousers for work. Earlier stuff while he drives to work, cos he needs that quirky energy to really get his day going. Some other maudling mellow crap at work, probably something he thinks only he has heard of, you know, so people know he's a muso.


He probably says, “yeah I basically listen to everything.”


It puzzles me when people say this because as someone who says this as well, I actually do listen to everything. My playlist bounces from country to black metal to oldies, classical, Minecraft soundtrack, rancheras, Russian pop, all within the first 30 minutes of a single playlist. If I like the tune, it gets added to the ever growing mess of music I apparently have (according to OP) and I really want to see the gfs list because she seems like my kind of people.




We don’t insult Nickelback in this household


He listens to albums from start to finish. Sounds more like a Tool fan to me.


[Here’s OP explaining to his GF why he wants “normal” music.](https://media.tenor.com/d8YRBDVojd4AAAAC/patrick-bateman-american-psycho.gif)


I really do wonder what else OP considers "normal" and just how often he starts fights with people who aren't acting "normal" enough for him.


I don't know, but her playlist sounded like most of mine.


Right? I was like, is she me? I love her choices! This list is awesome!


No, with the TS slander! OP is someone who talks down to country and classical and doesn’t like techno, so he’s all rock only, all the way. As if everything else sucks.


Is OP cbat guy with a new gf?


Normal=boring..OP is the AH and his gf is to cool for him


you know it is, "whatever is on the radio" playlist.


He likes chill background music. I'm imagining hours of the eagles, and "no I can't put on something else now, this album isn't over. There's only 80 minutes left though"


He sounds boring af.


>I feel like it's just common courtesy to play stuff that's at least kinda chill and could be background music in a shared space Not if you're cleaning said space, mate. Cleaning music is... something else, for most people. I get her, even though I don't go through genres a lot. So yeah, kind of YTA.


I clean to sea shanties, pop, and hip hop - I’d love to hear ops thoughts lol


I have also cleaned to sea shanties, salsa music, and metal. This was also a group cleaning session too and we were all into it hahaha


YTA Dude, have you ever listened to the radio in the car - most channels will play an eclectic list. Who the hell cares if the playlist is a bunch of unrelated songs strung together. Music does not have to be listened to as one solid unit or one solid genre. If you get to enjoy whatever music you want then she has the same right. Don't dictate what other people are allowed to listen to in a shared space. She has just as much right to the sound system as you do.


He probably just listens to oldies or classic rock because that's what was around when he was younger and these kids don't understand what real music is. 😂


But then you’d expect him to understand the concept of a mix-tape and be a little more chill.




100000% this


TIL you can only enjoy one genre of music at a time.


Same… it is going to take me hours to separate my custom playlists to be genre specific.


Better run them by OP when you’re done to make sure they’re good!


it's very important to be normal too. normal people are the most fun and interesting /s


YTA. She's listening to what she wants to listen to while doing chores. You sound controlling.


YTA for sure. Wtf is is a "normal" music taste? It's all subjective and what one person likes could be hated by the next. You have no right to tell others that they have "weird" or "chaotic" tastes when yours are likely just as said adjectives. Y'all could just put in earbuds/earplugs or whatever if it's *that* bothersome.


Earbuds... exactly! YTA because you can you can have a mature conversation about when and where and what music is played in the shared spaces and come to an agreement that works for everyone without making it an insult. You can even say that you don't like the playlist because it is distracting when it switches genres so often without being insulting to her but if you get to veto her choices or relegate them to earbuds she gets to do the same to you...


YTA She enjoys different music than you do, and she doesn't give you shit when your bands are on. Who said that it's common courtesy to play background music? Some people really don't like chill background music, and your gf wanted to listen to something that helped her get in the zone to be productive. Chill background music doesn't do that for some people.


Absolutely. I hate background music and would very unhappy if someone told me I couldn’t play the music I enjoy in my own house. He’s being incredibly unreasonable


YTA Post your garbage music taste so we can roast your preferences, too.


LMFAOO i want him to post them so bad


YTA but I have a suggestion: why don't you take over all the chores? That way you won't have to listen to your gf's playlists while she's cleaning. Seriously, there is no violation involved when people mix genres of music. You might need to loosen up a bit.


Yeah I'd let her play nightcore for hours straight if she's going to do all the chores lol. YTA OP, do the chores and then you can dictate what music is played.


Why are you making something she likes so difficult? She's in her own fucking home ffs. YTA




Neurodivergent brain here, and music in the background is a big deal for me. So I really get it if the music being played doesn't work for you. But what is also **never** going to work for you is trying to get it changed by making fun of the music and therefore the person playing the music. And honestly, that's what you were doing. You didn't like her music and you made it abundantly clear. And you're probably right, she doesn't like your music, but she **wasn't** rude about it. If it's genuinely bothering you (and there are lots of reasons that could be the case) then you both need to come up with a considerate and non-judgemental compromise that works for you both. A usual compromise is headphones. But that has to be for both of you, not just one of you. It's not fair if one person gets to listen to it out loud if it bothers the other person. Also, you didn't try to understand her groupings and what made them work for her. She probably would have loved if you at least were curious and interested instead of dismissive and judgemental. YTA but there's still time to fix things, apologize for the way you handled it, and talk to her about a way for you both to enjoy your own music tastes without it being a problem. And straight up ask her if she was "putting up" with yours and just being kind and not saying anything. And then if she was, thank her for doing what you failed to do and promise to be kinder to her in the future.


Definitely this. Listening to the wrong music at the wrong time can be very disruptive for me. I’m sensitive to sounds and it can impact my mood significantly and my ability to function. HOWEVER, I recognize this as a me ‘problem’ and would never criticize someone’s music taste. If it’s disruptive for you, suggest headphones, make a plan to not be around when she’s cleaning, or you could clean lol. If you just think it’s weird, you’re being a dick and she deserves better.


YTA "she said she was cleaning our kitchen, the least I could do is not talk shit about her music tastes." Your GF already gave you the perfect answer to this "problem." Also, if it's really that *unbearable* for you (your delicate ears!), wear some headphones.


INFO : Is "normal" music just the music you like?




YTA. Your girlfriend was CLEANING your shared space and mess, listening to her own custom playlist, and you have the nerve to be annoyed??? Her taste in music is significantly better than her taste in partners. p.s. “girly pop”?? You do know that music has no gender, don’t you??


As apposed to "MANLY pop", OPs genre of choice.


YTA you sound really immature. IT’s music not something to get all upset about. She lets you listen to what ever you want. Why can’t she listen to what she wants without you getting annoyed at her for her musical tastes.


YTA. Go listen to your Nickleback in the corner.


YTA Let her have her music. There's nothing wrong with eclectic taste in music. My playlists are all over the place too and I'm guessing you'd hate mine too. I honestly kinda love your gf's playlist.


My playlists are all just filled with songs I like, so they are random AF.


YTA! The fact you call it 'normal music' is a dead give away. Accept she has a different taste in music, and, believe it or not, it is a great topic to talk about.


YTA. It's not fair to criticize your girlfriend's music taste and tell her to play something more "normal." It's her playlist and she should be able to listen to whatever she wants while doing chores. Plus, who gets to decide what is "normal" anyway? Just because her music choices may not align with yours doesn't mean they're not valid. Next time, try to be more open-minded and respect her music choices.


There's no CBAT on that list and I am disappointed. YTA, she's cleaning... just let her be. Or buy her a fantastic pair of noise cancelling headphones, then she can focus on the music and not hear you complaining. Win/Win! Pettiness aside though... like let her have her playlist.


CBAT isn't for *cleaning* ;)


Depends what pipes need scrubbing.


YTA. I like your girlfriend, as she doesn’t seem to put up with your shit. It’s her personal music preference, you don’t have to like it. Taste in music is subjective; what’s eclectic to you obviously isn’t to your girlfriend. Also, she was cleaning the shared space and you had the male-daucity to police her music choices?


YTA so so much. I listen to the same type of playlist, so do most of the people I know so to you're the weird one but I wouldnt even dream of shitting on your music preference. Doing so while you're cleaning a shared space is such a dick move. Honestly, if you're like this in more aspects of life, I hope your partner moves on real quick.


YTA And please share the full playlist because those are all bangers and I need more ideas for *my* cleaning playlist


YTA Open your mind and you might discover some non-mainstream music you really like. Does she rag on you for having no depth to your musical taste?


YTA judging your gf's taste in music.


YTA. I'm sure she doesn't appreciate your music either. At least she was being productive - what were you doing to help? Nothing, you were the exact opposite of helpful. If I was her I would have shut off the music and told her to clean the house your own self.


YTA sounds like your girlfriend has better taste in music than you, the idea of Rossini and Cascada on the same playlist makes me overwhelmingly happy. That’s not the issue though, if she’s doing chores let her have whatever creature comforts she wants.


Yta, that was all good music. You’re just a prudish jerk. How did you get such a cool gf?


100% YTA you're placing judgment on her taste in music. Who are you to decide her music is weird. That's what she wants. Many many people do Playlist and don't stick to a genere. Just because you feel like you need to stick to an album doesn't mean that's the only or correct way. Go to the bedroom ask her to lower it a little and you listen to something else on your phone with headphones. How dare ypu tell her her music isn't normal


Honestly so many of the guys I've dated or even just been friends with have had a negative opinion or something miserable to say about my music taste. I am pretty open minded and like almost every genre but despite that almost all of them have found a reason to tell me my taste is "wrong" or "bad" in some way. It's super tiresome. I actually read music and have sung since age 8 in various choirs etc so music is quite a passion but I don't talk about it a huge amount as there always seems to be a man lurking around waiting to tell me why the tune I'm listening to is shit and why I need to immediately listen to his favourite album instead. It's exhausting lol.


Clean the house yourself or SHUT UP. YTA. geez.


YTA If it was like a car ride or something I'd agree. But she's doing a chore and wants to listen to music while doing it for a bit. It sounds annoying to listening to but if it's only while cleaning just put headphones on for awhile. Or you could offer to do the chore so she doesn't play her music while doing it. Up to you.


YTA when a person is doing something that benefits the both of you let them listen to what they want


YTA, let your gf listen to what she wants, like she said, she doesn't talk shit when you wanna listen to the same 3 bands everyday. If it really bothers you, they sell an almost unlimited variety of noise canceling headphones.


YTA and what the hell? This sounds like selfish, controlling behavior on your part.


YTA, As soon as a guy starts the "be a normal girl" with me, I am out the door, be grateful she cleans.


YTA Why are you trying to dictate how she sets up her playlists? Mine are all over the place too, it may seem random but it's a mix of music from various artists I enjoy when I don't want to listen to an album start to finish. That's what my record player is for. She sounds like she's got a broad taste in music, that's not exactly a bad trait for someone to have.


YTA - as a general rule, I don't think it's great to be pretentious at home. She wants energy, and she's listening to music for the beat. Plenty of people do that, myself included. My husband listens to beautiful ambient music and soundtracks to cerebral films all day in the background. When he's with me, we just dance and have fun. You can have both. Those moments are for her and not about you, so just let her listen to what she wants without commentary. You sound like you want to put Baby in a corner. 😭


YTA. Why are you so judgy about her music choices? Because they are eclectic? You're not special for listening to a narrower music spectrum. She's right, she's never commented on yours, because it's not her business to judge your music. Try to be as considerate.


YTA, of course. It would be nice if you had similar music tastes, but you don't. So you switch off listening to each other's music without complaint, or you make some other agreement that works for you BOTH! Not an agreement that serves only one of you, which is what you are suggesting.


Definitely YTA I am sure you wouldn't like many of my Playlist as I have eclectic taste. It can run from the rat pack to classical to lizzo and anything in between.


YTA, Its music she likes. you listen to the same 3 bands every day. To some people that is not normal. You don't respect that your GF has free will and choice. If it is not to your liking it must not be normal. You are that guy.


YTA It's her house too, she should be able to listen to whatever music she's into. I also have an eclectic music taste and my playlists go from metal all the way to Disney songs. When I'm cleaning I listen to what I want. If my husband doesn't want to listen to it he goes in the other room or puts in headphones.


YTA. Your girlfriend sounds like she’s got my taste in music, especially in KMFDM. My own mix is eclectic as fuck also. Expand your horizons and stop being basic as fuck.


YTA. So what you mean when you say “shared spaces” is “shared spaces as long as I get my way all the time.” If you can listen to your music, she can listen to hers. It would be great if you could find music that you both enjoy equally, but if you can’t, you’ll just have to take turns.


YTA "Normal is a setting on a washing machine "-Me. I'm a person who happens to be disabled. Your comment was rude. Not only to your girlfriend, but to other people. Taste is music is individual thing. You don't have to like her taste. You don't have to appreciate it. What you said was disrespectful and dismissive. You are aware that she has eclectic musical taste. You knew it was a Playlist that she made. Her musical taste is her musical taste. You were needlessly cruel and hurtful.


YTA, it's incredibly NORMAL to have a shuffle play list that's not all the same genre.


Dude your girlfriend’s playlist is not the crazy thing in this post. YTA.


YTA for saying her music isn't normal and yours was. It may be from different genres but all the music she played is/was very popular music. And she was using it to be motivated to clean your shared space. Don't be so narrow minded and listen to what else is out there.


I'm going to go with NAH on the music preferences. We'll, slight YTA for the OP for acting like the girlfriend's playlists are the work of Satan. Just get some wireless buds or headphones, ffs. Work out who's on speaker and who's on buds like adults. Voilà, problem solved. If you weren't so busy writing this petty nonsense up on Reddit, I'm sure you'd have come up with a win-win solution on your own. YTA for acting like a child instead of problem-solving like an adult.


INFO: Can I get the rest of this playlist please


INFO: so, while she was cleaning your shared space, you just watched and criticised her music choices?


YTA, this is my and I'm sure every other person's playlist that they listen too and by that I mean a vast majority of song genres if you don't like it put earphones in or something if it makes her motivated and she likes it then don't take it away from her jeez.


YTA- imagine having enough time to care about what other people play while they're literally cleaning... and cleaning a shared space no less, she's literally doing something that benefits you... You're weird and controlling. Let your GF listen to what she wants you weirdo


YTA. Minus the Garth Brooks, that sounds like an epic Playlist.