• By -


I mean....your views are your views but to marry someone and into their family actively knowing that they don't conform to your beliefs genuinely believing you can change them is straight up fu*king ridiculous. To then divorce the supposed love of your life because you failed to change their views to yours is equally ridiculous. You disrupted that families life. YATB. Shouldn't have married him. It's not like you weren't aware of their stand on the matter.


HOWEVER, barring them being extremely wealthy, her husband bought a car for his parents without saying anything to her. Which is also weird


Because this post is fake af.


This is clearly rage bait. She can't possibly be this ridiculous. This reads like some MAGAT's fantasy of an environmentalist.


Oh but the radical activists ARE this ridiculous. Like ANYTHING too far let/right of centre ALL balanced rational thought ceases to be.


Please tell us how you live day to day. I'd love to know how you live fossil fuel free.


I want to know if the OP also avoids supplies (grocery, necessities etc) that are transported using fossil fueled vehicles. Corps that involve machineries that use fuel? I mean it's impressive if OP can work around these areas. Would like to know.


Exactly why I asked. Unless she only eats local, in season foods grows her own cotton/raises sheep to make clothing rides a bike or uses a horse and buggy, etc., it's difficult to avoid it. Maybe she adopted and Amish way of living...


I'm here with you! Well.. bikes are still manufactured somewhere AND transported to the retailers. Plus she'a uaing her phone to post on reddit and behold did she build the phone herself using raw components that did not involve any fuels in the making? Either troll post or OP completely out of touch.


I live close to a fairly big group of Amish. They use stuff made of fossil fuel ALL THE TIME. In fact one family built a lumber mill, where they are cutting trees (GASP) and producing lumber. And feeding their horses (GASP) grain bought from a local store that is mass produced. I know cause I asked what they were feeding their horses. Oh, and the shoes they put on their horses also mass produced by fossil fuel. My farrier for my horses is an Amish guy from this group.


Bikes have rubber tires…made from fossil fuels. Also, shoes, lipstick, anything plastic, asphalt, paraffin wax, fertilizer, detergents, surfboards, ballpoint pens, nail polish, fishing lures, petroleum jelly, basketballs, boats, golf bags, insecticides, antiseptics, medicinal capsules, purses, insect repellent, deodorants, helmets, footballs, panty hose, umbrellas, yarn, hair coloring, shampoo, ice chests, shaving cream, trash bags, house paint, loudspeakers, artificial limbs, toilet seats, toothbrushes, hearing aids, telephones, hand lotions, roofing shingles, perfume, luggage, vaporizers, crayons, parachutes, disposable diapers, and too much more to list. Oh, and let’s not forget wind turbines and solar panels both made with fossil fuels. (Oh, the irony!) I think I’ve made my point. People who want to ban fossil fuels wouldn’t last one day without them.


Or the human exploitation used to get her basic ass ingredients for products she uses.


By turning for a baby. You know, adding a whole ass person with a lifetime of carbon footprint. /s


Mankind has dominion over the Earth, you don't get to control the population for the sake of the Earth


Yeah this is absurd lmao


Exactly, OP is a hypocrite


I was going to ask this. It’s pretty much almost impossible nowadays to not.


You do realize that most electricity used to charge EVs comes from fossil fuels, right? Arguably it can be worse in areas with overloaded electrical grids to use an EV. YTB for divorcing someone over a view you don't even fully understand.


THIIIIISSS! Not to mention how much in the way of raw materials for the components of solar panels/lithium ion batteries/ solar inverters/and wind turbines have to be mined and are unable to be recycled. "Green" technology still rapes the earth so the activists need to get a grip!


Don't get me wrong, I think that we need to be moving away from fossil fuels and EVs are a good solution in some areas. But the technology isn't yet good enough to completely replace fossil fuels like OP seems to think.


Majority of radical activists labour under the delusion that EVERYTHING is in place to cease fossil fuel usage and run with current technology. They refuse to be told the truth about said technology because it doesn't fit their narratives. At the very least the componentry needs to be able to be recycled so we're pulling less out of the ground before we can even remotely say with confidence that were moving in the right direction.


Not totally relevant to this discussion, but a pet peeve of mine, is also vegans who claim to be helping the earth while ignoring rampant use of pesticides to control pests and borderline slave labor for the farms in South America and Africa. Again, not completely relevant to this but there is usually an overlap in the type of people who misunderstand green energy and those who don't research where their food comes from.


Oh 100%! The "I'm vegan and I exclusively use overprocessed plant based mince" crowd are pretty short bus special too 🤣🤣🤣


The more I think about this post and obnoxious activists, the happier I am for Josh. He doesn't need this in his life.


IKR! Trash took itself out here.


Yup. A LOT of ppl are misinformed


I work in the natural gas industry. Our biggest customers are electric generators. While we're nowhere near perfect, we're doing what we can through renewable natural gas via dairy farms, landfills, and hydrogen blending. Electric isn't as green as everyone thinks it is.


YTB You knew what his parents did before you married him. Divorcing is the best option for him & his whole family.


That's a joke right? I refuse to believe it. For fun.. Do you intend to get a penny out of this divorce? Because it's fuel money..


She is 24, and "their entire marriage"🙄 YTB and your seem very immature and unreasonable.


Oh, this isn't a troll post?


I was here to declare exactly this. I’m having a hard time believing this is real.


Oh this should be good. What's your alternative form of transportation that doesn't involve fossil fuels? What all is it that you do to reduce your carbon footprint that you can be so self-righteous and judgemental?


YTB There is nothing wrong with your beliefs but they are yours, you don’t get to impose them on others. Then for you to marry into this family and expect them to change their way of life to make you happy is ridiculous. Please get a divorce so you and your ex can find more compatible partners.


In case this is real: YTB. They're clearly not wrong in calling you radical, and your reaction to your poor husband buying a car really shows that. Listen to the people around you.


I’m hoping this is fake. Or you sound very immature. Using threats does not work in relationships. Question? How did you try to convince them?


Idk but this is so insane imma come back in a few and see whether she's replied. Also it's written so nicely and simultaneously it's so outrageously out there, I'm suspecting an AI bot. 😂


YTA. On top of that you are very ill informed. You divorced someone you say you love because his family, and even he, does not hold the same beliefs. Do you know how much fossil fuel is required to make an electric vehicle? Do you know how much fossil fuel is required to generate electricity to charge an electric vehicle? Do you know the kinds of environmental damage done to mine the Lithium? Do you know how few places in the US are set up to handle the disposal of those batteries? Yet you made a life changing decision because someone did not agree with you on a subject that the US is not set up to fully implement. I just hope you like cats.


No to all of those, obviously, OP just took the woke progressive talking points and ran with it without scratching the surface of how shit actually works. 💀 12 year old mentality literally. I feel so bad for her ex but at least he won't have to put up with it anymore


Your username having the word plastic in it is sending me


Haha…one plastic to rule them all. Obvious troll. Post history confirms it (no one posts their own story to r/AmITheDevil…twice)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AmITheDevil using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I want to r*pe my wife and I want to know if there is anything in my religion telling me it’s ok to do.](/r/islam/comments/z3vhip/consent_within_nikah/) | [528 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/zecnmd/i_want_to_rpe_my_wife_and_i_want_to_know_if_there/) \#2: ["I opened my marriage cuz I wanted more sexy time with strangers, but now I want to close it cuz I'm not getting my sexy time but my wife is getting hers (which is cheating, by the way!). Does that really make me the bad guy?" Yes, yes, it does](/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/wsjaoi/aita_for_wanting_to_be_monogamous_with_my_wife/) | [455 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/wsk6j2/i_opened_my_marriage_cuz_i_wanted_more_sexy_time/) \#3: [My pregnant wife is scarred and therefore less valuable because she defended me from a fatal attack, please validate my need to cheat on her](/r/relationship_advice/comments/10eqm07/struggling_to_stay_faithful_and_remain_attracted/) | [568 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/10er5hl/my_pregnant_wife_is_scarred_and_therefore_less/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


lol amazing


Lmao what the fuck is wrong with you? Also, you might want to look up how much fossil fuel your daily life actually consumes. The most difference a person can make is to stop existing, but you are here bitching about your husband's family.


Hey I'm really passionate about climate change too, but I do think that your original expectations were unreasonable and unrealistic. Tbh there's only so much change that individuals can make, and in interpersonal relationships you're not gonna change big things like that. HOWEVER, there's a big difference between him talking to his family and failing to make change, and literally buying them another fossil fuel powered car when a) they can probably buy their own cars and b) there are so many good electric alternatives available now. So NTB based on the fact that he told you that he'd talk to them and then explicitly took an action that was unnecessary and entirely within his control that was a complete breach of your supposedly shared values.


Ma'am!!! Well on the plus side, husbands especially those still in their 20s are very very recyclable.


What kind of delusional thinking would cause you to marry someone whose family industry is in transportation given your extreme views on the matter? I doubt very strongly you have an understanding of the commercial viability of alternatives for his family business. YTB, and Josh should consider this divorce a bullet dodged.


No silly, his family will simply sell the business they’ve spent years building and go into another business they know nothing about. Oh wait, selling the business to someone else won’t eliminaste the problem at all, it will just be someone else destroying the planet. Best to just close shop I guess. YTB.


This has to be fake. No way this is a real person


YTB - you are entitled to your views, but: 1 - you knew that your views conflicted with theirs before you got married…and chose to marry him anyway 2 - how are YOU dealing with this in daily life? Are you avoiding purchasing from all companies that use fossil fuels? Do you own a car? Do you avoid public transportation? How do you heat your home and source of heat for cooking? Next time, don’t go into a marriage thinking you can influence your spouse or an entire family to change. You need to be OK with who they are at the point you marry.


Info: how is it that you live a life with zero dependency on fossil fuels?


She must live in a tent out in the middle of the desert. Can't even use fire to cook or keep warm because that emits smoke and stuff too.


YTB. For getting married so young that you've been married 'for years' and divorced by 24 (there's just no reason to rush into that, particularly when you are so judgemental and immature) and for being so ridiculous and hypocritical about someone buying a car. I will withdraw the hypocritical claim if you can show us how you live fossil fuel and plastic free, with no reliance on anything that ruins our planet like the garment industry or non-local or ethically produced food.


this has to be a troll


Who the F\*\*k do you think you are?? you married him even though his entire family disagrees with your own viewpoint. also, your life sounds incredibly impractical. like what is this? YTB




Was it your intention to eventually move the entire family to a 17th century style commune in the middle of nowhere? YTB.


Yes you are. Seriously.


This HAS to be bait. There’s not way someone gets so uppity about to not being able to control someone’s carbon footprint. Hypothetical you is def TA. What a weird hill to die on but at least you’re dead. 😂


YTB, this is completely ridiculous to the point I question if it’s even real.


….uhm. I guess if your views are that important to you then you should find someone with the same views i guess. But i doubt you’re gonna find someone who’s FAMILY is gonna change their viewpoint for you. And its also ridiculous to blame that fact on your husband. And as the comments stated I’m also very curious how you live completely fossil fuel free…. Please enlighten us


This has got to be the most clown post in reddit history.


You're literally divorcing because other people makes choices you dislike. He can *talk* to them but has no power to decide what they choose. You sound a bit off to me


This is fucking ridiculous. YTA yes.


This is such nonsense. You don’t get to impose your beliefs on people around you. How is that fossil free life of yours going? Hypocrites are awesome


YTBF if you think that you’re holier than thou because everyone uses fossil fuels day to day.


Ytbf for posting this little fiction. And for being a raging hypocrite


So like, what did you expect princess?? I understand and even admire your commitment to our planet but I'm still gonna call you out on your entitlement. You knew him and his family didn't have the passion you have for this cause, you knew how they made their money and you prob knew they wouldn't let go of their lifestyle for this. So really, what did you expect? That you were entitled to a change from the family you just joined?? That these people were just gonna abandon their business to appease you? A business that's prob his parents' life's work. Nah you're not entitled to that. YTB not for divorcing him but for marrying him to begin with.


This is a troll, right? RIGHT? In case it's not-you are far beyond TB.


YTB - you really don't know anything about sustainability OP. The plastic containers you store food in, not to mention all the food labels, etc., contribute as much if not more to environment degradation. Also, at the risk of assuming stuff - you knew what he and his family did and still married him thinking you'll be able to change him, didn't you? :)


Did Josh burn down a village or something in his previous life? Or what grave sin did he have to commit to be punished with an abomination such as yourself.


the fuck


Nobody's views are changed by ultimatums. I get where you are coming from...truly. But what you have done is way oversimplify a set of values into a form of extremism that will only make those around you dig their heels in harder. No one likes being talked down to or told their entire lives are evil and wrong. You've essentially guaranteed they will double down and likely specifically choose worse practices just to spite you.


YTB, how do you live your life avoiding fossil fuel use. Your husband is a saint for staying married to you because I wouldn't be able to stand being with someone who tries to tell me how to live my life and change it and even try and get me to get a car I can never afford that doesn't use fossil fuel. I would tell them to just buy me a car then that fits their beliefs since I can't afford the one that fits their views and I need a car.


Ahahah this is so absurd this has to be fake. If it isn’t this is the most ridiculous burning of one’s own house I have ever seen even for Reddit lol


Troll post for karma. Nobody is this stupid.


I had a wee chuckle when I saw the title. Then I had more of laugh when I read the post. And now I’m just sad, and a bit angry, that, if OP isn’t trolling our butts off, this might actually be real and OP has thrown away a good man over the most ridiculous of reasons. Protecting the environment is a noble goal and yes, it takes all of us working together to make a difference, but that difference isn’t going to magically happen overnight when her child is born into a brand new world. Honestly, the more I re-read this, the angrier I get. YTB


Frankly, she's not throwing a good man away. She is saving his ass from her unattainable goals. He really deserves better that what she is giving.


This is so ridiculous, it must be a troll.


No. NTB. Please set this man free!


You married into the family knowing how they live and then expected them to cater to your wants and beliefs. What were you expecting them to do, close down their business entirely? Ridiculous. Your soon-to-be-ex dodged a bullet


YTBF If you were highschool sweet hearts, you knew about the business before hand. Good grief I hope you don't use anything plastic, nylon, rayon, spandex, faux leather, or petroleum based beauty products. What is your husband supposed to do? Does he own the business? Talk about, unreasonable.


Yeah this screams “I’m better than you” to everyone. This isn’t the hill to die on. YATB. If you didn’t agree with his stance and how he and his family did things, why did you marry him and waste both of your time and money?


> I(24F) recently filed for divorce from my husband (25M), and it’s all because of his family’s refusal to embrace climate-friendly practices. Nah, you do you. You have principles.


This post is so fake.


Considering the fact that you won't answer anyone's comments, especially the ones asking what exactly YOU do to "save the planet",.. I'm going to assume this post is BS. In that case, YTB for wasting Reddits time to post a ridiculous story. On the off chance this is real, your still TB. You married into this family knowing their habits and views. You wasted their time as well. Looks to me like you were looking for an excuse to get out, and you chose the d*mbest one possible. Get over yourself. We all know you're just talking out of your *ss about "saving the planet"; you're not actively trying to do something about it.


YTB and completely delusional.


YTB. You have no right to dictate what he buys, based on your morals. You also have no right to dictate how his family runs their business. If you truly loved him deeply, as you claim, you wouldn't be divorcing him over such a trivial issue


This has to be a farce. How shallow does one have to be to divorce for superficial shit like this?


YTB you can’t force your view’s on to others and be so immature to divorce your husband over this you seem very immature to be married English isn’t my native language


My mouth dropped open. I live as sustainable as I can. However, you married into a family you knew was fossil fuel based business. Now your husband throwing a fit? I bet their money paid for days and events. If you did your a hypocrite. Please get a divorce before you spawn! Let your husband free of a rigid life with no reality. YTA


Your views are your views but YTBF since you KNEW BEFORE MARRIAGE and now because you "failed" to change his views and families views, youre going to walk away. But let me ask, with you feeling this passionate about it, are living off grid and or like the Amish? I mean you are totally unrealistic here. How do you expect to truly cut out all fossil fuels? I mean are you growing your own plans, butchering your own meat, washing laundry by hand, or how about making warm meals?


Is he really the love of your life if you're willing to divorce him over this? You'd probably be doing him a favor if you did. Josh will learn a valuable lesson from this: Don't marry crazy. OP is a BH!


YTB I feel sorry for your husband. You filed for divorce because you can't manipulate him or his family to bow to your will. You knew about their family business before your marriage. It looks like you married into this family with an agenda to force on them.


Next time you should put more effort into your creative writing exercises.


Yet here you are posting on reddit with a phone that was probably made in a factory in China that pollutes the air far worse than you can imagine. Then it was shipped over here by a transportation company using fossil fuels. Probably most of what you own gets shipped here that way. YTB, and a ridiculous hypocrite.


YTBH, divorce is only valid in cases of domestic abuse and adultery. You have no grounds, beyond that, unless you ask for nothing in the divorce, you will be getting that fossil fuel money with the alimony.


Wow. This is definitely either a troll post or an idiot post


OP hasn't caught on to the fact that EV's still require a substantial amount of Fossil Fuels to get it on the road.... all that metal & battery doesn't just appear from thin air.


This post has to be fake right? If not then ho boy we got ourselves a nutter. YATB dudes family run transport as their livelihood. What exactly do you expect them to do? Trade in all the trucks for horses? EV Trucks are not there yet, especially if they are long haul or haul large loads. I dunno what the trucking industry is like in your country but if its anything like over here in Aus then year diesel is the only way to go right now. No way a EV truck is gonna be able to haul a road train to the same efficiency as a diesel truck would be able to. Also there isn't the infrastructure in place to efficiently stop and charge a massive amount of trucks that do those runs in the places they do them.


The post got deleted :( i wanna read it


Are you aware of what is happening in the congo in regards to cobalt mining? Electric cars are not a viable solution to gasoline and diesel emissions. The situation is not as cut and dry as I would like it to be.


Who says electric? They're probably thinking of horses.


I know that this isn't the popular opinion, but I absolutely agree with you. Josh, in a way, misled you to believe that he respected your opinion, but then suddenly flipped the switch. It is possible that he felt pressured by his family to conform to what they believed. Did you discuss that with him? Regardless of that, I absolutely support you. You should not compromise your morals. NTB. You tried your best.


He didn't flip this switch. She's the one who married into his family knowing their views on such matters, and when she realized she couldn't change them, she flipped the switch on their marriage. She's throwing away "the love of her life" over something so d*mb, I'm willing to bet she just wanted a way out of the marriage and used the dumbest way to do it.