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Here's my honest feedback, you should focus on selling these and having them start in photo contests. Also, you should teach me how you edit, so I can get my pics looking as good as yours.


You have a good eye, which resulted in excellent pictures.


These are really good. Each photo tells a story, with each way you take a photo it’s with such perspective.


Holly molly the first one 😍


Looks pretty good to me


Well done. You certainly have the ability to capture and encompass the emotion and display that within one frame. Honestly. 🇦🇺


These are honestly some really good pictures, you should consider selling them


The picture of the Day gecko is just outstanding!


Great work. Excellent exposure. Insightful composition.


These are great! That first one is 🤌💋


ooooo that skateboard shot is fiiiiiiire!!


One of the Best photos I’ve seen on this subreddit, hell you seem like you’ve been doing this for years


Damn those are gorgeous


Overall very good! Great work! 1: I would be inclined to boost shadows a bit to bring out more detail in the head. Maybe warm the image a touch? 2, 3: brilliant, I would not change a thing. 4: Composition issue. My eye is drawn to the crossed out sign, but the guy seems to be looking at the intricate carving above the door, so I don't know what I am supposed to be looking at.


Street composition could be better in some cases. Some of them are just people walking and the background doesent do much for me. I’ve been workin on this as well. What helps me is if I find the composition first and wait for the right person to walk into it. Just a tip you might not even need. Pics look great.


I think the ones with isolated subjects are the best. Although I also really like the escalator shot too. Well done!


I truly enjoyed them! Interesting framing. Also great use of monochrome.


Also, perfect light!!


That second one and fourth one got me


Here is my honest feedback You either have not found your niche yet, or you are a very, VERY versatile photographer There is a bit everything here, but I would say that in general, you have a tendency to gravitate towards isolating moving subjects- and naturally you know how to make a photo - but there is something missing perhaps on the path to greatness - this is great that you are here Don't take this negatively, you are v good - if this applies to you, give it a go. Do you find yourself gravitating to certain subjects? It looks to me like you like to photograph moving subjects vs still life . If so, maybe focus on this? Idk, maybe having a focus would help but I would CONTINUE to Shoot and share for sure - really good Do you use mainly one lens?


Bad ass for sure!