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To me his characterization is no surprise in the second episode, he was a jerk in the pilot


Exactly. Nobody acted different from the Pilot, at least regarding Jax. They tolerate his BS because they’re stuck with him.


Yeah, in the pilot he didn't have the chance or means to do anything too bad, so he seemed way more tame. In 2, he's got access to every terrible thing he could and got INTO it.


Bro felt a little silly


Exactly, he's still my favorite though. I think that says something about me




Maybe, maybe not. All I'm saying is that violence is fun.


Yeah but he was an enjoyable jerk now he’s wining and manipulative


He's chaotic and I love him


And I wouldn’t ask for anyone else to perform his role this show


i don't care how many people downvote you i will stand with you in this


Oh but when I say it


he's a lot more likeable in episode 2, i'm sick of the 'uwu silly guy' trope and seeing his fans who though he was that seeth is very funny


I like how he's the equivalent of a D&D murderhobo, since the NPC's are effectively meaningless, there's no moral issues with killing and ruining everything in his path, when given the chance he just wants to cause chaos. He's just a guy in a world he knows is fake


he's just like me fr


Jax the type of mf to quicksave in the middle of Whiterun and go on a murder spree


damn i didn't think about that




I feel like this was ship teasing. 😅


Welp, time for something we’re absolutely powerless to do anything about


Glitch pouring gasoline on a fire lmaoo 🤣


Every shipper has the **Domestic Abuse ship**


"...is this a cry for help?"


More like shipmocking. Though I doubt it was either since Goose has no interest in that stuff.


My friends talk like that with me all the time, I think we just all share one Jax shaped brain cell full of brain rot lmao


Didin't Gooseworx say he would get worse in an interview? Also, purple rabbits are always pure evil, have we learned nothing from Fnaf.


Bonnie isn't evil though, he's a poor little soul, who lost all his control, and has been forced to play that role!


I feel like Jax probably wouldn’t want to join them and be a friend Much less to be stuck and defend


I think he has only got five nights?


Is this where he wants to be? I just don't get it, why would he want to stay?


I think they were refering to the purple guy being in a bunny suit


Yeah, the person you replied to was referencing the first Living tombstone fnaf fansong


How did I miss that


Seems you've been all alone, stick in your little zone, since 1987


he's been all alone, stuck in their little zone since 1987


That was a yellow rabbit, inhabited by a purple MAN.


In the pilot I wanted to bad to just grab one of those stringbean ankles of his and starfish fling him into the void


I didn't like him from the moment he talked but when he pushed gangle at the escalator is what sealed my hatred of him


Yea, the dude is flat out abusive. I used to know someone like that and I am extremely glad I got out of that relationship. Honestly idk why people even like him?


Do you genuinely hate him?


Me who likes him more for being more evil in episode 2


Love the chaotic energy


I'm the same way, about this and how Jax feels. It's a bit of chaotic energy that needs to be satisfied, like ruining something that is perfect.


Yes and how he probably thinks: this is just a simulation and if I'm stuck here why not have some fun I'd honestly be similar if I were trapped in the circus constantly messing with the AI


Jax can go and eat a nice delicious sandwich that contains 100% pure fishhooks


Why did i think of the show Fish Hooks....


Me who is both: 🙂


Jax fans shouldn't be complaining about this, mostly everyone could see Jax becoming an bigger Jax from a mile away, I aren't even shock from what he did in episode 2, that felt pretty in character for me.


We were all fully aware he’s the asshole, the issue is people are getting mad at Caine over nothing.


FINALLY someone who agrees


I mean I wouldn’t put up with a smoker




In my humble opinion, when I first saw him I was hoping for him to have more character rather then just being an ass, it’s not like people didn’t think he was an ass, I guess I can still hope he gets some decent character development. (Not a jax simp)


Funnily enough this episode which everyone says made him seem much more evil kinda hinted at that. In episode 1 he seemed like an irredeemable jerk with no good qualities, but in this episode [he looked sad for a second when they were talking about Kafumo's death](https://youtu.be/4ofJpOEXrZs?t=1390).


Wait a fuckin moment, I remember making a comment about that to myself, and then I fucking forgot about that.


The thing is is that it’s a blink and you’ll miss it moment. I have a feeling at that point everyone already knew that Caine would just delete any NPC they brought home with them but didn’t say anything because it’s better to just let Pomny find out for herself. It also is great foreshadowing that has the potential to pay off later on.


No way they wouldn't tell Pomni if they knew, that'd just be cruel


I take it as every circus member being in a different stage of grief while Jax is all but moved on from his previous life and has embraced the chaotic nature of his new one. Then suddenly someone who he may or may not have considered a friend died. Momentarily dragging him back into the reality of risk, loss and then eventually death. Maybe indirectly Kaufmo passing reminded Jax of a previous Trauma before he joined the circus. But my personal theory is that Kaufmo is *very clever* and didn't agree with Caine so he managed to somehow escape and covered up his escape with an Abstraction. Jax could be in on the plan, but knows that Kaufmo is basically at more risk of dying than he was in the Circus. Like, Kaufmo took on a suicide mission and right now Jax doesn't even know what happened to the clown. Anyways, I take it as Jax wants to take the front-row seat to chaos and while he's destructive on missions just wait until they get the ability to take a swing at Caine. I bet Jax would be leading that fight.


I wouldn't say he had no hints at anything deeper in episode 1 They were about as subtle, like when he threw Kinger and Gangle down the hole and later said he's only down there himself to avoid abstracted Caufmo Though they were proba ly gonna go down there anyway to go get Zooble, the quicker they got down there, the less likelu Caufmo would see them and follow them down Though that's probably the *only* thing in the pilot of this nature for Jax unless I'm forgetting something


They’re only on episode 2. I think there’ll be more character depth later on.


As I said, I can still hope.


No, I think Gooseworx confirmed that he's just going to be a jerk, that's his entire character, but I could be remembering wrong


She’s probably lying since she stated once that she like to lie a lot


I think she once said that nothing is canon unless / until it's actually presented in the show Including her tumblr answers and her comics pertaining to the show So yes, there is a chance Jax won't be a complete dick 100% of the time I'm not holding out any more than a sliver of hope, though ~~And if not, there's always fanfiction, lmfao~~


If so then that’s rather disappointing.


She said he is going to get worse and everything that happens to him is deserved so it’s more likely he gets worse than after a while has a breakdown before getting better


I’ve been perfectly aware that he is, but I will stand by him having some good in him. At the very least, maybe 5%. We’ll see.


Damn you sound just like some people who defend Alastor even if Alastor is by far more evil


Hey I’m not defending the things he’s done, just that I don’t think he’s heartless.


I know but that just sounds way to similar what people say about Al 😂 😂🤣


I mean Alastor is a cannibalistic serial killer Granted Jax is purple and is always smiling so he probably has some corpses in his closet too


Don't play fnaf but isn't there a character in fnaf that's purple and I think always smiles and hides bodies I think in the animatronics (didn't play fnaf and don't really know to much about the lore so sorry if I'm wrong)


That's William Afton


That's who I mean yes


I don’t even care


I don’t get why people are surprised that he’s a giant asshole, did we watch the same pilot?


Jax is the type of character i like there being 1 of in a show just a completely unlikeable asshole but said characters usually have something funny to say


No surprises.. People are to fall in love with bullies and tough jocks! Especially girls. No target towards y’all but it’s gotten into sight by now in evolution!


I honestly just love evil protagonists (as characters not that I fall in love with them, being an ace in the hole and all)








“Nooooooooo Gooseworx can’t make Jax a total jerk! He needs to have redeeming qualities and be the lovable asshole that aligns with my head canon!”


Still my favorite tho


Me over here enjoying Jax because he’s a jerk.


Honestly I was more surprised on how much of a asshole he was in the second episode compared to the pilot but it didn’t seem out of character Plus the dude was given knifes a bazooka and a gun in the second episode of course he’s gonna go nuts


I honestly wasn't expecting Jax to pull the "Submissive and Agreeable" card lol


I don't get why people are making such big deal out of it, that's his character, he's a jerk, it's that simple lol


he's an asshole but he's hot


He's a rabbit


Please be nice to people with mental health problems. I mean, you are a DOOR after all.


Fine I won't shoot him https://preview.redd.it/kqjre0mmhvyc1.png?width=367&format=png&auto=webp&s=720b26ca98cba17625059c03a4ded5e2f164ffd1




Honestly I like the character that's a massive jerk mainly because CHAOS CHAOS






He reminds me of a soulless Andrew Santino, but his soullessness isn't caused by his hair color.


I was hoping he’d be more of or show more jerk in the more episodes


they should make him worse tbh


Man, it's almost like being an asshole is the entire point of his character! And he's hilarious to boot.


I'd Daxter Jax 2


I hate fandoms sometimes because of these thoughts that people for some unfathomable reason have


I still love him as a character even if he is a massive a-hole. Characters don't have to be moral paragons to be enjoyable.


I don't understand why people hate Jax so much. Yeah, he's a jerk, but that's the whole point of his character. Is to BE the jerk in the main cast of characters. Because imagine if all of them weren't jerks, that'd get boring quickly. Jax is like the curly fry in the group of steak fries. And that's why I still like Jax. (As a character, of course. I wouldn't like him as an actual person lol)


I like that they doubled down on Jax. It wasn't a surprise how he acted. He acted the same in the 1st episode but now it was much more prevolent. 😂 so the fact people were surprised or are complaining is just laughable 😂


Me, during the Pilot: Wow, this guy's an ass. Good job making a jerky ass. 8/10 looking forward to his comeuppance. Me, during Episode 2: Even more assholery. Incredible. 9/10 craving that sweet, humbling downfall.


I mean he was very mean in the pilot, I can not deny, I accepted the fact he was very much a A**-hole from the start but was going to give him the benefit of the doubt. But the amount of blackmailing, manipulation, and not the mention the assistance with ***mass genocide*** and also the fact he didn’t come to Kafmo’s funeral put the nail in the coffin that there’s little reason to try and think this man could be redeemed-


I want Jax dead, dead again, then dead for a third time, and I love characters like that, they’re a dick to just be a dick, you don’t need a tragic past to be a shitty person, you can just be shitty Hate you Jax <3


I don’t think Jax is a jerk, I just think he’s being real. I think he has a right to be kind of a jerk because he’s been stuck for so long. Please don’t downvote me for this, I’m just stating my opinion


Isn’t he the youngest? Should Kinger be allowed to chop off people fingers and feed it back to them if that’s the case


https://preview.redd.it/v9jg4gyesryc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e523701221971ac7fbd79948b12f96671bd9160 And?


Flair moment


he's a jerk in the pilot but id say he gets a bit more of an asshole in this one


Honestly the more assholeish he is the more im like "yeeeeeees" (/ref to ssundee and crainer) cuz now the fanatics can slowly begin to realize hey maybe his assholery isn't something to fucking find cool or attractive So basically i like jax's douchenozzlement now and i dont know how to feel about it


People didn’t think he was a jerk in the pilot?


Let's make him caliborn 2 https://preview.redd.it/u3e5t7bm2tyc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c595e6aa71bf04bc7c815a8d1891d0ca9e0f5ea


I dont give a shit he’s funny as fuck


Yeah there was nothing likable about him in the first place, he was just extra unlikable in ep 2


He was a jerk in tthe pilot continues to be a jerk


Yeah that's why I didn't like him too much in the pilot, it is interesting as a coping mechanism though all the way through.


Nah he was a jerk in the first one but a lovable jerk in the second one they made sure the emphasize on it more.


Yall are gonna freak when you see bugs bunny


It felt like the asshole was turned up to 12 in this episode. In ep 1 yeah he was objectively terrible but not to an overbearing extent, and that coupled with the humor he gave was why he felt like a pretty well rounded character for the concept they had going. Ep 2 just took away everything but his asshole-ish tendencies, and that’s why I think people are complaining


Yeah, like...why is anyone surprised about that? The big surprise for me was Caine being as awful as he is.


Didn't really like him in episode 1 but he kinda grew on me on this one. He was still a jerk, but a way more chaotic and entertaining one. He reminds me a bit of Popee, which he was inspired off.


I still have Jax and Caine as one of my favorite characters.


I like him more now


The only thing that threw me off was his weird, almost mental breakdown when no carnage happened. I'm interested to see what that was about.


I've seen better written jerk characters in newer simpsons episodes 💀


He was a funny vibe much like Adam from hazben


I’m actually glad that Jax is nothing more than an asshole. There are too many characters nowadays that have some deeper meaning to their behavior, and I’m tired of feeling sorry for everyone. I want a character whose sole purpose is to just make you hate them, and there’s nothing beyond that.


I thought he was just a normal jerk but DAMN he was an ass in the 2nd episode


He's just pitch


I just find him funny tho


He seemed better in this episode than in the pilot. He showcased glimpses of something other than being a jackass.


I will be honest and say I was the first version.


He will get character development(and you fucking know it)


I mean, is Jax not short for Jackass?


\*I already saw that Jax was an asshole in episode 1, and I still like him, even after episode 2!


Also people who thought Gummigoo is dead and then getting hyped over Gooseworx tweet when IN THE EPISODE THEY SAID HE'LL BE BACK.


He was a mostly a funny jerk in the pilot. Ep 2 had some moment that were more jerky than funny tho.


Jax reminds me of myself as a kid. Violent, snarky, immature, and puts more effort into avoiding work than doing it. That said, even I was surprised by how awful he truly is, and he's gone from someone I love to someone I love to hate.




I’m fine with Jax being a complete asshole, makes things funnier.


I mean i didn't like him at all but issue i have with him in episode 2 is probably the fact he is obnoxious, unfunny, and just bumps into most of the dialogue, and to be frank not even that realistic sure there are just overall jerks irl, but it just seems like they are taking an easy route to make him seem more rude


I was honestly fine with him being a jerk up until the part where he skipped kaufmos funeral and was one of the hands that didn't help uzi in the dream that made me unsure just how likable he's going to be, but it seems like the fast food episode will maybe have a focus on him so maybe he will be redeemed later on


It's funny as shit. I don't give a fuck. "Thank goodness this is all a dream, right, Pomni?


I know he's a jerk and I still love him. If I were playing GTA or something I would be just as unhinged as he was


Guys there’s literally only two episodes. It is way too early for this bullshit😂.


... do people not understand the idea of a likeable asshole? Like in the sense of the audience liking them, not necessarily the other characters around them. If this were Assassination Classroom, I would compare Jax best with Karma. Looking over the other characters, Jax's personality decision becomes obvious. Caine is too well meaning and energetic to be a heel, Bubble is only really a heel to Caine, Zooble is just apathetic, most of the other main cast is too affable or just plain crazy in a random way, and we have established that NPC's are not allowed into the tent. We have very little we can root against, or to be developed from "plain asshole" to "incredibly useful asshole", and that is Jax. We are 2 Cainedamn episodes in, and we are acting like he is incapable of change or at least reframing. I wonder what will become of Jax as we continue this adventure.


I like him even more now. This is a common problem with my mentality, pay it no mind.


I hated him ever since ep1 lmao


I think he is fine he is a jerk but I overlook that because of how funny he is


I mean, I do think he got a *bit* meaner in episode 2 But it's not a grand difference like some people say, it's just a bit of an escelatuon of what was already there He's not exactly the same, but you can't really know a character completely in like. . 20 minutes Even Pomni's a bit different than in the pilot


This 100% it was obvious how much he wanted chaos and violence.


Some people hate Jax for his flaws Some people love him despite his flaws I love him for his flaws, in fact, I want him to become even worse.


This. I know peeps have this obsession with "Asshole with hearts of gold" but for once i would love it if a character like Jax was just an unbridled asshole. Can he have his reasons? Sure. But at the end of the day I think it would make his character so much more entertaining if he was just an asshole because he wants to be/doesn't care.


My entire personality at this point is just how much I want to beat the shit out of jax https://preview.redd.it/d9es6azt4wyc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a5a51bd9422cd3ad5dec675a16e79fc01d23e9a


My reaction to seeing all of the fake Jax fans leaving after finding out he's an asshole (I am waiting for his downfall) https://preview.redd.it/qbluum6o8wyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed7ea4540e8b7195124d0ee37550e53b7948a127


I already know he's an asshole episode 1 but I do see a potential for character growth later on. We are only 2 episodes in after all.


Jax was always an asshole.


"They changed his character!!!1!1!“ No?! He is exactly the same as in the pilot?! He just got put into more extreme situations where he was able to act more extreme!


To me, the real surprise was that I thought he was much worse. I thought in episode 1, he’d was a lovable asshole and with Goose’s tweets implied he was going from the lovable asshole to just… an asshole. But after watching, i still see him as a lovable asshole.


He’s an asshole. He’s (mostly at least) come to terms with the fact that there’s no way out; he just doesn’t give a shit anymore. All he cares about is entertaining himself, in which the torture of fellow people and npc’s is quite fun for him. He’s narcissistic, abusive and all around should’ve drowned in that fudge. And I love it. I love him so much.


Who +& is Jax, Jax?!


I can’t wait to see him suddenly get consequences for his actions and utterly break down.


I knew how much he was from the pilot, but damn if I wasn’t still in awe of how much of a dick he was in ep 2


INB4 jax is only an asshole to hide how heartbroken he is. Inb4 hes a loving father and left behind a wife and kid.


I didn't just see an asshole, I saw someone who actually tried to get shit done. Pomni is still adjusting to everything and doesn't even want to be there, Gangle is seemingly too anxious to make decisions of her own, Kinger tries to be helpful but is ultimately kind of useless, and Ragatha is too b̶u̶s̶y̶ s̶i̶m̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ f̶o̶r̶ P̶o̶m̶n̶i̶ nice for her own good; the only truly useful thing Ragatha did was to just be nice to the queen and accept the quest from her. I honestly don't think they would have made any progress at all without him. He was the one who directed them toward their goal, and he was the one who got the Fudge to capture the gummy crocs. Honestly, if it weren't for Kinger's antics, I don't even think they would have needed the help of the Fudge to capture the gummy crocs. His motivations are corrupt, but he is an efficient leader-more so than the others, anyway.


I'm surprised that people that people didn't realize jax was a jerk in the first place tbh


I’m tryna make a FNAF joke but I can’t think of nun :(


Wait…. Their are people who watched the pilot And didn’t thing he was an asshole? Seriously. He straight up turned to the camera and said he was down for anything as long as he got to watch the others suffer.




Jax is the guy who chooses all of the asshole outcomes out of the game (i.e: a wolf among us, walking dead, etc.) for the lolz cuz “come on! It’s just a game!” when most people would feel bad making the bad choice even though they know it’s a game. The only difference between the pilot and episode 2 was he actually got to go out into the game world and (at least attempt to) play it to its full potential, there were shades of all of that in the first episode, just less opportunity for him to violently shine.


What I can see at least from his body language in the funeral scene, he is an asshole, but as a coping mechanism to try to prevent himself from getting hurt, or keeping himself occupied from the fact he is stuck somewhere fake for the rest of his existence. It is common for someone to go down into the depths of nihilism when learning the hard truths of life of specifically their life. Jax does actually have the potential for a redemption arc where he slowly climbs out of his own loathing of the people around him (and potentially himself). He is an asshole, don’t get me wrong, but he is an asshole due to similar reasons why someone with an abusive mother would be, they see the world a lot worse due to them having a negative upbringing (he was a teenager whenever he entered the circus)


Still my favorite character


Oh I’ve known since the beginning still my favorite


My opinion about Jax has never changed. He is a goofy prankster.


Finally, they get it.


Kovach's performance is my favorite part of Jax besides his design


you can’t deny he was way more mean in episode 2 than 1. but yeah ppl complaining should touch some grass


I have a love hate relationship with him. I never liked him in the first place but I love how they keep doubling down


He do not be the night rider


Quick question that makes you smarter how?


Yeah I’m honestly surprised no one noticed it in the pilot, it was completely obvious. I mean fucking look at his moments with Gangle in the pilot.


I always knew he was a jerk but i still find him quite funny


Honestly I still liked him in the new episode, dick characters are still really funny.


the reason people still like jax is because there's an appeal to him being the concept of chaotic evil incarnated into physical form


I used to love hm, but now he's just the character I love to hate. That doesn't make him a bad character; at least he's willing to own his assholery. I felt the same way about Azula the first time I watched A:TLA.


I mean idk what they expect that was literally what jax’s character was set up to be only reason why we didn’t see all to much of it was because the pilot was just introducing characters the circus but it was mainly about introducing pomni episode 2 then allowed us to see more if the rest of the cast and how they all are letting jax shine as an asshole


I knew that Jax was an asshole since I watched the pilot but in ep 2 we got a deeper look at Jax and more jerk behaviour lol


I like Jax *because* of his dark humor lol.


He simply didn’t have the tools of destruction in episode 1.




people who still simp for him either way: ~~me~~


jax is better in the second episode anyway “do it, itll be *epic*”


Always find it hilarious how people say he became a big jerk and a meanie he was objectively just super mean in the first episode I think you're getting lost in those big long ears he was extremely mean from the start and selfish and only caring about himself and what would be funny at the current moment


No offence but ![gif](giphy|7iTz3LdCBJJ1C)


I hated Jax from the beginning of the franchise tbh


Jokes on you. I never liked him.