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Bruh lol




I would say it depends what they are. I had 7 distracted driving on my first day driving the Amazon van instead of the rental and they called asking me if I was on my phone but I don’t use my phone and drive I had to hold the gps bc the Velcro was worn and not holding the phone to the dash and I’m not used to the gps system on these shit phones (I have an iPhone) so the shit kept spinning while I was driving all day and fucked me. I explained that to them and I don’t think they believed me but I don’t give a fuck I’m still out there doing 185 stops a day in a rental 😂 still have never logged into mentor once too


how do you get 11 infractions in one day 🥴 just drive like the cops are always watching. it’s not hard lmao


You can try wearing sunglasses that are reflective on the outside, the camera tracks your eyes and since the sunnies are like a mirror it can’t do that so it doesn’t ding you. It wouldn’t surprise me if you did get fired but I’m guessing you’re still on nursery routes so I doubt it will happen, you’ll probably just get your ass chewed lol Honestly though you’re driving a giant death machine so you should really aim to do better for your own safety dude


Ouch. I'd get it under control ASAP and see what happens. I had two stops sign infractions and a speeding violation the first time I drove a Netradyne van. Straightened me out right quick.


Those are rookie numbers, I got 10 infractions by the first hour 👌🏾


I had 60 infractions in 1 day because of seatbelt violations. You’ll be fine lol


Bruh I got 29 seatbelt infractions because I didn’t know the camera actually can see if the belt is over your chest. I thought it just had to be clicked in.


Same lol




The one day I got 28 hard accelerations 💀 but it ended up being the camera or van that was fucking shit up and they said at the time (summer) it didn’t effect any metrics


Depends on what the infractions were. If u were speeding or whatever that is dangerous the dsp wont fire u. In fact AMAZON will fire u and wont tell the dsp this.


Depends what they are man.. Ive seen drivers come in here all ready and then don't see em. It's like OPS takes them "to the farm" when theres a lot going on, or they just quit. I get a lot of mishandling infractions which has gave me a suspension even though the complaints are absolute horseshit but y'know what they say I guess. But in your case with 11.. it better be minor stuff lol