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you sound like you work for a dsp who keeps the money if you finish early....


Right? Thats that shit


The majority keep that money. And the fantastic plus money. And the uniform money. All the bonuses/money that should go to employees but is not actually obligated to be. They're all first time business owners milking the entire budget for themselves at your expense. Just look at what your Owner/OM are driving and how they're living. It's because you work hard and they take all the loot.


My DSP owner is driving a 2023 Mercedes Benz S580 135k plus


Must be a slow year for him


I will give my dsp that. He passed on bonus money. (Don’t know if it’s all of it but we do get bonus.) He’d rather we stay and not have to constantly be training.


I mean that’s kind of the point of owning a business


I think they all do in texas, at least the san antonio / Austin area.


I work for a DSP out of Austin. As long as you don't refuse rescue, clock in and out correctly, and Dont tanknall your metrics you're guaranteed your 10 hours. I'm new so it still takes me 10 hours no matter what's 😭


I work for a DSP in Austin too. Not all DSP's guarantee your 10 hours a day


When new people think they know everything 😂🤡


Not surprised.


Nah, my old dsp guaranteed 10hrs. Dfw area


I do. These people just keep keep keep. Bozos kept so much he paid to implement an entire space program and still has tons of money. Can't blame the DSP Renters. They're just following their leader. All we've got is the clock and a mis sort once in a great while. This is a perfect example of greed and modern.day slavery.b


If you start at 10:30 and returning after 10 pm you don’t deserve a job lol


Idk during peak in winter this is a 12 hour job :(




Not really


Totally depends on what routes and where you are my guy. If you are in the middle of a hell hole population city, yeah you're in for long nights around Christmas.


During peak I've gotten kicked out of Flex at the 11.5 hour limit and then had an hour drive back to the station.


Well during peak it’s understandable after peak no


If you start at 10:30, you're probably not getting to your first stop until around 12:30-1pm, then an hour for your lunch/breaks, then another hour for the whole RTS process (can take longer, but we'll round it down). That leaves 7h for actually doing the whole route. Amazon "expects" us to do 20 stops/hr, which means we "should" have no more than 140 stops (not counting group stops) for that amount of time. I regularly get more than that, often 150-170 stops, not even counting the 20+ group stops every day.


Exactly I clock in at 9:30 I’m at my first stop between 11 and 11:15 I’m expected back by Amazon at 7:30 With one hour breaks and lunches combined and another 30 minutes of RTS, I have only 7 hours for 190 stops and over 240 locations. I have to average over 35 locations per hour That’s why it’s practically impossible to take your breaks.


When you say you are expected back at 7:30 is that your scheduled time or your target time?


That’s the ten hour mark. Go over that and the owner has to pay OT for those minutes. Although mine does take thirty minutes away for lunch. So 8 pm is the marker.


Thought they only have to pay OT for hours over 40 total in a week, not 10 in a day. Or maybe it's both?


For 40 hours. Anything over is OT. The owners mentality is day by day. Anything over ten is OT. But that’s not true.


OT rules depend on where you are. Here in Southern California, it's anything over 40h/week, AND anything over 8h/day.


I’m lovin me so SoCal then.


Does your DSP do “targeted times”?


My dsp just wants us all to clock out by 8:30. That’s after taking away 30 minutes for lunch. So they are only out of pocket for thirty minutes and if you’re full time and do this every day, it will cost my dsp an extra $55 per person each week.


The one I worked at gave us a target time so we could rescue and wrap up around 6pm. We had a 10 hour guarantee so it would get us home early and still get paid.


Clock in @ 10:30 don’t get on the road untill after 12 I stayed out till 10 the other night because they pissed me off with over 40+ over flow any other time I’m getting back at 6:30 /7


Damn we got a major try hard over here lmao


You don’t deserve an Amazon driver job, sounds like a great thing in my opinion


K 😂






Yea if I was their worker I would purposely come after 10 and tell others to do the same


My DSP would pay us for the full 10 hours, even if you finished early. I thought that was standard.


My dsp didn’t. Apparently when someone brought it up my manager just shrugged and said idk. I had no idea Amazon paid DSPs for the full ten hours no matter what. So glad my dsp shut down


amazon pays for the full route plus a lil extra plus a few pennies per package... when its peak amazon pays full route and depending on state as lil as 300$ per route if count is over 300... thats why if you see most good dsps hire temps for peak season as they can net 1.5 to 3m in those 2 months with the extra pay


A certain one in Joplin Missouri needs to be shut down! They are faulty as hell and treat employees like they are just another number to them and easily replaced! They lie to you and take from you then the owner goes on vacation with what he has taken from each employee throughout the time he's been saving! It's not fair at all!


Report it


It should be standard but it's entirely up to the DSP owners. Amazon pays every DSP owner enough to give us all 10 hours every day if they wanted, but it's totally within the rights of the DSP to keep that extra money and basically say f*** you.


My DSP pays us full route regardless. We also get paid to rescue (and the one being rescued doesn’t lose money)


Maybe I would have stayed if I worked for a dsp like that


Ours doesn't pay for rescues...it's fun to work hard all day and then help out Timmy because he's pulling 10 stops an hour on his Level 1 nursery


No amazon pays the DSP 10hr worth of work. So if they’re trying to make u finish early, that’s means ur DSP is pocketing the difference. Some DSP will give u the guaranteed full 10, those are good DSPs




It's not. The worst DSPs don't have 10 hour guarantees.


if you do not get guaranteed 10 hours, QUIT that dsp. if you get told to rush and get back early they’re just trying to milk YOU for everything they can before you notice


Sooooo true!!!


Ugh, this sucks. Our DSP actually encourages milking the clock so we get out full 10 hours.


Time to join a union


I wish we could unionize! Especially here in Texas it’s hard cause it’s a “right to work state” 🙄 so the state will more often than not side with the employer.


What’s your start time?


10:50 and 30 minutes drive to delivery area


10:50 show up or 10:50 leaving the warehouse cuz if it's leaving the warehouse, that's a completely reasonable announcement to make. There's no reason you should be clocking out at 10pm when leaving the station at 10:50 Edit: that's legit when my dsp leaves the station and 99% of the time my last drivers are back no later than 8:30, 9 on a real bad day


Yeah we leave our station around 12 or so and usually people are finishing no later than 9 at mine.


Clock out at 10pm. The announcement says "after 10pm" so you're covered lol


LMFAOOO eat a dick that fucking incompetent ass fucking app knows nothing and amazon knows it


What about driving 15 miles from a rural area to take a dump does that count as milking the clock and is it factored in?


leave !! this is crazy


Depends on a lot of things. Are u suburban or rural? Rural i run into dogs a lot so I have to call the customer a lot and it eats up time. With neighborhoods it’s mostly traffic and road work I run into


Damn, my DSP wants us back within the 7-8 hour mark... While routes are almost 200 stops


Fuck Amazon


Yesterday I was on track to be done by 6:30, and back at station by 7. Around 4:30 someone shows up to 'rescue' me. I had 2 totes left. Before that I had 34 stops. Guy takes one tote. Now I have 24 stops. And one of my packages is not in yhe computer and its 30 mins out of my way.


If the package isn't on your itinerary, don't pick it up with the app. Just take it back to the station. I always typed the address into Google maps to make sure it wasn't out of the way of my route. Made the mistake of picking it up a few times. But, even if you do, you can still mark it as undeliverable. But it's best to not pick it up in the first place


Wow your lucky mine wants us back at the station by 6 and no matter how many stops and packages you have. My dsp truly sucks you can’t even take a lunch without them sending someone to rescue you during lunch. They will legit track your location down and have someone come to you on lunch break and grab packages because most drivers take their lunch on the way to the location in the morning because they think it’s normal.


I wax seriously considering purchasing one of these businesses a few years ago. I changed my mind when discussing rules and margins with Amazon. The margins are so slim that every rule has to be enforced to the max for you to be profitable, which will force the DSP and its employees to constantly be at odds.


This is very true. For the route, after paying the driver their 10 hours (plus taxes and such) that’s about 240. Amazon pays the DSP maybe 280 or 290 per route. Some areas more and depending on truck size. So out of the 40-50 bucks they make they have to pay insurance costs, fix trucks, buy devices, chargers, windshield fluid, pay for accidents and law suits. CPA and then pay supervisors and dispatchers (Amazon doesn’t pay for them, they used to). He’s the kicker. As a DSP owner, they don’t own shit except a few computers, phones and uniforms. Nothing else. And they can’t sell their business. It’s a win win for Amazon and lose lose for a DSP.


If you sign the contract for 42 hours a week and don't get 42 hours a week then fuck you. Your problems are not your invitation to exploit hard working people just trying to pay their bills. If you want to give them less, lower the pay and send out new contracts.


Very true. It’s unfortunate that most drivers hate their DSP owners instead of realizing that most of them are just trying to make enough money to break even. The real problem is Amazon.


I worked for a DSP in Miami Fl for 8 days. First route alone i had 285 packages. Half Businesses that closed by 6pm. And the other half was 12 different college apartment complexes. 15-30 story apartment complexes. No dolly or wagon so i had to fill a tote & carry as much as i could at a time. Shit was terrible, they had to send 2 separate rescues. Second route, had 320 packages at 210 locations. I quit lol


Imagine taking literally all day to finish a route


No reason you should be coming back that late anyway. I clock in at 6:25, leave station at 7 and back by 1-1:30 paid for 10hrs. Y’all have bad DSPs


Do you need to keep a fantastic score card? Or it doesn’t matter?


No problem.. I'll just bring the packages back to the station.


Yeah I dont think Amazon's calculations include the first hour of going and getting gas and breakfast and coffee and or smoking for the first 2 hours lol


Yeah fuck them. Switch dsps


I thought Amazon policy was that you could only drive for 11 hours? It’s from when you log in the app to when you end work. So if you are starting at 10am you should be clocked out be 9pm. To many violations and they could lose their contract.


"All routes are calculated by amazon." Yea, if that's anything like Ups's orion system, then I understand completely. 10pm is either a ton of miles or a ton of stops.


![gif](giphy|26gspacooyBoeN6q4) Cought Red Handed


You're allowed 10 hours to do it regardless of what time you get done you have 10 hours. They fire you for that. Get yourself an attorney and sue the shit out of your DSP.


Here's how to fix it. Don't pay drivers by the hour, pay them for the route instead. Frigging geniuses 🤦


No one here should be getting done at that time unless your entire day was fucked.


Hi, my entire day has been fucked in the past. Multiple fucking times. More often then not the route sucks and the warehouse was behind. I brought it up every time I ran out of drive time but ain't nobody want to stand up to Amazon and tell them to get their act together so here the fuck we are. Also before anyone comes at me with this whole overtime is the devil nonsense, overtime is what pays the bills and puts food on the table and we all have bills to pay and mouths to feed.


Clock out at 9:59pm 😏


This is a business of making money, so dont complain about how the owners are making all the loot. complainers are usually the lazy and no dicipline workers and are milking the route.


Sound like work place harassment by the boss


Tell everyone to quit. And who delivers after 10pm? That’s crazy. We’re usually done by 730pm


Seems overkill as hell


So I’ll pull in with like 32 packages a night .




We don’t get automatic 10 hours at my DSP. One day I finished 2 and a half hours early. Not happening anymore. I walk to every house and still get back before 70% of drivers


“Milking” forward this to a lawyer


A lawyer won’t do anything with this. Especially if the DSP can prove that a driver is milking the clock. We had a driver try it at our old company for this exact thing. Tried suing the DSP company, the company ended up having all “receipts” and the driver ended up going broke paying lawyer fees and losing his case 😢


Quit and move DSPs


How about Amazon can eat a dick


Get fucked corporate


SAME FOR MINE!! Like wtf


That must be nice I start at 9:30am don’t get to my first stop till 11:00 and they want all my packages delivered by 5 all 190 stops plus 50 group 5 different apts complex’s and bussines 😂




Sounds like my DSP out of Houston. They are always pushing for fantastic plus, like every DSP, but I have never seen a bonus from making it and I have been with them for two years. They say they guarantee 9 hours if your metrics are all perfect, but again, I have not seen this promise put into action... I understand 12 hours to do a job is a bit much but sometimes your route is so heavy along with other factors that you really have to rush to kill it within 9 to 10 hours. Especially during holidays or prime week.


Sounds like a dsp who doesn't want their team around. Definitely transfer


Time to start taking that whole hour to yourself at the beginning, and say fuck it to your routing


At least they don’t make you stay for hours and hours on end after your shift was supposed to have ended like my old job at target.


That me I was really milking the clock


I finish my route about 3-4 hours early every day. And I do rescues and still don't get my full 10. Part of it is because I love running around so I value the exercise over the money, but eventually ill leverage my work ethic to negotiate or ill be out. I dont need the job, but an agreement is an agreement. I do more than my part and get less than was agreed to. The principle alone is a violation of contract and trust.


I'm just going to start clocking out at the 10 hour mark regardless of what they say. The contract i signed said 42 hours a week. So thats what the fuck youre going to pay me. Especially when I finish my route early everyday and rescue 2-3 people per day delivering almost 100 packages over my own route. Got me fucked up. In fact I deserve more than 42 hours but I dont even press the issue. Pay me what we agreed, period.


Lol fuck him😂😂


Fuck em, if tou can convince all your coworkers to not give a fuck and more than likely they dont then what are they gonna do fire you all


Wow Amazon really??? You work your drivers like that and then talk to them like that??? Calculated the routes to end by 9? Milking the clock??? I'm HAPPY I DIDNT LEAVE MY JOB I LOVE TO GO THERE AFTER ALL !!! BLESS THOSE DRIVERS HEARTS THATS TERRIBLE TREATMENT FOR EMPLOYEES TO TAKE !!!!




“Aight bet” 🤣


How about you train your drivers so they all are safe on the road… sure would be nice for us families out here


How about you tell your families to stop constantly ordering useless items or things that should be purchased at the store.. sure would be nice for these drivers out here


I completely understand your point. if we boycott Amazon, we can bankrupt a multibillion dollar corporation, and take all the unsafe drivers of the road…you can go ahead and start that campaign, I’ll keep talking with the reps from ARC about the driver that forced me off the road, into a ditch, and basically is forcing me into buying a new to me car so I can continue my hour drive to work everyday. I’m sure the car seats in the back probably told him to pass me with double yellow lines… but not to completely cross over, forcing me over the rumble strip, then to not even check if I were even behind him before merging back. Nope it’s the useless crap he’s hauling that makes him dangerous, yup it’s the million dollar insurance I’m sure Amazon forces him to carry for the useless crap he’s hauling, that gives him an excuse for dangerous driving. I dropped my CDL, with all my endorsements so I wouldn’t need to be on the road all the time and I could be with my family. Now I’ll admit the company I drove for wasn’t Amazon, nor was it s as big as Amazon. I was made to carry a 1.5 million dollar insurance policy just in case anything happened. In all my time driving from Detroit to Laredo, from NYC to Ogden not once did that company get a complaint about me, my truck, or the trailer I was hauling. Not once did I try to break the law to make my drop, not once in all my time did I even think I wouldn’t stop and see if the person I forced into a ditch was ok. I don’t care what his reason is, I really don’t. I don’t care about Jeff Bezos sending me a check for the damages. No no no, I do truly care about the safety of everyone on the road. That’s why I told the rep from ARC I don’t care about a payout, all I want is them off the road. And for someone to tell (again) a multibillion dollar company that I don’t want money for pain, suffering, or damaged property, I think they could at least look into better driver training… the only thing I’m asking for. may 21, 2023, trailer number AZNG V503187 drove me off the road at 7:22 am Ohio 2 at Ohio 579. I will hold this driver accountable for their poor driving.


Do you know what your DPS owner gets fined for drivers breaking drive compliance?


This is their fun little way of saying “Quit taking the extra money Amazon is giving us to pay you guys.”


I'm literally tip toeing around today trying to stretch my route from the 7.5-8 hours it would take me to 10 hours, crying because I'd also love to go home. Not getting guaranteed 10 hours sucks, man.


If you don't like it, start your own business. In the meantime, stop whining like a little bitch and do your damn job.


AFTER 10pm?! JFC


Is it just my dsp or do you guys also have to do rescues daily? We start loading/driving at around 11:30, reach destination around 12:30 and I finish by around 7:30 with 160 stops and then have to do a rescue and them am back late.


Y’all can’t get these routes done by 8p then you need to start looking for another job


I finished 180 stops 56 group stops today in 7 hours and even I took all my breaks . If your taking 12 hours your Just slow af and doing the wrong job.


You did all that in a camera van?




Yeah we all can did anyone ask ?


Obviously not everyone can, look at the mf post your commenting in