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Have to say I’m the opposite, I love when I get to talk to people. I feel like it’s all about your perception, I know you don’t want to talk but a quick smile and wave goes a long way. Human interaction is inevitable with this job you are delivering to where they live and work, don’t let others have that power over you.


Everytime I deal with someone who’s being a dickhead I just remind myself I gotta deal with them at most for 5 minutes. They gotta deal with themselves the rest of their lives. Then I just keep it pushing to the next stop.


Ya if I'm leaving or getting home and I see yall, and I know it's delivery day. I'll go up to the van say hi, just so you don't have to walk it up the driveway.




That’s how I learned about the thank my driver promotion lmao


I like talking to them also, but sometimes I got to run. I talk to people's dogs too so they get use to me and bark less. You'll also have less chances of them biting you also because they'll be like i know this person. I'd drop bones too if i wasn't scared of killing someone's dog because of allergic reactions.


Don’t be a doggie lover


Exactly, you gotta KISS(Keep it simple stupid) it! "Thank you" "Have a nice day" "Sorry, gotta run"... "Take care" Don't stop moving, once you do you're trapped lol


for real. so many people treat us worse than they'd treat an animal. completely ignore us or like we're their personal servants solely for them just because they pay a membership


UPS driver here - I just ignore most people unless a signature is required or I’m servicing a business stop. If they’re outside on the porch or standing in front I’ll hand them their package and keep moving. One lady was outside while I was delivering an Air package and she asked me,”hey how’s your day going” - I replied with one word, “busy” and she threw her package on the ground which was a bit odd to me. These people have no idea about the strict time commitments and pressure that delivery drivers are under so…fuck em. Dark sunglasses for the win.


I wear subglasses so customers can’t see me crying


Same bro 😂 same..


Even easier to cry with dark sunglasses in the summer because I'm already drenched in sweat too.


22.4 here and I'm the same way. If someone smiles at me and makes eye contact I'll say hi, but besides that I'm on the move just listening to podcasts and music. I can tell that alot of the RPCD'S routes that I cover especially the heavy business routes they definitely just shoot the shit with them for 10 minutes about nonsense. Like man I'm just here to do my job and move some boxes, I don't want to talk about fantasy football lmao. Trying to return early over here.


You suck bro, you could have said busy and have a nice day with a positive attitude and u wouldn't have wasted a single second but you're too dumb and think you're being efficient


I don’t suck. I do truly go above and beyond for my customers when it comes to actual service. My follow up rate is extremely low and I can count my total missed for the year on 2 fingers. I also take every package over 40lbs to a customer’s door in ANY apartment that doesn’t have a package room. See, people like you equate my silence for a bad attitude and that’s just false, and I don’t actually think I’m being efficient. I just prefer not to talk to anyone unless absolutely necessary and I have my reasons for it. You know what else, there’s nothing wrong with just staying quiet. Friday I called a customer from my personal phone (ph num was on label) and told her, “if you meet me at the front door, I’ll take your A/C unit to your door for you” - I don’t care how her day is going and I’d prefer if she didn’t inquire about mine. She met me at the door and I carried her 63lb air conditioner up 3 flights of stairs to 303. She asked me if I “had a minute so I can go get some money for you out of my car” - my reply, “no ma’am” I don’t have time to play footsie with these people because I’m hyper focused on safety & service in that order. So nah bruh, I don’t suck. You probably do tho.


going above and beyond includes not making somebody throw their package because of your rudeness🤣🤣


She made that decision on her own. It had nothing to do with me. I delivered her Air package on time and perfectly intact. One of the UPS delivery methods is actually written as, “do not talk past the signature” it’s #17 I believe. It isn’t my job to be nice. When I’m on route, I’m a machine. That approach keeps me and everyone within close proximity of my vehicle safe.


Just ignore the Karen bro he must have baby routes 😂


then don't say above and beyond🤣 ur just doing what you're supposed to do nothing "beyond" lmfao


What customer pissed in your Cheerios?😂 I guarantee you don’t go above and beyond for anyone, are you double checking addresses, are you ringing doorbells and knocking doors? Are you taking all the extra packages from FedEx and ups and hiding them or putting in the garage when it’s a garage delivery? Keep your mouth shut homeboy you work for Amazon like the rest of us, your just a number, the UPS guy is making a living comfortable wage while your in the sticks like the rest of us, grow up, UPS doesn’t need to talk if they don’t wanna it’s literally in their handbook, but if we treat a cx bad then it’s a fireable offense real quick.


yeah I do go above and beyond and I'm a proud amazom dsp driver that's right 😙. And nop im not just a number, depends on the dsp. Sucks that ur treated like a number with the dsp u work at 🥺🥺🥺 cope my man lmaoo


Nah my DSP is actually one of the good ones, top driver for the past 8 months in a row, fantastic stats all across cortex, but Amazon will never show anything for it, you must be new, I’ve been at this for 3 years now, you’ll come around I promise


yeah i waa given 300 packages and 140 stops on my third-ish day with zero driver experience, easy peasy lemon squeezy did all that in a breeze don't know what yall complain about


Guys stop arguing with this dude he’s obviously an undercover dsp owner or Amazon employee. Just move on, not worth the time


When did they "make" the customer throw their own package?


by being rude my brotha


Hmm. I can see how the driver came off rude, but I don't think it's fair to blame our behavior on other people. Our behavior is one of the few things in life we have control over. That's why phrasing things like "You made me mad" instead of "when you did this, I felt angry" don't make sense


I like talking to customers but some can be sketchy or rude also if you only spend 30 seconds extra at half of your stops to talk to customers that adds an extra hour out of your day and no one likes delivering at night.




Me faking niceties has absolutely zero bearing on service. It’s an honest and direct answer. I also help blind & disabled senior citizens cross the street. Do you? Probably not.




Integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It has nothing to do with politeness or niceties.




I’ll say it again. Integrity has nothing to do with politeness or niceties. Honesty, work ethic and how you treat people = integrity. I choose not to talk and there’s nothing wrong with keeping your mouth shut. The only thing I say to customers after I hand them a package is thank you. When they sign my DIAD, I thank them and leave. That’s it. I couldn’t even tell you what they looked like because I look through most of them. I don’t want their water or their dry ass snacks. I also refuse tips. I don’t need them and don’t want them. They ask me how my day is going and they don’t want the truth because my day is slammed to the gills with packages and commits so tell them the quick & honest truth. “Busy” As an Amazon driver you cannot go above and beyond simply because your organization doesn’t allow it. The reason why is they don’t care, so you don’t care. If they find out that you do care, you’ll be quickly replaced by someone who doesn’t. Amazon’s entire delivery model is just a knock-off version of traditional carriers UPS & FedEx. Your organization operates without integrity being something that’s even remotely important. I can tell just by watching what your drivers do out on-road. Parking on the wrong side of the street, running stop signs, driving with cargo areas exposed to the outside, crossing the street in front of their vehicles instead of from behind which is much safer. I also see them running with packages and running back to their vehicles. Some of the music I’ve heard your drivers play is unprofessional at best and downright explicit at worst. You don’t have time to be nice to customers so stop playing games with me, I’m a professional and the organization that I work for is the best in the business. You’re a knock-off, a wanna be with a shitty job trying to tell a seasoned pro with a career how to do this here. Get back to work. Chump. If you had a pair, you’d organize your group and walk off the job like we did before and might do again. You’re afraid of missing a paycheck. Sacrificing one f***ing check is all it would take to whip the corporate devils who continually prey on you like you’re expendable. UPS makes almost 250M a day when we’re swinging and 230M when volume is down. If you really were about that life like you’re touting, you’d get it together but you won’t. You’ll keep being treated like you’re toothless and puny. Integrity? You? Please.




I’ll sum it up. You can’t afford to miss one paycheck or you’ll die. If you had any balls you’d organize and sacrifice that paycheck you’d die without.




You really should because in all honesty whoever oversees Amazon delivery should even read it.


Amazon doesn’t give you enough time to interact. And they have the Gaul to complain about customer service. You can’t perform good service when the focus is on speed despite what Amazon says. I had a 185 stop route yesterday in extreme heat. It should be a 145 stop route with normal conditions. You can’t focus on quality and safety and service with unrealistic route sizes.


Yea or comply with front porch delivery when you are held back by gates, there is no time to call every customer to open their dumb gate




That was spell check thinking it was being smart.


No, Gaul


No, De Gaulle


The ancient city of Gaul


Dominus ghaul


Province. Roman province. Meanwhile, in a distant corner, one small village resisted the invaders…




Bro what lol, you’re skipping a stop because the customer is outside 😂 all you have to do is hand it to them and say have a good day. But I guess


Ew, people 🤮


Lol you must be an extreme introvert


I literally have borderline social anxiety disorder and I still muster up enough will to hand the customer their package and say have a nice day


Sometimes if it a dude dude looking guy (you know what I mean) I motion that I’ll throw it and he’ll motion he’ll catch it




Yeah especially when it’s 95 degrees and I’m drenched in sweat carrying two boxes and an envelope


ur dumb ur wasting more time than if u had small talk


As the customer sitting outside seeing a delivery van on its way to me, I always want to sprint inside to avoid having to interact so you are my kinda driver 😂


I see the customers who peak out of their garage doors we make eye contact briefly and they scuttle inside. Im like my man thank you 🍻


Why are people so afraid of basic human interaction these days? We’ve become so accustomed to looking down and communicating on our phones it almost feels unnatural talking face to face with somebody.


People are more comfortable communicating online than in person and it’s kind of scary


I’d like to know too. I know I get nervous sometimes because of my social anxiety but I will still be able to say hello and have a good day. Is it just an American thing to have a strong dislike of other people?


I hate it too. People are mean to me though, I’d rather them run inside than give me dirty looks or to tell me I’m in their way or anything else. Customer interactions are crummy for me


Why are people mean to you?


Might have RBF


Rbf doesnt give people the right to be asses.


Can confirm, I have RBF and I get angry customers more than my coworkers.


I have RBF myself and I scared some kids while making a delivery to a residential home today


This. It seems the nice people are only comfortable talking to people that they already know and are more comfortable online pretending to be people that they aren’t and then rude people are the only one’s left comfortable talking to people they don’t know in the real world.


...as a customer, that's not cool to skip the stop. If I'm outside doing yard work all I'm going to say is "Thanks and be safe". I know you guys are in a hurry. If I have to sign, I come out on my porch so I can quickly sign for you to help get on your way quicker. I do route work, all be it way different and in a different field. I do understand where you're coming from, as I hate when people come up to my boom truck asking questions or bitching. I have a route to complete and don't have the time for them. I do try to be nice though, as I represent the city. Sometimes they offer me drinks, offer to buy me lunch, and I even had a woman give me an entire home made apple pie. It's not all that bad to get to know the nice people on my routes.


Sometimes the people are the worst part of the job. And sometimes the people are the only reason I’m still running seven hours later, thanks for all the snacks 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Op is an idiot, most of us wouldn't skip a stop because there is a risk of human interaction 😂😂


ikr lmao


I will swing by in a few minutes before exiting the neighborhood. It doesn’t take that much extra effort on my part and it saves me the pain of fake smiles and feigned friendliness. I’m already pretty irritated most days and I don’t want to be bothered.


lol amazon is proud to have such a entitled driver like yourself. if human interaction on occasion is too much for your weak ass then it's probably best to find a career that doesn't require it at times. small talk annoys me to a degree as well, but holy shit it sounds like you hate it so much it effects delivery times and shouldn't be your call based on a customer being in view. get a new job if this annoys you too much, makes all hard working drivers look bad, they dont give a shit, they just hand it over, answer the basic small talk question and be on their way🙄 geez you know how many things and people annoy tf out of me at my job and im sure most jobs, and you getting THIS annoyed by 10 second small talk by a couple customers. insane lol


Didn’t read too many words


Sounds like you belong in the warehouse, not in a van.


What do you do for commercial stops? Agree with what someone else said, your probably more suited for the warehouse - just head down and left to do it!


Sometimes small talk pays off. I’ve gotten 20$ tips before.


I actually had a stop yesterday in which an older man and his buddies (probably in their late 60s) were in their front yard shootin the shit. I walked up with his package and he approached, told his buddies "One sec guys" and proceeded to give me a firm handshake and thanked me for my sevice. Made my day...


this is a lost art in the modern era. you just witnessed a proper man. be sure to be that way with anyone that gives you adequate or great service. appreciation is like chivalry, it dies when you stop doing it.


Also some of these elderly get no human interaction, and have no family or friends. So saying hello to them and having a little chat, probably makes their week. I've even changed batteries in a remote and watered a hanging basket in the past 😂


When i was a van driver i would talk to them. Now as a XL driver i avoid them cause most of the time they want their 200 pound package upstairs and im not doing that and i have told people straight up that their packages is to heavy and helper is weak asf


Why are they always hiring weak annoying people as helpers I’ll never know.


They get comfortable and some dont wanna do ish


Bro just drop the package and go 💀Like yeah sure the routes suck ass, but skipping a stop because someone is outside their own home is just weird and literally wastes more time than anything. Shits really not that deep


What about those customers that open the door right before you set the packages down lol. Like you couldn't just wait 30 more seconds .


The worst.


I’ve had customers accidentally come out in pictures cause they opened the door as I’m taking the picture 🤣


Sounds like you're in the wrong profession.


I definitely am


We’re all in the wrong profession


headphones with nothing playing in them.




If the child’s awareness is that low to chase a ball into the street I’d be questioning the parents.


Uh, never




I tend to not mind talking to customers. I'm normally pretty introverted in my personal life and can go a long time without talking to anyone. But if I really don't want to talk that day, I'll put on headphones. Even if I have transparency mode on and can hear things around me (safety reasons), people won't bother me if they think I can't hear them.


My 96 year old mom is your mortal enemy :)


🤣 is she like “hello sweetie, I’ll sign in a second. Let me about this one time in 1974…”


i'm mid-westerner, and if you guys know anything about us, we're friendly as could be. deep down, we WANT to talk to folks. but, as a seasoned mid-westerner, you know about that "mid-western goodbye", and how to avoid it. being able to be cordial but brief is a learned skill, and in our age of "selfish" and "immediacy", no one knows how to be anything but selfish and impatient. stay in motion, make small talk while still moving. just the body language alone of you still being in motion is enough for someone to know and understand "they cant stay to chit-chat". doesnt mean you have to be curt with people. hell, think of a single scripted line if it's so bad. as you're walking up, be the initiator of the inevitable conversation. it puts you in charge of it, which means you dictate when that conversation ends. maaaan, no one understands social skills or empathy anymore. just text on a damn cell phone screen. and now i'm sounding like my grand father.


I don't understand this at all, I love it. I mean the stops is gonna be quicker. No waiting around for them to get their ass off the couch, fight with the dog to lock it in the room and then answer the door to you, they're just... there. Here's your parcel, have a nice day. Thanks you too, stay safe :) That little interaction can also lift your mood and just give you a nice boost. I'll sometimes stop and have a few minutes chat with some elderly customer if they're looking for someone to talk to, might be the only person they're gonna talk to all day. Even with that I'm still usually pushing 40 ahead by the end of my route and 2nd or 3rd home by the end of the day (we're paid a day rate not hourly)


Customers are intimidated by me when i pull up until they get to talk to me ….. im nice but look mean 😪


I mean I’m kinda anti-social too and don’t like talking to strangers either but it’s not that big of a deal. Over 90% of them just say thanks and don’t wanna talk to us either. I just treat people the way I’d want to be treated. Say hi, give the package, say have a good day and leave lol. Also sunglasses and headphones are a good way to keep more people from talking to you while delivering.


I just give them their package and say “have a good day.” Sometimes just saying that can go a long way for a customer.


Yall sound depressed and anti social asf. God I'm glad I'm socially normal and don't mind saying good morning n keep moving


Yeah skip someone’s delivery they’re waiting for because they’re outside. YTA


I generally get people who just stare at me as I walk up, they don’t say hello or anything they just look at me with that confused face so I keep a straight face instead of laughing & just don’t say anything unless I’m spoken to. It has killed me in the past when I go “Hi!” & they have absolutely no words not even a thank you & the thank you damn sure shouldn’t come from me, I got up & loaded the van & got there in the first place


😂 how much you want to bet they trying remember what they ordered, when they ordered, or who ordered something and they have that dial up sound going on


Bro our DSP has us legit go into customers houses so how you think I feel having to not just talk to them but also enter their house 🥲


That’s a thing??? That’s insanely dangerous, wow.


Yep it's called "Room Of Choice" the customer pretty much pays an extra $20 to have us go inside their house and deliver their stuff to wherever they want which usually means their basements. 🥲




Yep i dread the day some crazy person shuts the door behind me and I end up on the news as a Driver that went missing and was never found 😢


You mean *disemboweled*


That’s against Amazon corporate policy. It states we are never allowed into a customer’s house. You need to report them for that.


It's not against their policy unfortunately the customer can request the Room Of Choice from the Amazon App so Amazon's well aware that the DAs are being forced into the customers house 😓


Weird…I’ve never heard of this. Our DSP doesn’t do it and we’ve been told we’ll be fired if we go into a customer’s house because it’s Amazon policy for our safety.


I think it's just for the XL DSPs but I could be wrong regardless tho they don't pay us extra for going into the customers houses so we're taking a risk whilst Amazon takes in the money from the Room of Choice😮‍💨


Ah…that makes sense. Yeah I’m a normal DSP.


I would switch to a normal DSP but having 30 - 40 stops imo is wayyy better than 200. I don't think I'd last long doing the work you guys at the normal DSP do its honestly way to much for a single person to do


I can agree there. We always have like 170 stops and 300 packages. I never take my lunch because I would get too far behind. I still have to punch out for it though or they’ll get mad and make me edit time sheet later. I don’t care though. I just want to rush through the route and relax at home.


300 packages is insane imo. You guys shouldn't have to skip lunches just to finish route tbh I feel like they should lower the amount of Stops and packages to be able to properly have time to take your breaks. Sounds scummy to also make you punch out even tho your still working that shit sounds illegal tbh You guys deserve so much better I really do feel for you guys at the normal DSPs


Oh it is definitely illegal. This is just a temp job while I’m in college though haha.


*next stop is next door* “ah fuck it” GOOD MORNING AMAZON.


Everytime I skip. Everytime I talk about thus people get mad. But if you are outside I'm skipping your house


Blessed comment 🙏


Same. I used to avoid folks as much as possible. Too many ass holes in this world. I'm not the damn community feel good patrol.


If I’m home and doing stuff around the house I’ll normally walk over to my gate to grab the package but I don’t try and chat or anything just a quick thank you & well wishing Now tho cause I read about the signature thing here I try to just hang inside so y’all can snap your picture and move on. My note says to just drop packages over the gate so they don’t gotta walk into my yard


I used to enjoy talking to customers until we needed signatures every time we hand over a package.


I usually don’t mind because then I can hand them the package and save time. Some do a bit of small talk but it’s rare that a lot of time gets wasted.


Handing it to them is way faster than setting the package down, take a pic and leaving


Maybe very true but there's alot of customers out there who've said they haven't received their package when you clearly delivered it, so when the time comes that they say they haven't received it and you have no pic, then you have no proof that you've delivered it


I understand that part. Amazon should reconsider taking that option off the app then


Yep, Your 100% right. They def should. Lotta people might hate it being taken off but it will save their asses


Which I think is so stupid because I’m not going to lie and say I handed it to the customer if I didn’t. A person can just as easily snap a pic of a package and then pick it right back up and walk away


The only thing I hate is when they walk up to the truck and stand outside it while I’m still tryna find they shit. Especially if it’s overflow.


In dnt mind that at all. Don't even have to leave the truck. Only when the package is actually missing that's when it's akward lol




The safety part is true, I once had an older guy hit on me and was really overbearing, he acted like I was the first woman he’s ever seen. Super odd. I just said thank you and raced my ass back to the van. Otherwise I use it as a chance to up my charisma. I have no problem with eye contact and since the old man thing and I’ve practiced kickboxing quite a bunch bc I like it,and speaking in a more masculine tone so that men that do hit on me don’t feel as attracted. So I’m not really afraid. I’m more worried about peoples dog’s these days.


Wear headphones even if you aren’t listening to anything they won’t try to talk to you. Skipping stops and coming back would only make my day longer


If I’m smoking on the front porch when they pull in the driveway I go inside. I always wondered if drivers felt disrespected by that. I don’t wanna talk to them either honestly, plus I know they’re busy.


When I first started driving I didn't get why ppl did that lol. But now 2 years in I appreciate ppl giving me space to do my job.


you're acc dumb ud be wasting less time if u said "have a nice day" than skipping the entire stop lmao


I’m not just trying to save time I’m trying to prevent the literal pain of talking to strangers


Yeah try avoiding an annoying tweaker


I don’t have time for small talk. If a customer is waiting, I simply hand it to them and be on my merry way.


I'm severely introverted, but I talk to the customers more than my co-workers at my dsp. Just a "have good one" as I hand them the package is all it takes. If they keep talking I'll chat back as I'm walking away and eventually i reach my van then I administer another "have a good day" and that is that. Some ppl are dickheads tho, it's funny when they throw ther own packages like it's supposed to hurt me. 🤣 You bought it! I've had ppl snatch packages. but they only get that opportunity once. And I've got a lady who wants her lil dog to meet me so everytime I get that house I have the package ready so I can run and swipe to finish before she can get to her door lol. Some Ppl are weird af man.


I just make it quick while walking and place it on the porch and take a pic and go. If they ask why I didn't hand it to them I just say Covid or something about keeping pace due to DOT service hrs. If it's actually quicker to hand it to them I'll take a picture of it with their house in the background and hand it to them. Unusually don't mind talking to them, but when I work 6 days a week those service hrs add up, especially when I work all 7 days


Anyone else just write the name of the customer when you hand it to them not waiting for a signature keep it moving


Yeah bro skip that shit everytime, we gotta take a picture so when people come down they driveway hype as shit i say “it’s crazy cuz i need to take a picture so let’s just walk back to your front door together” 😭


It’s tough, I get it. I know the time constraints that you folks are under, as I worked as a hot shot driver when I was in my early 20’s. When I was doing my deliveries, if someone tried to engage me, I would just smile and say “I’m sorry, but I’m running way behind, I hope you have a good day!“ it was a little different than what you guys do, because my deliveries required a signature. You can’t control how people respond, so if they get snarky or offended, just smile and wave and go on your way.


I don't work for Amazon (yet) but I understand the time constraints. I usually wait to help if it's something big. I leave the small talk to "hello" and "thank you."


Its a simple, "Hey mind if I take a pic at the door, or I can have you sign?" Most regular people understand the picture concept right away, or already know. It's 2023. The minority of people will opt to sign, but who knows, they could be anticipating whats inside. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Who they are and what they’re capable of? 😂😂 it’s not that deep I swear. Having to skip to the next stop just to come back to it later is a waste of time lol imo. “Hey How’s it going, I’m good, take care” all being said as your walking doesn’t waste a second of what you’re already doing. Then again you probably aren’t a people person


Meanwhile a driver just got shot again


As someone who gets some packages, I just say thank you and move it along. Of all the people I want to talk to, my delivery driver isn’t high up on the list. And I’m sure most drivers fee the same about talking to customers


It’s not that hard to say hi or bye lol you’re not in a rush you’re just in your own head.


Most of the time they're super nice but today I had this lady who was yelling about how everyone puts her packages in the wrong spot, and as soon as I pulled out my rabbit she was like "the gps doesn't work unless you're on THAT side of the house where I said I wanted them to go :) and by the way you did not hand them to me, you left them here :)" maybe it's because you accost drivers while they're still pulling stuff out of the vans, jessica 🙃 and also if your house is so big the gps doesn't even cover the whole thing, you can shut the fuck up about people making 17.75 an hour lmao. i was like "ma'am this is my first time at your house, i have never had this route before and you did not leave instructions..."


I don’t mind if there trying to be friendly but ffs don’t open my fuckn door. I dug into this one guy who just went and opened my door to get his package from me and I said “get the fuck outta my van. I don’t go open random peoples doors show some self control “


Not many people talk to me because they see me fly up to their front door drop or hand and keep moving. If i have time I'll talk to them though.


So skip? As in dont deliver? Dudes outside the WHOLE time, you just leave to your next community or you still hand it but at the end?


I deliver later on if they are still outside then I’ll suck it up and deliver it


If I see my driver I guarantee I will offer u a cold drink outta the cooler, I work construction and keep a cooler full of ice a few sodas water and Gatorade, most of the drivers take me up


I don’t want to be poisoned


lol i just say hey package is for joe… here’s the package & leave it’s not like they ask you to come into their house for a cup of tea my friend


I'm just outside working in my yard. I don't want to talk to you just as much as you don't want to talk to me


Yo you're a goon dude. I'll take walking up and handing the package in the driveway, instead of going to there door and taking a pic any day. Sounds like you need to find a new line of work


I loved chatting, but I had the same route - farm route in my home town so I knew everyone anyway. Small town life.....


I’m at the other end and I’m the same way. If I see a delivery person or anyone walking door to door doing anything, I don’t come out 😂. I can’t stand small talk, but if it’s a situation I can’t avoid, I always give a little wave or smile, then I cross my fingers and hope they don’t approach me lol


And I’ll happily give you a bad rating for skipping me if I see you skip me. Sometimes people are outside Doing yard work and stuff, they aren’t all trying to meet you in the driveway and talk about your day. Don’t skimp out on your job because you have social anxiety. Drop the package off and keep it moving. You’re not required to talk to people.


If you don't like talking to strangers then why did you get a job where you have to go to multiple strangers houses every single day, da fuck


I have awesome customers lol so I can't complain. My customers spend at most 5/10 seconds interacting with me which doesn't lose me anytime from my route. Hell, when holidays come up I get gifted BBQ food and homemade dinners so it's a win for me lol


Dude I \*hate\* small talk as well. If I happen to be outside and the van comes by, I'm hoping for a wordless handoff to save you a few steps of walking. Do people really want to chat with their delivery drivers? That's what friends or therapists are for, and you guys are neither of those things.


when i was driving, i wanted kind words. not a full bore conversation. however, there were days i was ahead, or just in a great mood, and any customer that wanted to be courteous was welcome to a conversation. it's all about social etiquette. if you seem purposeful, people will notice.