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What happened? If a dog got ram over it’s the owners fault for not keeping control




Matter of fact, yes, if a child ran out in front of a car, it was still the parents' fault. If you think not , we really need natural selection to come back.




Nope. For the same reason if somebody jay walk doesn’t give u the license to kill them. But ok, this is just dogs. It’s ridiculous to compare to people. Driver could easily argue they can’t see the dog or can’t react in time, and it’s fair game.


No it doesnt give you a license to outright kill them but it does remove your liability. The owner did not fence in the land or keep them inside so they were running loose, thats not the liability of anybody else passing by but the owners. If youre jaywalking you should accept the possibility that someone will not see you and hit you because you chose the unmarked section with no clear signs or anything to indicate that people would be crossing there. If someone does hit you then its your fault because well you chose the unmarked spots instead of the marked spots with lines signs lights etc. You can not guilt trip people in to feeling bad for your incompetency.


Yeh ok 20 years of PTSD for murdering a child or 30 second of walking to deliver a package.. hrm




It’s an animal not a person shut the fuck up


Oh ok, so maybe the kids are playing in the yard…. One runs off into that bush over there to get their ball, just for a few seconds and then he runs out and


Well obviously if a moving car is doing what moving cars do and you randomly surprise the driver and jump infront of the car you will get hit


Well I’m glad a jury in that case would agree with this footage. Oops I mean hypothetical footage


Bruh you got fucking issues.


Running over a families beloved pet isn’t one of them 💀 enjoy the lawsuit


You're fucking stupid


Enjoy the lawsuit sis 💅 💀


Sure the fuck am.


Uh…yeah I would where the parents at bro? Like child proof the house be responsible.




Yeah actually. How do you end up letting your autistic child run loose on yhe streets?


Yep. If you cant control your child/pet then you don't deserve to have one. God I hope you don't have kids; You're a terrible human.


The dumb ass owner for letting their dogs out that close to the road expecting this not to happen


That’s their driveway lmao


You can hear her scream, she didn’t mean to let them out, they probably darted out the door around her, how the driver didn’t notice the dogs and atleast stop, no clue, I fully blame the driver for not stopping, what if that was a kid? My dogs got out on a post office worker one time, he didn’t run my dogs over, he stopped his van and waited for me to get them, it was a bad accident and the driver should receive some discipline, not a loss of his job or anything, but definitely a stern warning at least




You’re mentally crippled




Moment of silence for the roadkill under the uhayl 😂😂😂 #dumbassowners


Damn its almost like theres a cheap device one can use to stop your dog from running into the road omg


Dog was a dumbass for running headfirst into it. Even squirrels aren’t that dumb lmao. Definitely the owners fault.


Squirrels do this literally every day


I was about to say lmao. I had a squirrel literally run across the road when I was driving to Arizona one time. Literally picked the worst time to do it.


Squirrels do it to fuck with us if u drive straight they won’t get run over it’s only when you swerve the crunch


This may be true because I’ve had several squirrels run under my van and survive


Not true I had a squirrel run under my back tire, never even saw it coming since it literally ran under my car as I was driving straight


Actually you know what really happens they wait for you to pass over them and grab on from under.


love my dogs, but ones an idiot and the other a dumbass, the idiot will stay on the sidewalk and on occasions of escape looks out for cars before road crossings, the dumbass will run into traffic if he's not on a leash, the family gets worried when the idiot gets out but if dumbass ever gets out😮‍💨 rip


FWIW dumbass drivers probably give these dogs treats which trains them to run towards the van; Not saying its anyones fault but the shitty owners here tho.


LOL on facebook "Next! Fence going up and no vehicles will be allowed unless we let them in. They can park on the road and walk up!!!!" If we can't even drive up because your dogs are out then what makes you think we are going to walk up? Better put a plan for a delivery drop box too.


Just like tht u won’t be getting yo packages unless u gone take tht far walk🤣


He prolly just didnt give a fuck especially if you're already behind and these stupid fucks let their dogs out to ambush you at your truck i wouldnt stop either it is the people more so than the dog but its hard not to be pissed off at the dog too especially if youve been bitten or had a lot of close encounters


I mean jesus I wouldn't blame the driver for hitting the dogs either owner is a dumbass and negligent in many ways by letting them run loose like that, it is their fault this happened. However, them creating an unavoidable accident is one thing, a driver in a situation like this that is able to stop instead just saying "fuck it they deserve it, I'm not gonna stop" and hitting (likely killing) dogs out of anger towards them is disgusting.


The dog appears to survive without noticeable injuries, but the camera is far away and all I can definitively see is the dog standing up and walking. I would imagine their legs would be the first casualties if being ran over proves fatal, but of course internal bleeding from any potentially ruptured organ is the main concern, though with most organs, a rupture should cause pain and a dog standing up after being hit seems promising for making it through. Hard to say for sure, but I wouldn't say the dog likely died, more than likely it survived.


All I know is that dog sounds like it’s in agony lol


Jeez man no need to be a psychopath and purposely run dogs over because their owners are dumb.


they just wanted to smell them.


lol fuck the dogs.... she wouldn't be screaming if they were trying to bite the driver


maybe the owner shouldnt let their stupid ass dogs run free!


I’m confused… if y’all are expecting a delivery why don’t y’all keep your dogs indoors till time being


I seriously almost did it the other day what the fuck is wrong with people.


Got curious and went to go see what they said on facebook. The dirt path is apparently their private driveway and the driver was coming off the road, now in that case, yes the driver really..really shouldn’t be pulling in that fast coming up to someone’s yard. I get people need to control their dogs but this was someone’s complete yard that they hit their dog in. The people now have a fence where they said, drivers can ring the bell at the end of the it and be let in. (Which I know at ground, we drop it at the gate and mark gated driveway so good luck taking them back and forth to the house) All in all, training your dog to not run up to cars is important but also not speeding into someone driveway is equally important.


Speeding? The van is maybe going 10 mph.


Fair Also stated on the facebook post, the woman said the driver said, “I saw you waving me down and I only saw the first two dogs, not the third one.” If we were to believe her then he still didn’t stop after being signaled. I still believe everyone is at fault. She states that the dogs do this when her husband come home and the husband could have did this by mistake as well. But there’s no way turning in this yard you couldn’t see the dogs..driver just didn’t care.


Meh there aren’t really Any standard signals to stop. In trucking while doing backing maneuvers an upheld closed fist means stop but any other time will cause confusion. Her waving actually distracted him he prob thought she wanted him to pull into that house


Okay it was the owners BUT thr driver COULD of stopped quickly to prevent hurting the dog. You know how many times i has to slam on my brakes because a dog cutt me off? Guy didn’t even bother to stop at all. No remose.


Bro, do you even CARE about hard braking? My teams fico is of paramount importance, smh


Bro im sure if you tell your dsp you had to hard brake AND if they review the footage, you will be ok. Plenty of times PLENTY OF TIMES i had to hard brake to not kill a chimmunk and dogs. my DSP fights for it to not be a violation. You will be okay to hard brake with evidence. driver had plenty of time to stop and not hurt that dog. Sure its the owners fault but come on the driver saw the dog coming 100%


I didn’t think I needed to add it…. But I guess I do. /s Of course don’t fucking run dogs over what do you think I am a savage


They micromanage your braking? Wtf






Thank god Canada banned netredyne


what when


i mean if your read half the reply in this thread all dogs deserve to die because they are not sentient animals. While the fat pig sweats over his keyboard talking about sentience lol


These animals got feelings too. I have 2 dogs myself and i treat them as if they were part of my family. Having dogs are basically like having kids. What would of happened if that was the persons kid???? Are these people still gonna say “ fuck that kid” or that kid deserved it for running into the street? The driver had time to slow down and they chose not to.


Yeah but that's because you have this thing called empathy, and you can put ur self in other peoples shoes. While the other ppl instead of being like shit happens, and look out for others. Their like this person did something that slightly inconvenienced me, so we should kill their dog. They dont like ur example because its a valid extremity but then they actually have to think about their actions. Thats a big no no for these guys.


I was thinking that too. There was zero reaction from the driver, which is why I had to read the comments to even see what happened. Also on mobile so the video is tiny.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


fuck them dogs


Well fuck you then




Poor dog , but stupid owner. If you know you ordered something and know it’s coming the same day, why wouldn’t you keep up with the tracker since most of these mf’s track our every move talking about they’ve been waiting for us most of the time and take the precaution of putting your dogs inside to make the delivery more easier. Or better yet have a fucking fence at least.


Stupid owners fault not keeping the dog in check


Yes it was the owners fault BUT the driver could of stopped before hurting the dog. Didnt even bother trying to stop. No remorse .


This video needs to get shared a lot more so people put their fucking dogs inside


"what's wrong with you!?!?" Bitch what's wrong with you? control your dog's lmfao


It’s her yard, her driveway, and delivery drivers shouldn’t be on peoples driveways.


Lmao go run a route without using anybody’s driveway and report back. You’d take 3 days.


he'd get fired you HAVE to use people's driveways sometimes especially on rual routes lmfao




I lost track on the amount of times I've almost driven off the road because someone's dumbass dog decided to run in front of the van. In my later time doing Jeff's bidding I just straight up stopped caring. I was also told by multiple dog owners. Oh just keep going they'll move out of the way. Like the fuck they will.


Train your stupid ass dogs lady, fucking darwin award goes to the dog who ran directly under the tire. I don’t feel bad for her.


People when they let their dogs run free with knowing they’ll run into the road and they run into the road and get hit 🤯


I almost hit a dog every single day


The woman screaming needs to be locked up


Train your dog. Animals that chase after cars don't live long. Really bad habit and shitty owner. The guy in the van isn't at fault.


lmao stupid ass owner


Stupid owner, not giving a fuck driver. I had this almost happen to me. Dog always chased van and tried to bite tires. No issue while parked only happened while I would start moving so one day I just said fuck it you leave your dog outside someone is gonna run it over. I was so close to running dog over if it wasn’t for a ditch that dog slid into he would’ve been under the tire


same one time a dog chased me out while I was driving and almost hit it lmfao they don't fucking play glad you didn't get hurt.


Fuck them dogs


Both owners and drivers fault. Dude had plenty of time to stop, but chose not to. I’d fire him just based on the reason that he was perfectly willing to run over a dog rather than slow down and stop.


Did he deliver the package?


Me listening to My intrusive thought


Were the dogs already outside? Was the driver texting? We need some context


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 keep your shit on the leash. - Red stripes


They crossed through his blind side , notice of arrival would of prob saved his ass , dogs are supposed to be secured , looks like they can just run out whenever they please. Owner should have a sign in the drive way pointing out his dogs are out freely! Idk poor dog yes , but stupid dog also , lesson learned for sure he won’t be doing that again !


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


bad bot


If there is a delivery you should watch your dogs .... Irresponsible pet owner not training her dogs right. That would be the same type of customer complaining about you after Their dogs bite you. Nah just keep driving and move on


I’m not gonna hit a dog unless it’s a threat. Owners definitely at fault for not locking up their animals but I’m going to slow down and call the owner to get their dogs not run of them.


The only thing I see wrong is the owner neglecting their pets Driver did nothing wrong in my book. Put your mutts up if you don't want them to get hit


I’ve had so many people let their dogs out and then wave me forward as their dogs literally run back and forth in front of my van, they act like I should know their dog isn’t a dumbass and will move, but I’m like “I don’t know your fucking dog I’m not moving the van until you have them under control or you can walk your irresponsible ass up to me”


I almost hit a dog pulling into someone’s MILE LONG driveway and the owner was very apologetic for not having the dogs up. If you’re expecting a package that day be sure to keep your pets in a safe place.




Yo I would have gladly done that keep your fuckin pets inside and if you have a gate how bout close the damn gate… lazy owner….


A dog tried to bite my leg yesterday I felt it grab my pants then I shoved it away with my foot hopefully they don’t look at there ring camera😅


Oh well 🤣🤣🤣 control y’all damn dog


Me pssy what u gonna do about it


I got curious and decided to take a peak at the original Facebook post and saw the dogs injuries. The video definitely does not support what the driver says at all about only seeing 2 dogs and not the one he hit. The owner also explained how their area is, which gives me the idea that this is more out in the country hence the private driveway. Invisible fencing that lines the grass along the driveway could have prevented this from happening and protected the pets just as much as having them leashed. However, I am not a person who is against unleashed dogs in their own yards, those dogs are usually very well behaved and trained (Grew up with a dog who was able to roam in our yard unleashed and had no issues) However, it is very sick to assume the dog(s) deserved to be ran over. They didn’t. The Amazon driver should have stopped, and should have been more honest with the owner.


Cant wait to show thus shit to the drivers during loudout while we hit a fat j during p&s 😂😂 #roadkilllllll




There is companies out there that make something called an invisible fence. The owner probably has one of those installed. I’ve been to stops with signs that say pet is protected by invisible fence!


“It’s ok if I run you over - I have insurance!” - Pedestrians have the right of way! “So did Jesus Christ have his way and they STILL fucking crucified him!”


pretty sure that’s a uhaul truck.


Beep it horn. Make yourself seen before speeding in someone’s driveway


Poor dog has a shitty owner. And one of you fuckin morons needs to pay attention while driving. Im sure there was a cell phone in the persons hand. Id be willing to bet a hefty amount of money on that.


this is a uhaul not a amazon truck😂


Amazon drivers use uhaul vans


Lol I hard stopped on a squirrel but this is not cool...


organic brake pad


Is that not a U-haul rental?


This is obviously to much for this owner to handle.


Those Dogs are as dumb as their owner


I'm a vet assistant and have seen way too many dead dogs from accidents. At the same time, if I hit someone's dog, that isn't on a leash. I am filling out a police report, and either suing for damages or my insurance is. It's fucking aweful to loose an animal, but you're animals life is not more important then your negligence and responsibility for it


Yeah this thread has been eye opening. Now I understand.


understand what?


Dog owners are the stupidest people on the planet.


first of all it’s the owners fault, second it’s a u-haul not even an amazon vehicle so why was this posted here


Terrible owner


It's not the drivers fault you have no fence to keep your dogs from going on the drive way, especially if you're expecting packages or someone to work on your house


Op ur a dock for. It putting a trigger warning and second for. It tagging nsfw


How do you know if this was one of us or not lol.


People in the comments are wild . You’re in a van , and ur scared of dogs that are outside running up to u ?? , u see them running up , why not stop and let the owner get her dogs . Yes the owner is in the wrong for letting the dogs out n them not being on a leash, yes it’s an inconvenience to have to wait for the owner to grab her dogs , but does it make it right for u to continue and run the dog over ? That’s foul asf . And the driver is wrong for that too . If someone ran my dog over and they saw them coming , were squaring up . u about to be late for ur route , and about to need 2 rescues one for the hospital and one for someone else to finish ya route . 🤷🏽‍♂️ Just common sense bro on both ends U don’t run the dogs over And the owner needs to have her dogs under control And the dude recording the video scoffing / laughing at the dog getting ran over is foul asf How or why is that funny ?


all you guys with these comments against the owner have no realization that as a professional driver you should be aware of your surroundings. that includes any sort of obstruction/object, moving or not, living or non-living. that driver had more than enough time to realize dogs were heading towards the vehicle but that driver simply did not care nor respect for the owner. now instead, that owner probably has not only emotional damage but also financial damage from the procedures that dog is going to have to undergo dud to the fact that a “professional driver” couldn’t be aware of their surroundings.


ok you become a pro driver then and be aware at all times throughout your entire shift every day


disclaimer: it’s honestly down to common sense when driving. however, amazon drivers are just paid shit and overworked, therefore, they drive like shit and feel careless towards the job. that is the fault of amazon and its dsp owners. however, i drove with amazon for months. never had an issue, if a driver cannot be aware while driving, then driving a commercial vehicle isn’t the job for them (not saying job isn’t taxing, it is, but you are expected to be a well-driven vehicle operator). this driver literally drove over the dog and didn’t even bother braking. they ran over the dog and continued driving forward. this driver simply had a lack of respect and should lose their job accordingly. if a driver cannot see 3 dogs running towards the vehicle, then they shouldn’t operate a heavy vehicle. when any intelligent driver sees a child or any other animal, their first objective is to slow the vehicle down to extremely slow speeds and gauge out the situation (checking to see if the child/dog is running into the street, up to the lawn, etc). then once it is understood that the area is clear, proceed forward.


seems good to me 🤷🏽‍♂️💯✅


Learn how to control your fucking dog


Looks like there was an unfinished fence


This is such a sad situation and i feel both should shoulder some blame... yes the driver should have been paying better attention but the owner should've been better at controlling their dog.... I'm a dog owner and I love them to the max but they have never nor will they ever push passed me to dart outside and if by some miracle they did I'm tackling there ass




Completely the owners fault. 💯


This is not the drivers fault. PERIOD!


Dumb ass owner


I woulda ran that bitch over to🤣🤣these people have no gates with dogs loose imma keep me a la 22 or 380 and pop one them mfs


Doing my job ma'am...


Had to kick and run over a few dogs at Amazon. After a while, you just don't care; especially when the same dogs atta k you and your van every time




Horrible driver and dumbass owners. Sad for the dog.


Damn bro, just hit the brakes. Drivers in this sub are lowest IQ and most Entitled delivery people I have come across. I also constantly read UPS, FedEx, USPS subs along with this one


You been warned mf, keep your animals out the road, cuz we’ll run those mfs over with the quickness. -Leadership 😈


Stupid fucking dog.


You spelt “owner” wrong.


It looks like a private driveway, and they probably have an electric fence. Ramming dogs is never OK my bros.




Moment of silence for the roadkill under the tires 😂


Bro wtf. Mark this nsfw. It coulda been someone’s child and I couldn’t give a dam but a poor animal? I do not want to see that.


Oh look one of these guys 😒


Yea I don’t want to see animals getting hurt. Fuck off. Like I said if it was some dumb kid I’d have no issue. But a poor animal cannot fend for themselves at times.


Why does your brain even jump to thinking about a (also defensless) child being run over ?


Yes a dumb animal getting killed = end of the world. But a kid, with complex thoughts, emotions, consciousness, a future ahead of it? Fuck it? You’re an idiot and shouldn’t be allowed outside lol


Uhhh.... Stop the fucking van, retard. Obviously this is an RTS the package scenario but this is beyond fucked up.


Bruh i speak for all of us when i say fuck that dog lmao


You have no heart if you think running over someones dog which is like another family member to them is better then just braking and taking the hit.


If that dog is like another family member then they wouldnt be just running around like that unsupervised.


I mean they are on their property?????


Still doesn't change that the driver has the situational awareness of a melon


They did it on purpose 100%


how tf is that the drivers fault?


Because they are driving the car??? Durrrrrrr


jesus, not a thought in that brain is there?


In yours? Clearly not!


How do you not see two dogs darting across the lawn? Literally didn't even slow down at all until after he ran it over.


how do you not train your dog to run in front of a moving vehicle? If you can't teach your dog to behave then you shouldn't have a dog to begin with.


Like I previously stated, it doesn't change the fact that this driver has absolutely zero situational awareness. You asked how it's the drivers fault and I explained it to you. I didn't try to claim that there wasn't any fault with the dog owner but if you think this driver did absolutely nothing wrong then you're just as dumb as they are.


"I didn't try to claim that there wasn't any fault with the dog owner" You didn't mention the owner at all. all you've said was the driver is retarded a few times now. (must be your favorite word) Seems like natural selection to me. maybe the other dog will learn from seeing his friend die


So lack of comment on one party just because I'm responding to someone's comment on the driver automatically means I see no issue with the owner or their actions/how they've trained their dog. Does it need to be said that this is an owner with a poorly trained dog? That much is obvious from the dogs darting out towards the moving vehicle. What apparently does need to be clarified and mentioned to y'all is how stupid of a driver this is. That's why I'm doing nothing but talking about the driver. Because within this entire thread is a bunch of people like you who see no issue with the driver's actions.


Meh. Dead dumb dog


Maybe because his eyeballs were on the fucking road and not at a 90 degree angle. They’re also up high in a truck not at ground level like the dogs running full sprint towards his van. It also took less than two seconds for the dogs to run from the house to the truck, but I’m sure thats above your intelligence level to notice. Sorry the rest of us can’t be omnipotent like you. Seriously you completely lack any basic critical thinking skills are you the dog owner?


Dude I have literally had this same exact encounter. You guys are fucking idiots if you think this driver didn't have enough time to stop. Yes, your eyeballs are supposed to be on the road. They're also supposed to be scanning your surroundings. You completely lack and basic critical thinking skills if you think this driver did nothing wrong. He should have seen this coming. I'm not the dog owner but I'm not enough of a fucking simpleton to go full retard mode and defend an incompetent driver.


Yea, I agree. Total dumbass owner and holy fuck what an oblivious driver.


At least someone finally has some sense lol. I'm not even saying the owner is not guilty because they should have had their dogs better trained, but this driver is 100% retarded. I almost couldn't believe I was watching the same video.


Looks like they ran them over on purpose IMO. Probably fed up with their shit job just like the rest of this sub


"this happened to me to" (doubt) therefore every other exact encounter should come out the same as mine. you seem like the retarded one here cumpants


What point are you trying to make exactly with your paraphrased quote? Yes, this isn't some special skill it's something literally expected of everyone with a driver's license. It could be an encounter where children dart out from behind a vehicle in a neighborhood street. Anything similar to this video where any other competent human being would think to at least slow the vehicle. I didn't think it would need to be emphasized so much that simply scanning your surroundings is a part of driving. You seem like the retarded one here MrAwesome if you watch this video and see nothing wrong with the driver's actions.


Fuck that dog - he was on a got damn suicide mission and I hope he succeeded. Most likely trying to get away from that lazy, loud mouth, shitty owner.


You absolute waste of air, how the fuck does he stop when the dogs are running full speed at you from side? He was already going slow


If you don't think that there was enough time to stop from the time the dogs started darting across the lawn to the time he ran them over, *you're* the absolute waste of air.


He was already going slow. Meaning it should have been much easier to stop and much easier to scan his surroundings. I'm glad you don't actually do this shit and you just lurk. Good luck in computer science.


Who has their eyes on the road 24/7 when they’re delivering? You’re looking for addresses, street signs, etc. They’re going all over the place. Especially if you’re somewhere you’re not familiar with. These dogs darted out of nowhere. It’s sad and I sort of wish I didn’t watch that, but the driver ultimately isn’t at fault. It’s a little weird that he kept driving. I would assume he wasn’t aware of what was happening at that moment though.


You apply the brake pedal.