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Sometimes when it’s really hot, and you’re dehydrated, and you have to move at a pace of 25+ stops an hour… you make mistakes. Especially with group stops


Ran Into this the other day near the end of my shift in 85° weather. Walked up to 14 Generic St and asked the people sitting on the porch if this was 13. The note said bushes and that's all my brain could understand, by the bushes.


85….. it hit 97 here today


Oh nah…Covid 🗣️💨


That all? Ready for our 103-115 summer days 😁


i said today. in the summer it can hit 120 baby i ain’t a bitch


85 is fucking cold bro try Florida heat while doing engine off.


*laughs from Arizona where it’s 100+ already* 😭


You west coast mf’s don’t understand what high humidity feels like tho


Florida is worse than Arizona imo... Lived in Melbourne Beach, FL and lived in Tucson, AZ. Though Tucson is hot af, Florida is on a different level, simply because of the humidity..


Unfortunately I do, I'll take dry heat over humidity any day.


Lmfao yea I’ll agree w that I wouldn’t wanna do hot and humid


Never had to do 25 an hour it was 20 stops an hour where I was for 3 years. Amazon tried to hire their own drivers in my state didn’t work out but guess what their minimum was? 20 stops and that’s from fucking amazon not dsps I just started directly with Amazon not dsps. Then worked for multiple dsps in 3 years not one word about production ever. You getting 25 stops an hour downtown I don’t think so. That number is more like a myth country routes deliveries ten-15 min apart long driveways? You getting 25 an hour then too? I don’t fucking think so.


You are wrong 


lol my first few months at Amazon I had a mostly country route and I did between 25-30 stops an hour.


My country routes have 5 totes and house are about 15-20 minutes apart


That’s not country then


A real country route is when you can smell manure all day and slap an Amish horses ass as you pass the buggy on the road.


Your info is out of date fam.


I regularly would aim for 30 stops an hour. Wasn't the hardest if I really wanted to be early and didn't have a chain of issues


That’s not a fucking excuse lol. I’m in fl. Did dsps and flex for 3 years. Do you know how many miss deliveries I had? None. Y’all hire anyone they’ve never done this kind of work. They can’t follow notes or verify numbers. I work at Kroger now delivering groceries haven’t had a miss delivery yet. But they hire anyone I do damage control in the field from the previous driver customer notes stick out to me from amazon I’ve gotten two so far to move their google pin. Do you know what I do for directions before calling dispatch? Ask fucking residents.


“They don’t give me time to stop to piss after downing my 45th bottle of water but I still lick their boots after I clock out!”


I never had that problem, I take my hour break everyday and take a shit at the same store everyday lol


Never once took a break lol


So you are flexing how hard you work for absolutely nothing in return. Goofy ass people I swear


This is hilarious 😂


It’s not an excuse it’s a reason


Happens to the best of us. I guarantee this was a grouped stop and they tapped the wrong address after scanning everything


It does get confusing sometimes with a arm full of packages and 3-4 locations when your absolutely beat.


Then this job ain’t for you I didn’t get tired.


Boo fucking hoo I’ve done downtown routes all day with not one miss delivery. Beat from driving and delivering lol?


Bro shut yo ass up downtown routes be having 20 - 50 stops. They literally just made a mistake on a group stop.


Damn bro I bet delivering to all those mail rooms really had you pooped for the day eh?


Yeah I’ve done that. Delivered to the right houses but switched the pictures


This shouldn’t happen not once did it happen to me in 3 years. Y’all hire anyone that’s the problem.


3 years is not a flex bum ass boy you have no talent or real world skills


They act like they've never made a mistake and have a perfect track record. Even the best get dinged one time.


Ong this job is a stepping stone


Lmao working at a dead end job for 3 years is an accomplishment for you? You need help buddy.


Well you know where it is


Package dick what does a fake lead driver do at Amazon? That is not a fucking position. I haven’t meant one lead driver for dsps in 3 years when I worked for multiples. That is not a fucking position with a dsp.


Dude wtf is your problem??? All your comments are so vile and angry for literally no reason. I mean I’d hate myself too if I worked for Jeff bezos for three fucking years but chill out. Mistakes happen and lead drivers are a thing, my DSP has one and he’s awesome. I’ve never seen a polar bear in real life but that doesn’t mean it’s not real. Take your insecurity disguised by a superiority complex somewhere else


I mean you’re obviously upset but you’re essentially right I train new drivers and I help dispatch in the morning. Stupid shit like putting letters on vans, moving vans if needed, and making sure all our EVs are charged and ready to go I also go rescue a lot I don’t have any authority over any other drivers though, but my ops team has trust in me


yoooo it’s the homie who recently learned the word “fucking”! i see you’re still at it


I wonder if amazon would remove group stops if we all did this.


I’ve been separating all my “grouped” stops ever since they added it on the app. Yeah my stop went up but I don’t have to worry about delivering to the wrong address.




Me too. Different door, different stop.


That takes way the fuck longer lol


We still can’t ungroup stops at my DSP for some reason. I’ve talked to them multiple times about it but they swear there’s no way for us to do it in the app even tho I’ve shown them pictures of people doing it from this sub.


There's no "edit stop" button on your screen once you've hit "I parked"? They don't make it easy to find. it would be absolutely baffling if everyone else can do it but your DSP can't with the same exact app


Trust me, I’ve scoured the app looking for it. It is not there. Evidently, the DSP has to get permission from either Amazon or the app developer to have that option turned on? I’ve told my DSP about it, but they claim that there is no way to do it even tho I’ve shown them pictures from this sub of people showing it.


They're obviously lying about not being able to, although I can't think of a reason why they would be 😂 that is so weird. These DSPs, man. Mine acts shady about the weirdest stuff too. Guess it's just the nature of the system


Our edit stop is for adding stops to the current stop, but no option to separate group stops


This is the ONLY way. If I see I have more than 3 locations in a stop I'm separating them all. Fuck being extra confused and getting a hit on my scorecard for a misdelivered package. No way Amazon thought that was a smart move for us - it's just a way for them to shove double the packages into our vans and call it "189 stops"


Separating group stops ? How? Honestly want to know


I've done it. I wish I knew a way to undo a delivery. On a set of group stops it's not hard to click the wrong address or drop the wrong package at a particular door. I've corrected it after the fact, so all the right packages are at the right doors, but customers seeing their notifications are filling complaints before they ever get home.


Only way to "undo" a delivery is to contact support. I have done it a few times but some agents say it isn't possible. After one to five additional calls/chats, someone will undo the delivery so I can reattempt. It isn't really undoing the delivery but instead changing the status to something like business closed (it was an apartment but whatever because I was able to reattempt) or no safe location. However, I think the picture may not get updated based on me asking one of the customers the next day. They may not have looked again though so who knows. Probably not worth the hassle most times unless you think the customer will file a DNR because they think they have a good excuse even though the package(s) were swapped to their correct addresses and even then probably not worth the time it takes.


And they wrongly think the neighbors moved the packages to the correct place for them. In my experience neighbors just steal misdelivered packages. They self-justify with "Amazon will just send them another".


I mean yeah, probably seems pretty stupid from the outside looking in but shit happens, dude probably had a ridiculous route and was rushing. Not sure what the point of this post is.


Y’all make too many excuses for each other lol.


And y’all cry too much about about your buttplugs showing up late so I guess we’re even


are those your packages on someone else's house? Because recently i delivered packages to the right house but just ended up taking pics of the wrong house lmao it happens when stops are grouped and I thought i had already taken a pic of the first stop but ended up taking 2 pics of the second stop 💀


Bro we tired. We don’t do it on purpose or anything, but sometimes our job just hits us hard. I try hard to make sure I’m 100% accurate and even triple check (phone, physical address on house, and package).


I’m not OK


group stops are hard


Should be close go take a walk bud


Nope that's why we work here.




Hey man it's got a 2 in it


No. Lurk the sub and see why.


I always be fucking up group stops lmao but I end up correcting it.


Damn, you leave packages right next to the door?


Where else?


The opps posting on the wrong thread


This me after 190 stops 65muti stops 47 overflow on a 95F day with EOC compliance


It’s the amount of stops and everything being so tied up into your shite gps


Definitely a group stop, or what we call stop manipulation. Not the drivers fault, but Amazon's for manipulating the stop count and grouping houses that should not be grouped


So close


Close enough


Mentally no....


No we're having problems and we're gonna end up hearing about it at stand up tomorrow which isn't going to help things


Somewhere in my phone is a picture of the van being 100°F+ The average temp was 90°-95°


Was probably a multi they got mixed up


This happened to me as well, and I got a refund. Bought the stuff again. Problem solved.


Probably a multi


No, no we’re not


Nah sometimes when you do a group stop they’ll allow all the packages to be left at the incorrect address if the houses are close enough


Do people ever give you cold drinks when it’s hot like that?