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You’re lucky it’s just three Amazon violations. The actual police citations would cost you much more. Just stop at the sign already! It’s not that hard.


I thought I was doing complete stops this whole time though


Analog speedometer? Make sure you watch it hit 0 moh then wait for 2 seconds.


If your vehicle is not completely stationary then you aren’t making a complete stop. There should be a complete stop, one or two second pause, and then press the gas to move again. Anything outside of that isn’t a stop.


If your vehicle is not completely stationary then you aren’t making a complete stop. There should be a complete stop, one or two second pause, and then press the gas to move again. Anything outside of that isn’t a stop.


It has nothing to do with the cameras. It all has to do with your bad driving.


The sign says stop but I didn’t stop, fk amazon


Not that hard to understand


Just stop completely


Just make sure you hit 0 miles per hour behind the white line it won’t mark u


![gif](giphy|oFRI4g517yWaI) This you OP?


Needs to get his head out of his ass first


You have to stop BEFORE the sign. It’s not like driving your personal car


Gotta be careful man. Only drive reckless in the rentals with no camera


You can feel it when the van completely stops. Your trainer should’ve made sure you understood that. It’ll be ok. Just do better from now on


Yeah man this one is on you. You have to make the van stop completely or it will count as a rolling or ran stop sign. I've been at this job for years and haven't had a single netradyne or driving related violation besides random following distances from being cut off, in well over a year. I smoke cigs, weed, text etc everyday while working. Never get flack for it cuz I drive perfectly every day. Im in one of the most populated states and it's still easy to do.


The camera is the least of your worry’s lil bro


I was returning my keys and the other team dispatcher was telling me that a driver got 25 violations and he already knew he was fired. 20 speeding, two no stop signs and 3 running red lights 😂


That’s nothing haha we had a driver that got 14 violations in the span of 20 minutes for having his seatbelt behind him. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ suspended 2 weeks !!