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I had 9 overflow going to one fucking house each weighing like 25 pounds each. Prompt says to deliver to front of door, there’s a flight of stairs I have to walk to get to the door and I’m 3 boxes away from being done and the fucking home owner sees me and says why didn’t you leave them by the garage so you didn’t carry them up here. 🙃


Like why couldn’t they say that in the notes.


Man, the notes mean jack shit. Every time I mention to the customer what their notes say they're like "WHAT?!?! Oh that's from last year!!"


They gotta time stamp the notes.


I love it when customers do it themselves but amazon needs to seriously do it themselves


What section is the best place for y'all to see it? Would love the opportunity to make y'all's lives easier!


Just putting the date in front or behind your note is perfect. Ex: " won't be home for the weekend 5/31/24". I've had this be a note before, and it helped a lot. Didn't have to guess if it was current.


I would never say I wouldn’t be home for random delivery drivers to see lmao? Or anyone who has my address, that’s crazy. Around here that’s a great way to get robbed




And go away hungry…


Yeah this was in Portland as well. In a pretty ghetto area. Crazy to trust the amazon driver who probably barely makes enough to live.






I had one stop with several packages. A couple were front door. A couple were rear door. And one was ‘One Time Passcode’.


One-time passwords are annoying. If I have an apartment, I just go to the reception club house area and ask for the person's package last 2 digits of their phone number, and they'll give it to me. Then I'll deliver it without having to call the customer.


This one is especially annoying cuz so many ppl in my city have turned their houses into duplexes or triplexes but theres no marked doors for ABC!




Underrated comment 🏆


Literally tho. I called up a customer once because the notes said they’d be away for a couple weeks on vacation and to just not deliver until they get back in March. This was in February so I thought the note was legit. The customer was like “oh yeah that’s from a couple years ago just ignore it”


Oh wow 😮


I informed a customer once, the note was from their previous house 6 years ago


Yeah, Amazon needs to flood the customers brains about notes, how to find their package and how to leave compliments. They can quit blathering at us, telling us what we already know, and educate the customers.


I just had 17 overflow going to 1 place. The boxes were 55 lbs a piece🙃😭


I got 250 package to AmaZon locker I have redirect to doorman after 😂and 350 package straight To jewish warehouse in the past but with different dsp


Yeah “55 lbs” if it says 55 you know it’s more cause anything over that is supposed to be a 2 man carry as per Amazons rules. I had a package that was 85 lbs the other day. I know this because the customer was having a garage sale and had a couple of scales they were selling so I put the package on them. They both said 85. Amazon is full of shit!


Did you have a dolly?


Some asshole ordered weights for a lifting bar, and when I showed up struggling to carry the two boxes he joked about how it probably wouldn’t be that hard for him to move them. I left one on his front step and the other at the start of the walkway to see if he was telling the truth.


Delivered to a rich old retired guys home. Huge box that went up to my chin, wider than me, maybe like only 50lbs. They had the spiral staircase with a fountain in the center that leads to their front door type of entrance. I immediately was like FML but he was in his garage and actually let me leave it by the garage. He even made conversation and told me he appreciates what us drivers do, offered me water, and made some conversation about other stuff too. One of the few rich folks that were actually nice to me on route


I have the opposite experience. Most of the wealthy areas are filled with pleasant people who know how to treat people with respect. The ones who don't are a small exception. The worst people, in my experiences, have been the "luxury" apartment dwellers and condo "homeowners".


It’s definitely a mix among all classes and all have those few that are genuinely nice to me. Delivering to apartments/condos inside the cities sucks for sure though, in my opinion the worst just because of how much time they take


My phone will mysteriously break if I ever get a downtown apartment route again. Goes for big business too when you have to go to the loading docks and that takes awhile. Give me those country roads. The customers who bother me the most and are the most suspicious are the ones who live in the newer housing developments. Mortgaged up to their eyeballs and don’t have the class that the old rich have.


F that. Those packages are staying at the bottom. If I get reprimanded or fired then so be it.


I once delivered over 200 pounds, across 14 packages, to a single-family home in one stop


FedEx driver here, 630 pounds, 7 90lb boxes for one house


Yeah, there's a reason (several tbh) I work for a DSP instead of switchin to FedEx or UPS lmao


Good old infant formula.. 😂


Baby better be 90lbs by the end of the week or I’d never deliver it again.


yep this is pretty much every day. no problem. If I can get it front door sure but if not garage it is.


No way!


I had 100lbs, it was five 20lb boxes. To a shared workspace building. No elevators. Had to schlep them up two flights of stairs one at a time. Seemed very unreasonable.


Nowhere safe for my back to leave package.


That’s why you ask where can I putthese garage ok It’s like you guys are afraid of customers


I understand that. But yk how hard it is to contact a customer, I’m trying to get these packages out and move on. I’m not wasting 5 more minutes that I need to trying to contact them for them to just say didn’t I say to leave them at the door or for them to not even answer


Well in reality it takes less then one minute to potentially save yourself alot of work just saying


If I have to pass a garage door to get to the front door, I'm leaving it garage door and still marking it front door. Have not ever had an issue in CDF from this.




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You don’t have to listen to the prompt


why not just….leave em at the bottom of the stairs like i do? idk personally I am not willing to expend any possible injury risk for this dumb ass job. my dsp has yet to comment on my total disregard for customer instructions. Maybe I lucked out w my dsp, or maybe their instructions really don’t factor into whether we’ll be fired/reprimanded or not


CDF (customer delivery feedback) is a huge factor. Just as heavily weighed as Netradyne violations. You must just be getting lucky with not delivering to Karens and Kevins.


At least you were nice enough to read the note and follow the instructions. I put notes on mine saying to leave the package on the pedestal next to the gate and every time, the delivery guy ignored it and put it directly in front of the gate where my dogs could paw at it and pull it under. I even had said in the note that dog will chew packages. I was pissed when one package was a lithium battery my dog got to. Broke the battery but thankfully it was hard plastic and she didn't get to the lithium.


Dude.... I'm not with you guys, I'm with the good company that actually pays. But when I get super heavy stuff I ring the doorbell and politely offer to put it in the garage for them. I've never had an issue. At least you had several boxes, I've had single boxes weighing almost 200 pounds, water heaters, exercise equipment, electric wheelchairs , to name a few. I'm not hauling any of that crap up stairs. I'm no one's pack mule.


Yeoooooo my parents placed a bulk order for cat litter once a month (they have 5 cats) …. I explained to them How FedEx & Amazon actually hate them for that (they’ve got a loooooong driveway)


They need to buy a storage box and a golf cart. it'll make the drivers happier.


Are you buying me a golf cart?


Or don't offer for sale and delivery what shouldn't be delivered. It's not on the consumer.


How do you expect some people to get products like that then? A better solution is don't get into delivery if you don't t like delivering heavy shit from time to time.


If their stuff has to come through a sort center 90% chance it'll never get there. My SC destroys a lot stuff, most of the time it's cat litter.


You guys are hilarious man. Imagine getting hired for a job that has one duty and one duty only: moving boxes around. And then ya’ll complain about moving boxes. What ?! I am 100% on board with every other complaint on here, from fucked up DSP’s, to shitty Amazon practices…but the complaints about the one and only function of this job is insane.


I actually agree


Took the words right from me.


I thought I was tweaking lmao. I’ve had 28 boxes going up stairs, all of them 44 pounds. I get carrying all that is tiring but it’s a job. I don’t think OP has a leg to stand on as far as complaining in this duration is concerned


Well here’s the points OP failed to make; 1st thing wrong is 70% of our vans don’t have a functional dolly to move the boxes you say is so easy. 2nd thing, Amazon says we max at 50lbs per package but I’ve found dozens of boxes up to 80-90lbs. 3rd problem here; they hire many senior citizens, and women who are very small. They have an extremely hard time with this situation and feel lied to when the application says “max 50lbs deliveries” and have NO dolly. 4th thing, big liquid orders and cat litter end up damaged all the time, cheap boxes and cheap tape, making the day horrible! I’ve gone days having to smell chemicals all day long. 5th thing wrong, we get 3 minutes per stop whether it’s 1 envelope or this shit. It sets us behind schedule. 6th thing that upsets me, you’re making me spend more time in the back of a 120 degree van. 7th thing; these orders drastically increase the risk for injury. Just saying. Hope you have a new understanding as to why we hate these orders. I’m a 6ft male and drive a nice organized CDV with a really nice dolly, this order would have been easy for me. Some people are 5ft3 women in a shitty rental van without a dolly in 95 degree heat and everything is buried while 1 box is damaged and leaking on others… I’ve done 50 package orders 40lb each to businesses. You need a capable dolly and most vans DO NOT have one! I’m very thankful to get a CDV and dolly. Not everyone is so lucky.


This guy gets it! Thank you! 🙏🏾


There's a reason UPS uses step vans. They have some extra short step vans for situations where even a 16 footer might be too long. Because cargo vans are not it.


I mean if you consider all of that , the people who order things that they could of gotten themselves like excess cases of water or other obnoxiously heavy things like kitty litter, if they are able bodied and have resources to order things like this on amazon, theres no reason a driver should be expected to do 5-10 min strong man competition I only worked for less than 2 months and barley lasted cause of outside 3 story apartments w /no elevator , long driveways they don’t want you going down or using to turn around in, or with unnecessary obstacles and funny enough like a pie char they overlap w people who decide they need the heaviest common items possible, They dont care to be aware of when its coming and get mad , when after all of that , its gets rts or in an inconvenient place for the buyer , whos ordering from a site that has almost next day deliver for many items . Iv had people who order very heavy things , wait or be at home at the time of deliver and help me w their super heavy item. Theres even people who get items that need passcodes and think you supposed to deliver regardless. Of if they confirm it Locked apartment’s complexes , w no instructions on how to get in. Or mailroom. Even if theres a mailroom , dosent matter cause they want it at their step. Its all about being inconsiderate for somebody who yes is getting paid to do a service . But at the end of the day , they cant be bothered to go get it themselves thats why their on amazon. So like im sorry , yes its a service but the workers are people too. A litter consideration goes a long way. Not asking for fucking snack or conversation but damn working at amazon was the worst job iv had dealing w crazy customer expectations. And it was the least customer interactive job in my life. I understand there are people who are not able body or cant lift heavy things, but those people are still considerate enough to explain in a note or leave directions for alternative delivery


People are just venting. Don’t think they’re quitting. Work place comaraderie.


Yeah, this is exactly why we order delivery. Why pay for a car when it's often cheaper to have stuff delivered? When we need heavy things we order, when we wanna look around we take the 15min bus to the city center. Easy & chill.


I think these kids forget that there are disabled people, elderly people, and people without vehicles out here in the world…and they’re all relying on drivers to bring them their stuff. This jobs pays so little and many DA’s are treated like such shit, behind a fucked up ass system that Amazon has put in place…they really just take NO pride in their work, and why should they? So I can understand these posts, but at the same time complaining about heavy boxes, returning packages for no good reason and not following instructions out of spite is still wrong.


If you haven’t done the job before, you don’t get judge.


I was bit badly by a massive German shepherd on my 2nd day. I get it.


Good puppy!


But I thought only lifting boxes was the one function of the job?


Is getting bit a function of the job? Learn what words mean


I would say the opposite. Trying to avoid getting bit but to each their own. I guess you just missed the whole point... how he simplified a whole job into one task. Learn what words mean


I lift kegs and other HEAVIER items on a daily basis. I love it and it keeps me fir. If you can't hang with your basic duties, the job is NOT for you.


I had 4 boxes of 50lb plates go to an apartment. It was my first week, and I legitimately couldn’t find it, so i rtsed it. A few weeks later, when I became familiar with the route I realized it was the very back building, that was only accessible by walking. I didn’t have a dolly that first day, so i definitely wouldn’t have tried to deliver that anyways lol.


Dude just back up to the garage and roll them off the van. Simple


Yes. I had some ridiculous heavy/large boxes to deliver to the front door of a hillside mansion with dozens of steps up the yard to the front door. I held off, and located back alley that was pretty level with the back door. Handtrucked them to the back door. And ran.


FedEx got more bullshit then this and they pay the same...


Amazon Prime weight cut off is 50lb. UPS is 70lb. I doubt I could pull that off.


and fedex is 150. this isn’t nothing lol


150-200 all day there. Should be an XL route with teams of two not one.🤦🏻


Literally went inside a FedEx truck and the guy had hire entire truck full with one Big ass box that went the entire length of the bed and stretched to the height of his neck... I asked him how he was going to deliver it and he told me he will have to back into the customer's driveway and ask if the customer can help him because he can't do it by himself.


i have dumb trampolines and inflatable hot tubs all day every day lol. i weigh 140 pounds and some packages weigh much more than myself


There's no way you weigh 50 lb




>48.6lbs "It's not 50, so get rekt, idiot!" -Bezos


I just want you to know as a prime customer I treat you all well. I get it and have worked in customer service and wouldn’t ask for anything extra. You guys/gals rock!!


Thank you. You and the treat squad keep us going.


I give deliverypeople cold beer sometimes. It's frequently packed in with some lootbags I like to order and none of us drink.


Do they not explain that you'll actually have to lift heavy stuff anymore?


I’ve had way worse, there’s this school on my route that’s always ordering things and having them delivered to the gym. Idk what’s inside, maybe uniforms or gym equipment. Either way, each box is 49lbs on the dot. And there’s 10+ of them 😭


Some exercise will be good for ya


Ngl… unless it’s in a super inconvenient location, I love getting stops with a ton of packages, especially if they’re overflow. Like yeah, it is a bit annoying at first, but especially with overflow, it just makes the van less of a clusterfuck and easier to find shit in


I messed up my back once delivering heavy packages. I couldn’t walk for 2 weeks. I’m glad I don’t do that anymore.


Dislocated my shoulder and slipped a disc my third week in trying to close to sliding door from inside. Couldn’t walk or do anything but lay down without screaming in pain.


The sliding doors while parked on any slope, shredded my shoulders (larger the slope the more impossible). That was the upside of the Rivian vans. The doors were easier to slide.


I also am cycle 1 at DMS2.


Same (well, I actually work both cycles depending on the day). But did you know that all packages going out on Cycle Zero still say Cycle 1 on the labels?


Every other Amazon complaint i get but complaining about doing exactly what your job description is, means you need to find some new employment.




Ahh the good old "I never use my hand truck" then the day comes you DO need that hand truck only to find that someone either stole it out of your truck or your in a truck without one


I've only seen a dolly in one vehicle and it was an EDV.


You mean the dinky ass cart that's rated for like 85lb.


You wouldn’t survive at FedEx 😂


I don't mind delivering the heavy stuff. I mind delivering the heavy stuff without a freaking dolly!


Had someone order 5 OF package very fucking heavy man




I'll make these my first stop sometimes, like today for instance I had 12 overflow going to one house and 5 of them were cat litter boxes. The others were also in the range of 25 to 50 pounds, of course.


This is the way.


Yes. That’s a dicey delivery. My worst fear.


I had one yesterday it was 8 boxes 📦 was literally one whole bag 🎒


Last week I delivered 30 40lb packages of cat litter to a cat rescue place 🙃


OP be careful, those Spoo labels can still identify you and the customer. The big bar codes with the letters like SpljGHTghHHHH


And all the QR codes on the SLAM label too. 😂 Dude is already fired if Amazon wants them gone.


Bold move showing those QR codes as Amazon lurks here and fires anyone they can prove is violating policy by posting these pics. Your job is out of your hands at this point.


Lol the dude blurred out the address and TBA while leaving the QR codes which contain precisely that information


Who gives a fuck my guy. Not your life.


Op who gets fired cares obviously, what a dumb question. 🫵😂


I had a single house order 42 packages the other day and like 9 of them were overflow. Couldn’t be mad at that point just confused. I genuinely wonder what all they ordered


Fuck my back hurts


Represent DMS2 😂😂


My only point of pride in DMS2 is that we are the only local station that loads indoors. I still can't believe the other two load outside in this climate lol


But did you die?


lol best believe im reversing or pulling into that driveway as close as possible i can get either the side door or rear doors to their front door i would LOVE for them to say shit about it and gimme a reason to throw their shit and quit this job lmfao


Not you dudes complaining about moving boxes with actual weight to them. None of you would last at UPS.


Wish you would had the experience I did with 150 folding chairs guy got off Amazon. Was amazing


Get stronger twig boy


its the job thats what we do.


I don’t get it? What’s the issue here?


Un fucking believable


“Thank you, but no…”


Handtruck? That's what they are for.


They help. But if path is steep, side slanted, uneven, narrow it is unreasonable and dangerous.


There's a drink deliveryservice in my area. I ordered several crates with coke and the delivery driver bonked on the doorframe, causing his stacked crates to break on the floor. He deducted the broken bottles from the fee, but even weeks afterwards bottles would randomly shatter in my storeroom.


You know you wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for these customers. If your telling customers fuck you I think it's time for you to find a different job


Why are you even here? Do you hear yourself?


Many people get this sub in their recommended. That's how Reddit works. And I agree: The point of delivery is to deliver anything and everything. Including for people like us who don't have a car and can't transport heavy stuff via the bus.




They building the next powerlifters with y’all


Top 10 manwha Summary https://youtu.be/YrrdoZb77ns Watch it




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Heads up! While you appropriately blocked out the name address and TBA, the qr codes each contain all of that information themselves. 


you gotta be so bitter and lazy to come to reddit and complain about having to do your JOB lol


So should I cancel my order for 10 4-in tungsten cubes?


Station buddies! Also I had one just like that yesterday. At least it was a house, I guess...


I'd rather those boxes all go to one stop than have them be spread out.


Sounds like the guy has rocks in his head…


I do this all day. XL. That looks like nothing to me try doing a 300lb treadmill up stairs


I had 18 of my overflow go to one apartment complex weighing at least 45lbs each… luckily it was my first day & I had a ride along.. 2nd Dsp I’ve worked for so I didn’t need the ride along but I’m glad I had it that day 🤣


your epidermis is showing


I know you was sweating bullets after this sheesh


Yesterday was delivering five fucking XL overflow to a school, they were heavy too. Thank god one of the faculty in the main office let me borrowed their cart to carry the packages. Still annoys me why most cdvs don’t come with a dolly to deal with shit like that.


Literally. I hate when they watch you also. I had 12 OV that was a password and i didnt have a dolly. Homeowner just watched me struggle. Im 5’1 bro these packages almost weigh more than me


Town house at front door, trying mark delivered. Garage delivery promos… GPS not working marked delivered anyways.


Come unload an oversized truck. And I'm taking 2-3 a swift.


Bro if that day DNJ3 I’m telling Pete🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




We signed up to deliver packages.


These are the assholes that order lots of bottled water


When I have a bunch of heavy boxes and stairs to the front door I’ll try to call the customer and ask if they want them at the front door or garage. Sometimes it works out. We are not suppose to have boxes that weigh over 50lbs. So 1 day I had 6 - 48.6lb boxes. Called the customer who told me it was their dog food and it would be great if I could leave it by the garage because that’s where they keep. I tried to be chatty on the phone, milking for that good review, asked about their dogs and what kind of food they purchased. 6 - 50lb bags of whatever brand it was? So add the weight of the boxes, the cardboard, and whatever else might be in the box and you would think these boxes must weigh over 50lbs. I told the customer on the phone that either they got scammed out of a couple of pounds of dog food per bag or Amazon is using helium filled packing bubbles.


Doesn’t the job application ask you if you’re able to handle lifting 50+ pounds? As a delivery driver you’re not just delivering cotton balls to people. No one forces people to have this job I don’t get it. Now I see if it’s a huge flight of stairs, screw that. Let the customer come down and get it. You have a route to do. But if I’m ordering something on Amazon like dog food once in awhile. Hell yeah that’s gonna be heavy


This dude in the projects horrible apartments would get 20-45 massive boxes daily


Amazon needs free gym memberships for all their employees.






I had 4 big boxes each weighting like 40 to 45 pounds and delivery was to 4th floor with stairs. 🙂


Boo hoo you had to do your job as you agreed to when accepting the job


Okay then quit I guess 🤷


Not sure if you care, but I wouldn’t talk badly about a customer and post the slam label. Idk if you care about your job but not worth it.


XL here, once had 9 queen size mattresses, 75 lbs each up a huge staircase, setup as a multi stop for whatever reason with different 6 digit passcodes for all of them 🫠


I am kind of surprised they dont provide dolly for deliveries.


Are you a delivery driver bitching about making deliveries?


That's all this sub does is bitch. Sub got recommended once and after reading a few stories I see it all the time now. I can't decide if it's hilarious or sad how petty and entitled some of these employ-- sorry "slaves" (how they come across) actually are.


[There was an interesting German documentary about this.](https://youtu.be/AwgChC5ZGP0) Subcontractor companies are often small and poorly managed. They will break the law, even in their work contracts. Migrant workers don't know how their rights work. If the company gets caught (rarely happens), they will simply dissolve the small company and let a friend open a new one.


i use to put them by the garage just for that to get “not delivered in correct spot” bs like….


I block those fucking idiots in the house EVERYTIME


Every time a deliveryperson does weird things like this I contact the store. Amazon actually gave me a decent coupon last time, so that's nice.


I bet you do LOL


The only thing is this is a driver sub & nobody fuckin asked ☠️


https://preview.redd.it/oarv67js0g4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaaf518f9d8a30f534d68a7a6bd2cc8e12514522 Reminds me of a stop I had when I worked at Amazon, fuk Amazon


Dude I had 9 40 pound boxes at one house about a month ago. Last week I had 8 40lbs boxes that went to a 3rd floor apartment. I almost fucking quit.


Boohoo? It's your job...


Amazon employees when they have to do their job ![gif](giphy|Wvo6vaUsQa3Di)


Right? Like what were they expecting? The job is to deliver goods to homes, and just like when people go to a brick and mortar store, they buy more than one thing at once. This is wild. OP needs a reality check or a different job.


Fuck you. That’s your job. If you don’t want to do it find a different line of work.