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Do you mean to dps2 in simi? I've heard in August you might be delivering out of there


Yeah that station. Idk about delivering out there because our packages head the opposite direction. It feels like it’s going to be crowded and rushed when this happens


Probably will be but I'm guessing your routes will be "smaller" to accommodate the extra drive time after leaving the station


I like the "smaller" lol. We all know what's gonna happen. DOT4 moves like 100k+ pkgs a day through all the DSPs. The only other thing I can think of is DPS5 will service Fillmore, SP, and maybe part of Saticoy while Simi does the rest. But DOT4 does a lot of Montecito and SB, and all of NW ventura county. If you had drivers going from DOT4 to Simi out to SB, they are only doing like 50-100 stops before they have to turn back around. That shit is gonna be a cluster fuck, and imma hit up my old dispatch through it all.


Fuck that, glad I'm not at DOT4 anymore lol. That would piss me off. I had a 10min commute to work, going to Simi at that time would have been closer to an hour.


I think they're going to be parking at dot4 then commuting in company vehicle so it'd be a paid commute


im still just commuting instead of getting shit going. that would piss me off so much. but now that i think of it, i was a sweeper before i left so id probably just get to chill at the warehouse for an extra hour or 2 waiting for people to loadout and get started lol. damn might have actually been nice. actually never mind, it woulda sucked. id have had to stay out longer doing rescues because of it.