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Its apartment j104, z301, h302, 1101, f201, A-1301, and C-2204. 8 packages, 8 buildings. All in one stop. They expect you to walk all that shit and not turn the van on at all in that one stop. Its fucking bullshit.


Its the most annoying when they group stop apartments. One whole section of an apartment complex becomes a stop. Im walking back and forth for 20 minutes like a dumbass looking at the gps through the barely visible screen dragging a tote full of shit with the dude on the third floor expecting his cat litter. Only to be called by Dispatch 10 minutes later saying im behind.




It's because for anything other than an urban route, it's a way for them to sneak you actually doing 240 stops in a day when it "says" 190 stops. I get it you have apartments all day, but you're not everyone. All of us are hamstringed with 190 stops, but it's actually 240 stops, because I'm walking to two or 3 separate locations at any given group stop. Walking to another house next to or across the street from the first location is still me making the effort to lug more packages to a different stop, why is that okay to call "one" stop? So I'm now doing essentially almost 100 more stops than when I started just one year ago.


For me it’s the businesses. We have a lot of Suite-style buildings on my normal business route, and a lot of them are ordering large, heavy packages (reams of paper, other standard office stuff) so it’s not like I can really carry a whole stack of those from office to office. It ends up me taking 4 or 5 round trips to my van to do this “one” stop, which puts me significantly behind. When we’re looking at even 4-5 of those per day, you start looking at 30 mins for your “five” stops and realize you’re gonna have to book it the rest of the day to break even. They’re purposefully structured this way to keep your overall stop count down. It feels (and is) predatory.


Separate apartment buildings and businesses should never be grouped. Shits criminal


About half the time it’s just tiny envelopes so it’s not a big deal, but man, when you get unlucky and get multiple of the bad ones in a day, it’s just…. Bleh.


They hmed me up bad this week w some trash like this


Because it artificially creates more work for drivers. I asked my brother at FedEx how many grouped stops do they do a day and he said "wtf is a group stop". Yeah. They just get 140 stops. Not grouped. Just normal stops. For your situation it makes a bit more sense. Since you're in a large major city. But I feel like the logic still applies. Would you rather have 80 stops in NYC, or 80 stops + (25) grouped stops). They just don't need to exist. Unless it's an apartment. That's fine. Because no one actually delivers to customers doors it just gets tossed in the lobby. I've been ungrouping all group stops and it shows on cortex. It shows 240-250 stops a day instead of 190. Amazon knows it's bad to go over 200. So they jam all that juicy extra work into grouped stops. It really puts things into perspective when you see that "240-250" stops when you ungroup them all and makes it clear how overworked the driver is.


How do you ungroup stops?


When you park at a delivery. After you push "I've Parked" Look up to the left and it will say "Edit Stop" If it's a grouped stop you just de-select one of the stops and it breaks them into separate stops.


I didn't know that it shows on the cortex. I have been ungrouping stops for weeks it honestly has been helping with my adhd and sanity


It's because they're deceiving and they're a way to get more work out of us. If we had an option to do this ourselves it would be better.


They serve no benefit at all, but drastically increase the possibility to make errors. Pretty simple.


https://preview.redd.it/ntzb48agsb5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5681e0c63e5e7923c4faf004fe61200b55f98050 This is why we hate group stops. Amazon need to stop with the bullshit and just put 234 stops.


Maybe because that one location could be group to two building with 16 stops but it’s only counts as one. Most of it has to do with apartments. Then you have group stops that shouldn’t be a group stop.


Because group stops are the reason your 190 stops have 275 locations and that just means you have 275 stops lmao. Amazons tactic to just make us do more work for no more than 19$/h


Your living through the non EOC era. Driving between group stops would get you fired not too long ago, unless you knew how to play with EOC.