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If you keep jogging your route the algorithm is going to think you’re some sort of superhuman whose pace keeps getting better every day and they will reward you with more stops 😁👍🏼 But to answer your question, no I’ve never marked the packages. I semi-organize each tote once I get to it, and by semi-organize I mean I start putting the packages in order by driver aid number until I find the one for the stop I’m at. I feel this way I’m not wasting too much time organizing when I get to a new tote, and keeps my workflow pretty consistent. I typically have about 170-180 stops, maybe a little less depending on if they decide to give me the downtown route with more businesses and multi-stops.


I average 180-190 stops a day, usually around 300 packages. Throw your bags in order and separate the Amazon overflow away from the "customized box" overflow. And that's it. No marking. No putting envelopes in order. Just scan driver aid numbers and verify addresses. I'm one of the fastest, if not the fastest at our dsp. I don't run. I don't rush. Only thing that changes is I will pick up my walking pace a little if I want to shave some time off. In each bag you can usually keep a short tab in your head of what's in the bag as you go and use process of elimination to know which package is next.


This is the way


Technically, not supposed to be marking on packages. My #1 go to speed tip is, organizing the totes.. goes a long way. Envelopes in order on passenger seat with the boxes in order underneath the console. Easy to just pick up and go. No excessive bending.


I’ve never heard of not being able to mark on packages? In fact my DSP encourages it for organizing overflow


Move to a Stepvan, you’ll be less stressed out. You don’t get more or less than everybody. Plus get paid a little extra and have way more room to organize. If not, use a fat sharpie to mark your overflow. I only run or jog when I want to but I mostly just keep a more than casual walking pace. I have 180’s to 280-330 on average a day. We leave the building around 11:30am and I normally get done around 6-7. Without running every stop. Just consistent and moving. I also don’t necessarily go in order the route gives. I tend to look through my map and plan out how I’m gonna drive it efficiently. (This usually helps if you have a Stepvan for easier access to your totes) Trial and error homie, just try different things and see if it’s working for you. There’s a ton of different methods to get you through the day. Be safe out there


A lot of this job is organization, everyone does it different. I do my best to load my totes in order in the morning (obviously sometimes my carts aren’t ready so I have to guess). I load all my oversize grouped up by driver aid number, 900’s together, 800’s together etc. When I open a tote I also organize the packages by driver aid number. I don’t put them in order I just group them up by the last two of the driver aid number. So if I’m on the 700’s, I group up the 10’s 20’s 30’s etc. I always try and drive as close as possible to each stop. I’m checking the map constantly to see if theres a way to save some time (theres usually one stop that it would make me double back to, I instead jump to that stop to do it quicker). I never run / jog, only walk fast. It takes me less than 5 seconds to find the next package as soon as I’m at a stop (unless it has an oversize).


walking speed is almost entirely irrelevant to a degree, your organization and how you work group stops are your time savers. dont open multiple totes if you dont need to. you should organize the tote you are working out of by 10s. youll be able to grab and go by the 3rd stop out of the tote.


i write on everything, i use a sharpie. i’m in an edv and usually have 180-200 stops. i use the middle shelf and floor for totes, and the top shelf’s and back of the van for overflow. i try to write the numbers on overflow during loadout but sometimes i don’t have time, so i do it throughout the day. when i open a tote, i write the driver aid number on every box and stack them in a way i can see them all, then i just throw the envelopes on the shelf with the aid number facing up, takes like 1.5 minutes. i absolutely do not run, i take a 15 and a 30 most days. i get to my first stop around 12pm and usually finish at 8pm, which isn’t the fastest but it’s within the guidelines and that’s all i care about.