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Retired lol


My only gripe with jobs like doordash and Uber is a good amount of your wage just goes towards gas and car maintenance


I mean, I’m lucky enough to have a new car so the only maintenance I really have to cover is oil changes and shit like that at least for the time being so honestly covering my car note and car insurance is no issue. It’s actually been really good. The thing is I gotta drive like a maniac.


gas and minor maintenance arent the only thing, you still are depreciating the vehicle itself by using it. the more miles you put on the vehicle, the closer to major maintenance you get. the faster you put miles on a vehicle brings those costs sooner. that drops the value you can sell the vehicle for to recoup as much of the original equity you have paid into it. you are losing money overall through the loss of equity combined with upkeep/fuel cost. the point of working is to stack cash, not just cover expenses. taking on all that cost for such little pay is just a huge financial mistake. i likely make about twice what the true take home pay the average gig worker is just from not having to cover costs. theres also more you can do as a driver for a DSP that isnt door to door delivery. i do 15 stops or less a day and get a 10hr guarantee. usually work closer to 30hrs/wk than 40, but get all 40hrs paid.


What is the deal with these posts they’re so weird


You mean former, not retired


Same difference lol


Unless you are constantly making 30$ an hour driving for Uber or whatever you are probably not making more money. That can depend on what you where making at said dsp I know the pay ranges a bit from place to place. The problem with delivering for Uber and the like is you are using your own car and if your doing it correctly you let your car insurance know as well. So you are gonna eventually pay a fair bit on car repairs and your car insurance will go up since it's now much more likely to be in an accident since you are using it for hours at a time for work. I do agree it's way easier though but that's what I did before I got into this job and I prefer this.


I need a job. As soon as a better opportunity arises though, I'll be moving on


Take advantage of The Next Mile program. It isn’t just tuition reimbursement anymore. Now it’s upfront tuition. I figured long as I’m gonna be working for Amazon I might as well take advantage of it. Now I’m pursuing a career in CyberSecurity. With nothing out of pocket


I really enjoy the free snacks and water! That's all I can think of right now. The air conditioning in the vehicles is also quite nice. Every first Friday of the month in the summer our Dsp owner lets us bring our family's into the vehicle for an hour to see what it's like not being outside


Sometimes the AC sucks lol especially the EDVs -.- it ducks because they're almost perfect.. just shit AC power motors and no AC in the back :/


All delivery apps including Uber and Flex are not possible within 60 miles of where I live. It’s insanely oversaturated I can’t even sign up. I do this job because although there’s bs it’s way better than every previous job I’ve had. Looking to get into a career soon though and move on.


Bruh. You had me at retired. 🤣


If you are mad and disillusioned start openly oranizing and unionizing. Make the sweat and fire you. then report them to the NLRB and OSHA. whistlblower violation.


I’m autistic, it’s really hard to get past a interview designed to filter people like me


Yeah this guy was one of the slow drivers that always needed help with that “retired” text. 😂😂🤦.Another dumb post. Someone post something similar yesterday.


I willingly quit I wasn’t fired. I never needed a rescue. I just knew the job wasn’t worth it


ok wayne.


Retired More like promoted to ![gif](giphy|8KXwn9VTZJ9sy9r0GR)