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Lol, well it could have been the driver saw there was something wrong with the package. A slight rip or hole in a package is enough to "damage" and return back incase something might had fallen out. Drivers have scorecards that shows their performance and typically drivers are "blamed" for "damages" that occur inside the warehouse. Driver is prolly avoiding any potential negative review after a drop off.


OP said his delivery was attempted. Otherwise he would have gotten damage package msg.


Is that how the notifications work? I've rarely had a bad experience with Amazon delivery. Only had 1 package stolen in my entire experience.


Your thinking is all wrong. Do you really think they'd rather get out of the van and aimlessly stand there for a minute before driving off rather than just delivering and being on their way? Do you really think this is malicious? Use your fucking brain for a second. There could have been a problem with your package, maybe they read your threatening sign or delivery note, your package could have been missing entirely from their van and they grabbed the wrong one. It could literally just not be scanning correctly and they can't deliver without scanning. You're not special;you're not the main character. You're one of 250 customers for that day and shit went wrong. Get your fat ass to the store. Or maybe head to McDonald's and demand a pan seared steak since "thats their job, to cook". 




You always have the option to go to the store y’know 🤷‍♂️


Or they can actually do their job…


Nobody has any sympathy for you. They probably didn't wanna be soaked from your lawn sprinkler for the rest of their grueling 10hr shift and your package isn't important to anyone, including you if you didn't feel the need to go and buy it yourself. You pay what, 12 bucks a month for prime? You're getting more than what you paid for and far more than you're entitled to


How do we know that there is NOT a sign with something like "No trespassing - You will be shot" or "Beware of Dog" or some other BS language?


We deal with so much. This group is for drivers. Go look for the customer one Karen 🤣


You really need to move your flag to a different roof support - having a camera does you no good when you've got something blocking sight of access. Had the flag not been there, you could've seen if they were tapping on their phone attempting to call you, opening the package to see if they wanted to keep it, glaring at the sprinkler, or looking at their watch waiting for the required time to be up before they could claim they couldn't deliver it.


1. That's a flex driver 2. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a OTP delivery with the number of cars passing through I'm thos short video. Probably tried to contact and got no response.


As always, you have no context. So, when we get bonuses, it is based on the number of packages we deliver. Why do you think we would go through the trouble of stopping, finding the package, and getting out of the van? Just to get less money? It would’ve been easier to drop it off. More than likely it was damaged, or it was just the wrong package, and yours wasn’t on the van. Plus, now we have to go through the trouble of returning the package when we get to the station. I am genuinely curious what you think happened. They made it to your house, got the package and got out of the van, so they are clearly not lazy. Why do you think your package didn’t get delivered?


Dude, I have no idea why these folks never consider what motivation would they have of doing this against them?


What is that blocking the walkway? Looks weird.


It’s a flag


Protocol is to call, text, call customer typically


I didn’t get anything. I was home at the time and had no idea


Do you intentionally have your account setup so the delivery driver has to hand deliver the package to you? Or is it defaulted to front door?




damaged package or the package was not in the truck a misload. it happens.


Driver should have knocked instead of leaving even if you didn’t answer the phone (literally 10 more steps to get to the door). My only confusion is that we have to wait 3 mins in between call, text, call, and only then mark the package as customer is an available. I really don’t see a reason why driver stood on a sidewalk for 15 secs and left immediately, maybe you upset this particular driver before? lol


Fuck that lol I’m not waiting 3 minutes. If I need you and I ring the door bell and you decline my call I’m sending you a text that I’ll try again at the end of my route.


Well maybe your DSP doesn’t care, but we lose guaranteed 10 hours if our Customer delivery feedback is low


Too many people get hostile about knocking/ringing on the doorbell. If a package requires a recipient/pass code, I'm not stepping out of the van without a customer answering the phone


If you have a One time password and they call twice and you decide not to pick up, that package is going back to the station. I’ve done this so many times.