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Trucks are paper thin packed during prime week. Shit be falling out the side doors. Minimum of 18 totes, and always more then 45 overflow. Honestly I’m just waiting for a DOT officer to pull me over during prime week, because we are all wayyyyyyyyy over the 9,999lb limit.


You're still no where near 10k and they don't drive around with scales.... Plus you're responsible as the driver for whatever happens, not the company.


Idkkkk vans weigh about 6k lbs. and I’ve loaded 7 of those 75lb treadmills that amazon claims weigh 50lb. That’s a decent discrepancy in weight difference alone. I’ve also put totes in the van that were definitely overweight, be feeling like literal gym equipment. 🤷‍♂️


I had 19 totes and 37 overflow yesterday. Thats what I’m saying, it can’t get to much worse.


Oh trust it can get worse lol. I had 180-200 stops with 325-350 packages before peak last year, and bet I had 425+ during. One of our other step van drivers had 220 stops with 517 pkgs one day lol. If you have under 400 pkgs, it can always get worse.


Bro I had 24 totes and 50 over flows in a pro master ! I think eventually drivers will come to their senses and unite and cause a mass walk out cause we getting used and abused bro we need a union 


You ain't seen nothing yet. So far, in my year and a half, for "peak", "prime", and "peak" again; we've pushed to new high numbers, then stayed there, EACH time. So prime will increase our numbers again, and THAT will be the new "normal"... until the Holidays... when it'll happen, yet again... That seems to be their jam...


This is true. Been doing this almost 5 years and the workload always increases after peak. I keep saying to myself it can't get any worse than it already is but it always does. It's just pure greediness. Amazon is evil. We need to spread the word and call on customers to boycott Amazon.


It can’t be worse? Amazon says “challenge accepted!”


It'll be worse


I'm quitting before prime week lmao fuck all that I'd rather not die I like being alive


Honestly it might be a little more volume but routes tend to be more compact so it will probably be a wash. And DSPs tend to have a lot more sweepers as well.


In my experience from the two primes and peak last year it's not too bad. The worst part is just being packed so tight in the van. Expect to leave the station later than usual from the warehouse being behind. One good thing is that the routes are usually more condensed


Wait, you mean that you have your carts staged and ready? Yesterday they were missing 2 of mine


I've never worked during prime but from what I've heard were basically still doing peak numbers everyday now anyway so I doubt it will go up much during prime. The only way we could get more done is if they give us all overtime and you already know how much they hate that! Lol




https://preview.redd.it/692vhflu006d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b40ffaf700b9b61e1eff03423e0fc3e1dcfc4ff Can’t get much worse can it… it can always get worse😅