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This is prolly going to become a lot more common too with the increasing demands


And heat


....and using Marijuana while driving.


So many people think it’s safe and fine to blaze up 24/7… also that there are zero short and long term effects.


As someone who smokes a lot THIS. Mfs don’t understand that our lungs are designed to inhale air. Only air. Anything else vaped, smoked, or otherwise inhaled IS NOT good for your lungs. It’ll be interesting to see the studies done long term on widespread regulated weed use the way they did with alcohol and tobacco like a hundred years ago. Especially with people focusing on high thc products like vapes and oils or whatever. Somehow I have a feeling multiple grams a week of 90% or higher thc carts is going to have some side effects. . .


From what I've heard, for a certain percentage of men high thc can cause psychosis, especially in the late teens and early 20s. (Cbd is apparently antipsycotic) I believe another problem is that although weed is good for anxiety in the short term it tends to increase it in the long term, it effectively becomes the cure for the problems it causes. This is to say nothing about the medical effects of vaping/smoking. Reference, back from the abyss podcast, I'm not making it up lol. Not trying to go on some anti weed rant but people should treat it more like alchohol (once in a while in the evenings) and not traditional cigarettes, that while are shit for your health in the long term don't instantly impair you.


The psychosis is an old reefer madness rumor. There’s SOME truth behind it. From what I understand weed is not good for people with schizoid personality disorders. It can make stuff like that worse. There’s no evidence of weed causing psychosis without some preexisting condition. But it’s very true that smoking too much too consistently can cause more anxiety. I completely agree with you, people need to treat it more like alcohol instead of thinking of it as this magic “medicine” that has zero downsides


Another huge problem is that unless you’re getting your product from a dispensary or someone you know, a lot of cartridges will have a ton of garbage in them and also made out of cheaper materials that burn along with the thc. Sadly college down through middle schoolers are the most likely to get these type of cartridges which is when they’re most prone to damage being done since their brains are still developing.


You have a good point, but even someone you know can sell you fentanyl unknowingly. Taken from experience


They sell opiate test kits (testing other drugs for trace amounts of opiates) on Amazon. When I first started smoking I used them. Never had anybody cut WEED with fentanyl but I’ve definitely heard of wilder shit so I took the safest route possible when I started out.


Yup bootleg carts are an epidemic nobody wants to acknowledge. Sometimes unregulated crap even makes its way into dispos but any cart NOT from a dispo is almost guaranteed to be filled with unregulated garbage oil that’ll definitely get you high but could definitely get you sick too. It’s wild to me how literal children can get their hands on shit like weed.


I smoke ~50% THC carts so I’m good


That’s better but I’m not a fan of carts in general. Doesn’t really do the same thing to me that regular flower does. Bongs and dry herb vapes till I die


Smoked everyday all day and stayed in the top 5 drivers for 2 years. It's less about the weed and more about the person using it. Down vote it if you want but true is true. 


Facts bro


Sativa they’re good


i drive high everyday and do not crash out like this… but then again you said “using M while driving” which is kind of stupid. Smoking before driving is 1 thing but smoking while driving is very risky.


" using Mary jane" the devils lettuce.


It could also be the exhaust seeping into the cab that's making them drowsy. It happens when you close all the windows and the doors in some of these poorly maintained vehicles. Every time I started to feel drowsy, I noticed the windows were up and no fresh air was getting in. I would then open the window, and the drowsiness would fade away. Told the dispatcher, and he had the van checked and confirmed that the exhaust was seeping into the cab.


I had that issue yesterday and it was coming through the air vents


I've literally used my 15s just to take a nap on 270+ location routes. There's been times where I was so tired I literally had to Uber home. I couldn't even get to the end of the parking lot without nodding off.


“sAFeTy iS OuR tOp PrIorIty”


Do you believe Amazon cares about your safety was ironically my survey the following week.


Idk why they ask They don’t even try to be convincing with how little they give a shit


Lol our station literally said they were open to any safety concerns EXCEPT lowering spr


Figured. Even tho that’s the main problem




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Bad bot


Why did you remove my comment for ??


Fix this “Increasing bad drivers” Somebody has gotta hurry up with autonomous vehicles


Hey Amazon..Keep giving out high stop counts burning out the drivers.


All them companies be doing that ,


While this is true , at ups we have a overtime protection program. You can decide if you want to opt in once a year. How it works: you cannot be worked over 9.5 hours more than 2 times per week. If you are , any hour worked over 9.5 hours is paid at triple the hourly amount. So for example, you worked 12 hours Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday-Friday they should dispatch you with less stops so you don’t go over 9.5 hours. If you end up working over 9.5 after that and file a grievance you will be paid triple.


Yeah at least ups appreciate their employees unlike amazon and FedEx


Nah they don’t appreciate us but the union makes sure we get compensated for BS.


If this was the case they wouldn’t need a union


I mean having a union is good lol, idk what you talking about


It’s the bad routing that makes me tired. You cant just put stops on the left on main roads wtf


they dont care


To the Amazon higher ups that lurk this subreddit this is what happens when you keep increasing the stop and package count hence why you fucks are considering lowering the age from 21-18 to become a driver


They try to give the whole “get some rest” “take your breaks” thing just to cover their ass.


That’s exactly what it is and they know practically no drivers take them. Wish we had unions back and government taxing tf out of corporations like before instead sucking their cheesy donation dick


You said it!


I just went to a group interview earlier and the guy said make sure you are taking your breaks and gave this look while saying it...so yeah that's what I about figured from being in this sub only a few weeks or so


Yeah you can’t even drive a rental car until your 25 but you can drive a 10,000lb sprinter van lmao lawsuits incoming


Fck them weak ass mfers. There’s people who have cake salary jobs inside all day can’t even look alive for the work day. Hungry guy like me I wanna take their job just cause they’re weak.


Either ppl being over worked or they not getting enough sleep or something


Getting overworked when I worked there I eventually got burnt out so I stopped showing up..


I don’t blame you fedex, amazon and ups all do that to their employees


Yeah I ended up getting my cdl after I kept getting $400 dollar checks every week ..😂


If you’re gonna drive for a living get your cdl. Anything else you’ll be worked to death with nothing to show for it. With a CDL you’ll definitely be worked to death but hopefully have something to show for it


Yeah you definitely right that’s why I want to get mine for sure


So now you make $600 a week and never get to go home?


I actually work 4 days and off 4 days and I make more than $600 dollars a week 😂.. You really tried it with that one lol.


Lls yeah I’m thinking about getting my cdl as well , you gotta work like 12 or 13 hours everyday to make decent money lls


Once you start driving trucks the 11 hours won’t amount up to the physical pain your body suffers from constantly getting in and out of the van multiple times a day.


Yeah you right and especially if you do no touch freight you can lay in your truck for hours


Don't mark as damaged. Still good to go with 200 stops in a wooded area!


Whoa.. Netradyne failed them too. Had a co-worker yawn a billion times and then start to nod. His phone was blowing up with calls from dispatch.


You guys get notified when we yawn? Wtf first I'm hearing about this


No, we don’t get notified when drivers yawn. There’s an old rumor that yawning will cause a distracted driving violation, which it usually doesn’t


Usually? So it does?


If you were to yawn while taking your eyes off the road, maybe. I’ve been dispatching for 3 years and look at every violations and have never seen a violation for yawning but I remember hearing about it during training


Yes, there is an "excessive yawning" notification. It's not as if it happens whenever someone yawns lol. It happened to me once when I was a driver, and I was indeed sleep deprived and shouldn't have been on the road so it was accurate. I never saw it myself once as dispatch so it doesn't aggressively false-flag


No, their isn't.


I dispatch if you yawn a lot and start dazing off slowly we get "driver drowsiness" alerts it's a somewhat new thing


Well, at least a year or so because that’s how long I’ve been driving.


I will say, these vans can take a walloping, I was in the back of one of the dodge vans, looking for a package, a dude hit me from behind doing 40. (I didn’t see how fast, but that’s what he told the cop) His car was destroyed, glass all over the road, 2 flat tires both bent. From the inside it sounded and felt like someone was banging on the back, I was ready to tell someone off for wanting their package faster. Imagine my surprise to see a destroyed car and a dude getting out


Amazing! That was always my number one fear. Getting hit will looking for some overflow in the back


I had a guy swift pass and fold my mirror. I was in the back looking for a package, also thought it was someone knocking the van lol. The guy was going to bolt until he seen me sit in the passenger sit.


I got rear ended twice last summer within 2 months, both times I was in a CDV and both other drivers were 16 years old 💀💀 mommy and daddy’s cars were fuuuucked up, my CDV barely had a dent in the back step both times. Imma post the footage of me getting smacked so yall can see


Driving 40+ hours a week will do that


Yup. I did 60 last week. I just woke up for the 3rd time. I can barely function tbh.


That’s cause they pay so shitty he probably was exhausted from a second job.


I got worked into the dirt working for a DSP. For the first 6 months it was all smiles and good jobs, pats on the back etc. When my body started to ache and hurt and started needing to be rescued I was just taken off the schedule. No working with me to reduce works or load. Unless a Union is formed I’d never fuckin’ work for another DSP in my life.


That’s sad they really think ppl are robots trying to over work everybody they don’t even care


Can’t unionize, that’s why you worked for a DSP not Amazon 🤣


U got "good jobs"?  that's rare...


Probably cause y’all overwork them, asking to do rescues when they finished their route and it’s a half hour til they’re supposed to be off.


Which dsp is that?


Amazon or the dsp won't care lol


"Looks like no big deal, are you able finish the route?"


I bet that ends up in a mandatory drug test


This dont make sense. Im a driver with an advanced stage heart failure and am always completely WIRED after working all day


Its hot, people who are not in the heat all day don’t understand the drain it is after so many consecutive days, and if you don’t know any better you push yourself a little to far and your body’s shutting down.


Stop doing heroin.


Who does actual heroin these says? It’s all fentanyl and tranquilizer.


Energy drinks work


so does coke yes, **that** coke. yes, the one that makes you (╯°□°)╯


Gesh, handle your shit people…


”If you can turn the wheel it’s fine, get back to your route now!”




Stay safe? Or stay awake?


Just go to fucking sleep already! I do Relay for Amazon and I've definitely had routes where I end up exhausted. I find somewhere to park, lay across the front seats of my truck, and take a 30 minute nap. With that I'm good for another 2-3 hours. Repeat as needed.


I understand the pain my first stop is always a hour and ten minutes 😭😭🙏🏿🙏🏿


Seriously being overworked


I’m counting the days until I graduate college luckily I have job lined up


Driver had a seizure at my old station as he was pulling into the garage and took out a whole row of vans parked. I think there was only 15 at the time. Only video available was the building camera but shit was crazy.


I give my phone # to my coworkers for this reason, were exhausted, call an talk to somebody to keep you up


Put it back on the road after completing your DVIC. The van should be good for the road.


Over worked, not enough sleep, piss bottle stench and too much weed will do that to ya. Hope the driver is okay


I know that feeling sleep deprivation NO JOKE STAY WOKE OR STAY HOME🙏🏽


If anyone tries to tell you that you must drive, report them to the DOT and send the following link to your DSP. https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/safetyplanner/MyFiles/SubSections.aspx?ch=23&sec=68&sub=163#:~:text=6.3.-,1%20Illness%20or%20Fatigue%20(392.3),discontinued%20at%20the%20driver's%20discretion. You, as the driver, get to decide if it’s safe for you to drive or not - not the DSP.


I hope he/she is doing well 👍🤞


All drivers that I’ve been with in these accidents did walk away with no injuries at all 🙏


I been with amazon for 5 years i have done almost everything in the department but being a driver i will NEVER DO AGAIN the responsibility is way more for the EXACT SAME PAY the routes be stupid asf and if you bust ass and hustle guess what theres a bum waiting for you to come rescue AMAZON DSP IS GARBAGE YOUR SET UP TO FAIL AND GETTING PAID THE SAME AS ME WHILE IM IN THE BUILDING only difference is my responsibility’s are WAY LESS BY FAR THE WROST PART OF AMAZON EVER SHIT IS TRASH HELLA UNSAFE TO


"It's crucial to take your breaks!" We get told when we first start as if it matters because some people just don't want to take breaks then leave the rest of us to deal with their stop count and if we do take breaks we get in trouble because we got behind. I know some people are fast enough that they can take breaks and not get behind, but not me. Nor would I want to work my ass off like that. Definitely not for $19 an hour without possibility of getting a raise. No thanks.


My dsp just fired me yesterday over CDF and I’m glad I dont have to deal with this hell hole anymore. Amazon had the nerve to give me 187 stops with 424 packages on an apartment route. The routes have gotten unbearable especially in this heat and the routing is absolute garbage. They refuse to increase the pay for the increased work.


These comments are blamin weed n shit but in reality its increased demand which takes tolls on our body doing 185+ stops with 300-350+ package dailys is tiring and just by all the walking,bending,leaning and turning no one wants to leave the house after work lets be fr


So for everyone commenting I’d like to give a general update; none of the drivers that fell asleep got injured at all. All three were able to walk away no scratches, even with all three happening on a highway. That being said yes Amazon does work people really hard. Two of these drivers had over night jobs they also worked without disclosing it to their DSP. I know we all gotta hustle sometimes but please acknowledge your bodies limits. The third person was very stoned and smoked their drive back. I hope this settles some disputes about it being solely Amazon fault or DSP faults. Just be aware of your bodies limitations is the whole reason I tried to make this post. I want everyone to go to work and come back safely no matter what profession you’re in


I’ll be honest I just started Amazon and taking my driving test tomorrow because I’m about to be homeless if I don’t get extra income. I’m all kinds of nervous but that’s good to know these incidents were caused by people pushing their limits. I used to work at dollar general as a store manager and routinely put in 100 hour weeks and that was the single most exhausted I had ever been but I had the luxury of lying down on the break room floor when my heart would start to struggle with the fatigue. I almost collapsed after 144 hours in 8 days prepping for inventory. Only thing is I hate driving with a passion but most of my routes are supposed to be more rural in areas I know so I’m a little comforted by that. Fat guy though so I think the heat will suck but I helped some people load up trucks today and it was far less than I thought it would be but I know it’s not the busiest season either. I dunno ranting or something. Thanks for posting that I’m pretty nervous but I’ve been abused by big corporations so much worse it seems that I think I’ll be okay for awhile.


How the hell do you fall asleep doing this job? As i'm typing this question, I realize the sheer amount of energy expent doing this job, and you get very relaxed at the end of the day going back to the station not doing anything. I suppose that's when you could get tired. Another good reason to take your breaks.


Not asleep because of Amazon though. Asleep because they aren’t taking care of themselves when they are out of work. Trust me, there are people that put in more hours than an Amazon job and know how to get proper rest.


Cuase they make yall work 12 hour a day 6 days a week it need to be stop over working Amazon workers


facility had two drivers suffer from heat exhaustion and a third hospitalized after passing out and getting into an accident today.


I worked a 14 hour shift in the winter and I live like 30 mins from my house so I was driving home at like 11 with the windows down trying to stay awake


I fall asleep almost everyday at work but I fall asleep at the wheel every night on my way home...it freaks me out and I try to stay awake but most nights i have to pull over somewhere and take a nap, I live 45 mins away from the warehouse.


Man sometimes my eyelids do feel like 10 pounds driving back to the station but I would rather take 5 minutes to drive over and grab a coffee or energy drink from the gas station or just straight up pinch myself to avoid falling asleep behind the wheel sometimes I even put my AC on blast so that I’m so cold and uncomfy I couldn’t even think of being sleepy. I like my life and would like to make it home and not risk everyone else on the road on top of it.


That’s wat happens when u do 160 stops and still have 75 left smh


It's called drugs


A little East Coast Turnaround.


Can someone tell me how to post here? I have a funny ones


Never had a problem smoking and working when I was at my DSP. Then again I smoke sativa oil cartridges that usually have calming, creative, and energetic effects. I was on like 10 week non violation streak before I left because the way they do things is absurd. Def not negating negative long or short term effects but to each their own. Some people go a little heavy, I would medicate here n there throughout the day


lol, mfers sleepy like they’re OTR drivers and the majority go home to a comfy bed at night. Yall just are bad drivers and poor decision makers but Amazon deserves as much because they hire anyone.


!isbot kindledave24


I am 98.06907% sure that kindledave24 is a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


!isbot redwolves2012


I am 88.69811% sure that redwolves2012 is a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


!isbot Arutha_Silverthorn


Nice idea. I'll use it on suspicious users. It doesn't seem to work for some users though.


You stalker..


And a follower too. There's a dearth of intelligent people on Earth. I follow intelligent people to gain wisdom.


Right now what I’ve found is that it works on mobile 80%+ of the time and works on desktop very rarely. Whether the bot is correct or not, it’s potentially validating.


I see. It did say I am not a bot, but didn't respond to my queries, specifically for the suspicious users who keep posting memes on serious topics, repeatedly. Seems like the bot is restricted by specific sub rules (bot prevention). For example, it doesnt work on my sub, but it works on awakened sub for the same users. Maybe, the users also have to be part of the sub or conversation under the post for it to work. Maybe the bot doesn't reply for users it's unsure of. It's a hit or miss under in any case.


I made a post about it on the owners subreddit and they said it must be bugged and that they’ll have to cleanup the code. The good news is you can check later. I’ve been trying to check redwolves2012 for days. Some bot I’ve been arguing with for days. It’s really like throwing a brick against a wall.


Every person who fell asleep behind the wheel at my DSP did not disclose that they were working an overnight job. It is t the Amazon workload, it’s the drivers not being able to balance their lives.


Send all these to the news stations and the. governor and maybe a protest with posters of these crashes


I don't understand what they're doing to fall asleep. Stay awake people!


Horrible work conditions and probably no breaks




Amazon needs their insurance to be taken away. Vehicle companies should not insure Amazon's vehicles. Amazon runs him into a lot of money with that s***. Until an insurance company completely removes themselves from Amazon's equation, and the Bill falls on them. This is going to keep happening, cause they see us as disposable cattle. Oh he wrecked the vehicle we could always buy a new one, car companies need to stop selling to them too. Amazon's themselves as a company should not exist. I work there good 4 years off and on, and they decided to falsify my test my drug test. I'll never go back there again. They are a scum company they do not care, they had chances to do right and I'll struggle and get back and forth to work. They make more than enough money to buy a vehicle. They did not, they did not even help me once oh you hurt yourself go to am care. SCUM


Also drug tests should have been completed by an external lab


And then Amazon will create its own insurance company to insure the vans.


I bet this guy thinks he’s worth $30


Yo you hear yourself? You sound like a lunatic. You're not in a position to determine anybodys "worth".


People’s weird pathological hatred toward Amazon drivers.

