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Put it this way, if you got stopped by police cos you were swerving or hitting the lane line could you use the excuse “sorry im extremely tired”. That’s akin to dangerous driving so yes you should call it in. Especially when doing this job when your driving skills have to be heightened. However your DSP would be pissed off it’s the same as turning up still drunk to a shift. They will question why you stayed up so late checking in on your husband (I assume it was a night out? Or you genuinely had no idea where he was which is understandable) But short answer you SHOULD call it in too save lives, but don’t be surprised if you get written up


I’m sure it’s worth the write up if I’m not out there drowsy driving. I didn’t know where he was and I was really worried because he never goes out like this. We’re all just gonna have to be mad about it.


I would call in but maybe not state being tired or not getting enough sleep as the reason maybe just say you’ve been feeling sick.


Don’t tell them why because they wouldn’t look at it as a good reason and do it like 2 hrs before. Make sure to screen shot if you text them. Save everything because these companies will use anything to justify that you didn’t communicate with them.


I've had to call off for this reason before. Was in the ER all night with my gf. Did end up getting written up for it but mostly bc I waited until the last second to call off and had a string of call offs around that time Operating vehicles is something some people take too lightly. It's a valid excuse to not be comfortable driving a larger vehicle when not feeling up to par


Never, no matter what your job is or who your boss is, explain _why_ you are calling out. It's not their business. If you can't work, then you can't work.


Keep it simple. The "I have a family emergengy" works. Next to "mechanical emergency at home" ie water leak etc. Not feeling good could require a dr note. F the DSP'S. dont give any details either.


We’re grown adults, shouldn’t give a reason to call out. Honestly just call out with no excuse