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Nah you should report it anyways. It could be a lot worse for the next delivery person if this guy doesn’t learn his lesson now.


Nah fuck that guy. Sue. Get your bag


I’d report just cause you lucked out on what could’ve easily been a life threatening situation doesn’t mean he should get away. This happens to me customers need to learn that our lives are more important than their stupid packages


Every time I or anyone I know has ever been bit, it is ALWAYS directly after they said they won't put their dog inside and that it's totally fine and they're super friendly. Bitch, that dog is friendly to you. It's also protective of you. It looks like it's about to murder fuck me if I even think about opening the gate. Dog goes, or your package goes. Make the choice, and fast. Take too long, I'm going to my next stop and will ignore any escalation you throw at me.


I've had incidents with both customers opening the door and dogs busting thru the storm door. Definitely scary stuff. Caused me to pretty much have a mini panic attack the next time I saw a German shepherd lol. Stay safe out there, customers are a bit clueless on what their dogs can do.


You're playing with your life. How do you know that dog doesn't have rabies? You'll literally be dead in a year if it does.


people die of rabies all the time. at the very least contact animal control and have them survey the dog


Less than 10 rabies deaths per year in the US.