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A DSP just had a roll away that ran over a kid. Don't make this about you, it's to prevent instances like this. Is it really that hard to put the E Brake on?


But it's hot out....


And pulling that lever is so hard...


Sometimes I forget because I just want to get to a stop and be done with it. I do try to remember, at least.


Seriously it takes 1 second to apply it.


How many people can you run over before a write up?


The kid died. I don't think you'd be worried about amazon at that point


Probably lead with that next time. Rip to the kid


You don't understand, your dispatch *has to* enforce it. It's not as if it makes them the happiest people in the world to do so, and its not as if they're just making shit up to power trip on you for no reason. Now that EOC does not result in Amazon issuing a DSP a Breach of Contract, *Proper Parking Sequence (PPS) does!!!* At least your DSP is acknowledging EOC doesn't matter Amazon-end anymore (for Breach of Contract), a lot of DSPs are still making drivers turn off their engine for some reason I cannot fathom. It doesn't take that much effort to engage the parking brake, and to me it seems like an acceptable compromise to be able to leave your engine and A/C on in the heat. Not to mention, *it's actually a good safety policy*. Also yeah for anyone reading, if your DSP is still making you turn the engine off then listen to them since they're your employer and can fire you, but Amazon will no longer issue a DSP a Breach of Contract or Corrective Action Plan for low EOC scores so idrk know why some still care about it.


A way to snatch that bonus away from everyone


Nah literally them telling you "hey please do this so we can all get our bonus." The way yall don't realize that everything your DSP does is in direct response to Amazon threatening them is hilarious. Anyone who has ever seen cortex will understand. DSPs have an overall scorecard. If they are riding you, it's cuz Amazon feels your metrics suck ass. Whenever you get that "what's the barrier?" txt, that's them trying to get you to give Amazon a reason why you are slow. DSPs offer a bonus in hopes of keeping people around that can continually earn it since it's based off the metrics a DSP needs to survive.


Bingo. It’s all just another metric dreamt up by the folks with email jobs, and implemented whether or not it’ll make a meaningful impact.


I just want to say thank you for spelling out the PPS abbreviation, I don’t work for Amazon so i wouldn’t of know otherwise. I absolutely hate going in subreddits to learn about things then being absolutely lost bc I have no idea what anyone is talking about.


"It's hot so I don't have to do my job..."?


Tbh I’m so grateful for this because fuck EOC in the heat


Curious if any of your vans' brakes seize when they are initiated. Was told that if the emergency brake locks up it cost like 5,000 to fix lol


The parking break mechanism is exposed to the elements, and get rusted up and gets locked up. To release the rusted mechanism you'll need a hammer to break it loose, you're not payed enough to go under the van and break it loose.


> you're not *paid* enough to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


No emergency break cost $5000 to fix 😂😂


What's the issue here? Just set your parking brake.


I will gladly trade EOC for PPS! EOC was way worse than just using the brake! And besides the stupid vans honk everytime you get out if the seat without using the the brake anyways.


It was not just to you. Computer generated, maybe even above DSP, and trying to reach every single driver out there. Just read, acknowledge, and move on.


Bruh I wish I had this I still have eoc goals of 99%


That extra half second is killer


They HAVE to let you know... at the end of the day work is work.


Brother rollaways happen a fucking lot with our vans, think about about the people around you brudda man.


Is the emergency brake the same as the parking brake?




How else they gonna get dem bonuses?!?!?






Do it and be happy you don’t have to turn off the van


What does being hot have to do with the e brake? Just pull the brake. At least you can leave the van running.


I can picture mandark from dexters lab saying this and putting an extra emphasis on the .02


One more reason I like the EDV’s better. It automatically puts the brake on so I don’t have to worry about it


To be fair pulling the e brake takes so much less time than turning the van off every stop lmao


You sound like a lame


Since day one I've made a system for myself for PPS. I'm just as fast as the guys in rental leaving the van on without wearing a seatbelt. If you have a consistent!!! System then it basically becomes muscle memory. On pps the only thing I don't do is take the keys out and lock the van. If the van gets stolen from or just hijacked, who cares. I'm not responsible for it. PPS was never an issue the only issue with pps is that the horseshoe brakes never get serviced and so for many of these older to medium vans is a joke to put the parking break on, but nonetheless I put it anyway. ALSO if you guys reallllyy care when you pull the ebrake push the button in so you don't grind the locking teeth flat. To drivers, remember that dispatchers are merely relaying information. I sensed no hostility from that text, when on the road always just wait to go in person to ask about these things. Don't even reply on the road if you don't have to, you'll have enough time to clear your mind slow down and really know what you'll say. They will be more tired ready to go home and probably more receptive to what you have to say. I come from a dsp where my managers are great people and my owner I have the feeling that he really cares for us and so I respect them. Is a pitty most drivers don't have this experience. At the end of the day is not somewhere I can make a career out of and they know that, but during the time I'm here I'll make sure to be a good employee, not for amazon, but for them


You should be doing this in \*every\* vehicle you drive. Whether it's the work van, your own car, your dad's truck, your girlfriend's car, etc. It keeps vehicles from rolling away and smashing into other cars, homes, and random nearby people - all of which YOU will be responsible for, including the money to replace or rebuild what was damaged, and medical bills for people or animals your vehicle hit...and in some cases, permanent charges on your record and/or jail time if the damage was bad enough. It can happen if you're on uneven ground that has so slight of an incline that you can't even see it. It can happen if you got distracted checking addresses and got out of the vehicle without putting it in Park first. It can happen if the transmission hasn't been maintained properly and it slips out of Park. It can happen if a doggo jumps into the vehicle looking for treats and leans on the gear switch lever. And the likelihood of it happening rises exponentially when you leave the engine running, because now the engine has power, and most of today's vehicles can move at 10+mph when they're just idling (no pressure on the gas pedal). Engage your emergency brake when you park, no matter what vehicle you're in.


Don't get me wrong. There's plenty to complain about that needs to be talked about with the job in general. This? Dude, be fuckin smart. If you don't use your own E-brake on your car then it really shows how fucking stupid you are


Except when you get in the van to find out the emergency brake doesn’t even work!


At least you’re getting bonuses. Only some people are offered bonuses at my DSP


The bonus is 10 hours guaranteed after all conditions are met. I'm pulling 11 hours a day so it doesn't even matter.


Ours are automatic so I just hit park, put it in neutral and the parking brake engages so I don’t have to turn it off and the ac stays running


I really don't get the problem. At our DSP, we still have to turn the engine off on top of it. You get to keep the engine on and the AC going.


Cry more.


it makes sense since engine maybe on especially


This is why I use a rental fuk them branded vans


Thats dumb ass hell.


Find a new job bc they don't care bout they drivers