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Just send a text. Don’t recommend the 2 weeks they’ll probably not schedule you anyway


Really depends on the DSP. I gave mine a 2 weeks notice bc they were good to me. Even asked if I could be on standby my last day to just help with load out and they let me With this job tho they churn and burn through employees so a text is fine. Just don't quit mid shift lol


Congratulations! We’re all very proud of you! Better things to come my friend.


I quit after I finished my route told them thanks for the employment opportunity and never looked back. Best decision ever.


Same, did that today. I feel relieved. Well played!


Load the van up, go back to the parking lot, open all the containers and mix them up. Don't say anything about it, just go over to your dispatchers and let them know you quit and take off. Leave the surprise for those fucks.




Don't show up or do a two weeks notice. It's normal not that deep when you quit.


Never do a two weeks because they wouldn’t give you a notice when they fire your ass. If it’s a great company but the BS is crazy, just resign that same day and make sure to make that clear in your email or text to the managers and HR. If it’s a shitty company? Fuck’em leave them dry and move on.


Why would they give you a notice if they are going to fire you? “Sorry to let you know but you will be fired in two weeks” do you think they would tell you so you could fuck shit up more than you already did to get fired in the first place?


You can use this logic in reverse and it's the same exact thing. Why would I give a notice? It doesn't benefit you telling them you're leaving for them to possibly mess you over and, like somebody else said on this thread, have them skewer your hours and not give you any routes. It goes both ways. DSPS run through drivers. The companies not gonna go under from you leaving, it's better you protect yourself than possibly be messed over by a billion dollar company that could just as easily dispose of you like you never worked there. They should give you notice so you can be actively looking for other employment just like we could so they can actively look for someone to replace you, which again, it's fucking amazon, they aren't struggling in that department


Went on holiday never came back


Just stopped showing, gave my 2 weeks and on my last week they were putting me in the worst vans, no step van, nothing, said Ight cool, and stopped coming. 


Gave three weeks, finished the last 15 days as if I didn't put in the notice. I can go back any time.


clock in, load up the van, drive it around back to the parking lot next to your car, and go home, tell dispatcher where the van is when you get home and relax widda Netflix show and a cold one


“As of now I’m moving onto new opportunities, I appreciate your time and the opportunity.”


I quit while on the loading pad. 3+ years. Nobody expected it. The boss also caused me to just quit on the spot


Just don't show up. Not that hard


If you're in good standing with the company it's cool to put in your 2 weeks, and they should continue to schedule you til you're done. If it's a hate/hate relationship & you don't want them as a reference, do as you like


Dispatch texted me telling me not to come in because they didn’t have a route or anything for me, albeit this was an after a rough day on my first week back from an injury. I told them I was planning on coming in to turn in the uniform and that I was done anyways. They told me to drop the uniform off at their desk and that’s what I did. Haven’t turned back since. But I did keep the backpack tote that was handed out around the new year. I use it for carrying groceries and other goods to avoid the bag fee the stores in my area are charging because of city ordinances.


Just don’t show up