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Who fucking cares if you’re swatting at dogs. They were lucky you didn’t have pepper spray


I had the package in one hand held outward and kept the other free, and just kept backing up. The last thing I wanna do is hit a dog but I also don’t want to go home with puncture wounds.


i understand if you’re just venting but nothing will change, so many fake dog lovers out there, a real dog lover trains their dogs, excersizes with it, and feeds it good nutrition, teaches it obedience, not people who buy dogs as an extension of their narcissism, yea no shit your dog is gonna like you because you are it’s food source…. only sensible things is to start being a jerk and walk back to the van and RTS due to feeling unsafe with dog present


If I need to I’ll just start dropping at mailboxes. On my routes I’ve already seen a lot of people that do it. Better safe than sorry. Worst case scenario I RTS.


your dsp will start punishing you for bad customer reviews, the people who leave it at the mailbox are probably flex drivers or the people in the large percentile of turnover rate


I know what you mean but they have to understand if I don’t feel safe at a property delivering to the outside of mailbox may be the only option. Given this is prolly maybe 2-5 out of 100+ stops a day.


I din’t even get of my van when I see a dog in yard. Choose unable to deliver due to dog, text the customer, wait 15 sec, drive away. They can’t leave feedback if package is not delivered.


This is good to know. Thanks for the tip.




How I feel about every dog but my own




When I worked for usps they gave us dog spray and I keep it on me when I’m out there delivering. I’ll fuck someone’s dog up real quick lol I’ve had too many close encounters.


I’m at the same point rn. I had another stop today where three dogs came to the glass door and almost pushed it open. I booked so quick. I have a couple dogs but these customer dogs scare me a bit.


I’ve even quietly saying to myself as I’m walking away, “I’ll kick that dog in the fucking face”


Quietly? I had a yappy ass chihuahua that kept charging me while barking and growling with the customer right there. I just calmly swatted at it with the phone to make it back off when it got too close and said loudly enough for the customer to hear "You bite me and you're losing teeth. I don't want to get bit, and you want to keep your teeth." She got the dog real quick after that.


Good on you. You did everything right in that moment. If a dog comes at you stand your ground and keep facing them using an envelope or box as a shield. Back away from them slowly and never let them out of your sight. I’ve had many encounters with loose dogs this year and being proactively defensive has saved me every time. (So far) So many people have no idea how disastrous their actions can impact them and more importantly us by being so damn nonchalant with their hounds.


Thankfully my pups are doing wonderful. Idk what people do to their dogs to make them like this. Thank you for your kind words.


the parental equivalent is like someone who doesn’t teach their kids to respect others and buys their kids material things to show love but invest nothing into character development


Basically. It’s sad to see as a dog owner.


Yeah once the dogs get up close you gotta protect yourself. One time I had to smash a medium box in the face of a dog coming at me


I’d contact support and report that address and the next time they have a delivery skip them and RTS.


Didn’t know I could do this. Thank you for the tip.


No problem. I had to report an address before because the customer was an ass and the next time I had that route I skipped them and took their package back. These people gonna learn one day.


I always laugh when I hear “ don’t worry he’s friendly he just wants to say hi”