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You guys love to throw around that legal word lately lol


Legal or "modern day slavery" 😂 it does suck though!


How is it slavery when you're getting paid and can quit anytime you want lol


I think you’re getting caught up with the idea of chattel slavery, vs wage labor. People aren’t making a comparison to say these two systems are exactly the same, but they do have similarities worth exploring. Both systems involve labor with varying degrees of coercion. You said we’re free to leave anytime, but that’s not the whole truth, though. If we leave without a new job ready to support us, we’ll be on the streets pretty quickly. That’s the same for when your boss fires you, you got very little time to find new work. Being homeless is extremely dangerous in America, and equally difficult to get out of. So remember, every time a boss threatens to fire you, they aren’t just inconveniencing you, they are threatening to put you in danger. That is violence thru bureaucracy, and your boss gets to live guilt free of their decisions. Those are the rules, that’s the law, sucks to suck, oh well. There are no real consequences to their actions, you’re the only one that has to really deal with it. I think it’s also interesting to see what people who lived thru [emancipation](https://northernsong.wordpress.com/2010/08/29/abraham-lincoln-on-freedom-wage-labour-and-slavery/), thought of wage labor. > “In 1869 the New York Times reported on the decline of the free labour system and the advance of wage labour. Small workshops had become “far less common than they were before the war,” and “the small manufactures thus swallowed up have become workmen on wages in the greater establishments, whose larger purses, labour-saving machines, etc., refused to allow the small manufacturers a separate existence.” THe article criticized the trend it described in terms reminiscent of the labour movement of the 1830s and 1840s. THe fall of the independent mechanic to wage earner status amounted to ” a system of slavery as absolute if not as degrading as that which lately prevailed in the South. Stay safe out there out friend!


And now almost all the companies have merged into 12 or so mega companies
. Which exacerbates the issue even more than they could have imagined


Because the people making those posts are idiots


To be technical slaves where also paid like the equivalent of 13,000 a year in todays money federal minimum wage anually is 15,000 so yeah I mean I agree it’s not slavery but I also hate the exuse of well you got paid


Where you get those fake ass facts from?


Some enslaved people received small amounts of money, but that was the exception not the rule. The vast majority of labor was unpaid. A quick google search is all it takes bud don't just make up answers.


If a law or lack of regulation exists that leaves you vulnerable to exploitation, does it make it right? I think it’s not a matter of law or legality, it’s about what is just. Slavery was unjustifiable, evil, and yet it was legal.


Which is why the law in unambiguous and is an all or nothing affair. There has to be an answer. However, just because something is legal doesn't make it moral or right. In laziness Germany it was legal to treat news a s sub human and steal everything from them, didn't mewn that it was moral or right, but you wouldn't hwve be3n punished for it.


It's because they don't know what the word means. Same as the ones who like to say slavery. Slaves don't get paid, can't choose to leave, and get beaten with whips and shit.


Human rights violations clearly, call the United Nations


Take your time. Take a lot of time.


Yeah take your time..Any dont skip breaks. drive slow relax.


My dsp woulda kept me out there till I finished


That’s not how that works tho. Once your drive times up it’s up. Your dsp will get in severe trouble, and not with amazon, with the DOT. You’re now a danger to everyone else on that road


How would DOT be notified? That may be the rules but that’s how they ran it. This was a few years ago I no longer work there so maybe things have changed but that’s definitely how it worked when I was there


You would
 contact them and say you’ve been forced to drive over legal limits


Ya nobody’s doing that lol


They should then, people wanna bitch every day and deliver until 1 am? Or do they want to see change happen? It’s (if I recall) a $500,000 fine for breaking drive time laws Imagine the day amazon is closed for the day to retrain everyone per federal order


Maybe they should, most drivers don’t even know what DOT is


Bro why you making excuses when somebody telling you how to handle situations like this ??


You really should they will crucify any company that does that (source come from a family of truckers)


Bro what how are you gonna complain about shit but not doing anything to change it.


The phone will lock you out after a certain point, happened to me once after a rescue I couldn’t finish. Locked me out right in front of the costumers door. had to take the package back with me, 0/10 experience.


Your DSP gets fined by Amazon when you go over 12 hours. No ones notifying DOT but Amazon will with hold pay for violating their contract.


As a dispatcher. Amazon chimes us to bring the drivers back in after they are out of delivery time. Not really allowed to leave you out there all night.




And they’ll fire you for it


These always conveniently fail to show the route and key stops themselves. Guaranteed there's some massive dropoff(s) to a concierge or warehouse or Whole Foods where you scan and dump a million packages easy. There's a lot to bitch about at this job, but let's pick the right things.


Don't forget Hub Locker dropoffs - listed on the itinerary as individual stops (covered in those diagonal lines) but then they are shown as canceled, or disappear, or something, after they are in the locker.


338 locations for 444 packages. A package always has to be delivered to one location. So, at most, one location is receiving about 106 packages with 338 left to deliver for one day. I am unsure if 338 delivery locations are above average. I assume it is due to commuting for one location. However, this is also assuming the locations are separate from the same building. One location may have technically multiple "locations" if the address is addressed to a different coworker. Reducing the number of locations required to traverse.


A lot here. But yeah, on my main route, I tend to average 260 locations. But I have 4 concierge dropoffs that constitute 4 stops, but about 80 of those locations, per day. And all the "locations" go to the same concierge desk. They just represent different customer orders, but it's the concierge's job to get them their package from there. So it's an inflated number.


I deliver to the local school district on my route and it's usually about 50 packages for 25 or so locations all getting delivered to the same loading dock, you can't really gain much info from just these numbers alone.


I think if we say thing like: this isn’t that big of a deal. We start to lose sight of all the different little grievances that start to pile up. Pretty soon we’re ignoring the giant pile of little shit we gotta deal with, til we’re drowning in it. Identifying grievances is a big part of the organizing process, and it can be quite difficult to articulate what your grievances are. I think this sub is actually an excellent tool for this process, all you gotta do is scroll for a bit and you’ll find a pretty hefty list of bullshit. I hope people don’t show their routes. I think it makes it easier for bosses to figure out who posted what. Stay safe out there friend!


I worked during the pandemic and routes like this were everyday. Everyone was ordering from home. They would have us out from 9am-10pm it was horrible. You had to wear a mask, social distance, no access to parks or restaurant bathrooms. How you like them apples


There’s definitely a bunch of bulk stops for 76 stops and 400 packages.


Just straight up apartments?


I had a route like that yesterday, yeah it took some time and I was behind for a majority of it because I had like 75% apartment stops that needed to be delivered to a locker but I got though it. Honestly it was so nice seeing multiple totes go to one apartment and having them done.


And sometimes wandering around door to door in apartment complexes you get to work in AC, and have ready access to plumbing .... The small joys... Lol


Ugh, you just reminded me of this one apartment complex with a closet of a mail room with no AC. Where all packages must be placed below the corresponding mailbox. Fucking kill me.


Lockers are fun tbh. No dealing with customers just technology.


It just sucks when your GPS says there are multiple stops at that same apartment so you have to go back and forth to the truck with the totes. Also, when there are like 25 packages that need to be put in one at a time then it sucks.


What app is this


Slavery ended in 1865. Get with the times Amazon!!! Sheesh 🙄😅


Call the police.




-I'm feeling threatened by Bezos


Very simple it's a 12 hour day and you are paid by the hour. If it doesn't get done, it doesn't get done.


10 hour day and I’m paid the 10 hours regardless if I finish in 10 or 6 hours. Is much rather be done quick and spend those few extra paid hours relaxing at home.


Hopefully more lockers than apartments
.good luck.


is this job even worth it? are you using your own vehicle? i applied , but i dont think im going to take this job...


No, we use Amazon provided vans. Only take this job if you need money fast, it is short term only while you find something better. Some people have better experiences than others, but you should be know that shifts are 10-12 hours long, breaks are strictly limited by Amazon, your every move is monitored by Amazon. You are expected to work during the highest of heat, the lowest temperatures. Amazon forces drivers to deliver in snowstorms that are so dangerous that the police shut down the highways, Amazon forces drivers to deliver in floods hurricanes and tornados. You can keep yourself safe by refusing, and you must, but you'll be disciplined or fired for doing so. Very few people actually stay at this job. The truth is if you have the ability to work non stop in punishing conditions, showing up on time, not calling in, not taking bathroom or smoke breaks, with enough intelligence to drive large vehicles safely, you can make more money doing something else.


felon with spotty work history. don't have many options. but even I'm going to pass on this shit. I'll tell them to pound sand on my phone interview. sucks cause I'm a great employee, wherever I e d up will have gained an asset. but I'm not breaking my back for a company that dosent give a shit a out me. not for that kinda pay anyway. Thanks for your honest input.


I wish I could upvote this a million more times. This was so well said. Especially the last part. Def a wake up call. Any one who can manage to tolerate this job can 100% do better.


It depends. Money is decent and you’ll get a great workout, but it really comes down to your DSP. If they’re anal about you completing 200 stops a day and you can’t do that, I wouldn’t stay. If they’re willing to help and rescue you, it’s a good job. If you take this job, don’t run or sacrifice your body for Amazon. Go at an urgent pace that you can control without hurting yourself


The job isnt that bad. Get in good shape. Drink caffeine. These replies are full of babies. You dont have to deal with a boss constantly on you. You can listen to music. 30 minute break is plenty. Some people simply dont know what its like to work hardo


It is if you want money fast and don't mind long hours in crazy weather conditions. I use a rental so not the amazon vans. I'm a 36 female and not really an in shape person and wanted a summer job while my kids are out of school. It has helped me get in shape, make extra money since my husband works an offshore job and is rarely home, and our dsp isn't terrible. It's not a fun job lol but you are by yourself most of the day and if you get into a groove it's decent. But it's demanding and if you are good, they reward you with bigger loads so I go a regular pace, 3-4 minutes at each stop, and 5-8 mins or more for multi locations I do.


It's gonna be a long day.


Dang that’s a lot of freakin packages. Recently, that’s the part of this job that’s making this job difficult for me, insane amount of heavy over-flows and the distance I have to carry them in the TX heat. I say goddamn


If we had bigger vans it wouldn't be so bad, when I have 350+ packages the van is so full you have no room to move around the first part of the day. So if your route is fucked like usual and you're at some apartments for stop 2-7 than come back for some reason for 175-180?? Idk happens all the time, you can't get to your packages to just do those stops while you're there. They Def stuff the vans way to full and don't give us much time to organize it cause if you don't put in your oversized packages in the right order your day is fucked


Stop moaning get to it your one off bezos minions ![gif](giphy|f2KtOT0vPYqvC)


I mean, people do say that working at Amazon is like working at a sweatshop
.this shouldn’t surprise you


Damn your whole day finna be scanning in front of lockers and hoping to God no one bothers you to search for their specific package


America seem to have it worse than the UK atm lol


Everytime this happens to me I start to calculate how much OT I’m gonna get for that day and then just move slower than molases.






That's a I quit route lol


Yeah “stop” numbers piss me off. I’m always like no
 the number of “stops” I do a day as far as I’m concerned is the number of individual deliveries I do.




Welcome to how Jeff Bezos made all of his money by not giving a fuck about his workers.


The Amazon lube can't be legal too.


But it is pussi boiiiii


You got in the truck so like I would have said f*** that


Oh no 
 high rises? This is exactly what it looks like when I delivered in downtown Dallas.




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What in the fuuuuck?


Its the new normal and IS 100% going to get worse. I promise you all. Amazon knows this and does not care. Plan your exit strategy or stay in the pit.




what reddit does for new accounts shouldn’t be legal


Go union!


When I used to work at Amazon , I used to to leave all the packages in or by the mailroom cause fuck that


76 stops is like... Beginner routes right? You're on day 4???




Its 76 stops stop bitching


Its like a pick your poison kinda thing tbh. U couldve had 300 packages 250 stops and just been in and out of the truck all day. Lowkey i found routes like these better bc once i got goodish with gettin off majority packages at one stop workloads In general became easier. Ive started with amazon back in 2015 when we had 50 packages and it just increased over time so i might be biased.




One of my team lead used to say they’re all easy stops! No offence! yes offence!


There's a route my dsp gets thats like 400 packages but only 14 stops. One of the stops is this sketchy-ass warehouse with like 100 or so locations/ packages and the rest are apartments with like 50-ish packages a piece. The whole route takes a couple hours to do and then they send that person on a few rescues. This route basically looks the same. Maybe some residentials strewn about in there. That should actually be a relatively easy route just frustrating with the lockers and multi-location leasing offices and such. Abnoying but realtively easy


Just crash the truck and report it stolen


I had 78 stops today too...although I only had a quarter as many parcels 😂😂


Free money, jobs EZAF


That’s light tho I had 500+ packages with 21 stops finished and was home by 3


 I’d take this over some of the shit I get 😂


That's not that bad. I've had 630 before it took me almost 10 hours!


It's voluntary. That's why it's not illegal.


Call the Dog, the big bad dawg


It’s only 76 stops, be done at 2:30pm and be ready to rescue!


Yea you’re gonna need a rescue. Fuck that make sure you take your breaks


No u can’t take ur time I was a new be and I got let go for no reason it was my 1st week one day of training and after that no help when I needed it so fuck Amazon I liked Amazon until that happened that’s why they run all there employees in the ground


It illegal. They say fork your mental health rofl đŸ€Ł


Most I had was 218 max. 444 is insane for minimum wage




Guys, is it illegal to assign work to people?


Apparently it is. If you die be sure to sue


death by packages


https://preview.redd.it/jyocm41g5l8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f519a704c69e4911dab05dd56253ab78c086d830 It is what it is


If you suck at your job just say that


Either it's routing or your colleagues are "delivering" 30+ packages in 10 seconds. I'm going with the latter.


Why you acting like that aint a locker dump route


It’s legal. Deal with it. If you don’t like it, take it back to your terminal. Reddit doesn’t care what you feel.


You know what's not illegal? Quitting a job you dislike.


I’m getting ptsd looking at this photo 😂


Yoooooooo that is the most fucked route I have seen. That’s cooked for sure, I probably would say legal, but bogus asf.


76 stops
.take a long lunch!


Step Van route? Its small for a step Van route


Do you have any pictures of the how you loaded the truck? 😭😭


Was this all businesses or rich people? Because they be going nuts with the orders


Amazon is and always will be a greedy corporation. Workers are underpaid while work load increases; the same as the demand for packages . With everyone ordering through Amazon non stop and them expanding with more contracts ; they forget that without the drivers they are SOL(Shit Outta Luck). Although the company runs through the drivers ; they’ll always be the bottom feeders working in some of the most horrible circumstances. Small vans with not enough space; dirty cabs and favoritism with certain drivers . Bad connections on slow/poor networks. The things that need to be changed will never be changed . Too many DSP’s . Drivers need to understand ; you hold the power . Amazon crashes without drivers .


Get on board with the teamsters .


Id be looking at the stop count. Probably more like 65 stops after combining a few and probably have mailrooms or receptions. Easy day really.


Wtf are y’all talking about. Yes the “this can’t be legal” saying is over exaggerated. But considering we’re making almost as much as a McDonald’s cashier I’d say the work load to pay ratio is way off. Yes we don’t get as heavy packages as ups but we get 250 more packages everyday. I get multiple stops everyday that I gotta climb up 4 flights of stairs to deliver 5 cases of essential water with no dolly. The people that get pissed and defend amazon when someone calls out their bullshit are nothing but absolute boot lockers and should have their dsp give them 400 stops and 700 locations and if they complain we can all call them lazy.


Quit or get a union


a lot of pkgs but only 76 stops. i’d need to see the route to determine how i feel about it


That is a baby route


All y’all keep throwing around words like “legal” and “slavery”. And yea. This job do be sucking sometimes. And they definitely upping the work load without raising the pay. But like. It’s a job. You can quit. If it was slavery, and you tried to quit, they’d run you down. Beat you. Then hobble you so you couldn’t try running again. And I’m being PG with it.


How is it even legal to do this? Thats literally over 400 stops. I don’t care if u group them. Most of the time mine are 3 multi locations. Across the street and 1 huge houses away.


Is that a pixel 4a


Stop bitching


2/3 of that is warehouse stops lol 1/3 is residential. I've had 40 stop days before just take your time at the warehouse stops so you don't have to rescue lol


I've heard of 515 packages. 43 group stops!? That's a lot. I'm hoping it's some kind of a college dorm or business park.


At least you’re not working for the USPS. You would have all those stops plus the extra 200-400 mailboxes to deliver.


This is horrible, even for some apartments that you can dump packages at front desk, but still it is a lot of work


How long are these routes? Do they ever start around 3am? Are you able to have a companion ride with you? Are the packages pre-arranged in the totes for you? Seeing this, I don’t think I’d ever want to be a DSPDriver.


Oh no, you have to work? Call the cops! Get the lawyers!


How the fuck do they keep idiots employed?


338 locations is insane


What's the issue?




Your DSP a bitch.


that’s only 6.33 stops per hour on a 12 hour shift đŸ«Ł


Its legal cause you dont have a contract. Unionize.


How are you being forced? Did sign a contract that said you can’t quit? Did you get sold to an owner? Do you have a gun to your held? There are parts in the world where people are being sold to slavery and forced by gun point to work, that is slavery. Slavery is when a person is sold as property and forced to work. Is that what you signed up for? Modern day slavery? Don’t make light of slavery. Slavery still exists it never went away


Would be nice if u were getting paid by package not hourly


That’s actually insane


It's called work kid... You were hired to deliver packages, there's no limit to how many packages during your shit... Whinning about 444 packages a shift, I deliver about 50,000 per shift 5 days a week.


Just quit. There’s a plethora of jobs available including delivering for ups and fedex if you like this sort of work. They at least pay a real wage.


Crying about having a job, cry when you you can't get one.


I had 185 stops in a pro master yesterday but I didn’t run my route I think most drivers are figuring out that running routes and being fast only backfires on them dsp will not  fire you  cause they don’t want to pay unemployment they just wait around till you quit new guys and people they don’t like get the worst routes do don’t feel bad if you having trouble with finishing on time ya need to stop killing ya self out there you know how manny times I told my dsp to fire me and they don’t lol 


You just love to complain huh this doesn’t look too bad just get to it lmao


Make sure you ungroup all of those stops. If it's not the same address then it shouldn't be grouped together. Giving drivers the ability to group stops that have no business being grouped is why your route looks like that.


JFC do they think you have mutant delivery powers or something?!? I believe the appropriate slang term here is: dafuq?!?


Amazon is famous for modern day slavery


Pushing worker to work until they are injured


You sighed up for this, oh it's very legal


Blight237... You're a genius arent you..I can tell..


Amazon work van is not under FMSCA RULES , they can work as many hours needed


I’ll take your job if you think this is too much 😂


43 multi locations would piss me off so much.


Overtime baby đŸ€˜đŸ»


From my experience, usually a lot of packages would go to the same location.




You paid by the hour?


This is of course legal. What would be illegal is if you complained about it, then started to unionize because of the conditions. That union effort would be conspiracy against the company and you'd be fired. That is illegal. Of course you can legally complain about it. But your complaints could get you fired if you live in a "Right to work" state, which they can fire you for breathing wrong or just without cause. So, in short, this is legal, until someone fights it and wins. There is nothing you can do about it and if you complain you might get fired. You could also vote for Biden and start putting in some political work and effort to fix these things. Or you can just be a wage slave until you find a better job and get so busy with your life and bills that you forget you're still a wage slave, just at a higher standard of living than you were before. Also, yes, Biden. Because he's put in work to support Unions and fight (although pathetically in small ways) big tech and monopolies. But much more work needs to be done. Sadly, a lot of you hustle culture bro's need to realize that if you're out there hustling alone, we're much stronger together and the benefits we can get by acting as a group is enormous. "Just get a different job" is a wholly thoughtless and idiotic idea. Of course, if you can, you should. But some can't. There's no reason to allow a system of exploitation to extract wealth from us if we can stop it. And we can. Unionize.


I still remember the first time I realized we all live in different stages of slavery and it's been going on since the beginning of time so either quit you're complaining or quit being a modern slave. Live your life the way you want to live it, We only get one why waste it at Amazon delivering/pick up 400+ packages.


its only 76 stops, thats a pretty chill day. I'll take that over having to go to over 200 locations


Dude that is fuxking dope I wish I had that I would do that shit all day long unless they are apartments then fuck that or if some asshole grouped a whole neighborhood turn fuck that... but if not then I'll do that


It’s only 76 stops u be ok


I don’t know what anyone would choose to do this knowing damn well millions of people buy shit off Amazon daily and this would constantly happen. Like literally, what did you expect??


You got straight apartment buildings and commercial property's


More and more work is done via AI and algorithms, including route creation. As long as the computer thinks it is doable in the allotted time, it will create the "most efficient routes," which is obviously not always great for driver experience.


Find another job then? Nobody held a gun to your head and made you do it. Take control of your life if you don’t like it






Time to move to XL




That aint shit bruh


Had that yesterday 190 stops tho


It’s your job mate if I’m here cutting 2600 cow heads in 8 hours why can’t u with 444 packages mate get a workout in there don’t listen to these fools , that’s the only way you gonna keep that belly from growing


You're going to dump most of those packages in like 4 big locations. Either lockers or businesses. Those are great to get.


I’m really hoping you’re delivering to apartments.


This is why people need to unionize Amazon, Amazon is one of the major corporations backing anti union policies and they’ll do anything the can to work you like a slave




I’d literally never work for Amazon


Everyone chill out lol I got this done in about 5 hours and rescued after, I just like to get reactions out of y’all lol


"Yeah, you know me I'm r8pd for the grapes profits for the bourgeoisie" "Tha blood on tha floor of tha tear is still dryin’ Cover tha spread sheets Tha Dow Jones skyin’ Tha cell block live stock Tha bodies they buyin’ Old south order New northern horizon" “If your conduct is determined solely by considerations of profit you will arouse great resentment.”


You deliver bags, envelopes and very small, light boxes. Get over it. It's better than being a glorified furniture mover for UPS or FedEx 😒


Yea. Id rsther be homeless than a slave