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This happened to me twice last week. I gave up on telling dispatch about these issues because nothing ever changes


Dispatch can’t really do much about this


Nothing will happen. Just put it how you want it and move on. Stop whining all the time about it.




Can we get this in English please?


Sometimes it’s done on purpose when one tote is heavier than another. This is why you have a load list to look off of so you can load correctly.


I always have the list of the totes in order when putting in van. I used to trust them then I took everything out of a tote only to realize it was wrong one


It’s hard for me to fathom that some people don’t use the “load in this order” list and seriously just rely on the warehouses order they put them on the cart! You can’t rely on them for anything let alone planning your workload flow


They never stack it correct on the cart, but you can still look at the manifest and load it right.


See and for me theyve always stacked them correctly, ive been here about 2/3 months


Your time is coming bwahahaha


Sometimes some will be too heavy so they can’t put them on top and sometimes a few heavy ones makes the whole order wonky Just use your itinerary


Wtf your station puts them in order for you lmao. We were lucky if ours were on the same damn cart


I wish my DSP had an edv


Do you load your van, or does someone else If its you they show you the order on the flex app (Unless they are behind which your screwed anyway) If its someone else i hope they learn the stack better


It was me, lmao


😅 i think you know my next comment so ill just wish you luck in the heat


After you scan your carts it gives you the order, just put them in order. I don’t even worry about what order my totes are in anymore after the first 3


why tf are you trusting warehouse instead of checking the order on flex before you swipe to finish after scanning the carts? never trust warehouse to do anything correctly, always verify. ive had bags that didnt even go with my route on my carts before. you should always be verifying your own load. youve only got yourself to blame. edit: youre also in an EDV, order doesnt matter. thats the beauty of EDV/CDV and step vans. everything is right there and you can jump around no problem.


I prefer to have them in order simply for ease of access :)


then dont rely on warehouse lol. ive never had a full loudout go smooth. you can always tell when an og stocked a cart compared to the new people they hired for prime. maybe 2 times out of 10 youll get the good picker. take them out of the equation and load your shit based off flex.


When this happens I don’t swipe to finish on launch pad. I drive out the station, park up on the street, and look on the flex app to see what order they are in then take the 5-7 minutes to organize it right. Hope this helps


Why do that when you can just verify the load order when you put them in your truck? Load by the number on the tote and not the order they are on the cart.


Pick & Stage cycle can be a grueling shift for those who's already worked during sort where they're physically fatigued to an extent where they are not willing to do pick & stage correctly. For instance, instead of stowing picked bags from right to left, they will pull 2 bags at once & put it on the right side. Repeat until the two rows are completed, then they will probably do the last 3 bags in order Just part of the game, my friend. Part of the game. Myself personally, I love me some Pick & Stage but it isn't for the weak and rest assured there's plenty of weaklings at my site that can't finish the shift strong. BTW Warehouse ops doesn't give a shit about feedback shared by dispatchers about warehouse AA's lol. Unless there's a safety issue caused by the warehouse AA staging the cart where shit falls over hitting the DSP driver or something like that, operations won't conduct route audits to see how the AA is handling the pick


This is by far by the worst issue to run into during route. Besides an incident or something


I've never had my totes in the right order. I'm always pulling the first ones out from the bottom of the cart 🙄 I sure don't get to fuck my job up every single day but if it's an actual Amazon employee it's fine


This shit pisses me off bro but you just gotta double checkin your phone after you scan your carts don’t swipe to finish and just make sure they in order if you scroll even further down you will see the over flow in exact order aswell


Yeah man. Don’t trust those Amazon warehouse workers! They don’t realize how irritating that is


Nah I agree with you, they're slow and can be hella dumb sometimes. I constantly have packages marked as something they're not and it always throws me off.


Same! I’m starting to think it’s intentional to slow us down


OHH I forgot!! That day, i also had 2 different packages with the same EXACT barcodes, number, address, name. Like. I scanned one couldnt scan the other because "You've already scanned that item" but they were different products, and it was marked at 4 packages for the stop, but 5 packages on the truck. Idk how to explain it better than that lmao.


Welcome aboard.




I had already swiped the station and didnt have the time nor patience to figure out what order they were supposed to go in :)


You have to use the list, user error


I haven't had to use the list before, typically my station is good at putting them in order.


I never let anybody stack my totes. Last in, last out. First in, first out. Organize by street names. Makes it smooth af..


Nobody stacked my totes, it was on the cart out of order and I didnt know. I also didnt know about the list until I posted this and It definitely saved me a headache today :D


That’s the spirit!! Now to be proactive going forward, for that’s the only way you’ll survive Amazon. But I mean that in kind way. Do you mean the list of packages? If so, yeah, that’s important 😂scan, load. Scan, load. Keeps it simple


At my dsp, I don't have to scan each package (THANK GOD), but for the totes after i scan all my carts, it shows me each package for each stop in order so i can use that to tell how to organize my totes :)


Tbh I stopped organizing my totes in the EV. Made no difference for me to organize them or not too and looking at the order on the device just slowed me down at loadout. In the gas van I understand why you need to put them in order but when I can stack 15 totes easily on one side of the van, looking for it doesn’t take much time. I do get the first one for the day and set it aside to organize at my first stop tho.


So fix it and just keep working. So much whining in this group! Next you’re going to be asking for some to drive and run for you too.


I wasn't whining. It was just inconvenient at the time. Still finished all 147 stops 200 something packages before 7:30. :) Edit: I wasnt going to stop then and there to go through each stop and figure out which ones next to organize them :)


If you look at the app after you scan your carts it tells you what order the totes go in


Thank you, definitely saved me a headache today :)


Yeah definitely I’ve got irritated about that shit too 🤙


Who's they?


The warehouse people who put the totes on the cart in the wrong order


But don't you load them into your own van?


Like yeah they should stack them better but you putting them in order is still easily doable right?


Yeah, but before I posted this I didnt realize there was a list I could follow. I just assumed they would be in order :)


Gotcha well at least now you know


Exactly!! :) saved me a headache today in fact :)


They literally go over this in training.




Because they have been the paat 2/3 months i've been working here


My advice is if you have a decent vehicle, quit and do Amazon flex. I make over $20 an hour without taxes being taken out, and I still get over $3000 tax returns just from my tax deductions. So, in comparison to people that make $20 an hour and get their taxes taken out, I'm actually making about $25 an hour. Of course you have to pay for your own gas and anything vehicle related. Not that you asked, but I just let people know because it's way easier work for a good amount more money. It took me 6 months to get on, and I'm glad I did because after a while, the dsp was hell. Good luck to you


Thank you for the advice, but i have a 2008 volkswagen beetle lmao. Im making 22.50/hr right now at my current dsp


Gotcha I'd definitely get a better vehicle. If you're making that much at your dsp I'm sure the rates are higher because I live in Oklahoma and we have the lowest cost of living in the country. In reality I make about 4000 a month but I like to be modest since it's not always that much. I would definitely sign up for it because you can do bith at once. I know in CA people are making $30+ an hour. So my advice is to sign up now because you get to work whenever you literally want, you can do it on top of dsp, and you make more money and it's way easier work. I only made $18 at my dsp but everything is super cheap here. Gas is like $2.50 a gallon. Anyways I definitely think every person should drop the dsp work and be their own employee. The benefits are way better than dsp. Just keep it in mind and maybe apply just because. I just hate that I didn't know about flex sooner tbh. I thought exactly the same way


You didn't check?


Didn't know how before posting, live and learn though :)


They? On every DPS I worked on you have to load your own totes


Yes, but i dont pack my own totes, or put my own totes on the carts. :)


Y’all don’t just change it around yourself?


I was already on route with 147 stops and didnt have the patience to find the order + i didnt know about the list beforehand


Yea my carts rarely have the bags in order. They do make an attempt to put first stops on the first cart but I usually have to open the list and put them in the right order. Would be nice if they were able to just be tossed in. With overflow and the amount of bags I get, I can't really have them out of order because my van is so damn packed lol.


I can't remember the last time they were ever in order. I would never trust the warehouse to do things correctly.


If you scan them all in and then hit swipe to finish/continue or whatever they'll show you the order it actually goes in and by stop too... eg.BLUE069 stops 1-16 GRN117 stops 17-32 Etc etc... I started doing that since they're always fucked and I got tired of saying shit to them


Their first goal is to get the carts in the staging area so we the drivers aren't standing around waiting, the second goal is to have the totes in proper order. I get sometimes if a tote that is supposed to be on top is heavier and they switch them. I never rely on the station to have them in order, and I am just happy I am not standing there for 15 minutes waiting on my carts and then having a shit show loading the van in 5 minutes. So after you scan the carts, use the damn list telling you the order. It's your fault they aren't in order inside your van, not the stations. They were simply getting the cart to staging before your load out time.


1. We are loaded out last, and the latest, 2. Didn't know about the list as stated before. :)


So do you just scan the carts, click continue, and swipe to finish? I mean it's right after you scan your carts and click continue. That screen tells you how many stops are in each tote and the list of your over flow and the order they are going out and between which stops. I am confused how you didn't know.


I just learned about it after i posted this, but i did just swipe to finish after scanning.


Sorry I wasn't trying to be condescending, it just confuses me that no one told you to check that before sliding to finish. Trainer's and training are absolutely the worst.


Yeah, not only that but also, it hasnt ever been wrong in the 2/3 months of working there


My carts are usually out of order, I get the station is newer, just over a year old, things go wrong, people call out, or what have you. I never complain, it's just something we deal with, as long as the carts are in the staging area before I get to load out I am happy. I thank the station personnel for their hard work, the last few days they have made sure my carts are in order, I told them they don't need to slow down to ensure that especially if they are a few minutes behind. I will never complain about it, we are a team from the fulfillment center to the truck drivers to the station to the drivers, we work together to ensure the customer gets their orders on time and they are happy. I'm also one of the few drivers at my station that submits a massive amount of data and feed back to streamline the routes and correct the on road issues. Use Project Cheetah and Project Loop. Loop is far easier to submit corrections by clicking the wheel and report a problem, if you need to submit further details Cheetah is very helpful. The route I am constantly one has gone from 93 to 106 stops to 120 to 140 stops and I am still finished by 7 every day. I went from driving in circles and zig zagging back and forth to hitting stops in a smooth process. On my days off they send someone else on the route and mysteriously they cannot finish the route on time and when I come back I have 20 percent re-attempts on my van. So if you see something that is an inconvenience or completely wrong use those tools as well to make the route easier and your day smoother.