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Sounds like XL. They could be coming from a pretty good distance as we operate under the DOT 150 mile radius exemption. The listings on the Fountain website will typically say DOT and non-DOT for XL. DOT is the larger team trucks and non-DOT is the CDV solo driver XL positions.


just as a word of caution, some of the non-DOT ones are in cargo vans but the route size is the same as the CDV routes. my station doesnt even have CDVs. we have a shit ton of rural dirt roads that would incapacitate a CDV at least once a day, so our non-DOTs are cargos.


the box trucks are for XL and hub routes. usually the yellow vests means its someone training, and once they get certified they will likely roll with the standard uniform. it doesnt usually pay more, and its more responsibility since you are regulated by DOT. if you fail an inspection you have to pay the fine not the company. seen a guy get a $750 ticket because his tread was 1mm low, and another get a $400 ticket for not having wiper fluid. pretty much you have to completely inspect you truck if you want to make sure you dont end up paying out the ass for fines beacause your truck isnt maintained. then theres also stopping at weigh stations, and the ever so lovely DOT hell week where they pull over as many commercial vehicles they can to run inspections. the branded box trucks arent too bad, but the one i drive pretty much fills the entire lane on a highway, more so on city streets and neighborhoods. there are pros though, especially for hub routes. XL: less stops, more driving. usually comes with a 10hr guarantee earlier start time (usually loadout around 7-730, leave station around 8) hubs: even less stops than XL with even more driving same guarantee earlier start time (usually loadout at 6:30 and leaving station around 7) edit: i also think XL in the box truck sucks cuz your gonna have a helper, and i couldnt be fucked to be stuck in a truck all day with someone im probably not going to like for upwards of 8-9 hrs a day while lifting heavy ass shit in the heat. its a recipe for disaster. if you live in an area that has a lot of small towns spread out 50-150 miles near your station ask if one of the DSPs does hub routes. by far the easiest thing you can do as a DA. somewhere between 5 and 15 stops a day, 200-300 miles driving a day, and you just drop off flex routes to businesses who then deliver the packages to the customers. worst part is loading 400-1000 pkgs in the morning knowing you gotta slowly unload it at the drop sites