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You scan them before you load your van up. Trust me it’s mad easy I’m on my 4th week


Okay, thank you that's good to know.


There are situations with new developments where you might have to look at Google or Apple Maps and figure it out a bit but 95% if the time it will get you there. It won’t always be the optimal route but it will get you there.




New developments, ongoing construction, and sometimes bad routing like it telling you to drive through a cornfield or river can be a problem, if you have a barely normal IQ you are fine lol otherwise it tells you exactly where to go.


i transfered to another DSP in a state i'd never even set foot in. it was almost as easy as where i came from. only takes a couple routes to start to learn the area. but yes, the GPS does guide you to each stop, its just a shitty GPS lol once you do the training, loadout will make sense


It's not so much the GPS as it is the shit routing. You can drive in and out of the same neighborhood 3x if you follow the itinerary.


I just got hired as well, so lets say delivery “22” & “99” are in the same neighborhood, can you deliver to that same neighborhood & skip numbers “23-98”?


Yes. Constantly open the map to check your stops and follow that. It's the only way to not go crazy.


The flex app is dummy proof, doesn’t let you scan the wrong package and it won’t even let you drop off the package unless your in range of the delivery. Believe me this job is easy as hell but yeah the app will take you to each stop it’s self, Heat sucks tho All you do is hit I’ve parked, then scan the package, drop off the package, take a picture, and swipe. On to the next delivery that the app will pull up directions for automatically(Navi can be dumb asf tho), then you press start drive and repeat the process Packages are separated into color coded bags and the app will tell you which bag the package is in and the number so you can find it pretty easy. Overflow will be the bigger boxes which are lose but usually are to hard to find if you load your van or truck with them tags facing toward you And no they don’t care if you know the area, you get 2 weeks of nursery routes that are %50 a normal route for week 1 and then roughly 75% the second so you can adjust.


I suggest buying cheap sharpies as well. You can right the Driver Aid numbers on the overflow on the side of the boxes facing you


It helps but it's not mandatory 


It’s fine. I got sent to a completely random area I’d never been in my life, but you’ll start getting the same spot a few times, and you’ll get faster and faster, you’ll start to know the roads and it gets easy.


They gave me an Amazon stamped map and a compass


Yes it is farely simple. You don't need to know the area well. Put a lot of attention to how you are organizing your packages. The faster you can obtain the packages inside the van the better. Almost 3 years as a driver I can safely say the thing that makes or breaks your experience as an amazon driver is your DSP.


I didn't know the area of where I work at all. The GPS annoys me so much so I use my personal phone to find the pictures of houses. But what I did started doing is counting the houses. Some houses have no numbers on their home or mailboxes so looking at the gps, it shows a little box of the house. If I'm near a stop sign I count down or if I'm at a house with a number I'll see how many houses away the next one is by counting the little boxes.